11-Year-Old Dies after Prayer Healing Ineffective

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Post by The Vortex Empire »

What morons. If they wanted their child to be healed, they should have prayed to Apollo.

Seriously though, why hasn't child services taken custody of the other three children?
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Post by pucky18 »

Seriously though, why hasn't child services taken custody of the other three children?
Rural backwater fucktards tend to be quite understanding of this sort of thing.
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Post by Zixinus »

Seriously though, why hasn't child services taken custody of the other three children?
Because its okay to commit criminal child negligence under the name of religion.

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Post by wautd »

Zixinus wrote:
Seriously though, why hasn't child services taken custody of the other three children?
Because its okay to commit criminal child negligence under the name of religion.

If Jehova Witnesses can get away with it, then surely True Christians(TM) as well

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Post by wautd »

wautd wrote:
Zixinus wrote:
Seriously though, why hasn't child services taken custody of the other three children?
Because its okay to commit criminal child negligence under the name of religion.

If Jehova Witnesses can get away with it, then surely True Christians(TM) as well

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Forgot to add, ironicly enough I already saw a comment of a Jehova Witness who was disgusted from the news, but denying a blood transfusion to a child was a-ok
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Post by chitoryu12 »

Darth Tanner wrote:Well looks like Dawkins was right in that prayer has a negative effect on people with medical complaints.

So lets review, home schooling, not taken to a doctor in eight years, family led bible study, parents that believe in necromancy.
The girl's death remains under investigation and the findings will be forwarded to the district attorney to review for possible charges, the chief said.
Good, they are guilty of criminal negligence at the least.
I would suggest having them commited to a mental institution instead. Praying to an invisible man in the sky to save your daughter and then suggest continuing to pray until she comes back to life goes beyond simple stupidity.
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Post by Kodiak »

ummm, how is she a "straight-A student" if she's homeschooled? Did her parents give the A's?

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Post by Sidewinder »

The Spartan wrote:You know, when I hear stories like this I'm reminded of a sort of modern parable that I was told during my religious days.


I'm sure any member of the board can easily guess how the above applies to the OP.

Of course, nowadays I'd be inclined to stop the story right at the "he drowns" bit but that's besides the point.
I heard a reverend tell the exact same story at a church. His point seems to be, "God's helping hand can come in different forms, so don't be too quick to accept help from other humans." Of course, the members of this board might say it's "Don't be a dumbass."
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Post by Sidewinder »

wautd wrote:
"We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time."
Oh I see. God doing nothing must have been a test of faith. Reminds me a bit of Job, which was also a test at the expense of only a woman
Job's wife didn't die, but all of his children DID, and Job himself suffered terribly from some kind of medical condition Satan inflicted on him.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Sidewinder wrote:
wautd wrote:
"We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time."
Oh I see. God doing nothing must have been a test of faith. Reminds me a bit of Job, which was also a test at the expense of only a woman
Job's wife didn't die, but all of his children DID, and Job himself suffered terribly from some kind of medical condition Satan inflicted on him.
Does make you wonder why they'd want to worship a complete fucking dick though...
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Post by The Vortex Empire »

Keevan_Colton wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:
wautd wrote: Oh I see. God doing nothing must have been a test of faith. Reminds me a bit of Job, which was also a test at the expense of only a woman
Job's wife didn't die, but all of his children DID, and Job himself suffered terribly from some kind of medical condition Satan inflicted on him.
Does make you wonder why they'd want to worship a complete fucking dick though...
Because he loves you! Any hardship is just a test of your faith, and better for you in the end! :roll:
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Post by Sidewinder »

Keevan_Colton wrote:Does make you wonder why they'd want to worship a complete fucking dick though...
I think it's due to a genetic memory from the time humans were little better than animals, struggling against other, stronger animals for survival. A complete dick who gets away with beating up lesser people is saying, "Obey me or suffer like [my victim] suffers!" typical behavior for leaders of wild animal packs, e.g., lions (the first thing a male lion does when he takes over a pride is to KILL ALL THE CHILDREN of the defeated male), gorillas and other apes, etc. If you look at Zeus (God as a rapist), you'll find Jehovah is NOT the only god portrayed as a complete dick.
Please do not make Americans fight giant monsters.

Those gun nuts do not understand the meaning of "overkill," and will simply use weapon after weapon of mass destruction (WMD) until the monster is dead, or until they run out of weapons.

They have more WMD than there are monsters for us to fight. (More insanity here.)
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Post by Simplicius »

Although if I recall correctly, killing the cubs is more a reproductive strategy than an overt display of power, as it causes the females to go into heat again.
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Post by Eulogy »

This proves that faith healing is an oxymoron. Just like how there murderers are morons.
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Post by FSTargetDrone »

Though I try hard to avoid Internet Tough Guy talk, it's stories like this that make me give momentary consideration to forcing (safe, surgical) sterilization upon people like this. If only for a moment's consideration.

If all details of the story are true, these people have proven themselves (to me) to be permanently unfit parents by allowing a child to die for their delusions. I hope there are prosecutions, prison terms and removal of these other children to a safer environment. These parents are nothing but utterly unfit parents. They should not be allowed to have any more children. They are nothing but a danger to ones they still have.
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Post by Strider »

You pray to Apollo for healing, not Zeus. Though at this point, they need to be making a blood sacrifice to Hades instead.[/quote]
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Re: 11-Year-Old Dies after Prayer Healing Ineffective

Post by irishmick79 »

Mr. Coffee wrote:
KlavoHunter wrote:The girl has three siblings, ranging in age from 13 to 16, the police chief said.

"They are still in the home," he said. "There is no reason to remove them. There is no abuse or signs of abuse that we can see."
Way to fucking go there, Super Cop... They prayed one to death, but there isn't any "abuse". Right, I'll just go ahead and say that this guy and probably everyone in his department are complete fucking Keystone Cops Assclowns.
Or, the cop is smart enough to realize that the Wausau area in Wisconsin is fairly fundamentalist in terms of religious views, and if he brought charges he'd basically be committing career suicide for little gain. Then again, he is chief of police of a very tiny wisconsin town, so the guy probably is just your ordinary asshat.
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Post by Darth Servo »

OK idiots, if you rely on faith to cure disease, why don't you rely on that same faith to provide your livelihood? Whats with this coffee shop you were running? Shouldn't you rely on your faith to put food on your table and provide clothing?
Matt 6: 25-34 wrote:Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
There is where your faith was lacking, you tried to provide for yourself instead of trusting in God. For shame.[/quote]
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Post by Mayabird »

Sidewinder wrote:
wautd wrote:
"We are remaining strong for our children," she said. "Only our faith in God is giving us strength at this time."
Oh I see. God doing nothing must have been a test of faith. Reminds me a bit of Job, which was also a test at the expense of only a woman
Job's wife didn't die, but all of his children DID, and Job himself suffered terribly from some kind of medical condition Satan inflicted on him.
The part that bothered me the most about the story of Job was that once the bet was off and Job got rich again, God make up for killing his kids by giving him twice as many kids. Didn't bring back the dead kids or reveal it was all a big trick or anything. They're treated like property. "Oops, I killed your goat. Here's two to replace it."

Actually, the part that bothered me even more was when other people read it and weren't bothered by it. It's a complete callous disregard for life, but because they've been trained all their life to think of the story (and life in general) in a particular way, they really can't see it at all. In fact, they often think that a callous disregard for life is the right and proper thing to do. We're all just corrupt, twisted creatures born with sin, after all.

And that's what this comes down to. What's more important, this stuff you've been told, or your actual, living kids? Poor girl never had a chance.
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Post by Setesh »

You know we really need to get more places to pass laws like we have here. Your kid is sick they go to the hospital, they don't you lose them. You want to kill yourself refusing treatment go right ahead, but refusing treatment for your child is criminal. We have just enough 'christian scientists' to make laws like this important, but not enough to keep them from passing.
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Post by Ace Pace »

Mayabird wrote:
Sidewinder wrote:
wautd wrote: Oh I see. God doing nothing must have been a test of faith. Reminds me a bit of Job, which was also a test at the expense of only a woman
Job's wife didn't die, but all of his children DID, and Job himself suffered terribly from some kind of medical condition Satan inflicted on him.
The part that bothered me the most about the story of Job was that once the bet was off and Job got rich again, God make up for killing his kids by giving him twice as many kids. Didn't bring back the dead kids or reveal it was all a big trick or anything. They're treated like property. "Oops, I killed your goat. Here's two to replace it."
Uh....Maybe the christian translations are differant, but in the hebrew version of Jobs 42, Jobs recieves 10 'new' children and doubles his livestock and wealth.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Ace Pace wrote:Uh....Maybe the christian translations are differant, but in the hebrew version of Jobs 42, Jobs recieves 10 'new' children and doubles his livestock and wealth.
How the fuck does this affect the point he was making? Care to explain how this post was a worthwhile use of my HD space?
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Post by Ryan Thunder »

Idiots. You don't pray and then do *nothing* about the problem. It's like praying for good memory on a test and then not showing up for it. :roll:
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Post by Mayabird »

Darth Wong wrote:
Ace Pace wrote:Uh....Maybe the christian translations are differant, but in the hebrew version of Jobs 42, Jobs recieves 10 'new' children and doubles his livestock and wealth.
How the fuck does this affect the point he was making? Care to explain how this post was a worthwhile use of my HD space?
Umm, I'm a she. :wink:
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Post by Terralthra »

The family believes in the Bible, and it says healing comes from God, but they are not crazy, religious people, she said.
I don't understand why people have such a hard time grasping what religious means.

"We were ignoring modern medicine and praying for healing instead, because that's what the book purported to be written by the invisible sky pixie says to do, but we're not religious." :roll:
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