Most embarrasing moment of your life?

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Most embarrasing moment of your life?

Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

For me, it would be any time where my family decides it's time to get some new family pictures taken. You see, we all have to dress up, which I don't mind at all. The problem is that the place we go to is in the all, so while everyone else in in their casual outfit (perhaps including my peers), my family is strolling by looking like we're off to church. Also, the place we go to looks like some little kid's store, so it ends up being extremely embarrasing.

Also, it's feels odd being in a room with all girls. Sure, with good-looking ones, it's not all bad, but it's just not right, with me being the only guy there. It makes me wonder if I'm supposed to be there. Last Monday, I was at choir practice, and there was only one other guy there. And the other girls didn't even look good.
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Post by Darth Wong »

I can't think of one off-hand, but whatever it was, I'm sure it happened in high school.
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Re: Most embarrasing moment of your life?

Post by Howedar »

Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi wrote: Also, it's feels odd being in a room with all girls. Sure, with good-looking ones, it's not all bad, but it's just not right, with me being the only guy there. It makes me wonder if I'm supposed to be there. Last Monday, I was at choir practice, and there was only one other guy there. And the other girls didn't even look good.
That bothers you? :D
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Most embarrasing moment of your life?

Post by ben »

kindergarden, in front of class to recite the something, loss of bladder control :oops:. now i have a fear of public speaking.
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Post by Mr Bean »

Darwin moment which I won't give the details but involved me say the phrase "Perfectly Safe" and being on fire some moments later

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Post by jaeger115 »

one of these horrible moments when my interpreter misses something I say in front of a huge crowd and REPEATS IT!!! I'd end up looking like a fucking moron after that ordeal. :roll:
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Post by IRG CommandoJoe »

Umm...why would that be very embarrassing for you? Wouldn't that embarrass the interpreter?
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Post by jaeger115 »

Umm...why would that be very embarrassing for you? Wouldn't that embarrass the interpreter?
I don't know. I get this nasty feeling that the audience is secretly laughing at me if I sign too fast.
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

Darth Wong wrote:I can't think of one off-hand, but whatever it was, I'm sure it happened in high school.
Don't most embarrasing moments for guys happen in high school? ;)
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Post by Ghost Rider »

We do not have to answer this one

...maybe...won't say.

For me it involved a girl...getting drunk and pool...luckily my mind has all but blanked it out except the aftermath...which involves me, a closet and a naked girl who I didn't even know the name of.

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Post by jaeger115 »

Mine happened just a few minutes ago. Check the "Durandal!" thread.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Post by aerius »

Last year of high school, I was 19 then. My current GF who was not my GF yet at that time caught me making out with her sister, and then I find out that she was 15. Getting caught was bad enough, finding out that I'd been making out with a 15 year old made me feel unclean. Up until that day I'd always thought my GF was the younger of the sisters, I found out the embarrasing way that she wasn't. Good thing we were all friends and they were nice enough not to whack me.
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Post by jaeger115 »

Last year of high school, I was 19 then. My current GF who was not my GF yet at that time caught me making out with her sister, and then I find out that she was 15. Getting caught was bad enough, finding out that I'd been making out with a 15 year old made me feel unclean. Up until that day I'd always thought my GF was the younger of the sisters, I found out the embarrasing way that she wasn't. Good thing we were all friends and they were nice enough not to whack me.
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Post by Kuja »

I was helping clean the restuarant where I worked, and I had to climb on top of the freezer to get the ceiling. Well, I forgot to stay kneeled and straightened after a few minutes, bashing my head pretty hard. Everyone chuckled and went back to work. Well, a few minutes later, I did it AGAIN, even harder. I yelped and let off a string of curses...then turned around to see the owner of the restaurant looking at me with an annoyed expression. I realized that my cursing had been loud enough to attract the entire restaurant's attention. I gulped and offered a pretty lame apology, and he just left. The moment he was gone, I groaned and clutched my head (both because it still hurt and because I knew I'd made a big mistake) and the whole staff burst out laughing while the customers went back to their meals. Fortunately, I wasn't fired.
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Post by Vympel »

TWO incidents involving peeing, both in primary school

Year 3: in the middle of class I run off to the toilet, busting. Unfortunately, I went to a shit primary school, and the toilet was in the middle of the playground and it's door was an old wooden piece of shit that constantly jammed. It was jammed shut. I just couldn't get all the way through. So I just let it rip. Got seen by Year 6 kids, got in trouble.

Year 5: in the middle of lunchtime I was out in the massive field besides my school, which was the same as that in Year 3 but new campus. For those in Sydney, it's right next to Bankstown airport. Busting. Easily over several hundred metres to the nearest toilet. Let it rip against a fence. Got seen by everyone. Chastised by teacher, especially because "the girls saw me and it was rude". Well FUCK I was busting and I was in the middle of an open field with no cover, screw you asshole.

Luckily, both embarassing incidents happened in primary school.
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Post by weemadando »

Most embarassing...

Thats tough. Probably a certain situation that arose in first year college. Not something that I or anyone else knows much about, but that in itself is embarrasing.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

My PC is in my living room, and one night when i was sure my family were all sleeping i loaded up a porn site and proceded to spank my plank. Near the time of climax i closed my eyes and let lose. All of a sudden i hear a wee voice "Stevie what are you doing?" it was my 17 yo sister. Not nice.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Things don't seem that embarrassing to me when looking back on it later on.
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

One time at the cast/crew party after the high school spring musical (about 20 months ago), I and some of my friends (including a girl I liked at the time) got a little rambunctious and I accidentally whacked her in the head with my hand. I'm pretty sure my knuckles connected, because she started crying afterward.

I tried to apologize, then I just left her alone. Later she forgave me and we're still friends. But I still feel like shit for doing that.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

accidently whacked her in the head?
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

aerius wrote:Last year of high school, I was 19 then. My current GF who was not my GF yet at that time caught me making out with her sister, and then I find out that she was 15. Getting caught was bad enough, finding out that I'd been making out with a 15 year old made me feel unclean. Up until that day I'd always thought my GF was the younger of the sisters, I found out the embarrasing way that she wasn't. Good thing we were all friends and they were nice enough not to whack me.
That reminds me of one time in a nightclub here....I was 19 at the time aswell...I had spent a while chatting away with this good looking blonde...having a generally very good evening....then she suddenly exclaims:-
"You've got a younger brother called Jambo(my wee bro's nickname) dont you?"
"I'm in his RE class..."
At this point my night took a bit of a dive discovering that this lass was 14....

As for embarressing gf is still trying to find something that will embaress me.
I have a theory that embaressment like energy cannot be can however be moved...if i am not embaressed about something it will result in someone nearby getting embaressed....a new form of CoE.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Uraniun235 wrote:One time at the cast/crew party after the high school spring musical (about 20 months ago), I and some of my friends (including a girl I liked at the time) got a little rambunctious and I accidentally whacked her in the head with my hand. I'm pretty sure my knuckles connected, because she started crying afterward.

I tried to apologize, then I just left her alone. Later she forgave me and we're still friends. But I still feel like shit for doing that.
I was seeing a drama student for a thier aftershow party I raided the props room and put on a show of my own with some wooden staffs.....that was a damn good evening....
A bit of a pub crawl after that and most folk were crawling away....
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Post by Alyeska »

I think I have something that can top most of what you guys posted.

In the fall of 2001 I went off to the University for the first time. I had done community college before that, and I have my 2 year Associate of Arts degree. Anyway I get to the University and I promptly drop two classes and stop going to the other three. I continue to tell my parents and my friends that I am doing just fine. Though I rather suspect my room mate knew that I wasn't going to class, but I can't be sure. Anyway I ended up getting three F's and I blew $4,500 dollars for nothing. I packed up my stuff on finals week and drove home. My parents were gone that day, but got back the next day. There were fireworks going off when they got home. I was in serious shit because I had gone on their dime. It was now my debt to pay off. That was over a year ago now and I still have more then $2,500 dollars to pay off.

On the bright side I am going to college again, this time its on-line college through an acredited University (Montana State University-Billings) that is accepted as a standard 4 year bachelor of science degree. I went to the Unversity as a Junior (60 credits) and screwed up. Right now I am a senior and I will have all my credits as of december 15th of this year. While that was the most embarassing thing that has even happened to me, I have managed to make a decent comback and I will still graduate with greater then a 3.0 GPA.

Can't let your embarassing moments hold you back.
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Post by Phil Skayhan »

About four years ago my friend and I were out at a bar and he introduced me to this cute girl he worked with. We started talking and were hitting it off pretty well to the point that while she went to get another round, my friend said, "Dude, I think you're gonna get some."

The evening went on and amid more drinking and now blatant flirting, she asked me what high school I had gone to and when I told he she wondered if I knew someone named John M.

"Sure," I said, "he's my cousin."

She replied, "No he's not."

"Yes he is."

"No..he's not!"

"Yes..he is!"

"He can't be!"


"He's my cousin!"


The ride home was silent save for me having to occasional say to my chuckling friend, "Not one FUCKING word!!"
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Phil Skayhan wrote:About four years ago my friend and I were out at a bar and he introduced me to this cute girl he worked with. We started talking and were hitting it off pretty well to the point that while she went to get another round, my friend said, "Dude, I think you're gonna get some."

The evening went on and amid more drinking and now blantant flirting, she asked me what high school I had gone to and when I told he she wondered if I knew someone named John M.

"Sure," I said, "he's my cousin."

She replied, "No he's not."

"Yes he is."

"No..he's not!"

"Yes..he is!"

"He can't be!"


"He's my cousin!"


The ride home was silent save for me having to occasional say to my chuckling friend, "Not one FUCKING word!!"
Another reason why i find being adopted intresting....
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