Peptuck wrote:Well,w e definitely know that the Emperor has angels he sends out; Hlaine Larkin encountered one, and though that short story leads one to conclude at first that she was just a symptom of his madness, the cloth that he used to brace his gun had to have come from somewhere.
There's a short story in one of the old "anthologies" where some Navigator got enmeshed in an attack by daemons in the warp, cries out for the Emperor's help, and the Emperor (or some part of him, or some agent of his) appears along the Astronomican and guides the ship to safety.
In the Blood Angels duology, the main character Rafen is reputedly visited on several occasions (and possibly posssessed/assisted by) Sanguinius, so an argument can be made that the Primarchs as well serve some "angelic" function.
Its also quite likely that the Emperor, given the aforementioned Inquisition War novels, is more a gestalt/collective of indidivudla psychic beings (like those thousands of shaman who reputedly incarnated into him in earlier fluff) and each of those supposedly can take a hand overseeing various duties and parts of the Imperium. That's in addition to whatever souls/psykers he consumes (and presumably adds to the power pool - I imagine each one becomes a new potential "agent") and those billions of psykers he's soul bonded to (He's acted through astropaths before - the aforementioned Execution hour is a good point) and the Soul Binding link also would give the Emperor a great way to keep tabs on the goings on of the Imperium (and how to best influence matters to his benefit.)
When you also tap into the fact he probably has more believers than all of Chaos combined (at least outside the Eye of Terror) its probably no wonder he can fight all four Chaos Gods at once.