Snow? Yes we be having snow, and lots of it
However I stick to the traditonal Red-Neck method of snowclearing gravel driveways
Take 1 Snow shovel, add 1x 2 Liter Can of Paint Thinner + 1 2 Quart Contaier of Petrol/Gasoline and eight paper plates and any assorted firewood you want(Up here a few hundred pounds of it is less than 20$ you only need 4 say football or slighty smaller sections)
Make one good sized manhole cover sized hole in the snow every 20 Yards(Depending on the Length of your Driveway)
Place the paper plate in the now open hole and fill it less than 1cm full of Petrol/Gasoline and poor the paint-thinner till the plate is filled to the brim and then toss a tiny bit into the second plate which you put on top of the first, revesed, then place the log on top of that and lightly doze the log itself
Repeat the above till all our done
Now then use your method of light(Preferably far away, String plus an hour's dip in the Thinner will work, Or the flying wood-match trick)
What will happen in the following
You'll toss a match on the top plate, it will catch, 3-7 Seconds later the bottom plate catchs and normaly subjects the log to between 30-2 Mintues of Yellow-Blue Heat meaning its nicely burned and the area underneath is clear, The Great heat from this inferno will evaporate the surronding snow in a few moments and you catch sit their and watch from your nice heated house or enjoy the old fasion heat of the flaming logs
Easy and Effetive
Though Highly Dangerous
Thats the Redneck motto