Listen you masochist asshole, Wash is clearly abusive and disrespectful to his wife. Why the fuck else would he look at her hopefully when the possibility of free dinner popped up??Swindle1984 wrote:Oh for fuck's sake, spouses do nice things for each other because they love one another, not because one is some sort of slave to the other, you sick, stupid bitch. Somebody get her psychiatric help before she pisses off the wrong asshole and he or she fuck-starts her head.White male husband wishing his black female wife was more submissive and cooked his dinner. Anyone else see a problem with this?
DID YOU WATCH THE SERIES AT ALL? In the very first episode he threatens to duct tape Kaylee and toss her in a pit. Of course he's a rapist.So, wait, Mal, who gets laid exactly once throughout by the series at the promptings of the woman, is a rapist? Mal, who defends Saffron from Jayne's predations? I suppose if I opened the door for this crazy bitch she'd start shrieking at me that I was making some homo-erotic display of strength and dominance over her?Here the audience is supposed to notice that there are two sorts of men in the world; good men: Mal, and bad men: Jayne. Me? I see two rapists. Only difference is that one is in a two-dollar-shop disguise as a unicorn.

That wasn't for his behavior, that was because he had disrespected Mal. Anyone on Mal's ship must kiss his ass or be hurled out into space, because he's that much of an asshole.I must have missed all the times Mal keeps Jayne in check and the time he literally threw Jayne in the airlock to space him for his behavior.Given that Mal nobly believes in protecting the female members on board his ship from the ravages of ‘the world’ (read: men), I find it hard to credit that he allows Jayne to stay on board his ship. In this scene Jayne talks of women as sexual and domestic property, obviously unaware that women are human beings. Men who think like this about women ARE DANGEROUS. If Mal did care about the protection of women, he would have spaced Jayne immediately, or at least locked the fucker up.
Hey, I'm pretty good at this game![/i]