V:tM - New Orleans by Night

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Post by haas mark »

"Handle it yourself?" Joshua asked incredulously. "Hmph. If you say so."

Michael interrupted him. "Anna, look, I think Dachlan, here, has a good idea. We should try to get the Tremere involved." He said this lst with a disgusted look on his face. Filthy... all filthy....
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Post by Larz »

The malkavian quietly moved from the door entrance to a nearby corner as he listened to the procedings. Tremere... didn't think the devils kin would consider help from the devils hand itself.... He watched Anna with quiet admiration, a strength flowed in her, all be it blind and reckless. He smiled darkly, an amused look dancing upon his face. What shall she do now, what shall all these malkavian proned blood suckers do now...
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Kelly Antilles »

She looked at Dalchan for a moment before speaking. "Yes, perhaps the Tremere could discern where Mithras is being held. But, the Giovanni have powerful magicks themselves. It may not..." She stopped and looked around. The pull of the summoning was powerful, but she had to finish this meeting first. "Go, ask them for their help. I'm not sure how good it will do us, but it's better than nothing."

She looked around at the others. "Anyone else have a suggestion?"
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Post by Oberleutnant »

"My sire frequently dealt with the Assamites and the results were often quite amazing. They can be trusted - if you are willing to pay the price..." Anton said quietly. "However, I have nothing against asking help from the Tremere. It sounds good to me."
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Post by Dahak »

"Go, ask them for their help. I'm not sure how good it will do us, but it's better than nothing."

"Very well then, Anna," Dachlan said and got up from the couch. He walked over to Anna and handed her his card. "Please contact me if anything new happens. And when we'll met again."
He nodded towards Daffyd, who rose as well, and he walked out of the crowded room. He shortly noticed another vampire standing in a nearby corner. The Malkavian from the Eye... He sighed. But he didn't want to loose time talking with yet another new intruder.

Dachlan walked out of the shop and sat in his Aston Martin. When Daffyd entered as well, he looked to him.
"Darling, we'll now see some other vampires. After that, I'll promise, we'll have some time for ourselve. Promise." He smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"It's ok," Daffyd answered. "I guess. Just as I'm with you, it'll be fine."

Maybe 10 minutes later, he stopped before a large brick house complex, this city's chantry.
As Dachlan approached the front door, he could almost feel the power of this place. As all chantires go, it was strongly protected.
But before he reached the front door, two large men stepped out of the shadows flanking the door.
"Who are you?" The one to the left snapped.
"I am Dachlan DeVries," he answered in his haughtiest British. "I am here to see the regent."
The guards flinched as if hit by a lightning.
"Oh, yes, of course, my Lord," the guard stuttered. The other one opened the door for Dachlan and Daffyd.

Daffyd entered the complex right after Dachlan, and he registered the strange looks of the two guards, although they seemed to be too afraid to say anything.
He really seems to have some clout with those guys...
The interior was coloured mostly in flaming red and black and the walls were covered with strange symbols and paintings. He was a bit frightened, he admitted to himself.

In the middle of the large reception room, a nervous looking guy dressed all in red waited for them.
"Good night," he bowed towards Dachlan. "Regent DuBois awaits you. If you please follow me?"
He turned around and they walked for what seemed an eternity through a labyrinth of corridors before they stopped in front of a large door made of carved oak.
The young boy knocked, then opened the door.
"That will be all," he heard Dachlan say and the boy was dismissed with a short wave of Dachlan's hand.
The room behind the door was different. Plush couches in several shades of blue and green and many-coloured tapestries on the walls. At the far wall to his right, there was a huge desktop made of a dark, almost slick-looking, wood. And a woman sitting behind it. Looking like she was about 30, her most striking feature was her flaming red hair. If it was any more red, it may have burst into life flames. Her face showed a gentle smile, although her eyes spoke another language. She don't like us here it seems. I wonder to what this will lead...

Dachlan looked around, and managed to hide his disgust at that interior design, if it could be called that.
Don't they learn some style around here?
"Regent DuBois," he slightly bowed.
"DeVries," she said amiably. "And who is this?" she glanced at Daffyd standing a step behind Dachlan.
"A very good and trusted friend."
As he didn't say anymore, DuBois continued.
"I see. But what brings you here?" Of course Dachlan didn't believe in her smile. But he gave her a thumbs-up for effort...
"I don't know what you've heard about the current situation in this town. Care to enlighten me?"
"Well, all I know is that there was some kind of coup. Darian seems to be out of business. And my agents report an increased number of Giovanni poking around the city."
"That would be about correct," he said flatly. "But there is more to it. Somehow the Giovanni got hold of an fourth Generation Ventrue, who happens to be in torpor. And it seems they now have found some way to use him."
He could see the shock in DuBois face, but for only a second or so, before her mask was back in place.
"That is...unfortunate," she carefully said. "But what does it have to do with us? Why should we dabble in this power struggle?"
"Because it endangers the Camarilla, the maquerade, everything. So I request your help."
"Not an easy request..." She mused for several seconds before she spoke again. "Well, I think the best would be to wait unt-"
"You will NOT wait," Dachlan interrupted her with a sharp voice and flashed a deadly smile at her. "You will grant me the...request."
"How dare you!" She snapped. "I am the regent here!"
"Of course, of course, you are" he went on in a cold, icy voice. "But you forget whom you're talking to. How old are you? 100 years? I didn't expect as much from such...New World rabble. You ashame the Tremere. I may not be the regent here, you are correct. But I'm sure you've heard my name. I am not to be trifled with. And if you fail to do as I wish, you'll have to aswer some quite pointed questions from Vienna. Do we understand each other?"
Du Bois looked blank for a minute or so, before she regained her composure, and got some colour back to her face.
"I understand, Lord." She simply nodded. "What do you want us to do?"
"Try to find the Ventrue, Mithras. He has to be somehwere in this city. YOu know the rituals. And if need be, we, and you, willl fight. We won't let the Camarilla be endangered. Clear?"
"Yes, I will observe the ritual myself."
"Good, I will be back next night then, for the results. A pleasant night." He raised from the chair and nodded shortly, and then left.

After they left the complex, a chantry as Dachlan had told him, Dachlan shortly called Anna to tell her about the meeting and then went into the car.
"So now I'm finished with business for today. What do you think? Can we now have some fun? What do you like to do" Dachlan's face split into a sly grin.
A diametral difference to the harsh, arrogant Dachlan he saw in that chantry. He felt his cheeks blush. I hate looking like some love-struck puppy!
"Yes, lets go and have some fun!"
He closed the door, and they raced off into the night, headed back towards the city.
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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian finally stirred from being another shadow in the room, his voice was low yet held its dangerously playful tone to it.

"I believe you have yourself a rag tag team of fighters here Anna. I suggest you come up with a battle plan quickly before the hot blood of action curdles and wilts to the passive tale thats wagged and tucked between ones leg when they are faced with a daunting task that they have no wish to bloody themselve in..." He gave a dark smile to the caitiff, his eyes quietly falling on all the younger vampire that he could sense "... especially the youth of Cain who reserve to much stock to saving thier own pretty pale hides..."

He again fell quiet as he finished looking about, finally bringing his steely cold eyes upon Anna, a look of anticipation befalling his face.
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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Post by Mark S »

The woman seemed distracted as she spoke her last phrase. Was there something more she wasn't telling us? Or was it the fact that the psycho Mal from the night before had somehow found his way in. As Devries left I scanned the remaining faces of this mismatched band in this back room of this quaint antique shop and again had to wonder if, by the end of all this, I'd be meeting my maker.

You're certainly throwing a lot at me this time aren't you, Fucker, I thought. Well you haven't got your claws around me yet.

I got down to business. "Can you trust any of those poor, troll bastards that live in the sewer?" I hadn't even known they were vampires the first time I ran across them. "If anyone would know all the best places to hide someone, it would be them. Next, if you want to survive, I suggest taking that book and putting it in a very secret and very safe place. If they want it back they'll need you able to tell them. Unless they can just pull the info out of your spirit once you're dead that is. Other than that, I figure we're going to need a distraction to split the enemy forces while you're checking in with your contacts. Keep them off your back and what not. Me and a couple of the boys here could go see the sights and get nice and visible. If the other side already knows who was at the bar last night, they might come running to us when we're spotted." I waved my right hand vigorously and wiggled the fingers of my left slowly as I spoke. "Hell, with luck they might not even notice what you're doing."
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Post by 2000AD »

Armand cocked his head towards the shotgun behind his head.
"Do you mind putting that thing down now?" he asked "Besides i bet if i were to try anyhting half the people i this room would be able to rip me apart before i actually did it."
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Post by Kelly Antilles »

"Always speaking eloquent, my dear Mal. Yes, We need to move fast, but not too fast that we will all be killed." She closed her eyes a moment, as if trying to concentrate. "Joe, you have a point. Being visible will also show we are not afraid. They may not even know that we know what was in the book. You," she swept them all in with a wave of her arm, "all could be safe. Alec and I may be the only ones in...."

She reached up and rubbed the back of her neck. "I apologize gentlement, but I must leave immediately. Do what you will. I should have more information soon." With that she quickly left the room.
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Post by Captain Cyran »

Colin lowered the shotgun and held it at his side as he clossed the door behind DeVries and leaned against it. "Are we sure we want the Tremere's help? I only trust one as far as I can throw one, and that isn't far." Colin figured he'd be ignored, and for good reason, he and Armand seemed to be the only Caitiff, their opinions wouldn't matter too much.

Watching as Anna left Colin looked around at the others in the room, focusing on the Malk, he'd always liked the insane ones, more than even his own outcast society. Walking up to the man Colin reached his hand out "The name is Colin, a Caitiff as you can tell no doubt. You're a Malkavian, what do you see as an end to all of this, think we stand a chance?"
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Post by Larz »

The Malkavian looked at the offer hand for a bit before looking into Colins eyes, his cold eyes shined with demonic amusement.

"Not a chance in heaven... though perhaps hell will provide a better maiden for our chariot..." the Malkavian grinned darkly as he looked Colin over, he finally took the offered hand and shook it firmly.

"Caitiff, yes, the indecisive of Cain, Malkavian, indesive of the mind of Cain" he grinned once more "all things are possible, only if Anna and this unruly gang play their cards right" he took one more look around at the others "though be it all these people seem no Ceaser or Alexander, they are children in the greater game of celestial fudge who chase phantom knowledge and blind infatuation without the discipline yet to succed in the world of mortals and immortals games..." Evil delight played upon his fair features "it shall be a most interesting play to watch, but I wonder who will be this plays Hamlet..."
"Once again we wanted our heroes to be simple, grizzled everymen with nothing to lose; one foot in the grave, the other wrapped in an American flag and lodged firmly in a terrorist's asshole."

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As Colin made his observation of DeVries I thought they were wise words to apply to all those around me. I was about to voice this opinion when he introduced himself to Mal.

When the older vampire was finished I rolled my eyes. "Yeah. Ceaser was murdered. Someone else can take that part thanks."

Moving to the door I clapped my hands together and rubbed them excitedly. "Now, who wants to come run interference with me? It'll be fun. We'll go see strippers!"
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Post by haas mark »

Joshua stepped up to the other man. "Malkavian," he said simply. "Should be explanation enough. Try to see beyond the words, and look into the symbolism."
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verilon wrote:Joshua stepped up to the other man. "Malkavian," he said simply. "Should be explanation enough. Try to see beyond the words, and look into the symbolism."
It was the kid from last night. The one I had followed in and that had shouted DuMont's name. I still wasn't sure why he had done that.

I smiled and jovially slapped his arm. "Oh I got what he meant," I replied. "I'm just providing a cautionary view point to those who think they can lead backstabbers. Especially since in Hamlet, pretty much everybody dies."
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"And in Othello. And MacBeth. And ho many other Shakespearian tragedies?" Joshua replied. He had a cocky smle on his face. He took the other man aside for a moment and said to him in private, "So who are you? And what were you doing last night?"
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verilon wrote:"And in Othello. And MacBeth. And ho many other Shakespearian tragedies?" Joshua replied. He had a cocky smle on his face. He took the other man aside for a moment and said to him in private, "So who are you? And what were you doing last night?"
"That's quite the beginning of an interrogation," I observed mildly. "I could ask you the same thing. Though I have to assume Bruck trusts you since you're here. Name's Joe Schwartz by the way." I extended my hand. "What was I doing last night? Well it wasn't the Two-step. How about you? Why'd you give up DuMont like that anyway?"
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Post by 2000AD »

Armand relaxed as the shotgun was lowered. He seemed to be a part of the group now, although he doubted that many would trust him for a while. For now he was content not to have a shotgun pointed at his head. He decided that he'd just wait around and see what happened, learn who people are and see if he could get the full story of what the f*cks going on.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
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Post by haas mark »

Mark S wrote:
verilon wrote:"And in Othello. And MacBeth. And ho many other Shakespearian tragedies?" Joshua replied. He had a cocky smle on his face. He took the other man aside for a moment and said to him in private, "So who are you? And what were you doing last night?"
"That's quite the beginning of an interrogation," I observed mildly. "I could ask you the same thing. Though I have to assume Bruck trusts you since you're here. Name's Joe Schwartz by the way." I extended my hand. "What was I doing last night? Well it wasn't the Two-step. How about you? Why'd you give up DuMont like that anyway?"
"As for myself, I was following my... Michael." Joshua looked down for a second. "Name's Joshua Sanchez. Pleasure. As far as being here, that will come in time. And the Two-Step, eh? Is that what we call it nowadays? Hm. Well, then, I see we might have a little more dancing to do, then." He nodded towards the rest of the crowd.
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Post by Oberleutnant »

"Last night back at the Eye, before you disappeared into the shadows of the night, you saved me. For that I am in dept to you," Anton stated to the Malkavian, embrassed. "You Malkavians are intriguing beings."

He extended his hand to Michael and Mal. "Anton Menschikoff."
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verilon wrote:"As for myself, I was following my... Michael." Joshua looked down for a second. "Name's Joshua Sanchez. Pleasure. As far as being here, that will come in time. And the Two-Step, eh? Is that what we call it nowadays? Hm. Well, then, I see we might have a little more dancing to do, then." He nodded towards the rest of the crowd.
The corner of my mouth lifted slightly as he avoided my question. It looked like everyone here was well versed in that particular tune.

"That all depends on how we conduct ourselves I guess," I answered. "And if there is anything more that we can learn."

My sight moved past Sanchez for a moment to the other he had refered to, the one he had been following. "So he's your Master, eh? He's the one that cursed you to this?"

I shook my head in remorse. I would bet the kid had wanted it too. How could anyone agree to this kind of existance? Memories of an eager young woman I had known came through the mists of my mind. Memories of my own death flooded back to haunt me. The screams, the anger, the pure hatred that had possessed me that night. If I listened carefully I could almost, just at the edge of my mind, hear the mocking laughter.

Outside it began to rain softly. Just like that night long ago.

Pulling myself into the present I looked back to the man in front of me. "Sanchez. I knew a Sanchez in Spain once upon a time. Good man." I paused for effect and smiled broadly. "Tasted even better."

I spoke up to the room, hoping to get on with the night. "Gentlemen, as I said before, I haven't been to New Orleans for quite a long time. Do any of you care to join me on a leasurely tour? I really could use a guide."
Writer's Guild 'Ghost in the Machine'/Decepticon 'Devastator'/BOTM 'Space Ape'/Justice League 'The Tick'
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Post by Oberleutnant »

Mark S wrote:I spoke up to the room, hoping to get on with the night. "Gentlemen, as I said before, I haven't been to New Orleans for quite a long time. Do any of you care to join me on a leasurely tour? I really could use a guide."
"Ah, that is an excellent idea!" Anton agreed. "The streets of this city are a total mystery to me as well, and now that Ms Bruck left us so suddenly, we are only wasting our time here."
"Thousands of years ago cats were worshipped as gods. Cats have never forgotten this."
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Post by haas mark »

Mark S wrote:My sight moved past Sanchez for a moment to the other he had refered to, the one he had been following. "So he's your Master, eh? He's the one that cursed you to this?"
"Aye, this is true," Joshua responded, "but not for the reasons you might think. Out of love it was, and for thirteen happy years has it been."
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Post by weemadando »

Oswald had his table piled high with books. The earpiece continuing to feed him the audio of the meeting. What rabble, they can't even cooperate when their survival is on the line.

Mithras... He referred to one of his most reliable sources.

An old-Iranian god of light, contracts and friendship. He also maintains the cosmic order. Sometimes mentioned as the son of Ahura Mazda, he assists him in his struggle against the forces of evil, represented by Angra Mainyu. Mithra was born from a rock (or a cave). He fought with the sun and managed to capture the divine bull and slayed it before he ascended to heaven. From the blood of the bull came forth all the plants and animals beneficial to humanity.

With the emerging of Zoroastrianism, he was reduced to the status of Yazata. In the Avesta he was portrayed as having ten thousand ears and eyes, and he rides in a chariot pulled by white horses. In the 4 century BCE his popularity rose and again he held a high position in the Persian pantheon. Eventually his cult spread beyond Iran and Asia Minor and gradually became a mystery cult. The ascetic religion of Mithraism (to which only men were allowed) became increasingly popular among the Roman soldiers around 100 CE and at that time Mithra was known in Rome as 'Deus sol invictus' ("the unconquered sun"). Even the Roman emperor Commodus was initiated into Mithra's cult. When Constantine the Great was converted to Christianity in 312 CE, Mithraism started to decline and after a temporary revival under Julius the Apostate (331-363) the cult disappeared for good.

Mithra was worshipped in Mithraea, artificially constructed caves that represented his birth-cave. The ceiling looked like the starry sky and at the sides benches where placed for the ritual meals. In the center of the Mithraea was a niche which held a relief of the god, dressed in Phrygian clothing (short tunic and cloak, long trousers and a hat with a curled tip), who kills a bull. The Mithraea were spread all over the Roman empire and some 50 of these caves still exist in Rome today.

He is also known as Mitra in the Indian Veda.

"Hmmmm. A kindred masquerading as a god? It wouldn't be the first time."

Oswald rushes off to another area of his collection, looking for information on Kindred.

[Kelly - what would Oswald find in his collection? Anything significant, or just background - and in either case, exactly what?]
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Post by Mark S »

"Aye, this is true," Sanchez responded, "but not for the reasons you might think. Out of love it was, and for thirteen happy years has it been."

I nodded my head thoughtfully and hoped that it was true. Love. What love condemns a soul like this? I knew all too well.

My thoughts filled with images of Progue nights and a beautiful face, so much like my wife's yet so different. That smile, that laugh, that snarl, that snear. I would never let that happen to me again. Never again.

Trying to smile again I pointed a finger to Menschikoff. "Good man," I said. "Let's get out of here. If none of these locales will come along than we'll just go where the breeze takes us. How about you Reece? Didn't someone say you had family around here? You must know your way around. Come along and show us the city.

"Anyone else coming," I asked as I looked around the room. "Sanchez? Um Micheal is it? Shotgun ((Colin)), are you from around here? Scar-face ((Crow))? Mal? Anyone else?"

I unshouldered my duffel bag and placed it in a corner. "I assume Bruck won't mind if I leave this here for safe keeping. Hopefully it'll be safe."

With that I opened the door and started my descent back into the shop proper. I didn't look back to see who was following. It didn't matter. The night was still very young and I wasn't going to waste it sitting around. If they came, they came.
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Armand hadn't noticed anyone else with scars so he assumed the "scarface" moniker was aimed at him. "Sure i'll tag along, if you don't mind. Maybe i can find out whats going on.
Ph34r teh eyebrow!!11!Writers Guild Sluggite Pawn of Chaos WYGIWYGAINGW so now i have to put ACPATHNTDWATGODW in my sig EBC-Honorary Geordie
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