(Discussion) Title for Macross

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(Discussion) Title for Macross

Post by LadyTevar »

Here in HOS is all you really need to know about this pathetic excuse for a human.

If DarthWong decides not to outright ban him, Sir Nitram has suggested we title him:
We'd just title you, if I had my way. 'Creepy Fucking Stalker'. So the female members are warned about your obsessive personality. We are right, presuming all data you provided is accurate.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

It's certainly repugnant, but is it his only offense or has he committed others?
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Post by K. A. Pital »

I really don't like stalkers and thus support the titling. And the thread is pretty ugly.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

I'm perfectly willing to believe he misrepresented this woman's actions just to suit his own fantasies. Since we have to rely on his own perceptions of this woman to judge her intent, I don't think we can believe that she actually had the interest in him that he claims. Especailly given the "two years of waiting" thing - this isn't teh fuckgin movies where that sort of shit works out.

Moreover, its evident that Macross really doesn't understand the fucking board if he thought people here would sympathize with him the way he presented things. The fact he imposed too far on Mike's patience (or failed to recognize it as such) is even more damning in my eyes. Compared to that, the fact he's ignored what everyone else has told him is mere corroboration that he doesn't deal with reality.

I'm not always the brightest bulb when it comes to relationships, but I've at least learned that there comes a point where you move on, and that you have to cope with reality, not what you wish to happen. I'd say title him just as a warning to others, especially the women. His idiocy has already earned what it deserves (and probably will go on going so.)
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Post by Mad »

I'm seeing accusations him being a stalker, but where is the actual stalking? The page of the thread linked to has him being an emo idiot, completely ignoring the advice to actually ask her out, and that's about it.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Ray Cav's younger brother?

come on thats what he really reminds me of.

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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

YES, the sooner we do this the better, though I'm in favour of banning him and using his ISP information to try and get in touch with the company he works for and the local police department, personally.
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Post by Edi »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote:YES, the sooner we do this the better, though I'm in favour of banning him and using his ISP information to try and get in touch with the company he works for and the local police department, personally.
That'd be totally out of line. It'd be different if he had acted on his stupidity for the worse, but so far he has not. He's a moron who gives off a major creep-vibe. I have no objection to titling the moron, whether Nit's suggestion or something else, but this shit you're suggesting is far above and beyond anything reasonable.
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

Besides which, what would we accuse him of? staying at a job for no other reason than to stare at a girl he's too scared to talk to? I daresay unless we have actual evidence of wrongdoing there's nothing the police could do and going through the motions of involving them would probably just cause us grief/
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Edi wrote:
The Duchess of Zeon wrote:YES, the sooner we do this the better, though I'm in favour of banning him and using his ISP information to try and get in touch with the company he works for and the local police department, personally.
That'd be totally out of line. It'd be different if he had acted on his stupidity for the worse, but so far he has not. He's a moron who gives off a major creep-vibe. I have no objection to titling the moron, whether Nit's suggestion or something else, but this shit you're suggesting is far above and beyond anything reasonable.
Sorry; you're right, Edi, I'm just ultra-paranoid about these things. The thought of my being in the place of the woman he's obsessing over creeped me out to the point where I voiced a knee-jerk overreaction.
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Post by LadyTevar »

I'm getting the same vibes as Marina, although she's had a worse experience with stalkers. That's why I posted this discussion.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Hotfoot »

The dude is seriously creepy, and serves as a warning to the AYVB of what they shall be in a decade or so. Banning is out of order, unless he has a meltdown. Technically, yes, I know he's in meltdown mode right now and has done the whole "I don't care if you ban me" shit, but really, all he's done wrong here is be a total loser. I can support titling that, I suppose. I mean, it's been shown that he's had this problem for a long time and refuses to correct it. Maybe being titled by a site full of people he thought were like him will be a wake up call. More likely it will do nothing for him, because he's retreated into his own insanity, but we can always hope. As always, even if it does not help him, it may help others who look at him and see him as reasonable.

However, I'm not sure I agree with the title stated. As I and others have said, he really hasn't hit stalker level yet. He's close, but not quite there. Something like, "Angry Old Virgin" or "Deluded Romantic" or "Builder of Shrines" or "Creepy Fucking Stalker in Training" might be better.
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Post by Mad »

Hotfoot wrote:However, I'm not sure I agree with the title stated. As I and others have said, he really hasn't hit stalker level yet. He's close, but not quite there.
Calling him a stalker is a serious accusation and the evidence presented doesn't support it.

As far as I can tell, this started more as a brainbug than anything else. At first, the phrases were "mentally stalking" and "you are sounding more stalker-esque than ever." Then it becomes "wannabe stalker." Then, finally, just plain "creepy stalker." The Senate isn't here to rubber-stamp brain bugs.

He's being obsessive over her, but I haven't seen any indication that this has carried over into his actions in the form of stalking. If I've missed something, feel free to point it out.
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Post by Coyote »

I think a title might be worthwhile. My first thought is "Pathos on the Hoof" but it doesn't provide adequate warning.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

and my suggestion requires that someone lnow about people that were banned a long time ago...

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Post by Surlethe »

I agree with Mad. There has been no evidence presented at all of actual stalking; all we can reasonably conclude from the evidence we have is that he has serious emotional problems, including an anxiety disorder, a need for pity, a relative inability to read people, consistently reading into people what he wants to see, and a paralyzing lack of confidence, which has led to his obsession. The groundwork for stalking is there, sure, but there's no evidence that it's actually going on. We should therefore not brand him a stalker.
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Post by Knife »

Mad wrote:I'm seeing accusations him being a stalker, but where is the actual stalking? The page of the thread linked to has him being an emo idiot, completely ignoring the advice to actually ask her out, and that's about it.
Indeed. Creepy? Yes, but not a stalker.
The Duchess of Zeon wrote: YES, the sooner we do this the better, though I'm in favour of banning him and using his ISP information to try and get in touch with the company he works for and the local police department, personally.
That's a total knee jerk that does little but show your personal bias in such a situation.
Lady T wrote:I'm getting the same vibes as Marina, although she's had a worse experience with stalkers. That's why I posted this discussion.
I can see the 'creepy vibe' but having a hard time seeing anything stalker-ish about it. He can very well indeed be a creepy son of a bitch without ever being a stalker but I don't think the two terms can be interchangable.
Coyote wrote:I think a title might be worthwhile. My first thought is "Pathos on the Hoof" but it doesn't provide adequate warning.
If anything covers it, 'The worlds oldest 15 year old virgin.' about covers it.
They say, "the tree of liberty must be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." I suppose it never occurred to them that they are the tyrants, not the patriots. Those weapons are not being used to fight some kind of tyranny; they are bringing them to an event where people are getting together to talk. -Mike Wong

But as far as board culture in general, I do think that young male overaggression is a contributing factor to the general atmosphere of hostility. It's not SOS and the Mess throwing hand grenades all over the forum- Red
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Post by Connor MacLeod »

I think maybe its an over-reaction, but not neccesarily a bias (at least none with animostiy.) I find myself agreeing with Mad too - I did intiially wonder WHERE the Stalker bit came from, but then I incorrectly assumed it may have been inferred frfom the whole "sticking around for two years never talking to the girl but watching her." and his subsequent comments only reinfored the impression. "Stalker" as has been pointed out, is going too far and is unfair to him, but the reasons why they may have overreacted can be forgivable (especailly sincee I can admit that I was in error as well - I assumed stalker like behaviour where none existed.)

Basically its something you could "interpret" as being stalker like because there is a similarity, but its also something you can misinterpret quite easily, as I think was the case here.

But even if he hasn't behaved totally like a stalker, he HAS exhitibed a selfish attitude, a willful ignorance of his situation, a refusal to adapt to circumstance, and instigated all this crap in a cheap bid to grab sympathy (which kind of qualifies as a sort of manipulation, I suppose.)

I think Mike's "crybaby" pic covers him pretty well.. emotionally immature, self-absorbed, unable to grasp sophisticated concepts and crying for attention. That might provide the basis for a workable custom title.

If not a title though, what about a custom screen name? I'm reminded of Elite Pnwage and his transformation into "Schuyler Colfax" - and I figure that it would work as an suitably appropriate punishment option. OR maybe a custom avatar (which if he tries to remove is punishable by more severe penalties automatically inflicted.)

Edit: What about corrective measures? If people dislike how he is acting, maybe we can tailor the punishment so as to hopefully wedge the concept through his wall of self-pity.

Edit: Changed the Colfax thing, I was informed it wasn't a punishment as I thought.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

He may have stalkerish tendacies, but who really knows.

As for ban or what not? Nah, he's amusing and this isn't his first run in, and given his record, I doubt his last. As Mike so lovingly said, that monster will make a great Parting Shots thread one day.

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Post by Hotfoot »

Like I said, he's not there yet. He may never get there, and I sincerely hope that is the case, but the framework is in place. He has a serious case of "I know what's best for you", which NEVER helps in a situation like that. However, there is no evidence of stalking, so that title should be shot down.

He should, however, be made aware of what a creepy fucking loser he's being right now, and how dangerously close he is to the edge. Compassion and understanding do not seem to work for this twit, so that pretty much leaves scorn and ridicule. Maybe, perhaps, one day, he will wake up when a princess (or local slut) kisses him, but until then, fuck it. We (and by that I mean other people) have tried to understand him, to offer him solace and comfort, but he misunderstands every gesture.

Granted, he misunderstands the bile we're spewing his way too, but at this point, we don't need to be nice anymore. The man is in his thirties, and has likely never known the touch of a woman.

Frankly, I'm stunned by his level of arrogance. He can't be wrong about what he knows about relationships. He must be able to understand Nitram's inadequacies in life. He has to be right while all of us have to be wrong. Never mind that people in committed relationships have been trying to help him. Never mind that the person he attempts to vilify as a non-functioning member of society is the one who HAS a wife, who he recently celebrated an anniversary with. Meanwhile, in the course of time Macross has been pining and refusing to act, his dream girl has run off with another man and bought a fucking house while he sits on his thumb and spins around in his lounger.

He is guilty of sloth. He is guilty of lust. He is guilty of pride. He is guilty of envy. He is four for seven, and I'd say he's guilty of wrath, but really, this isn't wrath. This is pathetic.

I put forward the following possible custom titles:

Angry Old Virgin
Fucking Loser
Village Idiot (Classics always play well)
The 30 Year Old Virgin
The Creepy Guy in the Corner
Osama Hasind bin Laihd
VIP (Virgin in Perpetuance)

Seriously, glaciers get more action than this guy, and aren't nearly as dense. It wouldn't be so bad if he admitted he was fucked, but he's being fucking retarded here.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »


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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

I'd say title him Creepy Permavirgin which, I feel, captures the very essence of him, and can be reused on the next of his kind that turns up here.
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Post by Kuja »

Didn't we title someone "Creepy Stalker Boy" once? We can re-use that.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

I think that was Ted before we banned him.

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Post by CmdrWilkens »

There does seem to be a general drift towards title (certainly there seems to be little support for a ban poll) however I will be letting this vote simmer a bit longer. We have the April nominations, my continuation of office,a nd now possibly this vote to close out the month if the general mood stays consistent in this thread.
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