Rogue 9 wrote:
Oh, and since when have over a million people died in the Iraq war?
Lancet study of Iraq civilian deaths as well as ORB
Here's a quick Wiki for the basics
ORB Survey, 1.2million dead.
Here's the basic facts.
The Survey method used by Lancet has been used a half dozen times by the Lancet and others in Africa and elsewhere to determine War dead, we(The US Goverment) used it in Kosovo.
However the thing is using this well vetted method results in very large death figures, much higher than the media is reporting or our own Government is reporting(Or used to report)
Despite the high death counts the people during the studies call it conservative, why? Because they exclude statical outliers like Basra is right now, or Fallujah was back in 2003.
So this standard method for counting war dead in a ongoing war zone results in figures ten times the intial bodycount(2003) and six times as high in 2006 and now 9 times as high in late 2007. Well we can't have that so we will attack the hell out of the study and ignore all the other wars where we took it's results at face value.
Or in other words, they likely are at least a million dead Iraq's.