Now, I don’t know about you, but I have never met a Black woman who laughs about slavery. I can’t believe that any woman, Black or white would laugh at an incidence of men trading women.
Interesting that she capitalises 'Black' but doesn't capitalise 'white.'
His transformation is astounding. In one second we see a man who screams at the female members of his crew and violently defends his position as alpha male, the next *pouf* a beautiful, gallant steed, shining white against the grey backdrop of the ship, spouting fine speeches while tossing his mane, nobly defending the Rights of the Fairer Sex. Watch.
It doesn't occur to this person that maybe Mal 'defends his position' because he is keen to keep his livelyhood and position as a starship captain, rather than as an 'alpha male.' I expect that if Mal were a female character, she could shout all day in this person's opinion; even though it'd be for exactly the same reason.
But just one question, Joss. Do you know what happens to women who defend themselves from violent men? Have you heard of Patreese Johnson, Renata Hill, Terraine Dandridge, Venice Brown, Dixie Shanahan, Yana Ladgari, Mary Winkler, Sherry Mariana, Marva Wallace? (This list is by no means exhaustive.) Women who defend themselves from men who are trying to kill them have their children taken away from them and are locked up. That is the stark reality of what equality means for women who live under male supremacy.
Just one question, blogger. Do you know what the Alliance's laws do in such cases? Because I don't, and I've watched the whole series. I'd imagine it's actually quite progressive - but then, they do possibly have slaves, so perhaps they're not as shiny as they look. Never mind that your reasoning would appear to be 'the social consequences of female self defence are terrible, thus no one should reccommend it to any woman.'
If you want to show your encouragement and support for women who defend themselves from men, then write a female character that kills a man who is trying to kill her AND GETS AWAY WITH IT.
I'm pretty sure Zoe has shot people, for a start. And then there's Buffy... though I suppose vampires might not be male enough; tough luck, the man's a fantasy writer.
If Mal did care about the protection of women, he would have spaced Jayne immediately, or at least locked the fucker up.
Becuase Jayne is Mal's slave, to be disposed of and killed at Mal's whim...