I need some help.
Here is the situation, the Wizard in my group has thoroughly hacked off his fellow party members and the soldiers they just teamed up with to take out a fort full of bandits. First, they discovered a rather substantial bit of treasure (20K gp in value), and instead of sharing it with the 20 soldiers, he insists paying them 1300gp total. The soldiers are reasonable guys, but a bunch of their buddies got killed in the assault (10).
Second, the Wizard is riding back to town on 2 barges w/ the 20 soldiers and 20K gp. The group’s paladin, barbarian, and ranger all went off to finish another part of the mission, and so are effectively out of his bit for awhile.
So…what I need help with is some good ideas for how to beat the crap out of the wizard, rob him blind, and leave him tied to a tree. All preferably w/o killing him because while they want a fair share and think he’s a total dick, they know he’s an asset to the kingdom (there are some other reasons as well for leavin him alive).
Here are the capabilities of each group.
The Wizard: 8th level Diviner, no magic items of note. He does have Scorching Ray, Lightning Bolt, Fly, Dimension Door & Detect Thoughts commonly memorized. So take those into account.
The Soldiers:
18 Fighters 4, armed w/ Light Crossbows, Longswords, Breastplates, shields. Reasonable “soldier” gear for Light Infantry.
1 Rogue 3/ Fighter 2, Same armament as above, and is the Sargent/leader of the group.
1 Scout 4, Same armament as above, his element of scouts is what took the worst beating and so he has a real grudge against the PCs.
The soldiers are all veterans and professionals. They have faced wizards recently, so while its not fun, they do have experience doin it, so no morale problems. Also they have observed him casting his combat load of spells (including the above) and discussing it and his other spells during the planning phase of the fort assault.
Rule Modifications we are using:
- WP/VP option.
- Action Points option. So the Wizard can do a Silent DimDoor as an emulated Sudden Feat.
My other option is to fake an attack to draw him out of his tent at night and they dog pile him, but obviously he could escape that w/ DimDoor, even if they are grappling him.
Or if you are grappled, does that put you over the limit for DimDoor?
Thanks in advance for any help!