Its in the scene where the basestars jump in and are about to be ambushed. The fleet's getting close.
Moderator: NecronLord
Agreed. For one thing, I doubt the Cavils and his allies were able to take out all examples of the other 3 models. Any back on the Colonies would have to be duped in some way, and some will, ironically, escape and go on the run.Admiral Valdemar wrote: The civil war? I don't think this is the end.
Similar image. Anyone who can recognize Orion can clearly see it in the left half of the image. The fact that it's so close to the shape as viewed from earth means that they have to be relatively close (within a few parsecs), as anything more than about 10 parsecs would start to distort the shape (although it would probably still be recognizable).AK_Jedi wrote:Did anyone else notice the constellation Orion in the background?
Nevermind that her death can be explained as a breach of maintenance protocol and something went wrong with the airlock?Uraniun235 wrote:so now everyone will just Accept her death with little question.
Maybe they had realized somebody purged the airlock and did a crew check? "Call into CIC with your personnel lists" or whatever. We don't really know how much time passed before we see Adama talking with the Chief.Gandalf wrote:3.5/5.
The Cylon thing was pretty interesting. Dean Stockwell really kicks arse as the old guy.
I'm curious to know how they found out about Cally's death. Did Dualla "happen to be in the area", and see her get sucked out?
Coddle can also back it up with his examination of Cally from the start of the episode.CaptJodan wrote:It can also be easily explained as something it almost was. That Cally went batshit insane with rage over Tyrol's perceived infidelity and killed herself. One bit of lucidity kept her from killing her baby (that'd be the toughest) but considering she dies right after beating her husband nearly to death, I think you'll find it hard to explain that she then went down to do some work on the tube with her kid. An interview with the people who last saw her in the hallway would suggest she looked a little odd (it seemed like a few turned to look at her) and Tori can claim she saw the kid outside the tube and looked out to see it open with no one inside.
Far easier than "it was a maintenance accident".
What'll really piss me off, like with Billy, is if this is scarcely mentioned after this. Yeah, the mother of Galen Tyrol's child went out the airlock and he doesn't dwell on it.Uraniun235 wrote:Battlestar Livejournal has apparently developed a new formula: if a character's end is near, an episode on them must be here. Billy's big episode was his death. Kat's big(gest) episode was her death. And now Cally's big episode was her death. Not only predictable, but lazy... in both Billy and Cally's deathisodes, the writers cram in a big bunch of material to justify the character's death.
Nicki Clyne's blog on April 10th referred to 'Battlestar commitments' that had kept her from posting for a few weeks and would continue to do so, which can be taken one of two ways: the realistic; she was under an ND and it was the easiest way to not let her fans in on the big news, or the optimistic: she's the final cylon. The Callyfans have grabbed ahold of that one and are clinging to it like a floatation device. I have to admit I have one hand on that device.Instead, we got to see the Hand of God reach in, flip her Crazy Switch to the On position, and guide her to her death because for whatever reason the writers (or the actress) wanted Cally off the show. I don't mind at all that she was killed - I just wish it had been a little less obvious that it was done so because the writers or the actress wanted it, rather than because it had been building up to that.
I never liked how fast Di got over billy either, but on the bright side for this case, it seems to make something inside Tyrol snap. If the preview is any indication, we may not get scenes of him sadly mulling over his wife's death, but he seems to lose a bit of his sanity.tim31 wrote:What'll really piss me off, like with Billy, is if this is scarcely mentioned after this. Yeah, the mother of Galen Tyrol's child went out the airlock and he doesn't dwell on it.
It could be argued that this doesn't always hold true. Gaeta certainly had a deathisode, but managed to escape.Uraniun235 wrote: Battlestar Livejournal has apparently developed a new formula: if a character's end is near, an episode on them must be here. Billy's big episode was his death. Kat's big(gest) episode was her death. And now Cally's big episode was her death. Not only predictable, but lazy... in both Billy and Cally's deathisodes, the writers cram in a big bunch of material to justify the character's death.
I agree. Plus, he's supposed to shave his head out of grief I think.If the preview is any indication, we may not get scenes of him sadly mulling over his wife's death, but he seems to lose a bit of his sanity.
Could also be reshoots, or flashbacking (i.e. Ellen is clearly in the next ep due to hallucination, but she's still dead). Remember, Cylons can "project," although it seems like humans do that too.the realistic; she was under an ND and it was the easiest way to not let her fans in on the big news, or the optimistic: she's the final cylon.
The Cally character is probably, hopefully, as in I hope there's a God and He's listening and He's in a good mood, dead for good. The most we'll see of Clyne from here on out are in flashbacks before Cylon-Tyrol gets his dethisode for being a Cylon.tim31 wrote:Nicki Clyne's blog on April 10th referred to 'Battlestar commitments' that had kept her from posting for a few weeks and would continue to do so, which can be taken one of two ways: the realistic; she was under an ND and it was the easiest way to not let her fans in on the big news, or the optimistic: she's the final cylon. The Callyfans have grabbed ahold of that one and are clinging to it like a floatation device. I have to admit I have one hand on that device.
Dualla?Gandalf wrote:3.5/5.
The Cylon thing was pretty interesting. Dean Stockwell really kicks arse as the old guy.
I'm curious to know how they found out about Cally's death. Did Dualla "happen to be in the area", and see her get sucked out?
At least a warning alarm went off when the door was opened. it's not that unbelievable that there is a board somewhere other than the control room that had a red light flashing. The deck itself was deserted so assuming worst case for the hiding cylon, that deck may have been flooded within minutes by maintenance people there to figure out what the fuck is going on with the door opening when it's not supposed to. However, given how many hallways litter that ship, a few minutes is more than enough time for the killer to disappear down a corridor with the baby.Gandalf wrote:
I'm curious to know how they found out about Cally's death. Did Dualla "happen to be in the area", and see her get sucked out?
I've got one hand on that device as well, though I've since let it go. Not so much because I want her back; it's best when dead characters stay dead (I'm looking at YOU Starbuck) but because of some of the little things. Her kid with Tyrol, her nebula weirdness, etc.tim31 wrote: Nicki Clyne's blog on April 10th referred to 'Battlestar commitments' that had kept her from posting for a few weeks and would continue to do so, which can be taken one of two ways: the realistic; she was under an ND and it was the easiest way to not let her fans in on the big news, or the optimistic: she's the final cylon. The Callyfans have grabbed ahold of that one and are clinging to it like a floatation device. I have to admit I have one hand on that device.
You might be on to something there, because I fit the shit job part at least. My personal attatchment to the character was that she was fairly bubbly and endearing at the start, and after she got almost raped she ate a bag of concrete and hardened the fuck up. Yeah, she was pissed off a lot after that. Yeah, she became whiney in S3, but sadly didn't get enough airtime to delve into why she was developing borderline personality disorder. Instead we got all that bullshit between Lee and Kara, and if they could have devoted maybe 10% of that time to Cally's character development, or maybe even development of her and Tyrol's relationship(which got touched on in a few episodes, but the focus was relly elsewhere), I'd have been happy.GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:Why, God, why are there Cally fans!? Is it because angsty, whiny, useless emo people with shit jobs need to believe that somehow, in the future, there's going to be a place for them? Even though when nBSG goes into full-up Battlestar LiveJournal mode everybody takes magic stupid pills and the Cup o' Angst overfloweth.
Yeah, that was a kick in the teeth.fgalkin wrote:HOLY FRAK THEY KILLED CALLY!![]()
Eh? Season 4 is gonna be 22 episodes.FSTargetDrone wrote: Anyway, what's really annoying to me is this is going to be a truncated season. That said, I'm interested in Moore's podcasts for this season, but I can't find them on the site yet.