Darth Wong wrote:SCRawl wrote:Darth Wong wrote:
Irrelevant to the point, fucktard. You're acting as if a lot of concentration is required in order to understand that kind of instruction, so if he was thinking about something else, he couldn't have comprehended it. That's bullshit of the highest order. The exact phrase the flight attendant used is immaterial as long as it doesn't require concentration to understand.
The OP states that he was "saying his prayers", not merely thinking them. Do you find it easy to say something while simultaneously following another monologue? And anyways, to hammer away at that point again, my argument was that he might not have known who was addressing him, much less what he was being told.
MONOLOGUE? A flight attendant saying "Excuse me" is a fucking MONOLOGUE now? So complex that without your full attention, you can't understand it?
I meant "monologue" in the nominal sense -- as opposed to "dialogue", since there was only one speaker. I didn't mean to suggest that the FA was reciting Hamlet or something.
In related news, I just tried the experiment I suggested: I put the TV on the news, and recited a few lines from "The Merchant of Venice" I'd had to memorize in high school. Even though I knew what the news story was about, and I concentrated on it as hard as I could while still reciting the lines, I couldn't pick out what they were saying. And while I certainly knew that there was some talking going on, I couldn't have said what it was. Maybe some people have a better knack for this sort of thing than I do.
In any case, my argument wasn't that the passenger might not have known that
someone was trying to talk to him -- it was that he might not have known that the FA was talking to him. I know -- and have already said -- that this was still a stupid thing to do, since he must have known that the FA
might have been addressing him, and that that's not the sort of thing you can safely ignore.
Darth Wong wrote:You are so full of shit that it's oozing out of the goddamned hair follicles on the top of your head.
Alas, I remember fondly the days when I had hair follicles on the top of my head...
Darth Wong wrote:SCRawl wrote:Clearly the passenger thought that he was okay doing it, but reality, as he found out, is rather different.
He found that out
because he was thrown off the flight. If he was treated with kid-gloves as you demand, then he would
not have learned that lesson.
As I've asked others: was he thrown off the flight, then, in order to make sure that he's going to misbehave on other flights in the future? Is it inconceivable that he could have gotten through
this flight without further incident after being made aware of exactly how large a fuckup he'd already? I fully concede that something the guy did or said led the FA to believe that he wasn't going to get the message, but if he did, it isn't described in the OP.
73% of all statistics are made up, including this one.
I'm waiting as fast as I can.