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K. A. Pital
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Post by K. A. Pital »

The Red Technocracy Supreme Council orders 200,000 tons of pennicilin from MushroomMeds

The Secretary General had the following to say:

"The ECSOC has estimated that for viable penicilline supply to the Red Technocracy, 200,000 tons are required, while supplying the entire OMSK would require well in excess of 2 million tons.

Now, we here are ready to grant MushroomMeds an exclusive contract.

Moreover, we are raising the issue in the OMSK SC, about whether Mushroom Meds should become the exclusive supplier of antibiotics and other medicines to OMSK nations, or at least be granted preference for the nationalized healthcare institututions. We won't infringe on what medicines private clinics use, if they're certified and well-researched.

In total, far over three million ton yearly medicine production is required, including 2,000,000 tons of penicilline group medicines, to supply the OMSK.

A decision to take MushroomMeds will allow it to rise as a huge biological research corporation and rival Mangka's huge biomedical industry on the world medicine market."
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Government announces budget FY2010

In a rather sharp refocusing of Byzantine R&D funding, the Byzantine Government has announced the reallocation of the budget as follows:

- 6 +4 billion for Space research
- 1 billion for Quantum Information at Quantum Information Institute
- 2.5 billion for Fusion research at Fusion Institute
- 10 million for Particle Physics research at High Energy Institute (due to lack of progress on particle accelerator collaboration.)
- 4 billion for Basic Science research at various universities (Physics, Chemistry, Biology)
- 6 billion for the various medicine research institutes and pharmaceutical companies
- 5 billion for military black projects
- 10 billion for Engineering projects (aeronautics, heavier emphasis on electronics, communications, chemical)
- 20 million for other humanities, education etc.
Total: 34.53 + 4 billion.

The Quantum Institute reports that experiments in various implementations, such as Trapped Ion Computing, Cavity QED, NMR etc., of the Quantum Computer continue with theoretical and experimental papers written. A Quantum Simulator to simulate Many Body systems is beginning to show progress.

The Nuclear Energy Institute reports that the Fast Breeder Reactor is on schedule with completion by Mid-Year. Fusion research continues and the new research Tokomak reactor should be operational by mid-year as well.

Research into Graphene as a replacement for Silicon will be boosted. Graphene has been noted to have properties superior to Silicon and promises to replace silicon within the decade. Samples of Graphene chips are expected by the end of the year to beginning of the next year but these chips are not suitable for manufacture but for experimentation.

Material sciences research into superconductivity, ceramics, and various composites continue, and some research groups receive military funding.

The Medicine Research Institute announces that it will focus on vaccines for various diseases such as influenza and it will continue research on bionic technology, involving artificial limbs, hearts etc. Some research progress is to be announced soon. Several pharmaceutical startups will be funded and offer new types of medicines.

Research into algae biofuels continues and a plant producing 1million gallons of algae biofuels will begin construction this year.

The reallocation of the budget will continue. FY2010, the budget reallocation will be as follows:
- Education 20%
- Health Care 15% (The Health Ministry realised that it was flushed with too much money last year and decided to return the funds)
- Defence 15% (Increase in Procurement this year warrants more funds)
- R&D 25%
- Infrastructure/Trade/Economy 25%

The Government reports this year another 2.5% growth in economy to 393 billion. Government Revenue matches the pace of the growth of the economy. Growth of the energy sector has been spectacular with many inroads into biofuels and nuclear energy and solar energy have been made. The ship building sector continues to grow with orders from the Imperial Byzantine Navy and the Constantinople shipping. The Pharmaceutical sector is at its infancy but continues to grow with Government assistance.

The Government announces that, in conjunction with Byzantine Telecoms, it will help fund a fiber optics network throughout the country. It will enter talks as well with OMSK members to build a new Internet submarine cable to boost speeds.

In the private sector, a new History and Science Channel will soon be broad casted through satellite television and Byzantine Television foresees collaboration with various history departments across the world to film new documentaries.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-05-03 07:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

following last years scandals and the continuing curruption trials in the Bear republic the Budget was somewhat better condition.

in addition to the third year of spending 15 billion on the advanced Electromagnetics faculty (10 billion for the super collider, 5 billion for electromagnetic research)
the Majority of the Earmarks were for continued infrastructure improvements (rebuilding) as well as paying Shepnukistan for the Coastal Protection Chain, and additional fast anti ship missles for the above. (Remember it was later discovered that the CPC was in fact a fast Seabeard that had been locally manufactured after someone had stolen the plans from shep)
other projects:
education and welfare: 2 billion (we need to improve medicine and schools after our last bunch of clusterfucks)
Entertainment: movies and television (bread for the masses): 5 billion
Project "Hammer": 2 billion

Bear Republic magnetics announces the newest generation of electrical motors. The Radial Repulsar, this can be applied to drive wheels in hybrid or electrical cars, airship fans, or hovercraft fans. This motor works simular to a radial engine found on early aircraft except it uses electromagnets to turn the wheel, and will reverse the current to go into reverse. Though requiring higher tech materials then conventional electrical motors it does save on overall friction and wear & tear.

Also Hughes announced that it will soon be releasing it's own Superheavy ground effect vehicle. information indicates it's an updated version of the original Hughes/Kaiser "Spruce Goose"

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Beowulf »

"Well gentlemen, I think it's time we got a move on. Any final business before we wrap this up?" asked President Shinra

"Two last items from me," replied Beowulf. "First, I've been talking to Phong. He wants to have a 'Non-aggression Treaty' with us. He wants to be friendly with the MESS without having to join our organization. Alongside that, he wants a Memorandum of Agreement, for joint aerospace development. Anyone opposed to this?"

There was general signals of agreement with this idea. "Alright, I'll have my people hash out a bunch of legalese and send it to Phong and everyone else for approval. As for the second, guards: can you bring in the other member of my party?"

As the man, well, boy, walked in, Beowulf continued. "Everyone, this is Adrian. He wishes to join us."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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The Yosemite Bear
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Bear Republic news:
Norse Autoplant: Introducing the Thunderer SUV, a hybrid engine powering electrical all wheel drive. Room for nine, capable of taking on anything. To be featured on this season's "Road Warriors"

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Redleader34 »

[I think I want in on this international Airline, I have a new Zepplin Hangar/Airport that needs customers...]

Royal Rail News Now

The Red Technocarcy Revives Contract!

In a stunning upset of expected voting patterns, The 3R Parliament has voted to expand its mercantile fleet with the purchase of 3 A-90 Orlyonok "Ekranoplans". These unique hovercraft are much faster than normal airplanes, and in fact, rival the speed of slower jet aircraft. These planes, will cost $60 million dollars, which will be outfitted as heavy cargo transports. They will help "Reduce the role of Foreign Transports, and "Make it hard for Pirates to attack" said Senator Alex Cody, the chief of the newly founded Oceanic Transport Division. They will also be accompanied by the purchase of 10 trainer Ekranplans, at a total cost of $1 Million dollars.

There was also an announcement of the purchase of a new ship, the Clyde class Cruiser for the Navy. "In adding this 10th ship, we will help our citizens deal with piracy in the best way, with 50 caliber rifle shells through the head." This statement from the already controversial head of the Concern Party, a small yet rising ideal seemed to be quite contrary to previous 3R Policies of capture, and jailing of pirates on the island's prison, St. George's. The prison, meant to hold 10,000 is mostly empty, with the exception of the pirates captured six months ago, all currently being held on life charges. In addtation, the Coastal Defense forces have made a future bid on the "Unmanned" Helicopter, tentatively called the "Ghost" by the Coastal Division. With that, and the purchase of one helicopter from the MESS alliance, the feelings of anti-piracy have risen dramatically.

Related to the earlier news, the state run Transportation Board voted to purchase 3 Cargo ships to add to the new "Transportation Division". These vessels will be used to help further 3R Transportation goods.

"In less than a week.. I go to the international meet." Red thought, finishing up the paper. "And somehow I still keep a life on Old Earth. Work is hard, and somehow keeping these pirates away, is even harder!" I swear though, I will not fail my people! I just can't!" He slammed his fist onto the desk, his aid walking into the room. "Serge, my buddy, I didn't mean to call you in," he sad, dismissing his Earth brought military head. "Listen, Red, you can't keep this up. You will go crazy if you stress out over this diplomatic meeting. Let's focus on making sure we have money for the people, and trade working well. Besides, we have the party on Earth, the post final celebration." Red nodded, placing on his jacket. "Then let's go now, before they ask where did I go again. Also, make sure the Royal Transport is fueled. We want no surprises this year!"
Dan's Art

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"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

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Post by RogueIce »

As the man, well, boy, walked in, Beowulf continued. "Everyone, this is Adrian. He wishes to join us."

Rufus looked over the newcomer with interest. A new member? From outside the old usergroup? If he joins, that'll finally dispell that 'closed alliance' nonsense going around.

"Hello Adrian," began President Shinra. "Welcome to the summit." He glanced between the newcomer and Beowulf. "Would either of you have more information on his country for us to look over?"
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by RogueIce »

Shinra Republic Announces Upgrade Plan for F-14 Fleet

The Navy announced today that all 80 of the Fleet's F-14D Super Tomcats will be upgraded to the F-14D+ Advanced Super Tomcat standard. The F-14D+ is the Navy's official name for the F-114H upgrades offered by the Tonkin Aerospace Group. A license deal has been negotiated for an undisclosed sum to rebuild the majority of the fleet locally, with the new engines and electronics to be shipped from the IRT. The initial rebuild lot of 12 will be shipped to the IRT to be completed by TAG workers, with Shinra technical specialists present to observe and learn. The upgrades are expected to be completed in about two and a half years at an expected cost of approximately USD$4 billion, although analysts predict that amount to be lower.

In further news, the Navy has also released details concerning the purchase of 6 TAG F-114Gs for Testing and Evaluation purposes. Delivery is expected to be complete in approximately two months.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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K. A. Pital
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Post by K. A. Pital »

A great All-Technocracy Economy Fair opens up in OMSK.


Various nationalized megacorporations from all around the Technocracy presented for sale what they thought to be the pinnacle of our great industrial sector. Agricultural giant "Mechanized Komintern Harvester Combines" opened a huge stand with the Technocracy's best tractors and combine harvesters. Aviation leaders - Tupolev, Ilyushin, Antonov - and even the Technocracy's one and only, mega-large shipyard, part of the Black Sormovo factory, took part in the exposition. The "KorolevMash" facility, Technocracy's main AFV and heavy autmobile transport producer, pioneered it's cars, tanks and other AFVs.

The first day pioneered with the BLACK SORMOVO stand

Black Sormovo - from the gigantic shipyards in Korolev to the enormous test grounds of TSAGI, we bring you the best in Red Technocracy's shipbuilding

Pr. 12322 "Sormovich" high-speed passenger hovercraft
Top speed: 120 kph.
Cruise speed: 100 kph.
Passengers: 50
Possible cargo: 5 tons
Engine: a powerful gas turbine engine (2540hp turbine)

Price tag: $5 million
Order completion: within 1 year, multiple craft can be delivered.

Pr. 1232.2 "Zubr" small naval assault hovercraft
Largest hovercraft in the world. Zubr landing craft can carry three main battle tanks T-80 or T-90 (up to 140 tonnes), or ten armoured personnel carriers BTR-90 with 140 troops (up to 115 tonnes), or up to 500 troops (with 360 troops in the cargo compartment). At full displacement the ship is capable of negotiating up to 5-degree gradients on non-equipped shores and 1.6m-high vertical walls. Zubr remains seaworthy in conditions up to Sea state 4, sailing on air cushion at 30-40 knots. Makes perfect sense in the world which is a large island archipelago. In case of war, may turn out far more crucial than usual long-range naval craft created to dominate and cross huge oceans.

Speed: 110 kph max, 75 kph cruise.
Autonomy: 5 days
Range at top speed: 300 miles
Weapons: air defence guns, missiles and mines
* Strela-3 or Igla-M portable air defence missile system 4 x 4 launchers plus 32 ap missiles
* 30 mm AK-630 air defence gun mount 2 x 6 with 6000 rounds
* 140mm Ogon launchers 2 x 22 with 132 rockets
* Naval mines, one set of removable equipment for laying from 20 to 80 mines, depending on their types (80 UDM mines)
* outfitted with ECM equipment

Price tag: $75 million
Order completion: in 1 year, a single craft can be delivered

Pr.1232.1 "Dzheyran" small naval assault hovercraft
If you need to be somewhere fast, and very fast, the "Dzheyran" is what you need. A military hovercraft lighter, but faster than the "Zubr". Can carry 2 MBTs (T-90) and 200 assault party, or 4 PT-76 tanks/it's derivatives, and 50 assault party.

Speed: 130 kph max, 90 kph cruise
Range at top speed: 300 miles.
Autonomy: 5 days
* 30 mm AK-230 air defence gun mount 2 x 2
[Black Sormovo informs: the AK-230 has unique ballistic characteristics among the guns of it's class, unrivalled by competing weapons]

Price tag: $45 million
Order completion: within 1 year, 2 craft can be delivered

Pr 1206.1 "Murena" small naval assault hovercraft
Small fast assault hovercraft, exactly for your needs if you're a small nation, but may be useful for large nations too! Can carry 1 MBT (T-90), or two BTR-90 or PT-76 type machines, or 140 assault troops. Was specifically designed to fit into larger assault ship bellies, to increase ability to use "Murenas" in faraway assault operations.

Speed: 102 kph
Range: 200 miles at top speed
* 30 mm AK-630 air defence gun mount 2 x 6 with 3000 rounds
* Igla-M portable air defence missile system 2 x 4 launchers
* Naval mines, 10 to 24 from minelaying device depending on type

Price tag: $30 million
Order completion: in 1 year, many craft can be delivered

DKA-144 Pr. 11770 "Serna" fast landing craft
Alexeev's another brainchild, the "Serna" combines speed with untraditional approaches to landing, granting unique speed capabilities among the landing craft of it's size. Not as fuel-hungry and far cheaper than the hovercrafts - if possibly less versatile, the "Serna" is an optimal choice for the mass assault transport. It operates on the "air cavern" principle, acting like many of the Red Technocracy's civil glisser craft, although it's not a true hovercraft.

Speed: 55 kph max.
Range: 600 miles at top speed.

Can carry either 1 T-90 MBT, 2 BMP-3/BTR-90, or 90 assault party.

Price tag: $3 million, many can be delivered in one year.

A-90 Orlionok Ekranoplan
A fast medium cargo carrying craft made by the Black Sormovo's chief engineer Alexeev.

Speed: 400 kph max, 350 kph cruise
Range: 1500 km
Practical ceiling: 3000 km
Armament: 1x2 14,5 mm barrel turret mounted machine gun

Cargo capacity: up to 28,000 tons. Can accomodate 2 BTR-90/BMP-3, or 150 assault party (2 infantry battalions)

Passenger variant: 150 passengers hold.

Price tag: $10 million, many can be delivered in 1 year.

KM Ekranoplan
Alexeev's answer to Boeing, Airbus, Antonov and Ilyushin.

Speed: 500 kph max, 450 kph cruise.
Range: 1500 km
Seaworthiness: up to and including grade 3.
Top flight height: 14 m.
Engines: 10 VD-7 jets, 130,000 kgs thrust

Cargo: ordinary 240 tons, 304 tons max.

Passenger modifications: on demand, can be modified for holding 900 passengers.

Price tag: $30 million, 2 can be delievered in 1 year.

The BLACK SORMOVO has decided that the yet uncompleted Lun-class Ekranoplanes, as well as some larger naval craft, should only be sold to OMSK Member Nations. The proliferation of large and too powerful naval vessels to smaller nation poses a problem which alarms the Technocracy Government.

Due to these considerations, the sales of Lun-class Ekranoplane have been so far suspended, and instead the offer has been changed to
Pr.1239 Bora missile cruiser hovercraft
The Bora class are the largest hovering craft, even larger than "Zubr" (not a true cushion craft howver). They are the fast missile attack answer to the enemy. They are far more sea worthy than Ekranoplans and planes, and boast high speed still.

Speed: 100 kph max.
Range: 600 miles at top speed, 2500 miles at 12 knots.
Autonomy: 10 days

* 2x4 3M82 supersonic Moskit ASM
* 1x2 OSA-MA-2 (20 9M33M5 anti-air missiles
* 2x6 30 mm AK-630M automatic gun mounts
* 1x1 76-mm automatic artillery AK-176

Price tag: $45 million.
Completion: in 1 year one ship can be delivered

Larger craft will be available for sale to OMSK members, but they will be featured at the exposition later

Next: Antonov, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Komintern Harvester Combines and KorolevMash ;)
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-05-04 02:52pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Post by Setzer »

From the Vedra Tribune:

New Deliveries made for Vedra Airlines:

Today, Vedra Airlines took control of its newest aircraft, the two RT made jet liners. One was landed for training purposes. The other took right back off again, bound for Byzantium.

To Enrich Minds and Souls

300 Students left for Byzantium today. When they return from their studies, they will serve as engineers, doctors, scientists, and other advanced vocations they would not be able to train in here.

But they aren't the only ones who will train abroad. Some fifty Vedran citizens left for the Eastern Orthodox seminaries. When they return, they will enter the ranks of the local clergy.

And they won't be unwelcome. Construction is already begun on the Church of St Theodore, Vedra's first cathedral. The faithful are hard at work, some painting icons, others laying tile or sewing vestments, still others building the structure itself. Marjorie Relm, a local on the scene said "Yeah, my favorite icon was this one my brother painted. St Theodore was driving this spear into a gator's head, and the gator has this look on his face, like he's gonna turn and say,'hey, someone get this spear outa my head', like he was more annoyed then mortally wounded."

Airshow Held in Capital

Our military has been busy over the past year. In a grand air show over Vedra city, the newest units showed what they could do. Some 2 dozen F-16 aircraft executed complex aerial acrobatics, accompanied by tunes such as "Rock You like a Hurricane". The flight was led by Captains Holst Prendre and Ruth Valentine. They are the current leaders of each Jet squadron, being until very recently the only pilots in the country with experience flying combat jets.

The Gunship squadron stutted their stuff as well, firing imaginary ammo at imaginary targets. Still, the audience had a real good time.

We also saw a transport unit with 8 C-130 planes. There were rumors they would be the core of an airmobile infantry unit. Air Force representatives declined to comment. At the moment, they are involved in search and rescue, and cargo transport duties.
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Post by Mr Bean »

World Meeting Begins Today
BBC Reports
BBC Reports:File Photo 2009 Meeting archive photo
"At 12'Clock local time(OOG:Old Earth EST) or 1700 Old Earth GMT the annual meeting of all World leaders is scheduled to begin. Since noon yesterday the island has been on lock down to all civilian tourists and military personnel. The UKB's North Fleet has the majority of it's strength deployed around the island to safe-guard against air attack. A full battalion of Blackbird ABM missiles is scattered around the island moved here last week from various countries. And 2,000 of the elite Gurkha's are present here in and around the Grand Meeting hall. Security here is second to none, only the world leaders and their entourages are normally allowed on the island with one exception.

This year for the first year their will be media on the island, in fact there will be only one media outlet on the island. And that group is none other than the BBC. With our audience over over two thirds of the world's residence and a unbroken commitment to journalistic integrity we were a natural choice when several news outlets petitioned to allow media on the island. However even with being allowed on the island during this yearly summit, a dozen restrictions have been placed on our reporters. Including having been placed in quarantine the week before and having a full barrage of medical tests to ensure they are totally healthy.

We have two reporters on the scene. We have Venessia Clark as our roving reporter inside the hall and Joseph Radcliff outside and our anchor reporter for this meeting.

The meeting is due to kick off in about three hours now so lets go inside to Venessia.

Venssia how is the mood inside the hall?"
BBC Reporters

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

[Damn! I can't believe the alliterative Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel ain't allowed in Atlantis! Grrr! :P]

[Um. Also, I'm just gonna me-too on RogueIce's order since I too am ordering Tomcats.]

The Mushroom Military Messenger


The Mushroom Military has announced today that all of the 24 F-14D Tomcats on the Navy's only aircraft carrier, the SSS Flattop will be upgraded to the F-14S standard. The F-14S is the Navy's official name for the F-114H upgrades offered by the Tonkin Aerospace Group (TAG).

A license deal has been negotiated for an undisclosed sum to rebuild the majority of the fleet locally, with the new engines and electronics to be shipped from the IRT. The initial rebuild lot of 10 will be shipped to the IRT to be completed by TAG workers, with Shroomanian technical specialists present to observe and learn. The upgrades are expected to be completed in about one year at an expected cost of approximately USD$1 billion, although analysts predict that amount to be significantly lower.

In further news, the Navy and the Shroomanian Air Force (SAF) have also released details concerning the purchase of 6 TAG F-114Gs for Testing and Evaluation purposes. Delivery is expected to be complete in approximately two months. The testing and evaluation will be performed in the renowned Shroomanian Top Gun Institute.


A cruise missile being launched from a destroyer.

In other news, the Mushroom Military has decided not to purchase the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin's SAM and ABM systems, due to an already existing contract with the United Aerospace Corporation's Blackbeard Program. Though analysts predict that this will delay the installment of modern Shroomanian SAM and ABM systems, it is also believed that due to Shroomanian involvement in the Blackbeard Program, the costs of these systems will be significantly more affordable.

Last year, the Shroomanian government received an ASAT/ABM system from Shepnukistan free of charge.


Footage of a hovercraft in action in the Syndromian Strike.

The Mushroom Marines are interested in purchasing Red Technocratic hovercraft. The archipelagic nature of the New World and the lessons learned from Syndromia have taught that the amphibious and sea-mobile nature of the Marines will be vital in any future conflict, making them more crucial in ground combat than the Army.

While the Marines are looking to hovercraft, the Army itself is looking into heavy transport aircraft to transform itself into an air-mobile force.

The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

FUN and Red Technocracy citizens reap the benefits of Penicillin, MushroomMeds gains profit.

Penicillin is being shipped en masse to the FUN nations and the Red Technocracy, via an international fleet of FCS and ACV cargo vessels. The shipments are escorted by the navy vessels of many nations partaking in anti-piracy operations in the Central Sea.

To coincide with this medical initiative, educational health teaching is also being enacted throughout the FUN and the Red Technocracy - based on successful Shroomanian disease prevention programs.

[I'm studying to become a nurse. I ought to have a pretty decent health system :)]
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by DarthShady »

A black An-26 takes of from Sarajevo(The Capital City of The Shadow Empire) military base, in the aircraft is the Great Emperor Shady and his personal entourage of assistants and security personnel, en route to the great conference. This is the first conference that the emperor is attending, he missed the last one due to security concerns.
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Post by Redleader34 »

Red's Royal Transport took off from the Royal International Airport, the massive An-225 flying out from the airport facility. Inside are the Chief Craftsman himself, his Core Earth Council, and a collected security and assistant cabal. "Serge... we are heading to the world confrence... let's not mess this up!" The two gave each other a fist pound, a common simple greeting in the country. "Now, here we go!"

The Royal Rail Republic announces that they will join the Crossroadian International Airship Association.

"With our newly upgraded airport, the Crossroadian Airship Association will be quite grand, and needed for our tourism efforts. Because of that, we will be able to rise in the spectra of international tourism.
Dan's Art

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"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

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Post by K. A. Pital »

An unarmed T-4 supersonic craft with two people takes off the landing stripe in Omsk right at the ATEF Expo, and the Gen Sec with his wife are heading towards Atlantis. The flight takes several minutes.

- Salute! :)
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Post by Lonestar »

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

CROSSHAIRS '10, the annual MESS-wide exercise, began off the Northeast coast of Tian Xia today, with the largest LSR contribution yet to the exercise. The Yellow Rose Strike group, Davey Crockett, Jim Bowie, 2 squadrons from the 1st Air Defense Wing, one army battalion, and one THAAD air Defense Battery deployed for the exercise, whose primary theme this year is defending airspace and disaster relief/counter terrorism efforts.

Over 3 dozen captured in massive Department of Public Safety raid in El Paso

Over 3 dozen criminals and terrorists have been captured folloeing a massive raid at the port of El Paso. The Department of Public Safety had been tracking the organization for months following intelligence from other MESS member states. Almost all of the criminals were related to the Mangka Triads, and there are disturbing reports that some of the media capture indicates a connection with the Libertopian Pirates.
Last edited by Lonestar on 2008-05-04 04:56pm, edited 1 time in total.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The Prime Minister prepares to go to Atlantis.

The 2010 World Conference is scheduled to begin soon, as Prime Minister Shroom joins his comrades, friends and allies from all over the world to convene in Atlantis to discuss issues and agendas important to all nations and peoples of the New World.

For Shroomanian and Fungal viewers, the Conference will be covered by the Shroomanian Associated Press (SAP), with collaborating correspondents from the SSS and the BBC working together to bring up-to-date news to viewers live via ShroomSatTV.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by Lonestar »

Dateline Special Report: Life inside the Red Technocracy.

Sponsored in Part by the John Birch Society. Remember, the communists will kill you and eat your babies.

Angry. Cold. Drunks. These are the words we often associate with the Red Technocracy, a nation that has vowed to routinely violate the sovereignty of it's neighbors. In a Dateline Special Report, we have taken a trip to the depths of the Russian Bear. And it is as awful as you might suspect.

Citizens of the Red Technocracy live in shantytowns.

We found a land where individual freedom has been curtailed, a land of crippling food shortages, and a land of some kind of beet-soup instead of proper steaks. The Red Technocracy likes to talk about equality, but it seems that some are more equal than others.

Religion in the Red Technocracy has been completely replaced with a cult for the GOD OF THE STATE, Lenin, and the BLOOD GOD, Stalin. Even as workers are corralled into industrial cities they are forced to pay homage to these monstrous deities.

The Red Technocrat God of Blood, Stalin.

Any and all dissenters are swiftly sent to Gulags, where conditions are even more primitive than in the outside. There, they are forced to manufacture third-rate copies of military equipment, which is then passed on to unwitting OMSK Pact members at full price.


But oppressing their people isn't enough for the Oligarchs of the Red Technocracy! Now, they have stated an intention to routine violate the airspace of the LSR, claiming that "it is not a violation unless we are shot down." Clearly, the Red Technocrats have no respect for rule of law. In addition, the government has propagandized their population into preparing for the coming war with the capitalists.


What can be done to counter this dire threat? The MESS has decided to, quote, "Let the Red Technocracy continue to make asses out of themselves." According to Mr. Jim Bob Fauqier, president of the John Birch Society:

We can only hope to counter this insidiousness at home, and abroad. Write your assemblymen. Write so-called "allies" that purchase RT products. And, if you see a RT citizen in the street, hit them with your official John Birch Pillow Case-with-doorknobs.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

The Mushroom Military Messenger

The nascent Schrom Corporation, seeking to compete with MacMillan's near-monopoly, has began seeking foreign collaboration in its projects - primarily parties in the IRT and the MESS.

With the Mushroom Military's F-14 deal with the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin's Tonkin Aerospace Group (TAG), the Schrom Corp has approached the TAG with several proposals. These proposals have also been delivered to any interested groups in Canissia and the Shinra Republic, and is open for other MESS parties.

The first proposal is an upgrade of the modern F-15 Eagles found in many airforces all over the world, converting it to an advanced tactical fighter by utilizing Short Takeoff and Landing/Maneuver Technology and Intelligent Flight Control Systems. A hyper-maneuverable air superiority fighter for the future.

The F-15F.

The second proposal just announced by the Schrom Corporation is an enhanced version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The F-16XL boasts 25% improvement in maximum lift-to-drag ratio in supersonic flight and 11% in subsonic flight, and the prototype reportedly handles much smoother at high speeds and low altitudes. The enlargements of the wing and fuselage increases fuel capacity by 82%. The F-16XL can carry twice the ordnance of the F-16 and deliver it 40% further. The enlarged wing allowed a total of 27 hardpoints on the plane.

The F-16XL. It features a cranked-arrow delta wing 120% larger than the original. The fuselage was lalso lengthened by 56 inches (1.4 m) by the addition of 2 sections at the joints of the main fuselage sub-assemblies.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by K. A. Pital »

ATEF Stand 1 BLACK SORMOVO - continued

Alexeev Newest Civilian Hydrofoils! :) Left to right:
1. Lastochka: river and littoral hydrofoil, 70 passengers, 86 kph cruise - $150 000
2. Polesie: shallow riverbed hydrofoil, 60 kph cruise - $ 150 000
3. Burevestnik: 150 passengers gas turbine hydrofoil, 93 cruise, 120 kph top cruise, 150 kph technically possible top speed - $ 300 000
4. Cyclone: 250 passengers hydrofoil, 78 kph cruise - $ 300 000
5. Olympia: 232 passengers, 69 kph cruise - $ 300 000
6. Dolphin: S&R small boat, 9 men crew, 74 kph cruise - $ 10 000

Price tags:

Special offer: (only 1 per year can be built!) $ 300 000:
The SPUTNIK-class Hydrofoil:
Passengers: 300
Cruise speed: 70 kph

The crafts that can take on passenger traffic! Huge hulking liners are meaningless. A foil will cross the Central Sea in mere hours, travel around shorelines in minutes. Nothing better for tourism around coastal lines with many resort cities.

Military Hydrofoils

Deliver real pounding with the biggest hydrofoil military vessels ever built!

With the coasts being saturated with Anti-Ship Missiles, large ships become too much of an asset to lose considering their cost; and they lack speed to deploy a surpise attack force which is crucial in counter-terrorist, counter-pirate and general military operations.

Pr. 1240 "Uragan" small missile ship
The Pr.1240 is the biggest and baddest, most heavily armed hydrofoil of all times. Developed in the BLACK SORMOVO Central Hydrofoil Design Bureau under Alexeev, this colossal craft is the birth of a new age of combat and together with Ekranoplans signifies the New Fast Assault Doctrine of the Red Technocracy.

Speed top: 60 knots.
Cruise: 53 knots.
Naval seaworthiness: up to and including grade 5.
Displacement: 432 tons.
Range: 700 miles at 45 knots
Autonomy: 5 days
Crew: 40 men
Engines: 2 x 18,000 hp turbines

* 2x2 ASM launchers "Malakhit" (4 P-120 anti-ship missiles)
* 1x6 barrel 30-mm autocannon AK-630
* 1x2 SAM launchers "Osa-M" (20 missiles)

Price tag: $50 million.
Order completion: 1 craft per year.

Pr.133 "Antares" Patrol Boat
This more than just a Patrol Boat. It's the death of pirates, naval agents, contrabandists and just about anyone on the high seas - and your Navy's triumph.

Speed top: 65 knots.
Cruise: 60 knots, economical 50 knots
Naval seaworthiness: up to and including grade 5 on foil, up to 7 in displacements
Displacement: 220 tons.
Range: 450 miles at 50 knots
Autonomy: 5 days
Crew: 26 men
Engines: 2 x 10,000 hp turbines

* 76 mm gun: front
* 1x2 barrel 30 mm gun: rear
* 2 torpedo tubes
* 1 55-mm grenade launcher to kill possible submarine diversants

Price tag: $20 million.
Order completion: many craft per year.
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Post by General Deathdealer »

Baal Daily News

International Airship Service Coming Soon

Today the Ministery of Tourism announced that the Crossroadian International Airship Association will have one of its stops here in the Grand Duchy of Baal. Construction has begun on the facilities for the airship service. They will be located just to the South of the city of Sanguinius. The infrastructure will include a terminal for passengers, a refueling station and maintenance facility for the airships, and 2 large hangers to house the airships when they need to stay overnight. Construction is estimated to be completed in about 4 months time.
"Don't fuck with The Mess. Unless you've been there, done that, and have the t-shirt, shut your cakehole." - Me
"By the Blood of Sanguinius" - Blood Angels Battlecry
"The enemies of the Emperor fear many things. They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death. Yet there is one thing they fear above all others. They fear the wrath of the Space Marines." - Anonymous
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Red Technocracy Press Digest:

PRAVDA: Pathetic Slander from the Lone Star Republic


The ridiculous slander of the Red Technocracy by some yellow paper is, of course, nothing worthy of itself. It easily exposes itself as nonsense - none of the people who wrote it ever were in the Red Technocracy, and the claim that our tropical-climate nation is "cold" sounds extremely idiotic - just as all other claims do. Especially the claim about lack of religious freedom. It is well known that the Red Technocracy actively constructs Orthodox Temples for it's Orthodox believers which form a sizeable part of the population, and RT's Air Force Marshall is openly Orthodox herself.

The persons of Lenin and Stalin, neither known to the citizens of the Red Technocracy, are also a work of a deranged mind. It is well known that Marxism-Stasism, the Liberalized Socialism, was only fully developed by the Secretary General Stas, and prior to that, the country was administered by a far more authoritarian Secretary General Luka Alexashenko, but not anywhere close to what Lonestar's press "found out".

Of course, stupid slander is not surprising, it's done by right-wing elements in the fascist, nationalist and theocracy-leaning dictatorship of the nuclear madman Lonestar.

The trash paper's claim that the whole MESS is somehow inclined against the Red Technocracy is, however, alarming.

We have a number of joint engineering projects done with some of the MESS members.

We suggest that Lone Star's Dateline and the John Birch society be sued for slander by all infringed parties, leaving the details and compensation sums of a possible judicial appeal to the offended parties themselves. We also bring this matter to the attention of the Ecumenical Patriarch of the newly Unified Orthodox Church, that his followers in the Red Technocracy are slandered as "state cultists".

The Red Technocracy itself will not sue Lone Star republic or any parties residing therein, due to lack of any diplomatic contact between us and Lone Star.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

The Emperor and the Empress heads for Atlantis Conference.

Some of Byzantium's companies showcase products at the Red Technocracy Technology fair

At Red Technocracy's Technology fair, Byzantine Companies, at the invitation of Red Technocracy, showcased some of the nation's advanced products, particularly in nuclear technology and fuel technology. Most notably nuclear reactors of various types, i.e. FBR, ABWR, and SCWR. Algae biofuels from Byzantium Fuels Inc. was also showcased.

Byzantium's shipyards also showcased some of its products, including the jointly produced WCT from Wilkonia. Other products were also showcased, most notably a wide range of laser products which are designed for both laboratory and industrial use. Solid State Lasers, diode lasers, and numerous laser types.

Biomedical companies showed off their vaccines and bionics. Robotic arms and feat and hearts were among the products displayed.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Official Dispatch from the Qudlivun Free State to the Kingdom of New Patria regarding UAV purchase

The Qudlivun Free State will dispatch the necessary transports to retrieve our order of 21 AD-3B "Mariner" UAVs upon notification that the order can be fulfilled in its entirety.

News Briefs from the Qudlivun Free State

MSDF Bid for Wilkonian Keira Knightley-class Destroyer fails
Due to what some claim is an administrative error at the Ministry of Defense some of the communications related to the nation's bid on a mothballed destroyer were never sent to the Wilkonian Navy. The Minister of Defense has been called before the cabinet to explain his office's failure regarding the failed bid after two nations announced winning lower bids. Though operating under the belief that the bids tendered by the other nations may have simply been more compelling overall the Office of the Grand Duke has expressed concern over the management of the Ministry of Defense especially in light of the failed destroyer bid.

Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs prepare to depart for Atlantan Conference
The Prime Minster and Minister for Foreign Affairs are preparing to depart for the international conference scheduled for February at the Atlantis Neutral Zone. A small detachment of Qudlivun GSDF will provide personal security for the Ministers and accompanying staff. Due to the press blackout all news from the conference will be broadcast solely by the BBC though a member of the Qudlivun Press is attached to the delegation. The Grand Duke has declined to attend personally.

Parliament votes to join Esdeenet Airlines, Service Zeppelins irregardless of membership in organization
The last bill signed into law prior to the departure of the Prime Minister for the Atlantan Conference concerned international civilian aviation. The Qudlivun Free State today signed into law the Airship Convention, a Crossroadia-led international initiative. The bill does call for our nation to become a member of the international airline but even if our membership into the pact is not accepted the government will build the necessary facilities at all three of the nation's airports to support airship traffic.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Mr Bean »

BBC Reports
BBC File Photo:UKB GPS Satellite, Artist impression
Several announcements came out today regarding the joint efforts of the UKB space industry and several allied nations.

First the budget for this year's space program has been set at 2010 for 288 Billion dollars. The budget is down 25 billion dollars from last year's 313.1 Billion dollars due to Vulpesian withdrawing from investment this year and the UKB reducing it's commitment by 30 billion dollars. However the addition of Byzantium's new commitment has off-set this by some what.

Second is the announcement that thanks to usage fee's and the equipment cut the Royal GPS system has nearly broken even. And that as a result all usage fee's would be terminated.
When the Royal GPS system was first launched the question became how could the system pay itself offf. The military indications were obvious but non-profitable.

So in order to help pay for the system in 2008 the Space industry offered the GPS system for use for any civilian who's country had payed an access fee. The fee's were cheap, as little as a million dollars for principalities and in some cases private company's payed a portion for GPS access in order to allow anyone in the nation access to the GPS signal. Even for Imperium's the fee was no more than twenty million a year. Meaning even one year's fee was not sufficient to pay for half the cost of their own GPS satellite. Of which any country would need at least a four for full coverage of most countries.

However the area where the UKB made most of the money back for the system was in the equipment surcharge. All devices built to use UKB GPS signals must pay a small two percent surcharge on whatever the final cost of the product that's it's being built into. Thus the sale of any 100$ GPS civilian device the UKB would receive two dollars from the final sale of the product. While something like the Red Technocracy's new "Red" Cellphone(A highly popular combination Cell-Phone, Palm-top computer with built in GPS to act as a in-car GPS when needed) the UKB received closer to eight dollars from the sale of each of these Palmtop/Cellphone combinations. Considering the success of the "Red" and GPS devices in general it's no wonder the UKB space industry has gone a long way toward earning back the estimated 2.1 billion dollar cost for the entire GPS system.

As a result of the success of GPS devices and the revenue realized from the sale of said devices. The UKB Space Industry formally canceled the Access pricing for all countries in the world, while retaining the surcharge. As of now the only cost to access UKB GPS satellites will remain purchasing the hardware itself.

Thirdly the HISCO system went live this morning after the 33rd satellite made orbit successfully. High Speed Satellite Internet is available to all citizens of the world. Pricing for the access equipment varies from country to country as well as well as monthly pricing plans but here in the UKB High speed Satellite Internet can be had for 49.99$ a month for a year. A two year contract will lower the price to 44.99$ a month and a five year plan is available at 39.99$ Equipment is also free for the five year contract, 69.99$ for the two year contract and 199.99$ for the one year contract.

The HISCO system is a joint venture between Union Aerospace Corporation, the BLACK SORMOVO(Formerly Black Mesa Space Institution) and Blue Sun Corporation. Blue Sun is the primary marking company behind the international out-reach efforts for the program. And as well the lead company in marketing and selling of the HISCO internet system.

Blue Sun has been selling the hardware under the "Star-Net" marketing name for some months now. Until now if you purchased hardware before the system went live this week you could use it month to month for a simple 10$ fee with no contract required. With the system going live that offer has ended. But Blue Sun says it will work to keep those customers loyal by offering them better than standard deals. In fact if you agree to a five year contract and are an eariliy adopter your monthly rate is only 19.99$ A two year contract is only 29.99$ and even a one year contract is 44.99$"

BBC Reports

"A cult is a religion with no political power." -Tom Wolfe
Pardon me for sounding like a dick, but I'm playing the tiniest violin in the world right now-Dalton