Setzer wrote:There's only one Vita chamber in the game that was turned off. That was the one in Andrew Ryan's office. Pretty much everything in Rapture that's locked down can only be used by Ryan or a relative. The only one who can change vital systems in Rapture is someone with Ryan's DNA. It's not just game mechanics. Also, only a few splicers are armed with explosives, and they're really more concerned with getting ADAM then with blowing up Vita chambers.

And? I strip the SSNs to one shift, remove the supplies, and I have a transport that can send Companies (>100) of Marines/SEALs in per trip. Combat engineers have a saying about how there's no problem that can't be solved with sufficient explosives.
If the USN and USMC decide to go in there you think they're about to be really hindered by such? Even if they were do you think a nuclear depth charge wouldn't settle things quite thoroughly?
Furthermore I can pretty much gurantee I can find a speed-run vid that involves the character getting killed no times. I certainly didn't rely on those machines in the earlier Shocks. So the, but he can respawn excuse is rather thin.
You're not making a big deal out of it, but you are? How disingenuous of you. Tell me does a biological firm know the first thing about gyros? Will it know anything more about these gyros after the entire research staff is either dead or utterly deranged? I believe you were saying something about such things not involving absurdly long leaps of faith?Setzer wrote:I wasn't making a big point out of it. I was just saying, if they can create things like teleportation and invisibility plasmids, then there's no real leap showing them creating an ICBM, a piece of tech we know to be possible.
This is what I call the impossible fanboy sales pitch. "They did something not physically possible due to universe contrivances, so they utterly pwn you." Uh huh, sorry not going to fly if I have anything to say about it.
France hardly qualifies as a world power, merely calling them a power is kind of pushing it.Setzer wrote:It's a what if about making Rapture a world power.
What does this little city of the deranged supposed to have that makes it a power. It economy? Oh, oops no trade with the rest of the world. Its ability to project its power and influence through military might? Do you see a Navy, Army, or anything else that's a threat to anybody that's not still primarily using stone spears?
Us implies we, we implies inclusion of I. Why do you feel the need to identify yourself with such? As you point out Rapture would do.Setzer wrote:Us as in the city of Rapture. Stop taking everything so literally.
Your OP specifies per a modified version of the bad ending that he improbably gets the nuke, you have nothing waving away the consequences of such an action. Further I'd point out given the substances known mental deranging effects, and the main characters high level of usage by that point, him starting to become deranged isn't unreasonable.Setzer wrote:I'm waving my fucking hands to give Rapture a nuke. Didn't my OP convey that? Do you have anything to contribute besides "Wah wah, u is teh suck!11"? If you don't like the OP, don't post in the thread.
If you don't like reality then stop pretending it is associated with reality, and postulate it on Planet X where everyone else makes Pakleds look brilliant in comparison say so.
You asked what happens, I've told you. You just don't like what you're hearing because Rapture hardly qualifies as a speedbump problem for the rest of the world.