Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Its not as if we haven't observed openly different degrees of Force lightning before - the strikes against Luke are acknowledged by the novelisation to be torturing and they didn't make his skeleton glow. "Full power" Sith lightning - such as that that killed Windu and Vader, do cause skeletal glowing.
Vader's breathing was overtaxed already from his fight with Luke. The processes in his suit that were destroyed is what killed him, not Force lightning. We didn't see him immediately bite the dust, did we? No. Luke carried him
from the Emperor's fucking tower, the "highest" point on the Death Star, to the hangars below, had the big goodbye scene, etc. Windu was in full health, not dependant on any life support, and you're he's dead? Without seeing the body? Again, why? The basic staple the Star Wars movies are built on - the serials of the 30's - always worked that way.
That changes nothing of the themes I discussed - not to mention the whole gravity of Anakin's betrayal is meaningless if Mace just decided to take a breather for a few decades. He beat Palpatine in a duel. What the fuck was he doing?! You must be joking.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Furthermore, he represents thematically everything stupid and screwed up about the Old Jedi Order, his death is the beginning of Order 66 and the Great Purge for a reason.
And what's that, exactly? Currently, Luke has been scraping the bottom of the galactic barrel to piece together every bit of Old Republic Jedi info he could find, and builds his NJO off of that. How am I so fucking off the mark? If everything OR is to be swept away for some nebulous reason, then why have Yoda and Obi-Wan train "The New Hope"?
Lord Poe wrote:Obi-Wan and Yoda can adapt from failure, but Mace Windu can't? What's your reasoning? Obi-Wan and Yoda weren't rebels in the Jedi order; they were just as ingrained as Windu.
Yoda was not as enthusiastic about Jedi coups as Windu, he was alarmed by Jedi complacency and arrogance in AOTC, and he warned the prophecy could have been misread. So what does Windu do? Go ahead with the coup, is arrogant, sidelines and disrespects the subject of the same prophecy and then he sees he disobeyed him and came to intervene and expects him to do nothing. He's supposed to die, and usher in Anakin's betrayal and the Purge.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Furthermore, Yoda's "the last of the Jedi will you be" is certainly more violated by the return of Yoda's peer in the High Jedi Council (but refusing to contact him, like Obi-Wan, and various EU Jedi?) then by podunk Jedi survivors.
Is Windu still a Jedi while Palpatine and Vader are still alive? Yoda and Obi-Wan weren't. Why is it impossible for Windu to go into deep hiding as well? Clearly TYoda doesn't know everything, or he'd know what a genocidal maniac Anakin was in AOTC.
How are Yoda and Obi-Wan not Jedi? The point is that Yoda says that Luke will be the last after he dies, bringing back movie Jedi (since we're starting over according to you) needlessly violates his statements. And even defending the existing EU, bringing back no-namers is much different then, uh, THE ONE FUCKING JEDI WHO SUCCESSFULLY COULD DEFEAT PALPATINE. And for some reason, just chose not to make contact like all the other Jedi? Why? It stretches credulity past breaking.
Its terrible retread. Its uncreative. It diminishes Anakin's betrayal and undermines basically the most thematically important moment of the entire prequel trilogy. I really don't know what you're thinking.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Oh, there's no reason he shouldn't be a general, though his use as a general in ROTJ was kind of silly. Furthermore, your wankery has the special ops strike team-leading general from the front commanding Star Destroyers. Its not as if the SW canon doesn't awknowledge differences (in the OT especially) between naval and army officers, especially ones in as different specializations as Han and Ackbar.
And? Endor was a specific ground assault Solo did because he wanted to be a part of the Rebellion. They weren't going to hand him a ship command in ROTJ. After the war was over, why NOT offer him a ship command as he was trained for before he became a smuggler?
First of all, not all officers in the Navy are Sea/Space Warfare specialists. The fact he was involved with slaving has me doubting his credentials on space combat. Second, where is Ackbar going that Han is front and center as fucking Nelson? Third, it still stands to reason his only deployment as a
GENERAL is a groundside spec ops command.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Because he does not serve as Han's second-in-command? Who does he ever command? These terms have military and dictionary meaning you know. At best, he's Han's senior noncomm adviser/assistant. That's very different from being a second-in-command.
Don't be so fucking obtuse. I'd assume we weren't talking about the day after fucking Endor. We could be talking 5 years afterward. Who the fuck did Solo command before ROTJ?
Who cares if never commanded anyone before ROTJ? He was a FUCKING OFFICER in the Navy, Chewie never commanded anyone ever and he was never an officer, and only served as a First Mate on a smuggler's ship. Why would he be an officer?
Is your goal to be less original than the existing EU?
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:This is just wank, sorry, but it is.
How is a fucking Death Star "wank" now? Have you forgotten what that term means? In early drafts, Lucas had mini Death Stars orbiting Coruscant!
Yeah, and why should our EU rely on the MOVIE REHASHING ENDLESSLY for plot devices. Lucas gets to play with the big stuff, and the EU does not. Moreover, he got a rid of the two Death Stars, didn't he? I suppose what filmmakers
deliberately choose not to do in favor of things they decide are better is of
no material in considering their value?
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:How does a fucking Death Star "secure space", versus the ENORMOUS opportunity cost in conventional warships?
Oh, I don't know...because its worth over a THOUSAND fucking warships instead? That's without the plot-specific Achille's Heel, of course.
Why would the Death Star be more effective in combat than its weight in warships? Does it occur to you they chose to build it because it was more effective at, I don't know, cracking real tough nuts and blowing up planets like Alderaan than its equivalent in warships? Why do you have this simplistic thinking? It doesn't magically defeat thermodynamics. Its not magically better than conventional warships; Dr. Saxton's own figures scale up directly from Acclamator to Death Star. There's nothing that says the Death Star is uniquely powerful relative to its equivalency in normal warships. Quite the opposite.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Why would the NR sit and let the Imperial Remnant build a WMD and just trust them not to use it until they choose to do so?
See, I'm proposing a SMARTER EU than we've had, where half the galaxy wouldn't know one was being built until it was finished.
Lord Poe wrote:Those planets that still like Imperial rule instead of the NR flavor would be protected from being "liberated". You remember the majority of senators at the end of ROTS cheering for Imperial rule over the same ol Republic, don't you? The only dissenters were a small knot of people who began the Rebellion.
Jesus Christ on a fucking pogostick. You don't suppose that 20 years on the Rebellion's strength has gone up, you know, like the movie portrays, from fucking talk to battle fleets??? Like GL portrays in the goddamn parades? The Empire may have had support but why should the New Republic be impotent and unable to liberate them conventionally? How is a Death Star more capable of defending a spread-out area on the order of millions or billions of worlds than its equivalent in small individual ships? You have not thought this out.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:This is like the New Republic in the EU knowing about the Yuuzhan Vong and totally shrugging it off because they haven't invaded quite yet. It reduces the good guys to an obscene and unpractical level of stupidity to advance an unnecessary plot device, and one already milked to death for audience recognition and instant suspense. It is a bad fucking idea just for the same reason as every EU rehash superweapon.
Your analogy is flawed. The NR would of course be aware of the Remnant, as they were in the current EU. Why wouldn't they expect them to continue making WMD? The YV is an
unknown[/] threat. I'm proposing that we remember how huge a fucking galaxy is, and every neighboring star system wn't hear the hammerfalls of the Imps building another Death Star.
You mean like the Rebels found out about the Death Star I when they were a bunch of terrorists with them still waiting "until this station is fully operational"? You still don't get why a singular Death Star is much shittier for space patrol and DEFENSE than its equivalent in many ships which can be organized in one place or all over as you see fit. It is more strategically flexible.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:It makes no sense from a realistic conceptual point of view, it makes no sense from a thematic or plot point of view.
Because you say so?
No, because you clearly have not throught through even something as simple as the relative flexibility between a single huge ship and its equivalent weight and firepower in many ships, which can be spread out or concentrated as is required. The big ship cannot. Because you haven't thought through the movie calc numbers and the Saxton ICS numbers and why the Death Star is not special except for the size of the implementation.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:I'm sorry, but this is fucking stupid. The Rebellion as depicted in the movies clearly wanted to liberate the entire galaxy from the Empire as an institution and restore republican government. The idea they plausibly should sit on their hands from an either out-of-universe or in-universe point-of-view without the Emperor or a Death Star is fucking stupid.
Excuse me, but if you actually watched the end of ROTS, you would know that an Empire wasn't foisted on the galaxy out of nowhere. Palpatine proposed it, and was roundly cheered. I'm sure there were plenty of systems that weren't happy with that, and they would of course be the NR. So, are you saying the NR would foece pro-Imperial systems to join the NR? What have we there, then?
OF COURSE. ITS CALLED A FUCKING CIVIL WAR. ARE YOU SHITTING ME? Is the "Rebellion against the Empire" just going to believe the unrepresented fascist-ruled worlds are in compliance because the Empire says so? Are they going to sit and try and talk the rest of the galaxy into joining and not press the offensive against an obviously militaristic and aggressive regime? This is a hundred times more naive than any of the most contrived and hackneyed portrayals of NR incompetence.
I suppose you hate your American nation for having invaded and moved on majority loyalist British colonies during the Revolutionary War, too.
Lord Poe wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:Wars take time, I disagree that fans have such low attention span or cannot identify a war story arc with the films unless they provide contrived plot excuses for conflict like the entire Yavin plot premise over and over again. And if that garbage is actually necessary (the financial returns suggest you're wrong, in which case I guess you just want rehashes, as long as its your wank and not KJA's), I would have rather they just write any more stories.
I'm not the one with the short attention span here, because you apparently have never seen the end of ROTS. If you think that at the end of ROTJ the
entire galaxy wants yet another Republic, then you weren't paying attention. The lengthy struggle would be the NR trying to persuade the rest of the galaxy to join them. They don't get it handed to them on a silver platter, as you apparently envision. And quit mis-using "wank". Nowhere in my proposal have I "wanked" anything out. You simply haven't thought things through.
Yes I have, I have discussed with Publius and many other posters realistic and general conceptual understanding of the post-ROTJ Civil Wars. The Civil War would continue until one side threw in the towel. How do most civil wars you know about go on? This is all political and scientifically naive wank. I'm sorry, but it is. I suppose because there were happy German Nazis when Hitler signed the Enabling Act, that means there was no resistence or anti-Nazis. I suppose the support for leftists against the Tsar and his regime means that everyone loved the Bolsheviks 20 years later, when Stalin was butchering them. Your grasp of history and politics and the OBVIOUS thematic intent of the films is breathtaking.