That depends on how deep into the lava pool the Naga were able to extend the portal.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Incredible. Hell on Earth. I swear, I would not mind it if a good chunk of the later chapters got sidetracked from the Hell and Demon storylines and concentrated more on this Sheffield thing. Or, at least, have this featured prominently for the next bunch of chapters.
Will the magma flow eventually stop? Or will the portal keep on spewing lava until the volcano in hell runs out of magma? Pyroclastic clouds! Lahar! Talk about Dante's Peak!
It's obviously going to be extremely difficult to stop a lava flow. At best, they can try to direct it until the flow stops. But it has to go somewhere; whatever barriers you create to contain it will eventually become overwhelmed either by heat, pressure, or simple overflow as lava hardens into rock and more lava flows over top of the barrier. Until the flow stops, there is no feasible way to contain it. If the ground is fairly flat, the only real defense is to trade space for time, building defenses that will slow it down temporarily and falling back as you try to evacuate people from the region.
I don't know the geography of that area. Ideally there will be a slope along which they can direct the lava flow, and this slope will lead to a body of water.