What, the one with the extendable stock that NO ONE ever extended, so all the supposedly pro marines are all running round with stock-less guns like a bunch of somali militia? That one?Mr Bean wrote: 1. Weapons are shit, in a First person shooter if your weapons are shit, you got issues
And it's sad because these are the same guys who made Quake IV which features the best fucking non-real-life assault rifle in a video game ever
It's a testimate to how awesome it was that groaned when I had to swap to the Lightning gun or the Grenade launcher or the Shot-gun because I had run out of assault gun rounds
I thought the not-super-badass guns were good, they did make you feel more vulnerable and were more realistic; it's not as if you find RL marines all running around with M60's and somehow-attatched M203's and TOW's or something. The military don't make anti-demon rounds or specifically design guns to sound badass.