Valour and Mayhem Mk II (40k)
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Sith Acolyte
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- Singular Quartet
- Sith Marauder
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- Joined: 2002-07-04 05:33pm
- Location: This is sky. It is made of FUCKING and LIMIT.
Snuck it in under the radar, I suspect.Academia Nut wrote:Well, it looks like you were all disastisfied with the last update or I snuck one in under the radar. I presume then that you want to see what happened on the planet rather than something else? Like how he got to the ork world in the first place, or some of the origin stories of the odder members of his retinue?
Go on with the inquisitional incident of today, though. I am, however, interested how someone could be frightening to fucking Necrons.
SHIT! I MISSED IT!Academia Nut wrote:Well, it looks like you were all disastisfied with the last update or I snuck one in under the radar. I presume then that you want to see what happened on the planet rather than something else? Like how he got to the ork world in the first place, or some of the origin stories of the odder members of his retinue?
*runs to read*
*Returns* Shit... I really missed that one

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Academia Nut
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2598
- Joined: 2005-08-23 10:44pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Shaking his head, Federov then asked, “Okay, so we have established how you managed to goad an ork Warboss into following you… and while rather embarrassing and unconventional, annoying orks probably isn’t something that could be considered heretical.”
“You would have to shoot every Guardsman who ever smack talked if that were the case,” Mosegi replied with the sort of utmost seriousness that indicated that he would probably start doing just that sort of thing if smack talk was declared heretical. He wouldn’t necessarily like to give it up annoying his enemies, but he would do it.
“Right…” Federov said, remembering why everyone gave Mosegi a long leash: it kept him away from the sane people. “In any case, while annoying orks is not heretical or treasonous, triggering a Waaagh and dropping it on Imperial territories is. So prove to us that the threat was really as bad as you say. While the presence of the Chaos fleets is an indisputable fact, the level of corruption you claim is not. Also, despite your claims otherwise, the majority of the sector fleet was not captured.”
“Well that would be because of what happened next. I did not head down to the planet, I instead circled about and then boarded Fort Invincible in the confusion of the ongoing battle, with the intent of releasing any ships in lockdown that had yet to have their crews killed or turned to Chaos. We were rather fortunate in that the enemy did not have the numbers necessary to man the ships and felt arrogantly confident enough to leave the majority of the crews intact. Many of them on their own ships! We are of course purging the crews of any tainted members they may have picked up, but at the time expediency was more important than guaranteeing that every last member of a group of hundreds of thousands of ratings were clean. Of course, the officers got looked into first, and I executed a few commanding officers I did not feel were trustworthy at the time, but basically the reason why the majority of the fleet got away was because I managed to rescue them,” Mosegi explained.
“You expect us to believe that you broke all of those ships out?” One of the inquisitors asked.
“I had Francesca leading point,” Mosegi said as if that was enough in the way of explanation. For several of the inquisitors, including Federov, that was enough, although they still wanted details, but for those who did not know about the previous row over Francesca it was not enough.
Grumbling, one of them asked, “Alright, who exactly is this Francesca person? She was mentioned during your recording and she seems to be an object of some fear, but who is she exactly.”
“She’s a witch and a mutant and should be burned at the stake!” Inquisitor Dante, a notorious Monodominant cried out.
“She’s an Imperial Saint!” Inquisitor Julia, a fiery Thorian, countered. Those who were in the know soon started sending each other dirty glares, and the various ideological divides soon became evident. About a third of those in attendance wanted her dead, a third wanted her away from Mosegi’s control, and the remaining third had no idea what was going on.
Clearing this throat, Mosegi answered, “Francesca, formerly Sister Francesca of the Order of the Martyred Lady, was a member of a Retributor squad tasked with defending the shrine on a ship in the Warp that suffered from a Gellar field failure. Francesca was the only survivor in that section of what was believed to be a full scale daemonic incursion, but only barely and she was discovered unconscious by the other survivors on the ship. She may have come into direct contact with the raw Warp. Later on, while she was serving as a Sister Repentia for her failure aboard the ship, it was discovered that she had some rather incredible new abilities of the sort that could be either blasphemous or divine in nature. I keep her in my employ both for her protection and to keep an eye on her… of course, she is also one of the finest and most devoted soldiers of the Imperium I have ever had the pleasure to work with.”
“I’m sure the fact that she’s eternally twenty has nothing to do with it either,” Julia said venomously.
Riva grabbed Mosegi by the coat and hauled him back into his seat before he could even finish rising to hurl invective at Julia. He was stunned for a moment before he smiled at Riva and said, “Thank you Dame Lake, I very nearly sank to their level.”
“This is what you get for acting like a dirty old man,” Riva whispered, rolling her eyes, while Federov yelled at the other Inquisitors to settle down.
Shaking his head, Federov just said, “There is a full report on Francesca that has already been filed, and I have already, in conjunction with several other Inquisitor Lords, ruled that she is best kept under Inquisitor Mosegi’s watchful eye for the time being. Of course, if this court rules that Inquisitor Mosegi himself is guilty of heresy and treason then we will have to reopen that case. But let us not let that incident cloud our judgement on this one.”
Nodding politely, Mosegi said, “Thank you Lord Inquisitor. I apologize for my near outburst; Francesca is one of the most pious and gentle… well, when she is not smiting the enemies of the Emperor… women I have ever had the pleasure to work with and to defame her name by suggesting that she would break her vows to the Emperor…” Mosegi took a deep breath before he finished, “It filled me with considerable rage.”
“Yes. Well, we were talking about your assault on Fort Invincible,” Federov pointed out.
Thinking it over for a moment, Mosegi pulled out a data slate and said, “I brought with me all sorts of recordings, and I think this one should answer some of your questions. It’s a recording from a pict recorder on my helmet during the assault.”
The assault on Fort Invincible was going well. They had rammed the city sized space station with the Imperator Furiosus Vir, having snuck up in the confusion of the brawl occurring between the Chaos and ork fleets. The fortress had actually been turning the tide in the favour of Chaos, but unfortunately getting a warship in its decks like a stiletto to the kidneys had rather impaired its ability to affect the outcome of the fight.
Clad head to toe in ornate power armour and carrying a thunder hammer gifted to him by a Brother-Captain of the Salamanders Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes for bailing half a company out of danger nearly fifty years ago. Mosegi tended to get along with the Adeptus Astartes… well mostly. The ones with a sense of humour, or at least humanity, tended to tolerate his antics while also appreciating his militant, no nonsense attitude towards actually doing his job. Jerks like the Dark Angels or the Black Templars tended to not want anything to do with him, and he them.
While overseeing the unlocking of the cruiser Pessime Fortuna, one of the storm troopers culled from Mosegi’s old regiment ran up breathlessly to him. The 117th Penal Regiment, had encountered some rather interesting fortunes after Mosegi’s ascendancy to the ranks of the Inquisition, and now the best from that lot of criminals formed the 11th company, the Lost Company. In exchange for a five year tour under Mosegi they would receive a full Inquisitorial pardon, their records wiped clean… at least officially, as Mosegi wasn’t stupid enough to release efficient killers back into the wild without some way of tracking them. Of course, since none of them had made it the full five years so far, that was just a theoretical concern.
Glancing at the man, Mosegi immediately asked, “You have a report for me?”
“Yes my lord, we have encountered members of the Traitor Legions in the main promenade… and they are summoning forth daemons to fight for them,” the trooper said. “Their foul powers are jamming our communications.”
Nodding, Mosegi asked, “Very well. Who is on scene now?”
“Platoons four through seven, along with the Adepta Sororitas and Francesca. We were in a fighting retreat when I was dispatched to bring you this message,” the man replied.
“Return to your squad, I shall be moving up to join the battle personally. Riva, get the rest of the company moving forward, Helena, get your assassins to try and take out the sorcerers from the rear if at all possible,” Mosegi ordered while checking the charge on his hammer and the fuel in the flask for his plasma blaster. Once he was satisfied he began a slow jog towards the indicated area, or rather a slow jog for him as his armour allowed him to move significantly faster than the others.
The sight that greeted him when he came to the promenade was one of utter mayhem. For the forces of Chaos. The various mortal cultists were running away as quickly as possible from the charnel house that formed the lower level, shooting and stabbing one another in desperation to get away from the horror taking place nearby. The upper level with its catwalks and such was not much better, with many of the Chaos forces pinned down by the elements of the Lost Company and the squad of Adepta Sororita Retributors Mosegi brought with him at all times.
And at the centre of all the death and destruction was Francesca, surrounded by daemons and parts of daemons, gore of a wide variety of hues staining her armour, which was now scratched and slashed in numerous places. Her assault cannon lay empty and discarded on one side of the lower level of the promenade, obviously where she had run out of ammo, but clutched in her hands was the last remaining piece of equipment her Order had allowed to take with her after her exile.
Her Eviscerator.
With a single sweep of the massive blade she cut three bloodletters in half, splattering brilliant red blood everywhere. The crowd of daemons crowding about her tried to get at her with their vicious weapons, showing no more fear than her, but there was a certain hesitation to their movements that probably had to with the fact that Francesca showed absolutely no fear of them, and their attacks had the unpleasant tendency to simply bounce off her.
Oh, and her head was on fire.
Bellowing invocations to the Emperor, her very breath spewing out the flames from her burning lungs, Francesca continued to plough her way through the daemon horde towards the Traitor Marines trying to hold their lines together even as the psychotic, neigh invincible woman advanced through their lines of daemons. The occasional shot from a bolt pistol would occasionally find Francesca, but it would either impact harmlessly on her armour or even strike the daemons around her.
Striding into the fray, Mosegi turned a bloodletter into contaminated ash with his plasma blaster and knocked another clear across the promenade with his hammer. He then bellowed out, “Advance! Leave no traitor alive!”
Bolstered by the appearance of the Inquisitor and the holy fury Francesca was wreaking upon the daemons, the forces that had merely been holding before began to move forward, taking up positions that were less about defence and more about maximizing their fire lanes and the damage they could do. Grenades began to rain down upon the daemon horde from the Imperial forces on the upper levels, while hellgun shots started to scythe into the enemy.
Mosegi felt a brief pressure on his back and he knew that Helena had just used him as a stepping stone to get to the upper level. Rushing between the crossfire of both forces, the nimble assassin adroitly dodged the fire on all sides before dropping down in the midst of the Traitor Marines directing the summoning of the daemons.
They were fast. The assassin, boosted by just about every gene therapy, surgery, and chemical Mosegi could get his hands on, was faster. Her power blade whipped out and bisected the standard that was being used as the focus for the summoning of the daemons. Mosegi took the moment of confusion to line up the blasphemous icon with his plasma blaster before he pulled the trigger and sent a brilliant ball of blue-white destruction hurtling into it.
With an agonized scream the remaining daemons faded from the material universe, leaving the enemy Marines completely exposed to Imperial fire, Mosegi, and worst of all, Francesca. The cowardly lot immediately weighed their options and turned to flee.
They did not make it.
Once the last of the Traitor Marines fell dead to the deck plates, Mosegi glanced at Francesca and said, “Dear, your head is on fire again, you might want to put it out.”
Francesca looked at Mosegi curiously for a moment before raising a hand to her face, and when it came away burning for a moment she exclaimed, “Whoops!” before she began to pat her head down while holding her breath to extinguish the flames burning away in her lungs. It wasn’t exactly easy, but in short order she got it under control.
The flames had done almost no damage to her, mostly just burning away hair and surface skin and fat, and within an instant she was healed up again, her features seraphic and youthful; her lustrous black hair growing back to shoulder length in seconds as it tended to do after being removed. Whenever her head was set alight by regular means it had a tendency to stay lit, her ability to shrug off damage keeping her safe while her regeneration gave the flames hair for wicks and flesh for fuel.
Mosegi surveyed her armour and sighed. The Techpriests would throw a fit. Again. Francesca went through armour at an alarming rate, and she in fact had three suits of power armour available to her: one for use, one for reserve, and one inevitably in repair. She tended to break the active one faster than the one in repair could be moved into reserve, hence the need for three suits.
Holstering her Eviscerator across her back, Francesca walked over to where her assault cannon lay and effortlessly picked up the massive, heavy weapon. Frowning, she asked, “Do we have any supply depots set up yet? I’m out of ammunition for my gun.”
“And that is Francesca in a nutshell… at least in combat; she’s very different outside of it, so sweet and pious and always praying for honourable death at various shrines,” Mosegi said to the group, a third of which was now looking at him with stunned expressions and trying to make up their minds as to where they lay on the issue of what should be done with the young looking woman.
Or the madman that apparently held her leash.
Linguistic bonus on the Mosegi's ship name. Can you figure it out?
“You would have to shoot every Guardsman who ever smack talked if that were the case,” Mosegi replied with the sort of utmost seriousness that indicated that he would probably start doing just that sort of thing if smack talk was declared heretical. He wouldn’t necessarily like to give it up annoying his enemies, but he would do it.
“Right…” Federov said, remembering why everyone gave Mosegi a long leash: it kept him away from the sane people. “In any case, while annoying orks is not heretical or treasonous, triggering a Waaagh and dropping it on Imperial territories is. So prove to us that the threat was really as bad as you say. While the presence of the Chaos fleets is an indisputable fact, the level of corruption you claim is not. Also, despite your claims otherwise, the majority of the sector fleet was not captured.”
“Well that would be because of what happened next. I did not head down to the planet, I instead circled about and then boarded Fort Invincible in the confusion of the ongoing battle, with the intent of releasing any ships in lockdown that had yet to have their crews killed or turned to Chaos. We were rather fortunate in that the enemy did not have the numbers necessary to man the ships and felt arrogantly confident enough to leave the majority of the crews intact. Many of them on their own ships! We are of course purging the crews of any tainted members they may have picked up, but at the time expediency was more important than guaranteeing that every last member of a group of hundreds of thousands of ratings were clean. Of course, the officers got looked into first, and I executed a few commanding officers I did not feel were trustworthy at the time, but basically the reason why the majority of the fleet got away was because I managed to rescue them,” Mosegi explained.
“You expect us to believe that you broke all of those ships out?” One of the inquisitors asked.
“I had Francesca leading point,” Mosegi said as if that was enough in the way of explanation. For several of the inquisitors, including Federov, that was enough, although they still wanted details, but for those who did not know about the previous row over Francesca it was not enough.
Grumbling, one of them asked, “Alright, who exactly is this Francesca person? She was mentioned during your recording and she seems to be an object of some fear, but who is she exactly.”
“She’s a witch and a mutant and should be burned at the stake!” Inquisitor Dante, a notorious Monodominant cried out.
“She’s an Imperial Saint!” Inquisitor Julia, a fiery Thorian, countered. Those who were in the know soon started sending each other dirty glares, and the various ideological divides soon became evident. About a third of those in attendance wanted her dead, a third wanted her away from Mosegi’s control, and the remaining third had no idea what was going on.
Clearing this throat, Mosegi answered, “Francesca, formerly Sister Francesca of the Order of the Martyred Lady, was a member of a Retributor squad tasked with defending the shrine on a ship in the Warp that suffered from a Gellar field failure. Francesca was the only survivor in that section of what was believed to be a full scale daemonic incursion, but only barely and she was discovered unconscious by the other survivors on the ship. She may have come into direct contact with the raw Warp. Later on, while she was serving as a Sister Repentia for her failure aboard the ship, it was discovered that she had some rather incredible new abilities of the sort that could be either blasphemous or divine in nature. I keep her in my employ both for her protection and to keep an eye on her… of course, she is also one of the finest and most devoted soldiers of the Imperium I have ever had the pleasure to work with.”
“I’m sure the fact that she’s eternally twenty has nothing to do with it either,” Julia said venomously.
Riva grabbed Mosegi by the coat and hauled him back into his seat before he could even finish rising to hurl invective at Julia. He was stunned for a moment before he smiled at Riva and said, “Thank you Dame Lake, I very nearly sank to their level.”
“This is what you get for acting like a dirty old man,” Riva whispered, rolling her eyes, while Federov yelled at the other Inquisitors to settle down.
Shaking his head, Federov just said, “There is a full report on Francesca that has already been filed, and I have already, in conjunction with several other Inquisitor Lords, ruled that she is best kept under Inquisitor Mosegi’s watchful eye for the time being. Of course, if this court rules that Inquisitor Mosegi himself is guilty of heresy and treason then we will have to reopen that case. But let us not let that incident cloud our judgement on this one.”
Nodding politely, Mosegi said, “Thank you Lord Inquisitor. I apologize for my near outburst; Francesca is one of the most pious and gentle… well, when she is not smiting the enemies of the Emperor… women I have ever had the pleasure to work with and to defame her name by suggesting that she would break her vows to the Emperor…” Mosegi took a deep breath before he finished, “It filled me with considerable rage.”
“Yes. Well, we were talking about your assault on Fort Invincible,” Federov pointed out.
Thinking it over for a moment, Mosegi pulled out a data slate and said, “I brought with me all sorts of recordings, and I think this one should answer some of your questions. It’s a recording from a pict recorder on my helmet during the assault.”
The assault on Fort Invincible was going well. They had rammed the city sized space station with the Imperator Furiosus Vir, having snuck up in the confusion of the brawl occurring between the Chaos and ork fleets. The fortress had actually been turning the tide in the favour of Chaos, but unfortunately getting a warship in its decks like a stiletto to the kidneys had rather impaired its ability to affect the outcome of the fight.
Clad head to toe in ornate power armour and carrying a thunder hammer gifted to him by a Brother-Captain of the Salamanders Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes for bailing half a company out of danger nearly fifty years ago. Mosegi tended to get along with the Adeptus Astartes… well mostly. The ones with a sense of humour, or at least humanity, tended to tolerate his antics while also appreciating his militant, no nonsense attitude towards actually doing his job. Jerks like the Dark Angels or the Black Templars tended to not want anything to do with him, and he them.
While overseeing the unlocking of the cruiser Pessime Fortuna, one of the storm troopers culled from Mosegi’s old regiment ran up breathlessly to him. The 117th Penal Regiment, had encountered some rather interesting fortunes after Mosegi’s ascendancy to the ranks of the Inquisition, and now the best from that lot of criminals formed the 11th company, the Lost Company. In exchange for a five year tour under Mosegi they would receive a full Inquisitorial pardon, their records wiped clean… at least officially, as Mosegi wasn’t stupid enough to release efficient killers back into the wild without some way of tracking them. Of course, since none of them had made it the full five years so far, that was just a theoretical concern.
Glancing at the man, Mosegi immediately asked, “You have a report for me?”
“Yes my lord, we have encountered members of the Traitor Legions in the main promenade… and they are summoning forth daemons to fight for them,” the trooper said. “Their foul powers are jamming our communications.”
Nodding, Mosegi asked, “Very well. Who is on scene now?”
“Platoons four through seven, along with the Adepta Sororitas and Francesca. We were in a fighting retreat when I was dispatched to bring you this message,” the man replied.
“Return to your squad, I shall be moving up to join the battle personally. Riva, get the rest of the company moving forward, Helena, get your assassins to try and take out the sorcerers from the rear if at all possible,” Mosegi ordered while checking the charge on his hammer and the fuel in the flask for his plasma blaster. Once he was satisfied he began a slow jog towards the indicated area, or rather a slow jog for him as his armour allowed him to move significantly faster than the others.
The sight that greeted him when he came to the promenade was one of utter mayhem. For the forces of Chaos. The various mortal cultists were running away as quickly as possible from the charnel house that formed the lower level, shooting and stabbing one another in desperation to get away from the horror taking place nearby. The upper level with its catwalks and such was not much better, with many of the Chaos forces pinned down by the elements of the Lost Company and the squad of Adepta Sororita Retributors Mosegi brought with him at all times.
And at the centre of all the death and destruction was Francesca, surrounded by daemons and parts of daemons, gore of a wide variety of hues staining her armour, which was now scratched and slashed in numerous places. Her assault cannon lay empty and discarded on one side of the lower level of the promenade, obviously where she had run out of ammo, but clutched in her hands was the last remaining piece of equipment her Order had allowed to take with her after her exile.
Her Eviscerator.
With a single sweep of the massive blade she cut three bloodletters in half, splattering brilliant red blood everywhere. The crowd of daemons crowding about her tried to get at her with their vicious weapons, showing no more fear than her, but there was a certain hesitation to their movements that probably had to with the fact that Francesca showed absolutely no fear of them, and their attacks had the unpleasant tendency to simply bounce off her.
Oh, and her head was on fire.
Bellowing invocations to the Emperor, her very breath spewing out the flames from her burning lungs, Francesca continued to plough her way through the daemon horde towards the Traitor Marines trying to hold their lines together even as the psychotic, neigh invincible woman advanced through their lines of daemons. The occasional shot from a bolt pistol would occasionally find Francesca, but it would either impact harmlessly on her armour or even strike the daemons around her.
Striding into the fray, Mosegi turned a bloodletter into contaminated ash with his plasma blaster and knocked another clear across the promenade with his hammer. He then bellowed out, “Advance! Leave no traitor alive!”
Bolstered by the appearance of the Inquisitor and the holy fury Francesca was wreaking upon the daemons, the forces that had merely been holding before began to move forward, taking up positions that were less about defence and more about maximizing their fire lanes and the damage they could do. Grenades began to rain down upon the daemon horde from the Imperial forces on the upper levels, while hellgun shots started to scythe into the enemy.
Mosegi felt a brief pressure on his back and he knew that Helena had just used him as a stepping stone to get to the upper level. Rushing between the crossfire of both forces, the nimble assassin adroitly dodged the fire on all sides before dropping down in the midst of the Traitor Marines directing the summoning of the daemons.
They were fast. The assassin, boosted by just about every gene therapy, surgery, and chemical Mosegi could get his hands on, was faster. Her power blade whipped out and bisected the standard that was being used as the focus for the summoning of the daemons. Mosegi took the moment of confusion to line up the blasphemous icon with his plasma blaster before he pulled the trigger and sent a brilliant ball of blue-white destruction hurtling into it.
With an agonized scream the remaining daemons faded from the material universe, leaving the enemy Marines completely exposed to Imperial fire, Mosegi, and worst of all, Francesca. The cowardly lot immediately weighed their options and turned to flee.
They did not make it.
Once the last of the Traitor Marines fell dead to the deck plates, Mosegi glanced at Francesca and said, “Dear, your head is on fire again, you might want to put it out.”
Francesca looked at Mosegi curiously for a moment before raising a hand to her face, and when it came away burning for a moment she exclaimed, “Whoops!” before she began to pat her head down while holding her breath to extinguish the flames burning away in her lungs. It wasn’t exactly easy, but in short order she got it under control.
The flames had done almost no damage to her, mostly just burning away hair and surface skin and fat, and within an instant she was healed up again, her features seraphic and youthful; her lustrous black hair growing back to shoulder length in seconds as it tended to do after being removed. Whenever her head was set alight by regular means it had a tendency to stay lit, her ability to shrug off damage keeping her safe while her regeneration gave the flames hair for wicks and flesh for fuel.
Mosegi surveyed her armour and sighed. The Techpriests would throw a fit. Again. Francesca went through armour at an alarming rate, and she in fact had three suits of power armour available to her: one for use, one for reserve, and one inevitably in repair. She tended to break the active one faster than the one in repair could be moved into reserve, hence the need for three suits.
Holstering her Eviscerator across her back, Francesca walked over to where her assault cannon lay and effortlessly picked up the massive, heavy weapon. Frowning, she asked, “Do we have any supply depots set up yet? I’m out of ammunition for my gun.”
“And that is Francesca in a nutshell… at least in combat; she’s very different outside of it, so sweet and pious and always praying for honourable death at various shrines,” Mosegi said to the group, a third of which was now looking at him with stunned expressions and trying to make up their minds as to where they lay on the issue of what should be done with the young looking woman.
Or the madman that apparently held her leash.
Linguistic bonus on the Mosegi's ship name. Can you figure it out?
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen.
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
- Homicidal Maniac
- Posts: 6964
- Joined: 2002-07-07 03:06pm
- White Haven
- Sith Acolyte
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- Joined: 2004-05-17 03:14pm
- Location: The North Remembers, When It Can Be Bothered
That....I admit that's actually the image that came to mind for me as well.

Out of Context Theatre, this week starring Darth Nostril.
-'If you really want to fuck with these idiots tell them that there is a vaccine for chemtrails.'
Fiction!: The Final War (Bolo/Lovecraft) (Ch 7 9/15/11), Living (D&D, Complete)

Francesca is a very pious woman indeed.... Halo of fire?

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Academia Nut
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2598
- Joined: 2005-08-23 10:44pm
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Imperator Furiosus Vir translates out very roughly as Emperor('s) Furious Man/Soldier from what I gathered from the online translator. While it doesn't exactly work in Latin, when you turn it into English you can stretch it out a bit to read "Emperor's Mad Man". And it's Mosegi's ship.
I love learning. Teach me. I will listen.
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists
You know, if Christian dogma included a ten-foot tall Jesus walking around in battle armor and smashing retarded cultists with a gaint mace, I might just convert - Noble Ire on Jesus smashing Scientologists