nBSG Episode 406: "Faith"

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Post by Spanky The Dolphin »

LadyTevar wrote:I'm waiting for someone to transcribe what the Hybrid was saying beforehand. Some of her ranting was basic repair cycles, but the rest had moments where it seemed like she was answering Starbuck or Natalie.
Most of what the Hybrids have said so far has been transcribed on Battlestar Wiki.
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Post by [R_H] »

The room they were in when Kara went to "talk" to the Hybrid, that wasn't the bridge, was it? Isn't the Hybrid tank on the bridge?
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Post by DesertFly »

[R_H] wrote:The room they were in when Kara went to "talk" to the Hybrid, that wasn't the bridge, was it? Isn't the Hybrid tank on the bridge?
As far as I can remember, without checking every episode on a Basestar, the hybrid tank has never been on the bridge. Baltar was on the bridge shortly into his time with the Cylons, but the hybrid reveal came at a later time, in a distinctly different room.
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

Personally I'm still talking about this "god" with inverted commas. I'm not quite sure what some of you chaps expect from this show that has had this rivalry of beliefs central from the start. It seems pretty obvious that there's something real behind it, the only question is what is it. All the religious trappings of the hints we have to it doesn't mean it's genuinely an omnipotent Jehova in the sky.

It strikes me as being an artificial "god". I'd put good money on the end result not being a simple "Christianity is real, lol" ending.
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

DesertFly wrote:The five from Earth are the Final Five; they were with the human colonies and helped develop the new Cylons, giving them programming not to think about them.
So Anders, Tigh, Tyrol, Foster are some how not recognised as the very people who invented the Cylons in the first place in Caprica when Bill Adama was a friggen kid? do these four get a constant stream of "Hey, you look like one of the guys who build the Cylons" back before the first war? Are these five over three thousand years old?:roll:. Oh, do you know if these people have been cast for the Caprica series?

The Lords of Kobol were part of the same group as the Cylon god, he/she/it broke away from them, possibly in the same cataclysm that forced humanity off that world and later started his own religion among the rebellious, exiled new Cylons.
How do you know?

Humanity is originally from Earth, they went to Kobol, and when everyone left a group of them returned there. It's very likely the Lords of Kobol (whatever they are) went back with them.

We will see, but I dont read the mind of the writers.
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Post by DesertFly »

Stuart Mackey wrote:
DesertFly wrote:The five from Earth are the Final Five; they were with the human colonies and helped develop the new Cylons, giving them programming not to think about them.
So Anders, Tigh, Tyrol, Foster are some how not recognised as the very people who invented the Cylons in the first place in Caprica when Bill Adama was a friggen kid? do these four get a constant stream of "Hey, you look like one of the guys who build the Cylons" back before the first war? Are these five over three thousand years old?:roll:. Oh, do you know if these people have been cast for the Caprica series?

The Lords of Kobol were part of the same group as the Cylon god, he/she/it broke away from them, possibly in the same cataclysm that forced humanity off that world and later started his own religion among the rebellious, exiled new Cylons.
How do you know?

Humanity is originally from Earth, they went to Kobol, and when everyone left a group of them returned there. It's very likely the Lords of Kobol (whatever they are) went back with them.

We will see, but I dont read the mind of the writers.
Apparently the concept of speculation is lost on you. Shall I in the future preface all of my supposition with appropriate warnings to avoid confusing you, or is it that you have an issue with the very fact that I'm guessing about the end of the show? I supposed it was obvious that my post was conjecture, but it seems that the concept is too difficult to understand for certain people.

As for
So Anders, Tigh, Tyrol, Foster are some how not recognised as the very people who invented the Cylons in the first place in Caprica when Bill Adama was a friggen kid? do these four get a constant stream of "Hey, you look like one of the guys who build the Cylons" back before the first war? Are these five over three thousand years old?Rolling Eyes. Oh, do you know if these people have been cast for the Caprica series?
you do realize that there are plausible explanations for this, right? They range from the simple (there were simply enough people in the colonies pre-attack that the coincidence was never noticed) to the more complex (the final five have the ability to download as well as their younger siblings, and downloaded into bodies that looked different) to variants of the first (not all of them helped in the creation of the Cylons, only the "younger" ones, and they resurrected and reintegrated somewhere else.) Or they had disguises and had their memory erased by something else ("god"?) These are just what I thought up in five minutes. I'm sure others could do similar.

The point is, my theory is plausible enough if you can rub two brain cells together to make your retarded knee-jerk reaction seem like the childish attention-whoring it is.
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Post by LadyTevar »

There's also the fact that D'anna kept complaining she couldn't see their faces... up until the very last when she apologised to the figure she saw. We do not see that one, and the other figures are all blurry -- could D'anna have seen only the one?

And would that be one of the 4?
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Post by Old Plympto »

LadyTevar wrote:There's also the fact that D'anna kept complaining she couldn't see their faces... up until the very last when she apologised to the figure she saw. We do not see that one, and the other figures are all blurry -- could D'anna have seen only the one?

And would that be one of the 4?
I'd be very much interested on who it was that caused D'anna to lose her composure and apologize, and why.
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Post by Skylon »

LadyTevar wrote:There's also the fact that D'anna kept complaining she couldn't see their faces... up until the very last when she apologised to the figure she saw. We do not see that one, and the other figures are all blurry -- could D'anna have seen only the one?

And would that be one of the 4?
It could have been Tigh or Anders. It could have been an apology for what happened to Tigh's eye on New Caprica. Or Anders who she nearly killed on Caprica in "Downloaded".
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Post by NeoGoomba »

I liked how the skinjobs still treat Centurions as mere tools to be ignored, even though they championed their return of sentience (sp?). If they were paying that one Centurion any mind when they tried to unhook the Hybrid, they would have seen it start to freak out before that big death-yell, and probably could have avoided the shootout.
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Post by Themightytom »

I liked how starbuck pwned a centurion by using relevant military training. She dropped immediately to one knee and nshot away as opposed to the classic Riker maneuver, "Puff out your chest, take a firm rooted stance and extend your hand to its length so that you can have maximum shake to screw up your aim."

I wonder if Baltar will stop having visions after what happened to blondie? maybe there was a dual subconcious projection thing going on, although that would fanTASTIC range from Caprica to wherever baltar was so I suppose not.

Are they going to bring that POS basestar back with them to the fleet? I feel like thats a good way to make Adama tweak.

Why were the Sharon's clothed? Weren't they in their birthday suits over kobol?

What are the chances that Baltar is actually the prophet and that he will end up getting wounded or has a brain tumor or something. That would make El presidente feel some what sheepish.

Pretty high supporting character body count here. I feel Dees on borrowed time.

And seriously Anders really needed to have his sidearm removed at some point.

Skylon thats an awesome quote, i always wondered what Sheridan was doing with his arms when he jumped at Khazad er i mean Zha'hadoom.

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Post by DesertFly »

Themightytom wrote:I wonder if Baltar will stop having visions after what happened to blondie? maybe there was a dual subconcious projection thing going on, although that would fanTASTIC range from Caprica to wherever baltar was so I suppose not.
Just thought I'd point this out. I wouldn't call the range between Caprica and Baltar all that great, considering she's at most a few hundred meters away in Galactica's brig.
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Post by HSRTG »

I have to confess that I turned the TV off after Starbuck was given the Raptor. I'm sorry, but I just feel that after Gaeta was shot, Helo's next words should have been "Sargent, fire".
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Post by CaptJodan »

Themightytom wrote: What are the chances that Baltar is actually the prophet and that he will end up getting wounded or has a brain tumor or something. That would make El presidente feel some what sheepish.
One way or another, I'm betting that Baltar somehow "saves" humanity and helps them get to Earth in some way. Perhaps not by himself, but I feel like Moore is setting him up as a "redeemed" character by the end. It may be a combination of all 3 "prophets" that, combined, help them reach Earth.
Pretty high supporting character body count here. I feel Dees on borrowed time.
I think we'll see Seelix buy it any week now. And if Dee is the 5th Cylon...
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Post by consequences »

HSRTG wrote:I have to confess that I turned the TV off after Starbuck was given the Raptor. I'm sorry, but I just feel that after Gaeta was shot, Helo's next words should have been "Sargent, fire".
Because Helo should go completely out of character to cater to your whims?

"Sergeant, take this man into custody" would at least be somewhat plausible. Summary execution isn't.
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Post by Anguirus »

I think we'll see Seelix buy it any week now.
Seems credible, especially since Barolay just died and I could barely tell the difference between the two. :P

Although considering how much they are playing up her newfound Viper skills, maybe she'll stick around at least until the attack on the Resurrection Hub
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by tim31 »

^Agree with your last.

As everyone already said, great Roslin character moments this episode, but I only gave it three because I was frustrated with the trickle of useful information.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

I watched the episode and really enjoyed it, though there is going to be hell to pay on Anders for shooting Gaeta like that.

The scene I enjoyed the most is the one where the one Six attacks the Galactica Redshit who drowned her on New Caprica and the resultant scene. Interesting look into Cylon psychology... they are increasingly obviously not being able to hold on to being machines. No wonder the Cylons are falling apart. Dying and resurrecting is just seems to be bad for them.

While I'm somewhat disappointed that Kara got justified, I'm glad the Hybrid basically told her that "Guess what? You're the antichrist and won't lead people to Earth!".
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Post by Silver Jedi »

Five minutes into the episode it felt like they hit all the significant suggestions of last week's thread.
Gil Hamilton wrote:While I'm somewhat disappointed that Kara got justified, I'm glad the Hybrid basically told her that "Guess what? You're the antichrist and won't lead people to Earth!".
Those too don't necessarily go hand in hand. This:
The Hybrid wrote:The children of the one reborn shall find their own country.
leads me to believe she will lead them to earth. However, the whole " harbinger of death" thing is pretty straightforward too.
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

DesertFly wrote:
The point is, my theory is plausible enough if you can rub two brain cells together to make your retarded knee-jerk reaction seem like the childish attention-whoring it is.
You moronic gadfly, it is a matter of public record that the makers of the show have said that humans build the Cylons (and Bill Adama's was around at the time and his family was involved) and this will be shown in the series Caprica. Of course this is to say nothing of the fact that its clearly state in the fucking show that humans build the Cylons. Your 'speculation' is nothing more than ignorant bullshit. So take your sarcastic diatribe and shove it up your arse.
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Post by DesertFly »

Stuart Mackey wrote:
DesertFly wrote:
The point is, my theory is plausible enough if you can rub two brain cells together to make your retarded knee-jerk reaction seem like the childish attention-whoring it is.
You moronic gadfly, it is a matter of public record that the makers of the show have said that humans build the Cylons (and Bill Adama's was around at the time and his family was involved) and this will be shown in the series Caprica. Of course this is to say nothing of the fact that its clearly state in the fucking show that humans build the Cylons. Your 'speculation' is nothing more than ignorant bullshit. So take your sarcastic diatribe and shove it up your arse.
Oh wow, and since it was common knowledge that humanoid Cylons had infiltrated the twelve colonies, everything that every character says on the show about the creation of the original Cylons is obviously completely true. Especially since there were models there many years before the newer ones were sent in to sabotage the fleet. :roll:

And who says that a) the creators are giving us the whole story about the creation of them b) the creators even knew what they wanted the whole story to be when they first started saying that stuff, or c) they're not being ambiguous for other reasons.

But again, apparently anything that hasn't been laid down as gospel truth is taboo to you. It would be nice if you weren't such an asshole.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Themightytom wrote:I liked how starbuck pwned a centurion by using relevant military training. She dropped immediately to one knee and nshot away as opposed to the classic Riker maneuver, "Puff out your chest, take a firm rooted stance and extend your hand to its length so that you can have maximum shake to screw up your aim."
Actually it was ATHENA who dropped to her knee as she pulled her sidearm, before blasting the Centurion. Starbuck stood there without taking cover, pulled TWO pistols and blasted away with both, probably hitting nothing.

The episode was far better then the last few, it actually moved the plot forward. Helo removed Starbuck under some Colonial regulation, and so he probably had at least some level of legitimacy to having Starbuck removed. My guess is that the regulation lets an XO remove the CO from duty if they are grossly incompetent in the opinion of many other senior officers, at least long enough to get to a higher authority (in this case Adama) and let THEM sort it out. So it wasn't really a mutiny.

Anders on the other hand, has to be charged and thrown into the brig. He fucking SHOT Gaeta, possibly destroying his leg in the process! It would have IMO been far more believable if then everyone else in the room (bar Athena who was holding Starbuck) pulled their guns and pointed them at HIM, before Helo chilled everyone or something, but he should NEVER have been allowed to go with Starbuck, he should have been locked up.

And doesn't ANYONE on that ship know basic infection control?

They just shoved Gaeta into a (filthy) rack. They left their slapdash bandage on his wound. They DIDN'T change it regularly, nor did they keep it clean (he was leaking blood all over his leg, he was SOAKED by the end of the episodes) and while I grant that by now, medical supplies of advanced drugs must be running to critical (even if the Cylons brought enough for everyone on New Caprica and they looted a lot on the way out) some BASIC work would be useful.

And waiting for Starbuck? WHY?

The logical thing to do would be to jump back to the fleet at ONCE, get Gaeta medical attention, brief Adama, refuel the ship as fast as possible, THEN jump back to pick up Starbuck. Does anyone seriously think Adama would refuse to let them go back to pick her up?

And who was the nutter who said 'Frak yeah, let the Cylon go' when Starbuck volunteered Athena to go? And who said they should just 'space' Starbucks Cylon ass? If she clearly hates and doesn't trust Starbuck and Athena, why DID she put her hand up to go on the mission with them? And why didn't anyone smack her down?

And for that matter, why did Helo and everyone take the Base Ship at its word that it was the landing party when they arrived! The Cylons can surely put out signals on any Colonial channel. And how the hell is Helo going to know the difference over the wireless between Athena and some other Eight? There were no codewords, no challenges (which could be comprised if they forcibly download Athena or something), instead they just say 'hey, its all good'. A little too relaxed?
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Post by Anguirus »

And who was the nutter who said 'Frak yeah, let the Cylon go' when Starbuck volunteered Athena to go? And who said they should just 'space' Starbucks Cylon ass? If she clearly hates and doesn't trust Starbuck and Athena, why DID she put her hand up to go on the mission with them? And why didn't anyone smack her down?
I think you're getting Seelix and Barolay mixed up...not that I blame you, they look and sound damn similar. Seelix was on the bridge and had those two lines, while Barolay accompanied them on the mission and was killed by Six

And for that matter, why did Helo and everyone take the Base Ship at its word that it was the landing party when they arrived! The Cylons can surely put out signals on any Colonial channel. And how the hell is Helo going to know the difference over the wireless between Athena and some other Eight? There were no codewords, no challenges (which could be comprised if they forcibly download Athena or something), instead they just say 'hey, its all good'. A little too relaxed?
Good points, but if the basestar was hostile it could have just blasted them to smithereens right away.
"I spit on metaphysics, sir."

"I pity the woman you marry." -Liberty

This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

Destructionator XIII wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:The logical thing to do would be to jump back to the fleet at ONCE, get Gaeta medical attention, brief Adama, refuel the ship as fast as possible, THEN jump back to pick up Starbuck. Does anyone seriously think Adama would refuse to let them go back to pick her up?
I rationalized this by saying they were more than 15 hours away from the main fleet; it would simply take too long to go there and back..
I, personally, rationalize it by hypothesizing that it's possible to catch crazy and the whole lot of them have caught it from spending too much time in close quarters with Foul 'Ol R . . . I mean Captain Aha . . . I mean Kara Thrace.
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Post by CaptJodan »

GrandMasterTerwynn wrote:
Destructionator XIII wrote:
Chris OFarrell wrote:The logical thing to do would be to jump back to the fleet at ONCE, get Gaeta medical attention, brief Adama, refuel the ship as fast as possible, THEN jump back to pick up Starbuck. Does anyone seriously think Adama would refuse to let them go back to pick her up?
I rationalized this by saying they were more than 15 hours away from the main fleet; it would simply take too long to go there and back..
I, personally, rationalize it by hypothesizing that it's possible to catch crazy and the whole lot of them have caught it from spending too much time in close quarters with Foul 'Ol R . . . I mean Captain Aha . . . I mean Kara Thrace.
While I rationalized/hoped that Helo recognized how stupid it was to be there in the first place, and if he went back and explained the situation to Adama and/or Roslin, they wouldn't have let him go back. Then he'd jump, just to make sure they couldn't be tracked down.

Of course, catching the crazy sounds far more likely.
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