This. Oh that would have made for an awesome series, but it'd be beyond most of the writing staff. They manage to produce some truly awesome episodes (Blink, Family of Blood/Human Nature etc) but for the most part its all like this.Straha wrote:Ugh... Imagine this: The Doctor saves Jenny. Brings her on the TARDIS, they go off adventuring together. Unlike all his other past companions his relationship with Jenny is different. He not only loves her but starts teaching her. He finds his emotional release, a way to repair the horrific damage done to his psyche, by teaching her about Gallifrey, the TARDIS, Time and Space, the Sonic Screwdriver, etc. In short, teaching her to be a new Time Lady. Gallifrey and the Time Lords are gone due to his actions, but he can bring them back again. And then Rose comes back and the Doctor is given a choice, he can either save the woman he loves or the daughter and future of his race.Stark wrote:Brand loyalty.
That'd be an interesting story. A compelling story. See the Doctor reborn, finally regenerating mentally as well as physically only to see him put through the wringer once more. Instead we get this bullcrap and the set up for a fourth spinoff series. (It is four, right? Not five I hope...)
Telegraphed ending, anyone who didn't see it coming from about the midway point is half blind, her death and ressurection was blindingly obvious. And the icing on the cake was the absolutely horrendous acting by Martha. Just terrible.
There were a few good points, one of them being Donna is becoming a better companion each week, i started this series a little sceptical because of the Christmas episode she was in, but each week she gets stronger and stronger (still not up to Rose, but far better than Martha)