I don't know what the casualty estimates were, but she did destroy their clone facility, effectively dooming the species to a slow extinction because they couldn't produce any more clones.Darth Hoth wrote:The planet Khomm was bombarded; that definitely was not a legitimate military target by any stretch. From what I remember of Darksaber, the attack crippled the planetary infrastructure, even if no hard casualty estimates were given.Pelranius wrote:Shouldn't Daala's bodycount be much higher? I thought that Cronus's rampages were far more bloody (and he did do them on her direct orders)
And you forgot Kyp Durron and Carida. (Alderaan had some military utility, since it was funding the Rebellion. And we wouldn't consider it odd if say Bush blew up the Taliban's Treasury for carrying Al Qaeda's money.
Of course, they could just BUY another clone facility or build a new one, but that would mean the book would have to be a little less shitty.
But since most of the attack was made by TIE fighters and bombers, the damage to the planet as a whole couldn't have been all that massive, any more than the fire-bombing of London destroyed England.
But yes, having an incompetent military commander who failed time and time again, murdered her competitors instead of negotiating with them, and committed repeated acts of genocide and attempted acts of genocide become the fricking Chief of State of the galaxy, including what used to be the New Republic, is one of the most retarded things imaginable.
I'm just waiting for Travesty to have Daala marry a clone of Jango Fett and become a M'an'do'l'or'ia'n super commando.