nBSG Episode 407: "Guess What's Coming to Dinner"

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Post by Elessar »

Absolutely incredible episode. The multiple sub-plots were nicely dove-tailed, and a number of old plot threads were thrust back into the spotlight. Kara hasn't been this agreeable since Season 2, and pretty much all the major characters are getting their moments...

The crazy build-up and constant progression of plot reminds me very much of the end of Season 1 and the first half of Season 2. Their writers manage to juggle every character (and their flaws) into the episode, using their personalities to drive the plot forward. Character development is subtle but still addressed (Tigh and Adama's post-battle talk; Roslin's quiet discipline of Tori). Best of all, the writers are bringing up minor issues that will generally surprise the viewer with their thoroughness. Lee's point about the Quorum was a great example. It's been a while since we've seen anything from the eyes of the civilian fleet.

If they can keep up this kind of tight storytelling, then this will be a memorable way to end the series.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

damn another six bites the dust.

you know they should start playing queen this season...

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Post by RogueIce »

RogueIce wrote:Using my awesome predictive powers, I am voting this episode a 5 while it is still 48 minutes from starting.

Let's see if I'm right!
Good to know I was. :D

Waiting two weeks is gonna be hard, man. Killer even! Well, not really, but I'm eager.

As for Athena shooting Six, it does make a certain amount of sense. First she gets her baby stolen by Adama and Roslin, who tell her she died. Then the Cylons (a Six model) have her on New Caprica, but she managed to get her back. And now, another Six (albeit not the one in the dreams) is there holding her, right after she saw her daughter draw all those Six pictures.

So yeah, I can see her kinda snapping there. Wonder if she'll get in trouble for it or not.
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Aeolus wrote: Anders shot a mutineer. He cant get in trouble for that.
As for Helo taking command even if an XO is justified in taking command they still get court marshaled and Helo turned out to be wrong. Helo and the rest of the crew could very easily have ended up on trial for mutiny.
You don't get my point. I'm not talking about whether Anders was justified, I'm saying that the shooting and its aftermath for Anders should be explained in-universe, not just brushed aside with more than a "which Cylon shot Gaeta" line from Tigh. Show a courtmartial, show Anders getting chewed out, show SOMETHING.
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by Stuart Mackey »

Good episode. Notice the effect of the amputation on Geata and the attention paid to him with his singing and the camera work.

Battlestar wiki: Dialogue for Razor from the Hybrid
And the fifth, still in shadow, will claw toward the light, hungering for redemption that will only come in the howl of terrible suffering
It wont be properly revealed for a couple or more episodes, but this episode is leading enough to suggest it, with its camera work and how they have done things in the past.
I will call it and say that Geata is the final Cylon model.

Further from Razor
The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin, but in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many, and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an angel. Not an end, but a beginning.
Speaks for itself, really given the events of the Cylon Civil war.
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Post by Jon »

It'd be interesting if the humans save the life of the six, though it looked pretty fatal. Good episode all round, let's hope the base ship didn't jump back to the middle of the cylon fleet =D
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

Stuart Mackey wrote:Further from Razor
The seven, now six, self-described machines who believe themselves without sin, but in time, it is sin that will consume them. They will know enmity, bitterness, the wrenching agony of the one splintering into the many, and then they will join the promised land, gathered on the wings of an angel. Not an end, but a beginning.
Speaks for itself, really given the events of the Cylon Civil war.
I would say that that refers to the Eights, actually. At least, the last part you bolded at any rate. They seem to be the ones that are splintering into individualists of all the Cylons, though all of them are doing it a little bit. I also hear "the Toy Soldier becomes a bit more pliable" from the hybrid in "Faith", which, while clearly having direct implications on the Centurions, I actually think it refers to the Eights as well and Athena in particular.
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Post by Anguirus »

It'd be interesting if the humans save the life of the six, though it looked pretty fatal.
Eh, she's still screaming at the end so I bet she lives. Cylons are tough, and notice the parallels with Adama's shooting in season 1 (Number Eight, two shots to the chest).

I figure there has to be a reason Athena didn't just blast her right in the face.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by DocHorror »

That was 45 minutes of greatness. After a slow start season 4 seems to be getting really good.
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Post by Chris OFarrell »

Finally, a mostly good episode and an excellent episode. Bout time too.

The only thing that soured this episode for me was Athena throwing away everything, it was so out of character for her, its like the writers suddenly realized they hadn't really fraked anyone up this episode, so they quickly worked in something.

I really hope she survives.

Frankly, I would have preferred the Hera subplot to have been done differently, perhaps with Athena going to see Caprica (where the frak IS she anyway, the Colonials should have released her to the other Cylons, unless she is CHOOSING to stay near Hera) with that book and the two trying to work it out.

And perhaps both sides finding something in Hera to start trusting each other or something?

The rest of the episode was great, Gaeta singing was just....spooky for lack of a better word, the actor has a great voice. The chaos of the Base Ship arrival was brilliant, really captured the 'oh FRAK' moment as the fleet desperately tried to dodge the sudden jump of the Base Ship into them, then the fleet jumping away, Galactica ponderously swinging around and bringing her guns to bear as Vipers shot out of her flight pods...awesome sequence.

Still, the fact that NO-ONE commented that the Base Ship hadn't taken out 3/4 of the fleet when it arrived, hadn't launched a single raider, struck me as odd. As did the fact that the Base Ship apparently doesn't have its own radio now that could have been tuned to a Colonial frequency. Tigh's 'weapons hold!' was surprising in that no-one -not even Adama- called him on it or asked WHY, he could easily have just pointed out that it COULD have taken out half the fleet, but it hadn't launched one raider or fired one missile.

Good to see Hoshi again, probably going to be taking over Gaeta's position for quite a while.

I'm also surprised no-one spoke of the compromise of keeping the final 5 on Galactica when they found them, but granting the rebels visitation rights until they got to Earth, THEN handing them over.

Tori getting smacked down, FUCKING A, she was getting WAY too full of herself, where is that Cylon perfection now eh?

I can't help but notice that Starbuck didn't tell Roslyn the WHOLE story, that has to come out next episode with them all around the Hybrid in a FUBAR situation. I'm sure THAT will lead Roslyn to trusting her :D

It's also strange that they are saying they have few raiders left, the external shots of the Base ship *appeared* to show plenty of them sitting in their racks, but I can't be sure.

And if the Centurians decide to take hostages, that is going to be a bloodbath. I mean there are a frakload of Marines on board the Base Ship, armed to the teeth and most of the other personnel are armed as well. You have to wonder if this is going to end up with a rather high body count...

And I wonder how they plan to jump in, board the hub, fight their way through to the 3 lines storage area, find Diana, revive her and get her back before the whole damn Cylon fleet comes screaming in...
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Chris OFarrell wrote:
And I wonder how they plan to jump in, board the hub, fight their way through to the 3 lines storage area, find Diana, revive her and get her back before the whole damn Cylon fleet comes screaming in...
I have no idea myself, but it would be pretty sweet for the Rebel faction to send Centurions in with the strike-team for some extra muscle. Maybe they can override any security, and recruit other Centurions there?
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it. Fifteen hundred years ago everybody knew the Earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on this planet. Imagine what you'll know...tomorrow."
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Post by DrMckay »

I skimmed through this so as not to be spoiled by it. I cannot find a download of this episode on scifi.com Did they just not put it up this week, or what?? Can someone please help me find the episode? Thank you
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Post by Anguirus »

^ I can't find it myself, on Sci-fi or Hulu. Maybe it has something to do with the two-week break rather than a one-week one?
"I spit on metaphysics, sir."

"I pity the woman you marry." -Liberty

This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by Gil Hamilton »

DrMckay wrote:I skimmed through this so as not to be spoiled by it. I cannot find a download of this episode on scifi.com Did they just not put it up this week, or what?? Can someone please help me find the episode? Thank you
Sci-FI rewind won't be carrying it yet until later in the week. They post last weeks episodes, not this weeks.
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Post by DrMckay »

gorramit. Thanks.
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Post by tim31 »

I gave it 5, great episode overall, but I would have given it five for the last thirty seconds alone. ARRRGGHH TWO WEEKS!!!
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Post by Minischoles »

A definite 5/5 for this episode, 4 of those almost purely being given because of Gaeta and his quite frankly amazing voice and the song was great, hopefully they whack a full length version on the Season 4 soundtrack.
The other 1 is for Roslyn
''I don't care if you spend the night on your knees praying, or just on your knees''. Damn that was such a good line.
Great ending as well, the Hybrid just coming online and jumping straight away. Was truly a good cliffhanger ending.
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Post by Ohma »

So why couldn't the Demetrius jump in before the basestar?

Oh yeah, because if they tried that then there wouldn't have been a dramatic complication!
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Post by weemadando »

Ohma wrote:So why couldn't the Demetrius jump in before the basestar?

Oh yeah, because if they tried that then there wouldn't have been a dramatic complication!

It was good, but not brilliant.

This is veering WILDLY towards being the most crazy, pulled-out-of-an-orifice wrap up that you can imagine.

Unless of course, Roslin is revealed as the final Cylon. It's the only thing that could possibly make any sense.
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Post by Zim »

Ohma wrote:So why couldn't the Demetrius jump in before the basestar?

Oh yeah, because if they tried that then there wouldn't have been a dramatic complication!
It was pretty clear that the Demetrius' drive malfunctioned. Sure that was more of a writer's fiat, but it's not as if Helo intentionally decided to fuck around for awhile to heighten the tension.
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Post by Johonebesus »

Zim wrote:
Ohma wrote:So why couldn't the Demetrius jump in before the basestar?

Oh yeah, because if they tried that then there wouldn't have been a dramatic complication!
It was pretty clear that the Demetrius' drive malfunctioned. Sure that was more of a writer's fiat, but it's not as if Helo intentionally decided to fuck around for awhile to heighten the tension.
But if the plan had been for the Demetrius to jump in first and explain the situation, instead of both vessels jumping simultaneously, then the drama would have been avoided.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

For those who missed it, follow the link in this post and scroll down until you find season four.

Finally, an episode worth watching.
NeoGoomba wrote:You don't get my point. I'm not talking about whether Anders was justified, I'm saying that the shooting and its aftermath for Anders should be explained in-universe, not just brushed aside with more than a "which Cylon shot Gaeta" line from Tigh. Show a courtmartial, show Anders getting chewed out, show SOMETHING.
They should've left that line out given they never did a follow-up with it. Tigh didn't even say anything when Anders mentioned Gaeta singing.

Baltar looks like Prince.

My only problem with this episode is the second exchange with Leoben, the Eight, and Natalie. So Leoben said it was too late but then goes on to deal with the Centurions and have Natalie stall Adama for time, why does that sudden turnaround occur?
I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season."
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Post by Elessar »

Soontir C'boath wrote:My only problem with this episode is the second exchange with Leoben, the Eight, and Natalie. So Leoben said it was too late but then goes on to deal with the Centurions and have Natalie stall Adama for time, why does that sudden turnaround occur?
Probably the same reason when that kind of conversation comes up at meetings at work. People responding with "it can't be done" or "it's not possible" are usually being dramatic. It would take a lot of effort, perhaps sacrifice and a lot of time, but 'it' can be done.

The same thing probably happened with Leoben. Could cause the model personal grief, could be that they just thought it would take way too much time, or perhaps they have to make personal sacrifices to convince the Centurions to back down; so Leoben didn't want to do it just because Natalie was getting cold feet. Once it was clear that Natalie wasn't willing to budge and was totally serious, he made the concession.
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Post by Ohma »

Zim wrote: It was pretty clear that the Demetrius' drive malfunctioned. Sure that was more of a writer's fiat, but it's not as if Helo intentionally decided to fuck around for awhile to heighten the tension.
And if it hadn't been entirely to set up some false drama filler by writers fiat, it'd be okay. There is no reason for them to not have wanted to jump first to tell the fleet "hey, there's going to be a basestar jumping in soon, but it's okay they're with us, don't blow them up". But if they'd done that, then there would've been no way the writers could shoehorn in some extra pointless drama.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Back to Athena shooting Natalie:

After reviewing the scene leading up to the standoff, I think I know why Athena reacted so violently. Look at the cinemation as she's searching for Hera, how the OperaHouse dream was following her actions perfectly as she moved around the Galactica's halls. Athena was Projecting. She wasn't quite seeing the Galactica, she was projecting and reliving the dream, searching the OperaHouse for Hera. Since, in the dream, (head?) Six picked up Hera and walked away, Athena projected that malice onto Natalie.

Thus, Natalie gets shot, and Athena gets Hera back (with help from Tyrol, one of the 5)
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