LordOskuro wrote:I picked up the demo for ArmA and was underwhelmed..... But all this raving about OPF is making me wonder.
ArmA is a new and improved OPF, except they didn't fix what they needed to fix, and what they did fix they made worse. Except the graphics, which actually are marginally better.
I think OFP is a good fun game, even though it has its quirks and rampant silliness. For example, the shitty ballistics modelling lets you accurately kill enemy soldiers with an MP5 at 400 metres. Some of these issues, as well as several textures, are improved by mods such as
In my opinion, it's worth it for the fairly unique playing experience.
Does the GotY edition include the expansions, by the way? I generally like to buy the all-in-one packs if they ever make them.
It has everything except maybe the newest patch, and is only $10.
PeZook wrote:You forgot the part about the campaign being completely retarded:
Not really, most missions in OFP are good and make sense. Though it's not prefect, I think it's good overall. In a few occasions it can be chalked up to incompetence, they're a couple of God-forsaken islands, I doubt the US Army is assigning its
creme de la creme to them. Also, bad calls or lapses in judgement do happen in real life war.
Colonel Idiot: Allright, men! Someone has invaded the neighboring island! We don't know who they are, what kind of weapons they have, how many of them are there. But we will take a company of light airmobile troops and one tank, and go there to liberate the island, knowing nothing! Hurrah!
Actually, they did have reports that indicated it was an infantry force with light armour support. Which is what you encountered at first. They didn't go there entirely blind. Regardless, what you do when attacked by an unknown enemy is not to sit in a "safe" area twiddling your thumbs, instead you send a force to go there and
find out.
Oh, and by the way - there is a carrier on the way, and it has enough firewpower on board to flatten the entire island and murder all armored vehicles present there and make any counter-invasion a complete cakewalk. But no, we won't wait for it, because we're complete idiots.
No, they won't wait for it because doing so would leave the people on Everon at the mercy of the invaders, as well as let them entrench and prepare for a counter-attack. It's poor strategy to let the enemy just sit there uncontested and do whatever it wants. Even if your force is inferior to them, you can do a lot of good by probing for and assaulting weak-points to keep them off-balance.
That carrier group must have got lost on the way, though. I distinctly remember them saying it was only a couple of weeks away, yet a month later you don't hear a peep about it. That line should have been a nebulous "re-enforcements" instead of the specific "carrier group", would have made more sense story-wise.
weemadando wrote:And the mission where you have to escape Everon, or Malden, whichever... And you have to reach the evac point before the last of the choppers leaves, the whole while you have the enemy searching for you, choppers occasionally joining the search and then when you reach the end and find that the LZ has already been over-run? That sucks.
two missions for the evacuation of Everon. Which one you get depends on whether you successfully captured Montignac or not. If you did you get "After Montignac", which I haven't played but apparently starts with you alone in a forest, you try to make your way toward Morton, get re-directed elsewhere before you get there, and find everyone dead at the new site.
If you didn't capture it, you get "Strange Meeting", which is harder but better. You drive a truck with your squad toward Morton, where the evac is taking place, as part of a convoy. You squad is ordered to go off to cover the convoy's flank by clearing out a squad of Soviets from a nearby farmstead. You lose your truck during the firefight and must make it to Morton on foot. On the way there you are told that Morton is being overrun and a new evac area is being set-up, but your leader tries to make it there anyway, apparently in the desperate hope that they can help fight-off the Russians and catch the last boat out of there. When you arrive, you are treated to a view of the whole town covered in American corpses and crawling with Russian soldiers and AFVs, it was pretty cool. Then your commander, obviously not one of the sharpest tools in the shed, tells you to cover them while the rest of the squad crosses the road. They're all gunned down. Interestingly, though, they can survive long enough for you to get the order to follow them, but it never ends well. After that your character radios command informing them of the situation, and they tell you to hoof it to the new evac site. I went north, stole a car, and floored it. When you get to the new evac site, you get to see American corpses covering the ground
again, and this time you get captured by the Soviets.