Ender wrote:I can't believe I'm having to defend the idea that modern civilization is superior to the stone age on this board of all places.
I thought that you were defending the idea that the first and best thing to do upon discovering a stone-age society, was to try and drag it into the 21st century.
Ender wrote:The average lifespan for their level of tech is in the mid 20s. No, it clearly doesn't fucking work.
Please provide specific evidence that the life span of contactee Indian tribes like this one, are substantially improved by contact with outsiders. Or that any aspect of their lives, really, can dependably be expected to improve upon contact with outsiders.
Can you imagine other criteria beyond life-span?
Ender wrote:Bacteria, parasites, toxic runoff from the aforementioned logging. You were never in the scouts, were you? They teach you the importance of things like boiling water to make it sterile for a god damned reason.
Not a problem with rain water, or with water taken from cut plants, which act as filters. Do they teach that, in the scouts?
Ender wrote:Average lifespan for their level of tech is ~25 years. That is less then a quarter of the theoretical maximum, and 1/3rd of what the first world does. More to the point, to have such a low average requires a very high child mortality rate.
Again, no conceivable criteria, beyond life span? Looking at the experience of other contactee tribes, do you expect their
quality of life to improve?
Ender wrote:But hey, kids dying all the time clearly "works for them." And modern civilization is clearly just a "theoretical" benefit.
You seem to know a lot about the specific statistics regarding this tribe's experience. Have you been secretly living with them?
Ender wrote:Kanastrous wrote:And living in a rainforest, with fairly consistent climate year-round, surrounded by edible plants and animals, doesn't let them have access to food, all the time?
No, it doesn't. It puts them at the whims of a successful hunt and how often the can find a wide enough variety of edible plants with sufficient nutrients.
And the fact that they live where they live, suggests to you that they
can't find edible plants, with sufficient nutrients? How do you imagine they have persisted, all these years, without enough food to survive on?
Ender wrote:Studies of the food chain and predator prey relationships aside, did you never go to the zoo? They have displays up all over the place explaining how hard it is for those at the top of the food chain to get by.
I don't think a comparison between omnivorous human group hunter-gatherers and (usually solitary) apex carnivores (top of the food chain, yes?) is a particularly valid one.
Ender wrote:Kanastrous wrote:If they do *need* agriculture, what makes you assume that they have not developed it, themselves? Have we evidence in hand, that there isn't a plot of tubers, maize, or other staple crop, outside the frames of those pictures? Got some evidence, of that absence?
So we see a reuters video of the entire fucking camp,
I don't have knowledge that that is the entire fucking camp. Or that there are not other settlements, within a few miles' radius. Given the difficulty the surveillance people had, finding this encampment, it's easy to suppose that there is more that they did not find.
Ender wrote:Also, we don't know that Rusell's teapot isn't there or not.
Wouldn't matter; without trade links to the outside they'd have nothing to brew in it, anyway
Ender wrote:
You don't believe that aiming their weapons at the plane, communicates anything, at all? Really?
Do you actually contend that responding to a "fight or flight" stimulus is the same as even a rudimentary form of communication as speech? [/quote]
These aren't dogs, they're human beings. Brandishing a weapon at an unknown intruder is not interchangeable with simple fight-or-flight.
The message behind the raised weapons is crystal clear:
fuck off and don't come back.
Ender wrote:I doubt it, but you have to know you can't, which is why you started whining about threat displays being valid communications instead of a basic stimulus response.
See above. You seem to display a real contempt for these people; first they operate only at a fight-or-flight level, now they display only 'basic stimulus response,' which puts them about on par with amoebas. Nice.
Ender wrote:In the event that you are dumber then I think (and that would be tricky), by all means lets see a comparison of the size of the body of information they have at hand that those arrows will transmit and the bandwidth thereof.
"Leave us Alone." If you can't extract that message from their actions, you have no business suggesting that anyone else is dumb.
Ender wrote:Really, so you don't think those bows and huts are a result of their tribe trying to improve itself over time instead of being dependent on what they can get from nature?
Isolated societies like this tend to plateau, once their technology reaches a certain point, which it likely did a very long time ago. They reach a technological and social equilibrium suitable for their environment. And since they are not evidently "working their asses off" to get away from their present way of life, your use of the word "entirety" is clearly wrong. Every last aboriginal society, in fact, that reached and remained at that equilibrium (in Australia, Papua-New Guinea, the American Indians, north and south, etc, etc, etc) proves you wrong in that regard.
Ender wrote:You don't think those bows are refinements over more primitive designs?
I haven't examined them, and am not an anthropologist, and so can't make a conclusion.
Are you an anthropologist? Have you examined their tools at first-hand, with the training necessary to make that hard-and-fast conclusion?
In any case, it may be an example of the kind of plateau I described earlier.
Ender wrote:You contend that if we made contact none of them would try to get away from where they are now?
I never contended any such thing. In fact, that question - would anyone want to leave and join the outside world, sight-unseen - is about the only interesting thing you've posed, so far.
Ender wrote:If the average lifespan isn't very long, and most die when they are young, then on average they are pretty fucking close to death.
Word games. Minute-to-minute, is any given individual of their group so much closer to death, than I am? I doubt it.