*Looks at hands*Emperor Chrostas the Crue wrote:Innerbrat:
Scar tissue in NOT stronger than normal skin, and on what low gee planet is it stronger than bone?
I have extensive scar tissue, (on my shins and thights)and must CONSTANTLY watch those areas, as they tear and bleed easily, from things that don't even BRUISE the healthy skin tissue.
Scar tissue's ONLY advantage is the SPEED which it grows, which is VERY important in the real world. (As opposed to the modern world, where antibiotics make large open wounds non life threatening, from infection.)
erm, do you cook, or work hand crew firefighting ever?
My hands are covered with very thick built up scar tissue (Calluses, burn scars, lacerations, taking blood samples), Damn ugly, and enough of the nerve cells are dead that I hardly feel any pain from handling hot plates, or from minor cuts. Of course it took a lot of abuse to get to that point, too. But over time that rapid growth builds up to a nice strong cushion. Of course not having enough sensation to do fine work sucks.