Kanastrous wrote:Knife wrote: Perhaps with a couple waterskins full of MMR, DTAP, etc... added in. Seems like a nice start.
Both MMR and DTAP are associated with adverse reactions in very small proportions of the general population.
Since these Indians are an isolated population, does anyone here know if the propensity to bad reactions is influenced by genetics, and if there's reason to recognize a risk that they may be harmed by inoculation?
Also, will those inoculants work orally? Aren't they usually injected?
side effects of DTaP are somewhere around 10% with most of that just swelling and/or mild fever.
MMR is about 5% with roughly the same as DTaP side effects.
As far as some sort of anaphylctic shock or some such, it does happen but I can't find any numbers on it in a quick search. However, with what I did find, 1 in ten suffer from mild rash/fever/irritation to injection site.
On oral administration, well the vaccine must be able to survive the GI track to be able to then act as an antigen, but I do know that there are ways to help the antigen along. Certain fruits and other foods can 'coat' the antigen or probably more tot he point, coat the stomach enough that the antigen can make it into the blood stream without being denatured by the GI tracks acid.
However, not all vaccines are damaged by the GI track. Polio and a few others are already given as an oral vaccine.