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Post by PeZook »

Live on ShroomSatTV

"Transmitting here from Astoria International is Mike McMikey, your newest, freshest ShroomSatTV correspondent!

I am standing right here, next to the military terminal which was witness to a dastardly plot to elliminate King Paul and install a puppet government in PeZookia which would be like a puppet on strings! Unfortunately for the would-be assassins, the FUN's awesome intelligence services learned of the villainous Machiavellian scheme and a bunch of badass airmobile paratroops descended upon the terminal like a ton on bricks on butter!"

"Uh...yes. Yeah, okay. The program director has just asked me to keep my flowery metaphors to a minimum, though I don't see why. Anyway...oh! Oh! There he comes! An airliner bearing King Paul has just landed, and is taxiing towards the military terminal! Point the camera over there, you idiot!"

Not far from the site, the director groaned.

The airplane taxied to a stop right next to the military terminal, where an honor guard composed of troops from the 1st Independent Airmobile Company and the Shinra Rangers waited, in their dress uniforms.

The site was strewn with rubble ; Impact craters from mortar fire were clearly visible, and not all blood stains were removed from the tarmac. Bullet holes and shell casings were strewn about - and, of course, there was plenty of glass from the shattered windows.

King Paul disembarked from the airplane, and shook hands with some of the soldiers. He then approached the podium prepared for him, traced by several cameras from different news stations.

"Man, doesn't he look good! Better than ever!", Mike McMikey started a running commentary, "That suit is well tailored, though you can tell he's lost weight. And I have to comment that someone chose and excellent tie to go with it, and that shirt..."

The program director started banging his head on the switchboard.

Fortunately for him, King Paul I began his speech, standed in front of the ruined terminal.

"Citizens of the World. I stand here today, at the airport which bears the marks of battle perpetrated against mercenary assassins. This attempt on my life is not actually the first one - there have been plenty of attempts to remove me from power lately, but not all of them made the news.

For the last several weeks, the intelligence services of the FUN have been working dilligently to uncover the reasons and perpetrators of these attacks. And I stand before you today armed with the information they have collected.

This attempt to instigate regime change in PeZookia is nothing more than a plan by rich and powerful people, who did not like the course our politics were taking. These men, in their hubris, thought that the world should conform to their ideas and desires, no matter how damaging to the people of New Terra.

These people decided to remove a legal government during a time of crisis, for no other reason than to gain more power and amass even more spectacular wealth.

They will answer for their crimes. For every single death they caused, for all the damage and fear they brought upon the innocent. For the crimes the comitted for the lowest of reasons: money and power.

These men are nothing but petty thugs, and will be tried as such."


Astoria, RIS headquarters

John Kulinsky smiled, watching the King's adress. He could easily imagine what the industrial moguls were feeling right now - just a day ago, they plotted to reshape whole countries in a way they saw fit, and right now...right now, they had to be scared.

He picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Begin WAKE-UP CALL", he spoke into the receiver

Man, some planners have a wicked sense of humor, he thought and leaned back in his chair. It was up to the FIA now.


Sofia, Shroomania

Matt Dayman, McMillan Aeronautics managing director, Central Seas region, was in a hurry like he never was before. He saw the King's adress, and while we has furious at first at seeing him alive, his feelings went to fear when he realized that...they knew. It may have been just a bluff, but it was better to be safe than sorry. He called his driver, and made his way down to the underground parking garage as fast as he could.

He'd make his way to the airport and disappear before the police could get to him. Yeah, that was a good plan.

He left the elevator and started walking straight towards his limo. But he wouldn't make it very far today: As he passed a nondescript van parked near the elevator's exit, its rear doors burst open, and the next thing he knew was that somebody stuck a gun in his face and screamed:


Two agents dragged his driver out of the limo, and another snapped the cuffs. Matt Dayman would never play power games again.



Gordon Brownie, CEO of Cosmetics Internatoinal, was quicker on the uptake. He's had people in place he could trust, who spirited him away to Syndromia as soon as they learned of the failure of the assassination attempt. Brownie staked everything on the success of this operation. His management could not stop the free-fall of sales, and the new PeZookian tax reforms would mean he'd be out of a job. And the plan has failed.

He fled to Syndromia - the only country he could hope to disappear in - and now was on the way to his quiant mountain hideout. Despite his general incompetence at management, he was still CEO of one of the largest companies on Nova Terra, and so could afford a very nice mountain hideout.

Except he would never reach it. His limo, escorted up a winding mountain road by a black SUV full of bodyguards, was stopped by a traffic accident. Felling something odd, Brownie began to sweat profusely.

And he was proven right. As his bodyguards disembarked form the SUV to check upon the disturbance, a single shot rang out, echoing between the mountain peaks. The bullet struck the asphalt in front of the head of security, and he froze in place.

Four tough-looking men jumpe dout of the "crashed" cars, aiming their M4 carbines at the SUV, the limo and the bodyguards.

"Get down on the ground, now!", one of them screamed, "And don't try anything funny! There are snipers perched all around the place!"

Inside the limo, Brownie screamed at his driver.

"Get out of here! Now! MOVE!"

The driver flipped the gear to rear and gunned the engine, but then a .50 cal round slammed into the engine block and it ground to a halt with a metallic crunch. The limo spun out of control and hit the energy barrier protecting the side of the road...the one near the bottomless cliff.

The driver looked up, then looked back at his employer. The limo was perched dangerously right on the edge of the cliff, with the rear wheels handing out over nothing, held in place only by the deformed barrier.

"Fuck this shit! I'm getting outta here!", screamed Brownie's driver and got out of the limo. He ran away down the road.

The armed men dragged Brownie out of the limo, which then heaved back and fell down the cliff.

"Now, Mr. Brownie, there are some not-so-nice FIA people who would like to have a chat with you.", said duke-captain Sennach of the Langley SOS, as he snapped the cuffs on his prisoner.


Bear Republic

The massive zeppelin cruised throuh the air silently, whipping the air with it's huge propeller blades. Inside its belly, a hundred glide-troopers assembled, silent and badass in their menacing gear. Painted black, of course, to present itself properly on TV.

"Ten seconds! Get ready boys!", said sergeant Blake, with his practiced deliberate rasping voice. Sergeants were supposed to have a rasping voice, after all.

The massive doors in the belly of the zeppelin opened slowly, with a loud blaring alarm to signify to the audience that yes, doors were opening. A few seconds later, the glider troops jumped out of the zeppelin, disappaering in the black of night.

"Aaaand...cut!", announced the director, suspended from the ceiling of the massive deployment bay, "Excellent job, people!"

Down on the ground, a large villa stood near a beautiful lake. Burly guards patrolled the premises, leading large dobermans around. Even the security guards in the Bear Republic were following movie logic.

The glider troops came swooping down from the sky, landing expertly in the garden and on the walls surrounding the property. They shouted orders to each other loudly - so that the audience could be sure that they were professional and badass.

The guards panicked, running around screaming something in German - because the guards always screamed in German - and opened fire on the landing glider troops. The troops replied in kind, leading to a haphazard firefight in which nobody was killed, but a lot of property damage occured. The guards surrendered, one by one. They were paid to put up a good act, not die for their employer. Of course, their employer didn't quite know that.

When Don Foxley, owner of Foxley Foods, was awakened by the shooting, he thought it was just an assassination attempt. But then he saw the glider troops rounding up his security guards and groaned. He should've hired ProTec instead...

The glider troops rushed across the garden and charged inside the villa. Too late to rectify the mistake of hiring Bear Republican ex-military security guards, Foxley put his hands on his head and surrendered.

And that was good, because most of the trooper's P90s jammed during the firefight. But they sure looked cool, Foxley had to admit.


Omsk, Red Technocracy

Ivan Vischenko had far less luck than his counterparts. For a man who managed to build an industrial empire after being born in the Red Technocracy, he forgot too quickly how omnipresent RT security forces truly were. He saw the PeZookian king's adress, and panicked.

But he forgot that news spread fast, and the KGB and militsia watched them, too - the moment he walked into the Omsk airport, he and his bodyguards were surrounded by ten heavily armed OMON troopers.

"Your weapons", their CO said, and the bodyguards had no choice but hand them over, with AK-74s aimed at their faces.

Vischenko sighed and stretched out his hands. The cuffs meant an end to his business career.


PeZookia, RIS headquarters

"How many did we get?"

"Four out of five. We're sending out liaison teams right now, and we hope to have some solid intelligence by tomorrow."

"Excellent", Kulinsky said, "Think you can handle it?"

Kapitan Tusk grinned, "Sure. Go and get dressed up for the big ceremony."

Kulinsky smiled and walked out of his office.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coyote »


PORTLANDIA-- For the last few years, an ongoing struggle has been taking place within the Navy for minesweeping capabilities. Nowhere has this been more urgent than in the region around the Neverhood, where mines have become an important weapon by various pro-Nukistani forces seeking to destabilise the West Neverhood.

It is widely known that King Arik Coyotus-I favores Minehunters as a ship class and actively promotes them, however, many Naval officers have expressed reservation about this, concerned that each slip used to build a minehunter is a slip not used for other warships that have more multi-role capability. The Admirals push Remotely Operated (underwater) Vehicles, or ROVs, as an alternative.

"With ROVs carried on ships, essentially any ship can become a minesweeper," said Admiral Ken Hurvitz, Navy Chief of Staff. "Minesweepers by themselves tend to be slow and lightly armed, and useful only for minehunting, period," he explained. "With ROVs, any frigate, destroyer, cruiser and so on can be a minehunter."

King Arik Coyotus-I, however, has stated concern that major surface ships will be tied down with minesweeping duties and unavailable for fleet duties.

"The money saved by using ROVs will be offset by tying down a far larger, more expensive and capable multi-million ROB ship for something that a smaller, cheaper, dedicated vessel can do."

A compromise is in the works, however, for changing the Anuket class corvette into a littoral combat ship.

"The idea is, we'll remove the big TLAM missile tube son th edeck," Admiral Hurvitz outlined, "And instead use them for close-in support in littoral areas-- which will include minesweeping. It is very cost effective, and the shallow-draft Anukets will be able to pull in closer to shore in unimproved natural harborways and the like."

TLAM launch capabilities will be farmed out to frigates, destroyers, and cruisers instead.

"This is, I think, th ebest compromise," the King said, "I may be King, but I am not a tyrant-- the Admirals are my subject-matter experts, and I will listen to their advice."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by WesFox13 »

After hearing of the Death of Shep, a great majority of people including Wesley returned to normal life. Although most of the populace was afraid that the world was going to end, they were relaieved once they saw Shep killed on Atlantis. Now about a few months after that life had relativitly returned to normal. Wesley said, "We were so close to destroying this new world only to have it saved at the last minute. We were damn lucky.".

Wes then went out to his small balcony deck on his home and looked at the sea and sat down in his chair, relaxing, hearing sound of the splash of the waves.
My Political Compass:
Economic Left/Right: -5.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.90

Designation: Libertarian Left (Social Democrat/Democratic Socialist)
Alignment: Chaotic-Good
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Post by Raj Ahten »

In Libertopia

The news of the attempted coup had been bad, but not shocking to ProTec's people. It was their business to expect such things as a matter of course. Word came down from the top that any clients who were involved in such a thing were to have their protection cancelled and asked to turn themselves in. Coups were something ProTec worked very hard not to be a part of.

When the names of the conspirators were released, ProTec knew it had one of the men on their radar. He was an intelligence official from Pezookia. ProTec kept a very close eye on people who operated in the border regions of Alexandria, as terrorists such as the Free Hand movement often tried to set up bases in such lawless regions. The man wanted by Pezookia had a compound in the border region south of Alexandria. Not many men worked in the highest levels of executive protection, and ProTec knew most of them (If they didn't work for the company already.) Men working security at the compound were known to be protecting the rogue Pezookian official.

ProTec's chief of special operations, "Colonel Smith,” immediately dispatched surveillance teams to keep an eye on the compound. Surveillance over flights were also ordered. Those were not uncommon, as ProTec was always on the look out for infiltrators. Operatives who worked in the area confirmed the man was likely there as security arrangements had been increased and a large convoy had been seen going into the compound.

An invite was sent to Major Kulinsky to have a look at what ProTec had. They had gotten his number when he visited Indhopal awhile back. Assets were also put together to start planning a way to get the target out of the compound.
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Royal Palace, Ashford City
Unreal Time

"So, how did the operation go?" Lelouch asked Marshal Todo.

"Our guys managed to track down one and capture one of the conspirators in Syndromia," the marshal replied matter-of-factly. "FBI, OMON, and Bear Republic glider troops were able to capture three more in their respective countries. A fifth is still on the loose, though ProTec is currently on his tail. He won't be able to hide for long before he winds up in the FIA's hands like all the others."

"Just curious, but who was the person our guys caught?"

"Gordon Brownie, CEO of Cosmetics International. He was en route to his mountain retreat in Syndromia when we caught him."

"Cornelia's gonna be a bit miffed when she hears about that," Lelouch remarked offhandedly. "She buys that purple lipstick of hers from that guy's company."

"She doesn't have much to be worried about," Marshal Todo said. "Once they've installed some new management, she'll be back to buying their products in no time at all."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Post by Raj Ahten »


The surveillance of the rogue Pezookian Intel man (by the name of Pulaski) had begun. He was well guarded. Pulaski's compound was on the tallest hill in the area, so direct observation into it was impossible. He had also paid off the local militia to augment his security, so ProTec's men had to be extra cautious when they conducted their surveillance. 2 sniper observer teams was all that was able to get in place besides a lone operative or two in the local village Marsma.

There was an airstrip about 2 miles from the compound, and a river half a mile down the hill from the compound. That gave Pulaski numerous escape routes. The snipers reported that supplies entered the compound via a three vehicle convoy that was escorted in from the town with militia gun jeeps. The convoy had an unpredictable schedule. The militia was hardly all the security. Pulaski had a professional security team, which at a guess probably ran about thirty men. The militia seemed to run about 100 men and based out of Marsma.

The compound itself was hardened. Surveillance over-flights showed that a razor wire topped chain link fence was just inside the stone wall that encircled the compound. Intel analysts also guessed that HMG’s and even Mortars were likely present. The sniper teams noted technicals randomly patrols the perimeter outside the compound as well.

It looked like an assault was the most likely course of action, and plans were drawn up. They involved using a large number of helicopters to insert men near the compound and cut off escape of Pulaski. Meanwhile C-130’s would land reinforcements at the airstrip and gunships would strike at militia positions in Marsma. It was risky and there were likely to be casualties. But approaching overland would give Pulaski too much time to escape via a plane he kept at the airstrip, a boat, or just to slip away on the ground.

What the planners really needed was Intel from inside the compound. They were able to get it. ProTec was able to turn a man on the security detail that had been in the army in the Lonestar Republic. He had found out what his employer had been up to and called an old buddy of his now in ProTec’s employ. He was quickly put in touch with the team planning the assault. After verifying that the man was not full of bullshit, and arranging the mans payment, a new plan was drawn up.

The inside man told ProTec that the boss was likely to fly out of the compound in the next several days, but he didn’t know exactly when. ProTec’s new plan was to hit Pulaski’s convoy when it was on route to the airport and extract the rogue agent. The snatch team would infiltrate overland and set up to ambush the convoy. Meanwhile air mobile teams would be ready to secure the airstrip and block reinforcements from the militia, or chase down Pulaski if things went pear shaped. Once Pulaski was secured he would be taken back to ProTec’s staging area, which was a small forward base some 50 miles to the Northwest.

Pezookia was offered to send a liason for the operation.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

New From Executive Action!

The MAD vest. Tired of body guards not working up to expectations?
don't trust the people you do business with?
Now with the MAD vest personal deterrent system you don't have to.

the Mad vest isn't just light body armour, it's geletin explosives go to work the second your body ceases to function turning those ceramic armoured plates and kevlar mesh into your own personal claymore mine.

Just see with these dummies what would have happened if President Sheppard had been wearing a MAD vest. *the demonstrations shows the "Gurkas" and those delegates sitting next to shep, being turned into unrecognizable paste, the dummy that was standing where Blackadder was lost both legs and his groin; those sitting across from Sheppard including two members of the FUN delegation's dummies were decapitated.

Now with the MAD vest you can kill them if they kill you first!!!

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by RogueIce »

First Marine Regiment Activated

The First Marine Regiment of the Shinra Republic Marine Corps has been officially activated today. Composed of three infantry battalions, they will provide shipboard and shore facility security for the Navy.

Made up of volunteers from the Army and Navy as well as new recruits, each of the three battalions will be sent to a seperate MESS nation to train with established Marine forces: the 1st BN will go to the People's Republic of Canissia, the 2nd to Wilkonia and the the 3rd to the Lone Star Republic. Upon their return, the Regiment as a whole will come together and forge their own unique style of operations, formed from the mixture of traditions by each host country.

In other Navy news, two new Fortuna-class frigates were launched today. After satisfactory completion of sea trials, they will enter regular service.

Meanwhile in Enderistan, the damaged ships of Task Force 23 continue to be repaired in local shipyard facilities. The four frigates of TF-23 - one Fortuna and three Gorgon ships - were damaged by a surprise nuclear attack that started the brief MESS/Shepnukistan War.


Office of the President, Shinra Republic

Commander Peter Scott, CO of the SRS Fortuna had just completed a secured videoconference with President Shinra and the new CNO, Admiral William Robinson, discussing the attack on TF-23.

"No doubt about it, Mister President. The Fortuna saved that task force. We need more like her."

"I agree. We're going to increase production: three new hulls every six months. But tell me, what are your thoughts?"

"Well sir, the fact is they weren't prepared for what happened. To be fair, I don't think anybody expected those nuclear cruise missiles, and certainly not for them to initiate when they were destroyed. The Task Force simply was not composed for that. We had expected submarines from Saddamistan or even the few the Shepnukistanis held on to. A couple of destroyers or even a single cruiser might have changed things. But the Gorgons are just not suited to the kind of threat they faced." The CNO paused, and concluded. "To be blunt Mister President, they were lucky to have survived."

"I agree. What about the results of the RCN/MA skirmish?"

"Well sir, the Canissian Navy was kind enough to send us a copy of their own report, and I agree with their conclusions. At the moment though, given our current force structure, it is not terribly relevant: we're mostly focused around our CVBGs and have only limited SAG capability, and that has only been deployed in bolstering our air defense screen during the recent crises.

"Nonetheless, I am going to make the report of that skirmish required reading for our Naval War College. It is important our senior officers be familiar with that kind of warfare."

"OK. And JTF-1?"

"Well sir, they didn't see any action. But they were on deployment a long time, nearly ten months without a port visit. Their crews are definately in for some leave, and the ships need yard time. Also, it's a good thing we ordered three of those Dry Cargo Vessels from the LSR; the Denton County served us well, but we really need our own UNREP capability if something like that ever happens again."

"Alright. Thank you Admiral. That'll be all for now."

"Thank you, sir." Admiral Robinson got up and exited.

Rufus turned to contemplating recent events. The world had almost seen a nuclear war. And just when that was over, there was that damn coup in PeZookia. He was glad to hear that the PeZookians had managed to put a stop to it; tragically three of their soldiers died in the battle. "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." He recalled this quote from Thomas Jefferson, and sadly realized that even here, in a new world, with so much hope and possibility, it seemed the same tragedies of old Earth would become a fact of life for those who lived here.

King Paul was due to arrive soon on an official state visit. Rufus was looking forward to that. Paul had been one of his best sources of support when he needed some help from outside the MESS in dealing with a crisis. It would be a welcome change to be able to meet and talk with him when the future of humanity wasn't on the line. And he'd finally get to meet the Queen, who from what he'd heard was just as brave and compassionate as her husband.

And finally, it seemed, the Olympics might have a chance to be held in Canissia after over a year's worth of delays. Despite the civil war in Shepnukistan and the uncertainty over Saddamistan and the UKB, it looked like there could finally be some measure of peace for Nova Terra.

He was looking forward to it.
Last edited by RogueIce on 2008-06-06 09:46pm, edited 1 time in total.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Lonestar »

Fort Worth Star Telegram
LSRN returns to "peacetime" operations
With the return of the Yellow Rose CSG to NS Corpus Christi, all major fleet units except for the Davey Crockett are in LSR waters or port. The Davey Crockett recently participated in a "Sea Swap" exercise and continues to conduct minesweeping operations in the area between Terra Libertia and Adrianopolis.

"Our vessels are really, really worn out." CNO Oscar Saldana said. "And the continous operations have absorbed a tremendous amount of funds. Maintenance and routine yardwork has been put off, degrading readiness, and now we have to play catchup."

Construction on the new
Stephen F. Austin LHDs continues at Southwest Marine as well as 3 Dallas County class replenishment vessels for the Shinra Navy. At L3 Maritime systems work continues on the CSGNs for the LSRN and TXN, as well as repairs on the Abilene. Repair work has been slow, first by the limit facilities in nearby Subic Bay to get her seaworthy for travel, and then virtually having to rip out the patch begin to rebuild the inside.

Southwest Marine Officials show off the Stephen F. Austin to visiting MESS officials

DPS issues new building codes for new public buildings
Attorney General Jerry Journeau of the Department of Public Safety announced at a press conference today that new requirements will be issued for any new public building, to include large apartment complexes.

"An effort will be made to ensure that Tornado and Fallout shelters will be readily at hand for all civilians. The shelter size will vary based upon the size of the building, but should be able to carry water and provisions for the regulation number of people for a week."

AG Journeau confirmed that this would include Stadiums, and the Dallas Mavericks-o-Dome, whose ground was broken a week before the Shepnukistani attack on MESS Forces, would have to have a civilian shelter in it.

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Coiler »

Anti-rap riots throughout Coilerburg

Today, many demonstrators took to the streets of Navalopolis and other Coilerburg cities in a protest that police called "Too well-coordinated to be spontaneous". The protest was not political or economic, but rather cultural. They were protesting rap music.

The protesters waved signs displaying anti-rap messages such as "YOU CAN'T SPELL CRAP WITHOUT RAP", "NUCLEAR WAR MAY NOT BE THAT BAD-IT'LL BLOW UP ALL THE RAPPERS" and the less elegant "RAP SUCKS". A paper-mache caricature of a rap star was burned, and rap music CDs were smashed.

Quite a few of the protesters were identified as members of an organization known as the "Real Rockers Anti-Rap Club", an organization devoted opposing rap, with members worldwide, led by popular Lonestar Republic DJ Geoff Smiths. Smiths is an out-and-out hater of rap music who frequently mocks it on the air.

The internet has enabled Smiths to extend the reach of the Real Rockers away from the Lonestar Republic and across the world, with millions tuning onto his show via digital streaming.
Visitor of five museum ships.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSatTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

It has been a while now since the end of the 'Nuclear New Year' crisis, an incident that began with a nuclear strike on a MESS naval task force, and ended with the summary execution of President Sheppard in the island of Atlantis.

Since then, Shroomanians have left the confines of their bunkers and fallout shelters and have returned to normalcy - but after this, can anything be truly normal anymore?

Shroomanians, and practically all the New World's peoples, have grown accustomed to the fright of impending annihilation, gotten accustomed with the approaching apocalypse. Amongst the provisions found in many private shelters, aside from water, canned food rations, and anti-rad medication, are board games. Parents have a round of Monopoly and Dungeons & Dinobonoids with their children while huddling up in their subterranean safeties - or turn on the Degenatron and play some postapocalyptic ultraviolent videogames.

As people emerge to find their world intact, so to has the entertainment industry returned. With a vengeance.

Many Shroomanian artists have adopted their 'art' to the current political climate. Lyrics that espouse the virtues of peace, movies that ruminate upon post-apocalyptic lifestyles involving scavenging petrol and avoiding BDSM-clad bandits - such as the ones engulfing Neverhood and Shepnukistan at this moment.

"Iz all sheeit, ya know?" Shroomanian shit-rap singer M.C. Pee Pants explained. "Every day an' another, is gonna be another war. Back den', it was da OMSK-MESS, den it was the UAR, an' now it's Da Bean with dem space-swords comin' down on upon us. Mah music 'xplains dat, ya know. Touches upon dat an' da realities it implies for us in da ghetto. I was from da Neverhoodie, ya know - an' to all mah peeps back in Neverhoodie, yo peoples! Mazel Tov, Motherfuckers! Keep it real, mah mangs!"

M.C. Pee Pants, keeping it real for the mangs.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by PeZook »

Somewhere in Libertia

Captain Karolak didn't like the idea of working with ProTec. He had a low opinion of mercenaries in general, and one couldn't blame him, seeing that there plenty of amoral and brutal ones on Nova Terra.

But ProTec distanced themselves from the coup perpetrators ; They were careful not to anger anybody, and seemed to have a decent moral compass. This didn't make captain Karolak like them, but orders are orders.

He was in conference with the local ProTec commander in a camp not far from where Pulaski was hiding out.

"You see, the problem is that this is not characteristic of him. The RIS expected him to disappear, lay low, change his identity and then return in one form or another. He's an intelligence officer, and pretty smart. Hell, for two years, we had no idea it was him who was selling out the weapons caches.

We don't know what he's doing in that compound, but we have to be careful. That convoy may be a trap."

The ProTec commander assured Karolak they had very good intelligence on the matter, and that there was little danger of misinformation.

"Yeah, well, I'm here to tell you what we know about the guy, so I'm telling you. I'm glad to hear you've done all the necessary legwork. As for what we'd want from him...well, we're still looking for the last industrial mogul who disappeared after the coup. Maybe Pulaski knows where he could get to."

He really, really hoped that for once, the world's intelligence community managed to outsmart that guy.


Royal Office, PeZookia

Running a country was hard enough on its own, but getting it back up and working again after a massie evacuation was another thing altogether. A huge number of reports to read and decisions to make littered the King's desk, and he didn't have time to slog through them all, anyway, because it seemed like he had a meeting schedules every hour of the day.

Still, after four days or so of frantic work and seemingly insurmountable problems, his desk started looking normal again, and his head stopped hurting. The country was back in working order, and more pleasant things could be considered.

Funny. He never thought an official state visit would be a pleasant break from everyday work.

It looked like the constant crises had their toll on PeZookia's King. He looked more tired than ever, and more than anything, needed a vacation. Yes...some official things to do, and then a two week-long vacation in the mountains of Shinra. His doctor would approve as well. And his marriage could use some solace from the matters of the world.

He signed the last edict - one rescinding martial law, and standing down all military forces throughout PeZookia - and threw it on top of the rest. The press conference would follow, and then it's back to the everyday grind.

His secretary walked in and collected the papers.

"Kate, could you call Kamila in? And bring me some green tea, please."

"Of course, Your Highness"

Both requests were realized swiftly. Kamila was the head of protocol here at the Royal Palace, having recently replaced Julia. She was young, and before she could really settle in, the crisis hit and she had to evacuate.

Funny, I remember all their names, Paul thought. He didn't think it was possible to remember the names of everyone on his staff, but it sunk in after some time.

"Hello, Kamila. Sit down, please. How's this thing going with your boyfriend?"

A bit surprised, she answered anyway, "Oh, he left me. He said he wouldn't be caught dead with somebody as fat as me."

Paul raised an eyebrow. That man must must've been either stupid, or blind, or both.

"Well, being King and all, I could have him assassinated you know.", he said, jokingly. She laughed.

"I'll think about it."

"Right. Jokes aren't why I called you here, as unfortunate as it is. I need you to plan a state visit to Shinra."

"Of course, your highness. What did you have in mind for it?"

"Well, I always wanted to meet with the soldiers who participated in Archangel a while back, the families of the ones who were killed there. I'd like to meet with the men of TF-23, too, and visit some national landmarks. Then I think I'll meet with president Shinra for dinner, and after the visit, stay in the country for two weeks, as a vacation."

Kamila nodded and wrote everything down.

"See what is acceptable to the Shinra and what isn't. You'll liaise with them and then come with me to supervise all the arrangements."

"Of course, your highness."

"That is all. And cheer up - that guy was an idiot."

Kamila smiled again. She could've gotten a worse boss.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Farbanti, Shroomania
Office of the Prime Minister

There were lots of things to deal with, now that whole UAR crisis had climaxed and gone over to a most horrible resolution. The FUN was now a superpowered alliance - side by side by the MESS. Shepnukistan was a ruin. Blackadder was forging its own goddamn destiny, for better or worse, and could not be trusted. Saddamistan was back to square one, but even angrier.

It was a paradigm shift, to say the least, and for all his mental frailties, the Prime Minister of Shroomania had to make sure his country would make it through the oncoming storm. Shroomania had to, for the sake of the FUN.

Speaking of which, Crossrodia was joining the FUN and ceremonies had to be planned, speeches, addresses, lots of fireworks and booze and blackjack and hookers...

That was a good thing, though.

Anyway, back to Shroomania.

The Prime Minister decided on decreasing military spending. From 10% of the GDP, 75 billion, down to around 5% of the GDP - 40 million.

Shroomania's own military could make do without its Runaway Defense Budget, while Shroomania pitched in on the FUN DEFENSE FUND - particularly investing in the JASD and the FART.

Fungal Advanced Raction Taskforce - goddamn he was awesome with these acronyms.

Perhaps the aircraft carrier Flattop could be retired as well. The Navy wouldn't like it, but they could make it up by buying more destroyers and cruisers. It would certainly make things easier on the budget...

Which led him back to the JASD and the FART. The PeZookians were making headway in training with the Shinrans, and those Rangers really had a thing going for them. The Shroomanian Army needed an airborne unit like that, and needed some Antonovs from the RT for transport. Then there were the Canissians - their newfound naval warfare acumen would prove to be useful.

Prime Minister Shroom decided that the FUN would be joining in CROSSHAIRS '11. Then they'd continue training with the Shinras and the Canissians. Though the Mushroom Marines were among the first to have combat and MOUT experience in Syndromia, the Canissians were getting their fare share of action in the Neverhood...

Speaking of the Canissians, there was the Olympics.

Oh, and the goddamn Blackadders.

The FUN would have to accelerate the development of its own space program. The ShroomSats might not be that dependable anymore, especially with that Gurkha thing.

Stratellites were gonna be the next big thing. He had called Michelangelo MacMillan, his buddy who happened to be one of the richest men in the world, and ordered a handful of stratellites for Shroomania. If they could export it to the rest of the FUN, well, that was good - more income tax revenue and whatever!

Shroom relaxed and turned the TV on.


LIVE on ShroomSatTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The MacMillan Multicorporation launches its stratellite constellation!

The MacMillan Multicorporation, in conjunction with ShroomSatTV and the Bear Republic, has launched a constellation of five ShroomStrats into the skies of Shroomania as an initiative to bolster the telecommunications capacity of the nation.

In light of the unfortunate and unexplained communications blackout that came with the Nuclear New Year's Nightmare, many parties in Shroomania agree that decreasing the nation's dependence on a singular system would improve redundancy and dependability.

The new ShroomStrats will be hovering within Shroomanian airspace - but their signal coverage extends beyond mere borders and they can, in fact, transmit and receive signals from areas bordering Shroomania as well. The coverage is said to include portions of Canissia, Crossrodia, Shinra, Red Technocracy, and the Central Sea nations of Vulpesia, N'ton, Shadow, and PeZookia. This, combined with the new Red Technocracy-Shroomanian Friendship Tower, gives Shroomania one of the most comprehensive communications capacities in the New World.

ShroomSat/StratTV has announced that they will be delivering a 'special gift' to the New World nations under the coverage of the ShroomStrats. No information has been released as to what this 'special gift' may be, except for the fact that the Shadow Empire may be involved in the 'special gift'.

Expert analysts believe that the 'special gift' will be a publicity stunt to attract customers for the MacMillan ShroomStrats.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by PeZook »

Astoria Evening News

National funeral service held in Astoria

In honor of the soldiers,policemen and civilians killed during the attempted coup earlier this week, a national funeral service was held in the capital city of Astoria. Buried with full honors, all victims of the 50-man mercenary team were commemorated by the establishment of a national Rememberance Day.

In a speech made in honor of the victims, King Paul I honored the victims and soldiers lost during the crisis, saying that a tragic loss of life such as this is evidence that a craving for power knows no limits, and people willing to attain wealth and prestige can move as far as murder.

Soldiers of the 1st Independent Airmobile Company carry ppor. Solowiec to his final resting place

In the same speech, the King has announced the creation of a 50 million dollar aid fund for the victims of these attacks.

"We will leave no one behind to be forgotten after they were ruthlessly assaulted ; And no soldier who died for his country will be dishonored by seeing his family struggle and suffer after his death. This fund will raise money to pay out pensions to all the wounded veterans, the families of soldiers killed in action, and the families of people murdered by the assassins attempting to overthrow the government."

Thousands of people lit candles at the ruined military terminal at Astoria International Airport tonight

The King is scheduled to visit the Shinra Republic next week, where he will thank the Shinra Rangers who participated in the foiling of the coup. The King will also discuss important matters of state with president Shinra, concerning national defence and ISCA purchases for this year.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"You know, the last time the Byzantine Empire had troubles with heretics, and rivals for the thrones, we either behead them, or if they are royalty, we simply cut the tongues of the traitors and gorge out their eyeballs and then throw them to some monastery where they would atone for their sins," mused the Byzantine Emperor who was reading the news of the PeZookian uprising.

"Well sire, that was another era," said a nervous adviser. The Emperor was in one of his ... moods.

"Yeah, though it was effective in making an example of those fools who dare to defy the Emperor," the Emperor chuckled. "Now on to other business. Did our agents obtain a copy of the subject's DNA?"

"Yes sire, they did."

"Let's have fun with Science."
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

4 Komnenos class destroyers, formerly from Wilkonia, commissioned.

The 4 Komnenos class destroyers, formerly from Wilkonia, were commissioned today and will join the fleet. Since the end of the crisis, all fleet units have returned to port for debrief and reassignment. The new carrier, IBNS Constantine will undergo refit as her crew and fighter wing trains. High command expects that the ship should be able to join the fleet by the end of the year. The 12 F-35C aircraft bought from UKB will be used extensively for flight training.

More aid sent to Diocese

More flights of aid, consisting of food and prefab houses were sent to the Diocese via a WCT vessel. A hospital will also be built some distance away from the disaster area to facilitate health care for the people caught in the devastation.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Eslami Daily

His Highness Arrives at Shinra Republic

After a few days of travel, His Highness Sultan Ibrahim has finally arrived at the Shinra Republic. During this visit His Highness will personally thank President Rufus for supporting the Sultanate, as well as visit various facilities in Shinra. The local Muslim community will also be meeting with His Highness.

His Highness also expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Shroom for permission of visiting Shroomania, which will likely be his next stop.
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Top Secret

The subject's body was in a mangled state when he was found. As such, as much DNA material as was intact, including his reproductive organs and any sources of stem cells, were harvested and placed in containers to preserve the raw material. The items were shipped out secretly via a submarine that waited in international waters. In the chaos of the failed rebellion, no one noticed a wooden boat that was chartered and sailing out to sea.

There are a few possible steps that can be taken. We could possibly find the ovum of a female with similar characteristics to the subject and then merge their gene seed to produce a few babies in hope that one of them will inherit much of the subject's excellent qualities.

Another would be to create a fertilised egg with all his genetic material and hope that it would successfully develop into a fetus and would grow as per normal. Note that this is high risk option and there is a chance that the baby would not progress beyond a young age and die prematurely. Tests with various animals did not produce a favourable result.

We will continue to report our progress and hopefully we can achieve the desired result.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Navalopolis, Coilerburg
Unreal Time

First Sergeant Yukari Sugiyama, a Langley Marine working as an adviser for Military Assistance Command, Coilerburg (MACC, mack-see), was finding it hard to concentrate on her driving with all the protestors clogging the roads; the fact that she was openly and loudly blasting Heartsdales from the speakers of the Coilerburg government Mercedes-Benz G-Class that was loaned to her probably wasn't helping matters either. "Haters," she scoffed to herself.

Right after Yukari said that, one of the protestors was foolish enough to chuck a rock directly at her windshield; as she abruptly brought the truck to a stop, the windshield was struck by several more rocks and a few rotten eggs. "Haruka, radio HQ and tell them that we're under attack," she ordered her comrade and younger sister, Corporal Haruka Sugiyama. "Ask them if we're allowed to use lethal force on these motherfuckers."

"I'm on it, sis," Haruka replied as she grabbed the radio. "This is Corporal Sugiyama with MACC! Those anti-rap protestors just threw rocks at our G-Wagen! Requesting permission to use deadly force in self-defense! Over!"

As Haruka frantically radioed in for help, the protestors approached the stopped G-Wagen, spouting anti-rap slogans, waving picket signs, and holding rocks and Molotov cocktails. The same protestor who first started throwing rocks at the Marines took out a Molotov cocktail and tossed it onto the hood of the truck. "Okay, out of the truck, Haruka! Screw permission from HQ! We're shooting these bastards right now!" Yukari called out as she reached over to grab a Heckler & Koch UMP45 from the back seat; Haruka was already carrying a Benelli M4 Super 90.

As soon as Yukari and Haruka exited the truck, they were immediately pelted with more rocks and rotten eggs. "Go back to your ghettoes, you filthy Elevens!" several of the protestors called out.

Yukari pointed her UMP into the air and fired a short burst; while the rioters retreated slightly, they were largely unfazed by her attempted display of force. "You better check yourselves before you wreck yourselves, motherfuckers!" she called out as she leveled her submachine gun towards the crowd.

Out of the corner of her eye, Haruka noticed that very same rioter who threw a Molotov cocktail at the truck getting ready to pitch another lit one directly at her. She spun around and fired a single shot at the bottle, causing the contents to splatter and ignite and setting the would-be murderer and several people next him on fire; several others were maimed by the cloud of 12-gauge shot emanating from her gun.

From that point on, everything turned to chaos as Yukari and Haruka attempted to defend themselves from the rioters. As "Tip Taps Tip" by Halcali played through the speakers of the still-running, still-burning G-Wagen, the two Marines fired into the crowds, injuring, maiming, or outright killing anyone who had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of their assault. They had just run out of ammo and were starting to use their firearms as clubs when they were relieved by the riot police.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Post by RogueIce »

New Warships Enter Shinra Fleet

An ex-UKB cruiser and ex-UKB destroyer at the Junon Naval Base, being readied for active service (the hull numbers are currently unchanged from UKB service).

One new guided missile cruiser (CG) and two guided missile destroyers (DDG), recently purchased from the United Kingdom of Blackadder, are being readied for full operational service with the Shinra Republic Navy. The ships were purchased before the MESS-Shepnukistan War, but delivery was delayed due to the hostilities. The new ships are expected to be commissioned and in service within the next two months.

The Navy has also ordered three Dry Cargo Vessels from the Lone Star Republic, and recently announced plans to build a new Orcus-class attack submarine, though no date has been set.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Bear Republic Annouces Upgrade plan!

while there is still a sizable percentage of the Republic that is not yet wired for Fiberoptic Video, Computer, and personal communication use, Morgûl computer technitions discovered a frightening new threat. It's not attacking computers built by the Technocracy, but they can pass it on to other systems. We don't know who wrote this bit of malicious software yet, but we are definatly looking into it, currently until the final change over, the republic is suspending new entertainment productions, because we don't want the virus to damage our new next generation video processing computers. (yes, we consider CGI/Digital Movie computers a part of national security, which might tell you how incestious the relationship between our version of Hollywood and our Military is.)

Remember the only thing we know about this Virus is that Technocracy manufactured computers running Technocracy operating systems are not effected, but the software can still be passed on by them.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Lonestar »

Midland Missile Range

Major Ed Parada brought the X-12, the Black Colt mk1 up to the waiting specially modified KC-45 tanker. The F-414 engines hummed, draining the jet fuel as the special fueling probe was lowered. The rocket fuel began to enter the tanks.

"Midland, I am beginning to fuel."


"Roger that Mumbles." The control roomer operator said.

The Midland Missile Range "Special Aviation Control Room" was especially crowded. After almost 3 years of development, and nothing but airtunnel and ferrying trials, the first LEO trial was going to begin today. The State Department had ran out and got permission from for overflights from all the non-MESS nations, and part of the guarantee was that thye would be aloud to have their Military Attache office at their respective embassies send experts to observe in the control room. So besides the various MESS service reps, there were representatives from the Air Forces(in the case of the Red Technocracy, the "Space Forces") of Shroomania, the Red Technocracy, and the Bear Republic. The Red general was talking about SPIRAL and, while it may not be a SSTO like Black Colt, it was a mature technology and certainly the LSR would be putting it's money to better use on buying the technology from the RT. The Bear Republic General was talking about...Atomic Airships? Or something? The Shroomanian one was playing an intense game of "Tetris" on his Blackberry.

For the base personnel, who were used to working out of sight, it was annoying.


The ding! indicated that the rocket fueling process was done.

"Command, this is Mumbles. I'm ready to make history, over."

"Roger that Mumbles." The KC-45 was already moving off, and the X-12's jet engines brought it up higher. Parada tried not to think of all the liquid oxygen he was sitting on.

"I am at launch altitude." His hand went over the LK-2 ignition switch and lifted the safety cover.

"Commence primary ignition."

He flipped the switch, the ignition accelerated the X-12 rapidly and Parada felt himself being pressed against the back of seat.



The X-12 took off and entered the upper-atmosphere. The Rocketplane continued to head East, and the atmosphere started to break. Somewhere over the Eastern Ocean(That's what the LSR and Tian Xia called it, Shroomania and the Shinra Republic called it the Western Ocean) it entered orbit.


There was cheering in the control room. The RT General watched with interest, the Yosemite General talked about the future of alternative rapid transit, the Shroomanian Generals' Tetris game wasn't going so well.

Over the RT the X-12 began it's descent.



The RT Air Defenses had pinged the Hell out of him, despite knowing he was passing through. I suppose I would have too, Parada thought. As he crossed into Bear Republic airspace he got a "salutation and welcome from the President!" and a promise of a free smoked salmon gift basket. He continued Northeast for his goal of Wichita Falls Air Force Base.

By the time he over the Bear Channel he was completely in the atmosphere, and he reported to control that he was turning on his F-414s. The Jet engines took over and controlled him the rest of the way home. One hour 57 minutes since take off, he had landed.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Raj Ahten »

In Libertopia

The waiting was finally over, Pulaski was moving to the airfield. Getting the 16 man ambush team into position by the road to the airstrip and keeping everyone else at high readiness to move out at the slightest moment hadn’t been easy. Then the Sniper teams reported that a five vehicle convoy was leaving from the compound. Five minutes later the informant called in and said Pulaski was on the move. ProTec’s helicopters were already in the air.

6 Blackhawk’s, newly acquired from Shepnukistan, and four Gazelle gunships armed with cannon and rockets were taking part in the operation. The plan was for two Blackhawk’s to land blocking teams to intercept and move by the militia to relieve Pulaski’s column. Two more Blackhawk’s would secure the airfield, while the last two remained in reserve. The gunships would move as needed. Each Blackhawk had 8 heavily armed and carefully selected men onboard.

Pulaski’s column had 3 SUV’s with a gun jeep from the militia taking up the front and the rear. The ProTec men at the ambush site let the first gun jeep pass, not wanting to spring their ambush two early. They then detonated a cratering charge in front of the first speeding SUV. It quickly crashed. Simultaneously, ProTec personnel opened up on the remaining vehicles in the convoy. The gun jeep in the rear was destroyed with a Sagger ATGM. Sniper team one engaged the lead gun jeep as it came back to assist the SUVs.

The men guarding Pulaski were Pro’s. They left the lead SUV at the crash site; they would have to fight until the militia relieved them. Then Pulaski’s SUV was disabled after a grenade launcher blew the front axle off. In a textbook evacuation drill, they then transferred Pulaski into their one remaining SUV. The shooting was very fierce. One ProTec man was killed, and an additional three wounded in the first thirty seconds of the engagement. That was all it took Pulaski’s men to go cross country and break the ambush in their remaining vehicle.

While Pulaski’s men who had been left at the ambush site were shot to pieces, the militia was mobilizing. The helicopters were also drawing into position. The blocking team fast roped into position along the road without incident. Two Gazelles also strafed militia positions around the town. Meanwhile, the team taking on the airfield was having problems of their own.

The two gazelle gunships assigned to support this part of the operation had easily destroyed Pulaski’s waiting aircraft. They were then engaged by HMG fire from concealed positions at the tree line to the West of the airstrip. The Blackhawk’s landed their men regardless. One was forced to crash-land after taking heavy fire. It was later estimated some 30 heavily armed militia held the airfield. ProTec’s ground team attacked vigorously, working to flank the militia. The violence of the assault took the militia off guard, and the continued presence of the Gazelle gunships proved decisive. Regardless, 2 ProTec men were killed and 4 more were wounded before they could secure the airstrip. The crashed Blackhawk had t be abandoned and destroyed.

Meanwhile the entire town was in chaos as the Gazelle’s made repeated gun runs to disorganize the militia. A relief column pressed on regardless. They ran headlong into a hasty ambush set up by the blocking force. This part of the operation was textbook in its execution. 5 militia vehicles were destroyed and some 35 militia were estimated KIA. Only two ProTec men were injured, only on seriously.

At this point though, Pulaski had broken out of the ambush. Thinking fast, Colonel Smith dispatched the reserve to get Pulaski. The men at the airstrip, though taking fire and casualties, had the matter in hand. A well placed sniper team talked the reserve forces towards Pulaski’s fleeing SUV. Using an anti Materiel Rifle, the sniper team also immobilized the SUV. The Reserve troops then fast roped in and engaged Pulaski’s bodyguards in a running gunfight as they tried to take Pulaski out through the brush. A ProTec man took a round through the spine, which paralyzed him, and three other men were wounded. The five remaining bodyguards with Pulaski were all killed. 2 men back at the ambush site surrendered.

Pulaski was run down after he took a round in the leg. ProTec then started extracting its forces via helicopter, starting with the airfield and the ambush site. The blocking team went out last, and the Gazelle’s continued runs at militia positions until they ran out of ammunition. From the time the first shots were fired until the last man was extracted had been 45 minutes.

Initial Intel taken from the site indicated that Pulaski was at the site to sell weapons and that he was about to fly out to hide with an independent warlord in Alexander’s territory, but that the rogue agent needed money to do so.

ProTec had taken 3 dead and nine seriously wounded in the operation, along with losing a Blackhawk. The Operators hoped it was all worth it, as Pulaski and the other Prisoners were loaded into a waiting Antonov at the staging area and flown into Pezookia.
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Post by Beowulf »

Tian Xia
Imperial Palace

Beowulf mused, "So Bean just decided to kill Shep in the middle of Atlantis. Guess I'm not going to Atlantis... ever? It's obvious that with Bean's de facto control of Atlantis that actually using it as a neutral launch site is no longer in the cards. Liz?"

"Yes, sir?" responded his attractive personal secretary.

"Schedule a VTC with the MESS. Need to talk to them about space. Also, get Pavel on the phone."

"Yes, sir."

In the outer office, Liz's phone connected, "MESS Space Agency, Chief Pavel Ivanov's office."

"Beowulf wants to talk to him."

"Chief Ivanov speaking."

"This is Beowulf. I want an update on the status of Drake and Starbooster."

"Yes, sir. Starbooster was supposed to start all-up test launches day after New Year's. However, because of Shep, we post-poned the launches until we could avoid antagonization. First launch is tomorrow. Drake is almost ready to start test flights. Planning on constructing a dozen of each stage. "

"Good." Beowulf raised his voice to call out to his secretary, "Liz, secure the line."

"Done, sir," Liz responded.

"What's the status of Mjolnir?" asked Beowulf.

"Development of Project Zeus helped tremendously. We'll need a test shot before full scale deployement, but the engineers think that the only thing necessary will be to launch the damn things. Drake should be useful for that. We're projecting being able to lift about five sats per launch. From that, we can move the sats around the orbital plane as necessary. They're going to use a military satcom system as the disguise. It's a damn good thing we haven't put one up, eh?"

"Great. And the space ferries and propellant farms?"

"Obviously, we're going to need to launch the ferries on something larger than the Starbooster 10. They're looking at staging the Starboosters differently, and putting an upper stage between two Starboosters. The upper stage would itself be the ferry, in that configuration. The propellant farms are just waiting for Drake to be ready for launch. The tugs should be able to go up right atop the ferry. "

"Good. Keep up the good work. We might need to change the launch location of LEO launchers. Put simply, I don't think we can trust the UKB any more. Yeah, Atlantis is supposed to be neutral but UKB has entirely too much influence there."

"Mangka might be doable. Need to have the engineers take a closer look, but it should generate a similar range from launch site to landing site. On the other hand, the first stage Starbooster is already needing to use energy management manuevers to reduce the velocity enough to manage to land soon enough. A further launch site should work as well. Possibly Shinra."

"I'm going to be talking to the MESS heads, get some agreement on where to move the neutral site to."

"Oh, lastly, the SPS will be ready in about two years. The station design will be ready next year. We'll have to still do construction on the station though. The mirror will be a pain."
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Coiler »

Aftermath of bloody anti-rap riot

The anti-rap riot is over, but the smashed city districts and the dead bodies remain as bloody proof of its occurrence. Although there were many clashes between demonstrators and police, the "highlight" of the day's riot was an incident involving Langley marines Yukari and Haruka Sugiyama that led to the deaths of several protesters.

PFL Iler has issued a statement to the Langley government urging them not to withdraw their advisers because of the incident, who he says are "Invaluable" in training Coilerburg's expanding military. The Coilerburg authorities have promised MACC personnel greater security, but have also warned them not to do anything "provocative, trouble-inciting, or just plain stupid".

When asked to comment on the incident, the Navalopolis chief of police said "It's not that clear cut. On one hand, the marines were definitely defending themselves. On the other, they were driving through an area full of anti-rap protesters while blasting rap music. That's either deliberately provocative or just really idiotic."

Coilerburg's attorney general stated that it will let the Langley government decide the fate of the two marines, but that the Coilerburg authorities would gladly assist with any investigation.

The Real Rockers Coilerburg branch also faces potentially serious consequences. Many of its members were arrested during and after the riot, and there is even talk that the Coilerburg government is considering forcibly disbanding it.
Visitor of five museum ships.