I mentioned it in the very first reply of this thread.Davey wrote:I'm surprised nobody mentioned this - but also guns running out of ammo for coup-de-graces. Mr. Action Hero fires hundreds of rounds out of an ordinary pistol without reloading, reaches Mr. Bad Guy, then when he pulls the trigger, click! Oops, now we get to throw in a big fake martial-arts scene! Most directors don't realize a self-loading pistol will lock open when it's empty.
Incidently, I love how when the protagonist is a cop, he can rack up a damned impressive bodycount and the department won't even blink an eye.
Unless it's a plot point that he be suspended. In which case he'll still take the law into his own hands and then kill the Main Bad Guy and probably a bunch of henchmen, while suspended...and All Shall Be Forgiven.