General Zod wrote:Alyrium Denryle wrote:
But that wont happen. We can talk about what is and is not an ideal solution, but in the end we have to work with the system we are given. So, given our options, giving the prosecution more tools with which to... I suppose shame the jury into convicting is the way I can think of to put it, is our best option. It is not as if biological and cultural evolution has not stacked the deck in favor of the defense anyway.
How the fuck does letting the prosecution play the jury's emotions equate into giving them more tools? You just mentioned earlier that false convictions are horrible, so your answer to scoring more solid convictions is. . .make it easier for the prosecution to score false convictions? This seems absolutely briandead to me.
Did you not read the entire post? The post was predicated on the idea that false convictions are rare rare events for rape, because the system itself (culturally, not a matter of law, but all the prejudices that people bring to the table) is such that the rate of false convictions would not go up, but the rate of good convictions will.
My point was that juries are already biased against the complaining and favor of the defendant(see my evolutionary hypothesis
here. The use of pure clinical terms aids the defense to the detriment of the prosecution.
The defense can paint the defendant as an angel, pulling in his mother as a character witness, and by extension paint the complaining witness as a slut/liar/gold-digger without ever saying anything that would "prejudice the jury" the defendant can get up on the stand and claim the sex was consensual etc etc.
What, if you have your way, can the prosecution do? In a rape trial, the prosecution goes on the defensive, the credibility of their complaining witness is what is really on trial. They can present all the physical evidence in the world, but in the end they have to emotionally convince the jury that there was no consent. The only way to do that is to show them the traumatized victim, emphasis on the traumatized.
With crimes like murder, or robbery, this is not necessary. The physical facts of the case are the only things that can be disputed. Did person A Stab Person B, and did they do it on purpose?
In a rape case, you have to do two things.
1) You have to prove sex happened, which is hard because rape victims are often to traumatized/ashamed to go to hospital and admit to being raped, and have this habit of showering for a few hours to wash away their shame, or the rapist can just use a condom.
2) You have to prove that the accused is the one that had sex with the complaining witness. Kinda hard when they may not have seen their attacker, or there are no nice happy fluids.
If it were just this though, it should not be any harder than a murder conviction. The kicker comes in step three
3) You have to prove lack of consent. You can explain away pretty much any physical trauma seen during a rape with "she liked it rough" "she is into kinky shit and bit me" etc. It does not even require much heart-string-pulling on the part of the defense to get an acquittal, especially because, if my evolutionary hypothesis is correct, they are looking for reasons to acquit.
So what are you going to do, given the reality of the current system, but play the traumatized victim card, and SHOW the jury that there was no consent? By having the crying complaining witness get up on the stand, and say she was raped?
Do you have a better alternative? I would LOVE to see it, especially if it is actually realistic. Which means you dont get to propose massive revisions to our judicial system which are never ever going to occur barring the dissolution of our government and the creating of a new one.
The problem with this is that it ignores how strong the evidence may or may not be. It won't just make it easier for the prosecution to convict guilty men, it will make it easier for them to convinct anyone on trial, and it will do so by helping them sway the jury with emotion instead of evidence. This can never be a good thing.
See above. Hard evidence does not win rape cases, unless the rape charge is attached to a murder charge.