Low conviction rates? The US has the highest rate of convictions for rape in the world. Where the fuck are you getting your numbers from? Further, it's not a contradiction to point out that it's sufficient for current legal standards (which is a fact), while simultaneously pointing out that it's a flawed process.
54% ish. While murder conviction rates are 69% University of Rochester.
Though in the thread I linked to with my Evolutionary Hypothesis, the conviction rate in the UK is 5.7%
An accusation and evidence are enough for legal sufficiency, but maybe you should have specified that. They are not usually sufficient to get a CONVICTION. To, you know, send the bastard to PRISON. Because we have these silly things called JURIES which are typically comprised of the most mentally deficient rejects both lawyers can find.
To actually get a conviction, you have to be able to play on equal footing with the defense, you have to be able to counter the proclamations of angelhood they make about the defendant, or have you skipped the parts where I went over that in detail in your perpetual quest to cherry pick?
I suggest following your own advice, going back and actually reading what I said then. Or do you not know why I included "corroborating" along with "physical evidence"? Should I throw in a Merriam-Webster link?
Strawman. Remember Step three? SHowing non-consent. Where I specifically mentioned the JURY. You may be able to keep the case from being dismissed, you may be able to bring the case before a jury. But you will not be able to convince them of the lack of consent unless you play the Traumatized Victim Card. This is because the physical evidence is boring and they lose their attention, and they are looking for ways to disregard the simple claim that consent was not given is something they are, not only by virtue of the system, but also their evolutionary and cultural baggage. You have to cut through that, either with a corpse, overwhelming physical injuries, or a crying victim. One of the three will work, and in the US, it works better than in the UK apparently. A full order of magnitude better.
What part of that simple argument do you not understand to the degree that you cannot even get it right when you attack it? The only way the mere accusation supported by physical evidence is enough to convict is in a bench trial, and no rape defendant in their right mind goes for a bench trial.