I'd also add the scene about how the Jedi KNOw that there is a Sith lord manipulating the Republic and in Palpatine's inner circle, with Obi-Wan telling Anakin that. It would take away most of the ammo for trying to make them look like powermongering douchebags by war's end, and help's explain themselves to Anakin a hell of a lot better.MKSheppard wrote:So I was flipping through Episode 3 on DVD yesterday while whiling away the hours in the only air conditioned room in the house (portable air conditioner); and I noticed that the movie could have been immensely improved by a few subtle and judicious edits:
- Add a scene based upon this sequence from the ROTS novelization, it lets you understand why Anakin was so upset he wasn't made a Jedi Master:
The Jedi Temple also contained the archives, the vast library that encompassed the Order's entire twenty-five millennia of existence: everything from the widest-ranging cosmographical surveys to the intimate journals of a billion Jedi Knights. It was there Anakin hoped to find everything that was known about prophetic dreams—and everything that was known about preventing these prophecies from coming to pass.
His only problem was that the deepest secrets of the greatest Masters of the Force were stored in restricted holocrons; since the Lorian Nod affair, some seventy standard years before, access to these holocrons was denied to all but Jedi Masters.
As for the rest, I won't get into the argument, and it's been said before but still: Get rid of Hayden. Replace Portman with someone more enthusiastic and hopefully better chemistry with the new leading man. ("Your skin is soft. Not like sand" ). A tad more "grittyness" in the military aspects would have been nice - with the Clones on Geonosis, and more fleet battles, as opposed to the too strong focus on Starfighter action and idiotic drillsaw (as opposed to exploding) droids. Some better cheorography in the Final fight scenes (Palpatine, and Anakin & Obiwan not even aiming at each other and matching each other in raw force power).