In the missions where you attack cerebrates or the Overmind, most of the zerg are already dead by the time you get to them. Also, why would the Protoss want to wipe out the surface of their own home planet, where these missions take place? And yes, the gameplay might focus on ground combat, but I fail to see why this proves that SC fleets can't cause large-scale destruction during orbital bombardments, which the Protoss do on two occasions.
Do not ask me, I know all that. But that does not change they have that dialogue in the end and do it without - in their own interpretation -giving any time time to Raynor and Tassadar move out themselves and their fleet. Which make me suppose a lack of capacity to command a long distace attack.
The protoss do on two occasions ? I do not remember any time saying there was a oribital bombardments, but I must be sliping out it. When that is show...i do not wish to go playing all the story over again...
The battlecruiser being shot did not seem to have any damage by the looks of it. Also, we don't accept in-game things like not being able to kill one building with a Yamato as canon.
Neither shows any sign of being active also.
And i am sorry, but Starcraft is the game. The canon are the game and the cutscenes. Besides it, we only have one scene of a shot from a Yamato Gun, all other stuff is speculation (and people are already making it DBZ a world ? From a short distance shot and nothing else ?)
With weapons in the megaton range, a fleet of ST ships can probably cause lots of destruction, though not nearly as much as a SW style BDZ. If nuked, most ST buildings would probably go down. A large nuke would seriously damage if no destroy a ST ship, though it's not as big a deal since all their shipboard weapons are in the megaton range.
You mean, Enterprise, as example, can resist a nuke ?
I seem to remember ,in the classic series, Kirk doing meneace to use Enterprise to shot and destroy the surface where the enemies are there. How much actually Enterprise can do ? you know ? Can only kill civilians and some buldings ? Can destroy heavy armored places ? Only a small area or large area ?
Of course, spaceships don't conquer territory - ground troops do. The Terrans are the very embodiment of combined arms. I'm not sure if hand-phasers can bypass Protoss shielding(though I'm inclined to say they can), but a reaver is going to do helluva lot of damage to a nice, neat Federation line.
No doubt. I have never argued about this. In the ground the Federation will be wasted. If the Zergs attack a urban area, where the ferederation had to drop people to protect the population, that would be a massacre.
Exactly my point. In the manual a missle strike of one-thousand Apocalpse class nukes BDZ a planet. Actaully it was worse than a imp BDZ now that I reread it. Not only did it mealted the crust, It glassifyied it. That implies even more power than your typical BDZ. The UFP's dependcy on earth, and thier horrible defence of it, is well known. So I say:
sorry, I got confused. You mean a single ship from ST or SW universe can do it ?
That was exactly what I was saying.
Btw, what makes you thing the yamato canon can not take down a BC in a single shot? Apparently the canon is fed from some kind of battery which slowly recharges, so that firing the canon won't drain the energy of other systems. Perhaps the canon has an adjustable yield, and perhaps if you fire the canon with full power it is capable of destroying an undamaged BC.
This is in game, i supose you asked knowing it. It cannot. A single shot will leave the BC with only around 25% of hit points, so it cannot.
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