nBSG 410: "Revelations"

SF: discuss futuristic sci-fi series, ideas, and crossovers.

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How'd you like it?

Poll ended at 2008-06-20 01:54pm

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Post by Mark S »

And that desolate landscape they filmed at Ladies and Gentlemen, was the beach near to where I live. Saw them filming last November before the strike. My toddler thought he would help the crew by showing them rocks. They were cool about it. :D
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Post by Netko »

Well, its probably the first episode this season and for most of the 3rd one that really captured that Galactica feeling that was going on in the first and second seasons for me. Loved most of it, although a lot depends on how they proceed from here - if all the pseudo-religious bullshit and magic stealth signals isn't explained in the last ten episodes I will certainly not be a happy camper.

Adama's reaction to finding out his oldest friend isn't who he thought he was was simply an extremely beautiful piece of both acting and directing, as well every single Tigh scene this episode.
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Post by weemadando »

Awesome episode, mainly for Tigh being sublimely bad-arse.

As for the ending... Eh? I'm not really sure what to think about it at the moment.

And what's this shit about waiting until 2009?
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Post by CaptJodan »

Kane Starkiller wrote:I'm not too keen on the overused "the Earthlings blew themselves up" plot point
It's really hard to know what blew them up at this point. It's hard to believe a war amongst each other would leave no one at all. Some humans would likely survive a nuclear holocaust. The Twelve Colonies did, until the Cylons landed and presumably tried murdering everyone.
however they seemed very careful not to actually show any characteristic Earth features from orbit. This may not be Earth after all.
This bothers me as well. They screamed "Earth" at you in the season 3 finale with a zoom in shot at the end of a very recognizable Earth, but when we finally get there, they don't give us a shot like that to prove it. So we are to rely on constellations gained from Kobal, which really could be anything.

I'm willing to go with that it is Earth for the moment, but there's that nagging feeling in the background. Not nearly as strong as those here who still think Tigh and the rest are not really part of the final five.
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Post by Zac Naloen »

After watching this I was immediately inspired to create a new banner.

I couldn't decide on the which of the many beauty shots in the episode to use.

Ended up using this one. But I could sit here all day playing with different shots.


I'd have posted this in A&P if it was for the possibility of spoiling anyone.
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Post by Skylon »

CaptJodan wrote: This bothers me as well. They screamed "Earth" at you in the season 3 finale with a zoom in shot at the end of a very recognizable Earth, but when we finally get there, they don't give us a shot like that to prove it. So we are to rely on constellations gained from Kobal, which really could be anything.
The constellations from Kobol are the freaking Zodiac signs. Would it be possible to see them all from a solar system VERY close to Sol?
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Post by Minischoles »

5/5 for a lot of reasons

1: Olmos' reaction to Tigh telling him alone was worth a five, damn that guy is a superb actor
2: Tigh again just being the biggest bad ass in the fleet
3: Apollo prepared to go all the way that whole stand off was awesome
4: Kinda disappointed we didn't get to see the Colonials boarding the basestar, would have been epic to see some fighting going on as they're force to battle compartment by compartment.
5: Earth at the end (if it is earth, they seemed very careful to hide any sign of landmasses that could be used to identify it, hell they even put a hurricane obscuring part of it) and then finding the whole place nuked. Like a lot of people were probably thinking i was expecting a Planet of the Apes style shot of the Statue of Liberty, but that bridge did look very like the Brooklyn Bridge
(comparison shot)
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Post by [R_H] »

Pretty awesome episode, I had a hunch that either they would be attacked or no-one would be left on earth. Can't wait to see the next half of the season.
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Post by RedImperator »

Skylon wrote:
CaptJodan wrote: This bothers me as well. They screamed "Earth" at you in the season 3 finale with a zoom in shot at the end of a very recognizable Earth, but when we finally get there, they don't give us a shot like that to prove it. So we are to rely on constellations gained from Kobal, which really could be anything.
The constellations from Kobol are the freaking Zodiac signs. Would it be possible to see them all from a solar system VERY close to Sol?
From Alpha Centauri, the constellations would appear virtually identical (Cassiopeia would have an extra star and Centaurus would, obviously, be missing one). Further out and you'd see more and more distortion.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Olmos' scream-of-despair gave me chills. Give the man an emmy.
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Post by Braedley »

There was that shot a few episodes back with a basestar that clearly showed Orion. Most constellations in the northern winter sky would be relatively unaffected from Alpha Centauri.
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Post by The Kernel »

CaptJodan wrote: It's really hard to know what blew them up at this point. It's hard to believe a war amongst each other would leave no one at all. Some humans would likely survive a nuclear holocaust. The Twelve Colonies did, until the Cylons landed and presumably tried murdering everyone.
If the radioactivity was high enough they very well could have all either died or left rather than subject their children to growing up in a radioactive wasteland. We don't know how long ago any of this happened, but it could have been several centuries or more.

And I sure as hell hope that this is Earth and not a case of mistaken identity. That would just make this whole revelation feel cheap and gimmicky.
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Post by phongn »

The Kernel wrote:If the radioactivity was high enough they very well could have all either died or left rather than subject their children to growing up in a radioactive wasteland. We don't know how long ago any of this happened, but it could have been several centuries or more.
Even the worst-case counter-population nuclear war scenarios shouldn't result in the extinction of the species. Of course, technology may have regressed to the point that nobody noticed the ships coming in ...
And I sure as hell hope that this is Earth and not a case of mistaken identity. That would just make this whole revelation feel cheap and gimmicky.
A few people I know speculated this might be an analogue of oBSG's Terra.
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Post by Lord MJ »

How long ago did the 13 tribes leave Kobol again?

If this is supposed to really be Earth, and the ruins are the ruins of our civilization or some future civilization, and if our civilization was descended from the 13th tribe, the 13th tribe would've had to have landed on Earth tens of thousands of years in the past...
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Post by GrandMasterTerwynn »

phongn wrote:
The Kernel wrote:If the radioactivity was high enough they very well could have all either died or left rather than subject their children to growing up in a radioactive wasteland. We don't know how long ago any of this happened, but it could have been several centuries or more.
Even the worst-case counter-population nuclear war scenarios shouldn't result in the extinction of the species. Of course, technology may have regressed to the point that nobody noticed the ships coming in ...
That, or they're too busy looking for replacement water chips while fighting off the Super Mutants . . .

Seriously, I saw the bridge shot, and the first few bars of "Maybe" started playing in my head.
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Zac Naloen wrote:After watching this I was immediately inspired to create a new banner.

[snip awesomeness]

I'd have posted this in A&P if it was for the possibility of spoiling anyone.
That is gorgeous man, well done.
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Post by NeoGoomba »

Oh yeah, did anyone else catch the formation of Heavy Raiders flying in with the Colonials? I think its quite cool to see such a unified front of Humans and Cylons going to make First Contact, even if the Cylons are a rebel faction.
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Post by Mayabird »

I've been saying since the beginning of the series that Earth would turn out to be the real homeworld, and humans have been stuck in a cycle of history that goes as follows:

1) Humans MASSIVELY screw up.
2) A small remnant population flees the catastrophe and finds somewhere else to live.
3) Repeat.

Did something to Earth, then they found Kobol. Did something on Kobol, found the Twelve Colonies. Made the Cylons, and now they're completing the circle, but Earth is still a wasteland. There were probably some Dark Age periods between the initial colonization and the doom at the end on Kobol and the Colonies.

That thirteenth tribe was just returning "home" except they may have moved on when they found out how bad Earth still was. That may be the direction of the last few episodes, following the path of the thirteenth tribe past Earth as they tried to find somewhere new to live.

"All this happened before, and all this will happen again." The constellations, which make more sense if they already knew about them and then made tribes around them rather than magicking them out of nowhere and just so happening to match the constellations around Earth. The names of ships. It makes sense to me.
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Post by Strider »

If I remember correctly, the Three said that only four cylons were "with the fleet". At that point, there were a number of hostages aboard the Base Star that could have been considered to not be with the fleet, including two handfuls of Viper Pilots, Baltar, and Roslin. A stretch, but possible. Especially possible considering De'anna didn't blow the cover of any of the final five until they revealed themselves.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Or the Final Cylon is on Earth. Somewhere.
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Post by weemadando »

Strider wrote:If I remember correctly, the Three said that only four cylons were "with the fleet". At that point, there were a number of hostages aboard the Base Star that could have been considered to not be with the fleet, including two handfuls of Viper Pilots, Baltar, and Roslin. A stretch, but possible. Especially possible considering De'anna didn't blow the cover of any of the final five until they revealed themselves.
That was my thought as well.

The last of the five was one of those on the basestar.
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Post by Old Plympto »

I found this on Fark's BSG thread and chuckled.


This wasn't the episode made as the impromptu series finale was it? I think they filmed up till episode 11 before the WGA strike induced shutdown.

What also kicked me in the nuts was Tyrol alone with Nicky when everyone else was going nuts over their arrival.

Wasn't that a brief shot of Laird with the Vipers as the new deck chief?
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Post by Themightytom »

Earth should habitable, there was a lot of green visible in some o the orbital shots. it could be taht the colonials were looking for the temple of aurora that lee was looking at the plans for at the beginnin of the show.

SOMEONE is kicking around because the ship that kara came back in was manufactured by someone who could build very quickly and hide some kind of transmitter/reciever/locator in the viper, even if it wasn't a "real" signal and just navigation that is still pretty sophisticated.

At this point everyone in the show has had a nervous breakdown or Crisis Of Faith.

They found Earth, maybe they can just land and rebuild, but really theyre still screwed, theres no way they can maintain their level of technology with no infrastructure, assuming the cylon civil war is over b/c the rebels are with the colonials the cylons will still be out there getting stronger and advancing while the colonial's children will be reermerging from the stone age.

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Post by FuncoWilkerbean »

Gee, why does it always have to be New York?
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Post by Questor »

FuncoWilkerbean wrote:Gee, why does it always have to be New York?
What I want to know is how they picked New York to land in. It really isn't the best choice, even if you were looking for urban centers.

If I were going to be landing large numbers of people, I would choose somewhere in the great plains, although we have no idea what weather conditions are, but NYC would NOT be my choice of a landing area, simply because it is not a logical place for survivors if you do not know the history of the planet.
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