Damn that Futurama! The accursed Groenig creature has grown far too powerful...Sea Skimmer wrote:I trust Futurama further then I do the word of Jersey Folk, demon spawn.
We shall return, mark my words!

Moderator: Edi
Damn that Futurama! The accursed Groenig creature has grown far too powerful...Sea Skimmer wrote:I trust Futurama further then I do the word of Jersey Folk, demon spawn.
Call him yourself man, I'm fucking DEAF!HemlockGrey wrote:So is DarkStar's voice sorta itchy, raspy, with a twinge of madness about it?
I have an implant that allows me to hear, but I cannot absolutelyIlluminatus Primus wrote:You're completely deaf Shep?
I thought you had limited hearing via implant?MKSheppard wrote:Call him yourself man, I'm fucking DEAF!HemlockGrey wrote:So is DarkStar's voice sorta itchy, raspy, with a twinge of madness about it?
See above...I am worthless on the phone, people....Sea Skimmer wrote: I thought you had limited hearing via implant?
Bondy bond lets all get to gether and hug each otherArmorPierce wrote:Wow, you two have so much in common. Time to bond
*Shoots Valdy in the back with his AR-15*Admiral Valdemar wrote: *Steps slowly back then runs out of forum*
*pulls out can of solvent and sprays Valdy with it, causing theAdmiral Valdemar wrote: *Catches bullet between teeth in an instant. Pulls out G-36*
You want to "bond", boyo? I'm game!
Mike, didn't Dickstar call you?Darth Wong wrote:You know, I held out a faint hope for a while that he was just knowingly being a jack-ass, and not sincerely delusional. I have since lost that hope; he is truly, sincerely out of his gourd. He thinks he's fighting some grand crusade against the forces of evil. I don't see how any conceivable action can possibly make it any worse.Darth Garden Gnome wrote:If you do contact him I'm sure he'll devote several MBs of space on his website to rant about "Wongites harrasing me at work!"
BattleTech for SilCoreStanley Hauerwas wrote:[W]hy is it that no one is angry at the inequality of income in this country? I mean, the inequality of income is unbelievable. Unbelievable. Why isn’t that ever an issue of politics? Because you don’t live in a democracy. You live in a plutocracy. Money rules.
Moaning Minnie?My Grandfather was 70% blind and 65% deaf, from a Moaning Minnie in France.
*An orbiting AB-52 gunship blasts Valdemar with its three dozen 25mm galting guns, in company with a four 105mm packing AB-36*Admiral Valdemar wrote:Hells bells!MKSheppard wrote:*pulls out can of solvent and sprays Valdy with it, causing theAdmiral Valdemar wrote: *Catches bullet between teeth in an instant. Pulls out G-36*
You want to "bond", boyo? I'm game!
plastic furniture of his G-36 to dissolve*
*Chucks metal parts at Shep and legs it*
Or tanks or ships or artillery, yes. Of course this already was off topic when people started shooting.HemlockGrey wrote:Must you hijack every thread into something about military aircraft?