SD.Net World(RAR!) MK III
- DarthShady
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1872
- Joined: 2007-09-15 10:46am
- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Location: Somewhere over Shroomania, en route to the Shadow Empire
"Goddamn SERPENT Bastards."-Shady shouted, "Are the two of them alright?
"Yes Sir."-Kane said, his bald head shining on the screen, "It appears that King Paul has a minor head injury but nothing serious and the PM is unharmed."
"Good. I fear for the fate of the world if the two of them would perish."-Shady said, "Mr.Kane i want you to increase security in the Empire, there are a lot of terrorists active throughout Nova Terra, lets make sure were not an easy target."
"I have already begun, Sir. May i ask what is the news of Elena?"-Kane said.
"She stays in Shroomanian custody."-Shady said, "She must be held accountable for her actions."
"I am sorry to hear that Sir. Is there anything else I can do?"-Kane said.
"Contact brother Tulka and tell him to meet me at the beach resort."-the emperor said.
"Yes Sir"-Kane replied and the screen went dark.
"Goddamn SERPENT Bastards."-Shady shouted, "Are the two of them alright?
"Yes Sir."-Kane said, his bald head shining on the screen, "It appears that King Paul has a minor head injury but nothing serious and the PM is unharmed."
"Good. I fear for the fate of the world if the two of them would perish."-Shady said, "Mr.Kane i want you to increase security in the Empire, there are a lot of terrorists active throughout Nova Terra, lets make sure were not an easy target."
"I have already begun, Sir. May i ask what is the news of Elena?"-Kane said.
"She stays in Shroomanian custody."-Shady said, "She must be held accountable for her actions."
"I am sorry to hear that Sir. Is there anything else I can do?"-Kane said.
"Contact brother Tulka and tell him to meet me at the beach resort."-the emperor said.
"Yes Sir"-Kane replied and the screen went dark.
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
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Astoria, PeZookia
The Prime Minister called it a day, retiring to his lofty suite at a fine Astorian hotel. The Presidential Suite was a great place, and the whole area was protected not only by the PeZookian authorities, but by the Shroomanian Secret Service as well.
The SSS. Fine men and women, some of the best in the world. They weren't the standard fare of grim-faced grunts, either. They had that Shroomanian touch of competence. When walking with their leader down Shroom Force One, back in the airport, they were also smiling at the cameras and being very genial for the PR.
They would smile and shake hands and figure out the ten most efficient ways to kill everyone around them, should the situation require it. They could talk to a man and ask him about his family, but should the guy get too close to the Prime Minister, they'd shoot him in the heart with their MP-7s.
Scary bastards. Trained by Motto Skorzeny himself.
The fact that they were his scary bastards and that they could kill anyone out to kill him ten times over reassured Shroom somewhat. But he wasn't worried about being assassinated, sniped, or blown to smithereens. He was worried about PeZookia, about the FUN.
What would happen if the rule of law ever broke down in PeZookia? Despite the pleasant face the FUN put out to the world, there were in fact a lot of problems plaguing the idealistic alliance. A lot of the nations were not that far removed from the Third World. Nations like Gottland and Shadow had been immersed in civil war. Now, PeZookia was teetering on the brink...
He hoped King Paul would make the right choices. He would tell Paul that much...
There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, sir," came the familiar voice of his aide.
"Oh, come on in."
"Good evening, sir," Alison greeted. "How are you?"
"I'm very fine, thank you very much." Shroom replied. "What's up?"
"Well... I revised the itinerary for tomorrow, taking into account Emperor Heraclius' planned visit. Assuming he doesn't postpone it due to recent events..."
"Okay." Shroom had told the journos during that conference that he would be resuming his tour tomorrow - due to security measures the PeZookians were going through in light of the attack. With that delay, he might get a chance to meet Heraclius again. Shroom hoped he brought some booze.
"... and I brought the noodles and curry you told me to order from that place," she reported with a warm smile. "And I rented a couple of DVDs you might like, too."
"Really?" Shroom's face lit up for the first time of the day.
Alison nodded. The SSS agents and other operatives could protect Shroomania's vaunted Prime Minister from physical harm - maybe even death - but it took real skill to ensure the safety of his mind. That was a precious duty to those tasked with that responsibility.
The Prime Minister called it a day, retiring to his lofty suite at a fine Astorian hotel. The Presidential Suite was a great place, and the whole area was protected not only by the PeZookian authorities, but by the Shroomanian Secret Service as well.
The SSS. Fine men and women, some of the best in the world. They weren't the standard fare of grim-faced grunts, either. They had that Shroomanian touch of competence. When walking with their leader down Shroom Force One, back in the airport, they were also smiling at the cameras and being very genial for the PR.
They would smile and shake hands and figure out the ten most efficient ways to kill everyone around them, should the situation require it. They could talk to a man and ask him about his family, but should the guy get too close to the Prime Minister, they'd shoot him in the heart with their MP-7s.
Scary bastards. Trained by Motto Skorzeny himself.
The fact that they were his scary bastards and that they could kill anyone out to kill him ten times over reassured Shroom somewhat. But he wasn't worried about being assassinated, sniped, or blown to smithereens. He was worried about PeZookia, about the FUN.
What would happen if the rule of law ever broke down in PeZookia? Despite the pleasant face the FUN put out to the world, there were in fact a lot of problems plaguing the idealistic alliance. A lot of the nations were not that far removed from the Third World. Nations like Gottland and Shadow had been immersed in civil war. Now, PeZookia was teetering on the brink...
He hoped King Paul would make the right choices. He would tell Paul that much...
There was a knock on the door.
"Who is it?"
"It's me, sir," came the familiar voice of his aide.
"Oh, come on in."
"Good evening, sir," Alison greeted. "How are you?"
"I'm very fine, thank you very much." Shroom replied. "What's up?"
"Well... I revised the itinerary for tomorrow, taking into account Emperor Heraclius' planned visit. Assuming he doesn't postpone it due to recent events..."
"Okay." Shroom had told the journos during that conference that he would be resuming his tour tomorrow - due to security measures the PeZookians were going through in light of the attack. With that delay, he might get a chance to meet Heraclius again. Shroom hoped he brought some booze.
"... and I brought the noodles and curry you told me to order from that place," she reported with a warm smile. "And I rented a couple of DVDs you might like, too."
"Really?" Shroom's face lit up for the first time of the day.
Alison nodded. The SSS agents and other operatives could protect Shroomania's vaunted Prime Minister from physical harm - maybe even death - but it took real skill to ensure the safety of his mind. That was a precious duty to those tasked with that responsibility.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
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LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

MacMillan gains another customer for their new stratellites.
The Shadow Empire has purchased two MacMillan stratellites - one communications vessel, and one surveillance vessel.
The communications vessel has enough coverage to cover the Shadow's Central Sea neighbors, while the surveillance vessel has an unspecified coverage.
The communications vessel will be part of the ShroomSat/StratTV network and will broadcast quality FUN networks to and from the Shadow Empire, including explicit pornography produced in Sarajevo.
The surveillance vessel will be used by the Shadow's military in conjunction with the FUN Force and the JASD, and will be partially paid for by the FUN Fund.
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

MacMillan gains another customer for their new stratellites.
The Shadow Empire has purchased two MacMillan stratellites - one communications vessel, and one surveillance vessel.
The communications vessel has enough coverage to cover the Shadow's Central Sea neighbors, while the surveillance vessel has an unspecified coverage.
The communications vessel will be part of the ShroomSat/StratTV network and will broadcast quality FUN networks to and from the Shadow Empire, including explicit pornography produced in Sarajevo.
The surveillance vessel will be used by the Shadow's military in conjunction with the FUN Force and the JASD, and will be partially paid for by the FUN Fund.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Constantinople Times
New Tank Program will be extended to include future technologies.
The Imperial Byzantine Army has determined that it is willing to wait a bit longer for their new tank. "We have been studying a number of future technologies, particularly electro-chemical technology," says the army spokesmen. Tests conducted with prototype EC guns have shown that there is an increase in performance over conventional weapons. The program receives 250 million in funding a year and though prototypes of the new Kilibarni II tank (K-2 Panther analog) have been produced, debate rages over the type of gun to mount. Thus far, an L55 120mm gun has been suggested as the main interim armament, but some sources suggest that a 140mm gun has been undergoing development, but ammunition quantity remains a torn. Whatever it is, the army only expects to deploy the new tank in 2013-2014 instead of next year.
For existing tanks, the Army plans to deploy a new ERA codenamed Relikt to improve protection and a more advanced FCS. A new integrated battle management system will be installed on all vehicles in the Army to improve situational awareness. There is also some degree of competition from a competing design bureau within Kontos Munitions where another tank design was proposed (T-95 analog) but the project is still shrouded in mystery.
New Tank Program will be extended to include future technologies.
The Imperial Byzantine Army has determined that it is willing to wait a bit longer for their new tank. "We have been studying a number of future technologies, particularly electro-chemical technology," says the army spokesmen. Tests conducted with prototype EC guns have shown that there is an increase in performance over conventional weapons. The program receives 250 million in funding a year and though prototypes of the new Kilibarni II tank (K-2 Panther analog) have been produced, debate rages over the type of gun to mount. Thus far, an L55 120mm gun has been suggested as the main interim armament, but some sources suggest that a 140mm gun has been undergoing development, but ammunition quantity remains a torn. Whatever it is, the army only expects to deploy the new tank in 2013-2014 instead of next year.
For existing tanks, the Army plans to deploy a new ERA codenamed Relikt to improve protection and a more advanced FCS. A new integrated battle management system will be installed on all vehicles in the Army to improve situational awareness. There is also some degree of competition from a competing design bureau within Kontos Munitions where another tank design was proposed (T-95 analog) but the project is still shrouded in mystery.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-06-21 11:58pm, edited 1 time in total.

Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Deutsch Dusseldorf Fregency News
A horrific massacre site has been discovered in the People's Republic of Canissia by Canissian authorities.
"It's pretty horrific here people, we've discovered one person with his throat torn out, another decapicated with an edged weapon, and 87 people...well, we think it's 87 people, that's how many arms and legs we've found...who were shot with large caliber automatic weaponry."
"Yes, there's nothing to fear, we've discovered GENITAL propaganda and communiques on the site, so our working assumption is that this was a GENITAL compound which was assaulted by someone's special forces team."
A horrific massacre site has been discovered in the People's Republic of Canissia by Canissian authorities.
"It's pretty horrific here people, we've discovered one person with his throat torn out, another decapicated with an edged weapon, and 87 people...well, we think it's 87 people, that's how many arms and legs we've found...who were shot with large caliber automatic weaponry."
"Yes, there's nothing to fear, we've discovered GENITAL propaganda and communiques on the site, so our working assumption is that this was a GENITAL compound which was assaulted by someone's special forces team."
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
Astoria, PeZookia - Zabianka Precinct
The Zabianka precint was chosen for the operation for two reasons only - it had no underground parking lot, and there was a hotel right on the other side of the street.
Of course, SERPENT was suspicious of the King's slip of the tongue. However, since the body of the attack leader could not be identified - most bodies in the palace were mangled, and several could or could not be him - they couldn't take the risk that he was alive and talking. Something had to be done, and done fast. There was no time for the usual practices, covert contacts and compartmentalization. Damian Thule himself rented a room in the hotel and carried a sniper rifle inside, hidden cleverly in his luggage.
Thule didn't usually do jobs himself. He was an organizer, a talented fixer who arranged hits - but there was no time. His superiors were scared, and he had to do the job himself. He figured that if it was a trap, he'd be able to tell.
He was waiting for two hours, the rifle affixed to a tripod - a bit grotesque, with the heavy silencer jutting forward from the barrel, but it would do the job. Thule worried about vests, though - subsonic ammo could have trouble penetrating - but he would go for the head, just to be sure.
There were four policemen and a young, scared kid. The young, scared Byzantine kid, who raised his hand against the King himself not three hours ago, and was given a choice: he could've been deported to Byzantium, where they would draw and quarter him for sure, or act as bait and spend the rest of his days in a PeZookian prison - alive, if uncomfortable. He was young, but not stupid. He chose to be bait.
An officer put a black bag over his head. He could feel the boy tremble.
"Don't worry, boy, everything is under control", said detective Grabowski, in charge of the provocation, "Roll him out", he added, to his officers.
They moved out, leading the boy in a secured position: handcuffed behind his back, with his head bowed low, with a policeman's hand on his neck. There was no way anybody could resist in that position, and it looked authentic.
"All units, stand by."
Thule saw them come out and head towards the armored police truck. He took a close look at the situation through the scope. He had to confirm it was not a trap.
Damn, the though when he saw a man bent over and surrounded by police officers, I can't see his goddamned face...
He searched, frantically, for any sign, anything which could help him make a decision. There was nothing - a man, of basically the same shape as his target, being led out under heavy police escort.
Thule knew that if they loaded him onto that truck, and it was indeed who PeZookians said he was, SERPENT would be in trouble. Not dire trouble, but enough to make them question Thule's utility for their cause.
There was no time to consider the possible outcomes. After all, it may have been a trap with the real target, too.
He took careful aim, and delicately squeezed the trigger.
The boy went limp, as the bullet smashed through his skull and penetrated deep into the body. The four officers abandoned the body and scattered immediately, taking cover behind the armored truck. The radio channels came alive with furious chatter.
"Confirmed, they took the bait!"
"Anybody's seen the shooter? What direction did it come from?"
"Somewhere near the hotel!"
Inside the lobby, two plain-clothes officers listened in, and as soon as they heard the bait was dead, they walked up to the reception counter. One of them flashed his badge and said:
"Lock all exits, please. Right now."
The receptionist didn't think to question them - he saw the commotion growing on the street, after all.
Thule left the room immediately after firing the shot. He wouldn't need the rifle, and there weren't any fingerprints on it, either. He walked out onto the corridor and turned towards the elevavator. As he approached it, he froze. There was a uniformed police officer standing right there.
"Sir, I will have to ask you for ID.", he said, after calling something in on his radio. Thule had fake ID, sure - but they would check his room after they verified it, and find the rifle.
He needed time. Pretending he didn't understand, he shook his head.
"Your ID. Documents, papers.", the officer spoke PeZookian
"I don't understand", Thule replied in English
The officer raised his hand and said "Wait" with a horrible accent. He was smarter than the average cop, apparently.
There was no time to waste. The cop would not approach, as Thule hoped he would, and ever passing second made the getaway less and less possible. He drew his pistol and pumped three shots into the officer.
"Shots fired! I'm on the fourth floor, I have shots fired above me!"
Grabowski cursed and called out for all units to report in. Fifth floor did not.
"Reaction team, I need you at the fifth floor right now.", Grabowski called, and thanked the hotel they could lock the doors remotely. Only the reaction team had the ID cards necessary to open the stairwells. The perp would have to use the elevator.
Thule though about his options, and he had to do it quickly. They would've heard the shots...
He contemplated going down to the lobby, but it wouldn't do. This was obviously a trap - they'd be waiting for him. He could go back to his room, or use the fire escape, but they'd catch him that way. The stairwell was locked out.
There was only one last, desperate chance. He chose a door at random and kicked it down.
Amazingly enough, the occupants were not scared. They were a pair, and still half-naked, but the shots seemed to have warned them of danger. The man had a knife, and when Thule kicked down the door, managed to stab him in the leg. Thule shot him. Then he pointed his gun at the woman and screamed.
"Don't you fucking move, bitch!"
He was desperate, like a caged animal.
The reaction team was on the fifth floor now. They opened it with the RFID card the hotel manager so kindly provided and filed out into the corridor. Then they heard a shot and a scream not long ago, and saw a kicked-down door. The team leader cursed, mostly at the operation's planners. Goddamn those fucking idiots!
He called out
"This is the reaction team, we have a hostage situation on the fifth floor."
The Zabianka precint was chosen for the operation for two reasons only - it had no underground parking lot, and there was a hotel right on the other side of the street.
Of course, SERPENT was suspicious of the King's slip of the tongue. However, since the body of the attack leader could not be identified - most bodies in the palace were mangled, and several could or could not be him - they couldn't take the risk that he was alive and talking. Something had to be done, and done fast. There was no time for the usual practices, covert contacts and compartmentalization. Damian Thule himself rented a room in the hotel and carried a sniper rifle inside, hidden cleverly in his luggage.
Thule didn't usually do jobs himself. He was an organizer, a talented fixer who arranged hits - but there was no time. His superiors were scared, and he had to do the job himself. He figured that if it was a trap, he'd be able to tell.
He was waiting for two hours, the rifle affixed to a tripod - a bit grotesque, with the heavy silencer jutting forward from the barrel, but it would do the job. Thule worried about vests, though - subsonic ammo could have trouble penetrating - but he would go for the head, just to be sure.
There were four policemen and a young, scared kid. The young, scared Byzantine kid, who raised his hand against the King himself not three hours ago, and was given a choice: he could've been deported to Byzantium, where they would draw and quarter him for sure, or act as bait and spend the rest of his days in a PeZookian prison - alive, if uncomfortable. He was young, but not stupid. He chose to be bait.
An officer put a black bag over his head. He could feel the boy tremble.
"Don't worry, boy, everything is under control", said detective Grabowski, in charge of the provocation, "Roll him out", he added, to his officers.
They moved out, leading the boy in a secured position: handcuffed behind his back, with his head bowed low, with a policeman's hand on his neck. There was no way anybody could resist in that position, and it looked authentic.
"All units, stand by."
Thule saw them come out and head towards the armored police truck. He took a close look at the situation through the scope. He had to confirm it was not a trap.
Damn, the though when he saw a man bent over and surrounded by police officers, I can't see his goddamned face...
He searched, frantically, for any sign, anything which could help him make a decision. There was nothing - a man, of basically the same shape as his target, being led out under heavy police escort.
Thule knew that if they loaded him onto that truck, and it was indeed who PeZookians said he was, SERPENT would be in trouble. Not dire trouble, but enough to make them question Thule's utility for their cause.
There was no time to consider the possible outcomes. After all, it may have been a trap with the real target, too.
He took careful aim, and delicately squeezed the trigger.
The boy went limp, as the bullet smashed through his skull and penetrated deep into the body. The four officers abandoned the body and scattered immediately, taking cover behind the armored truck. The radio channels came alive with furious chatter.
"Confirmed, they took the bait!"
"Anybody's seen the shooter? What direction did it come from?"
"Somewhere near the hotel!"
Inside the lobby, two plain-clothes officers listened in, and as soon as they heard the bait was dead, they walked up to the reception counter. One of them flashed his badge and said:
"Lock all exits, please. Right now."
The receptionist didn't think to question them - he saw the commotion growing on the street, after all.
Thule left the room immediately after firing the shot. He wouldn't need the rifle, and there weren't any fingerprints on it, either. He walked out onto the corridor and turned towards the elevavator. As he approached it, he froze. There was a uniformed police officer standing right there.
"Sir, I will have to ask you for ID.", he said, after calling something in on his radio. Thule had fake ID, sure - but they would check his room after they verified it, and find the rifle.
He needed time. Pretending he didn't understand, he shook his head.
"Your ID. Documents, papers.", the officer spoke PeZookian
"I don't understand", Thule replied in English
The officer raised his hand and said "Wait" with a horrible accent. He was smarter than the average cop, apparently.
There was no time to waste. The cop would not approach, as Thule hoped he would, and ever passing second made the getaway less and less possible. He drew his pistol and pumped three shots into the officer.
"Shots fired! I'm on the fourth floor, I have shots fired above me!"
Grabowski cursed and called out for all units to report in. Fifth floor did not.
"Reaction team, I need you at the fifth floor right now.", Grabowski called, and thanked the hotel they could lock the doors remotely. Only the reaction team had the ID cards necessary to open the stairwells. The perp would have to use the elevator.
Thule though about his options, and he had to do it quickly. They would've heard the shots...
He contemplated going down to the lobby, but it wouldn't do. This was obviously a trap - they'd be waiting for him. He could go back to his room, or use the fire escape, but they'd catch him that way. The stairwell was locked out.
There was only one last, desperate chance. He chose a door at random and kicked it down.
Amazingly enough, the occupants were not scared. They were a pair, and still half-naked, but the shots seemed to have warned them of danger. The man had a knife, and when Thule kicked down the door, managed to stab him in the leg. Thule shot him. Then he pointed his gun at the woman and screamed.
"Don't you fucking move, bitch!"
He was desperate, like a caged animal.
The reaction team was on the fifth floor now. They opened it with the RFID card the hotel manager so kindly provided and filed out into the corridor. Then they heard a shot and a scream not long ago, and saw a kicked-down door. The team leader cursed, mostly at the operation's planners. Goddamn those fucking idiots!
He called out
"This is the reaction team, we have a hostage situation on the fifth floor."

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
The Battalion
Deaf Smith departs on deployment.
The LSRN LHD Deaf Smith departed on a deployment to Adrianopolis today loaded down with 4 CH-53Es and assorted minesweeping platforms to relieve the Davey Crockett, which has been in the vincinity of Terra Libertia minesweeping since shortly after the Abilene struck a mind.
"While the prolonged deployment of the Davey Crockett has vindicated the Sea-Swap concept, the vessel is in dire need of time in the yards, which has been prolonged too long." CNO Oscar Saldana said.
Second CSGN delivered to the Tian Xia navy
L3 Maritime Systems has delivered the second of the three CSGNs contracted to the TXN. The CSGN will conduct workups along the East Coast of Tian Xia and return to the yards for the post-workup assessment.
First wing of F-35Bs declared ready for the LSRMC
The first 24-plane wing of F-35Bs for the LSRMC was commissioned at NAS JRB Carswell Field. The 1st Tactical Wing will fly off of LHDs and CSGNs in war time.
In addition for the planned 50 warplanes for the LSRMC, the LSRN is in the midst of procuring 75 F-35Cs
Deaf Smith departs on deployment.
The LSRN LHD Deaf Smith departed on a deployment to Adrianopolis today loaded down with 4 CH-53Es and assorted minesweeping platforms to relieve the Davey Crockett, which has been in the vincinity of Terra Libertia minesweeping since shortly after the Abilene struck a mind.
"While the prolonged deployment of the Davey Crockett has vindicated the Sea-Swap concept, the vessel is in dire need of time in the yards, which has been prolonged too long." CNO Oscar Saldana said.
Second CSGN delivered to the Tian Xia navy
L3 Maritime Systems has delivered the second of the three CSGNs contracted to the TXN. The CSGN will conduct workups along the East Coast of Tian Xia and return to the yards for the post-workup assessment.
First wing of F-35Bs declared ready for the LSRMC
The first 24-plane wing of F-35Bs for the LSRMC was commissioned at NAS JRB Carswell Field. The 1st Tactical Wing will fly off of LHDs and CSGNs in war time.
In addition for the planned 50 warplanes for the LSRMC, the LSRN is in the midst of procuring 75 F-35Cs
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Senator Diego was very cool and in place, his position in the traditionalist party assured through inheiritance, even though he privately aided the people's party and other groups quietly, as his ancestors had done. And as his ancestors influnced him, he was quite the skilled practionare of sword and pistol.
His adversary tonight had been a rather outspoken member of the Republic's ecological concerns, who had publically challenged Senator Diego over his family's vast ranches. Diego's Second was nearby.
For all of his enthusiasum the zealot did not possess much skill in his weapon of choice. Diego simply parried or pivoted as the fool charged and charged again, showing less intellegence then a bull.
"You know that poison capsual you have secreted in that foil needs to hit something to discharge, senor."
The Zealot looked starteled that the senator had realized his ruse. Startled enough that he hardly felt the blow that caused him to drop his weapon. The whiplike crack as the flat of the blade shattered his Ulna and Radius. Then the raipier point jabbed into the barrel as his other hand shot out a gyrojet pistol.
"Your rocket will not leave the barrel with my blade inserted, give up, and my man will take you to a doctor. Besides unlike you, I do have a weapon that will work."
His adversary tonight had been a rather outspoken member of the Republic's ecological concerns, who had publically challenged Senator Diego over his family's vast ranches. Diego's Second was nearby.
For all of his enthusiasum the zealot did not possess much skill in his weapon of choice. Diego simply parried or pivoted as the fool charged and charged again, showing less intellegence then a bull.
"You know that poison capsual you have secreted in that foil needs to hit something to discharge, senor."
The Zealot looked starteled that the senator had realized his ruse. Startled enough that he hardly felt the blow that caused him to drop his weapon. The whiplike crack as the flat of the blade shattered his Ulna and Radius. Then the raipier point jabbed into the barrel as his other hand shot out a gyrojet pistol.
"Your rocket will not leave the barrel with my blade inserted, give up, and my man will take you to a doctor. Besides unlike you, I do have a weapon that will work."

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
Forbidden City Times
TXN Tireless Commissioned
The Tireless was commissioned yesterday in a ceremony at Pax River Naval Base. The sponsor was Mion Sonozaki, daughter of the Governor of Gifu prefecture. Approximately 20,000 people were in attendance. Huang Di Beowulf spoke at the commissioning, stating that "This ship will help reduce Tian Xia's, and the MESS', security concerns."
Production F-35B delivered to TXAF
The first production F-35B was delivered to the Tian Xia Air Force. It was delivered to the newly stood up 15th Carrier Wing. The 15th Carrier Wing is currently projected to consist of 3 operation squadrons. It is also the host unit for the 5th Bomb Squadron, part of the 2d Bomb Wing.
TXN Tireless Commissioned
The Tireless was commissioned yesterday in a ceremony at Pax River Naval Base. The sponsor was Mion Sonozaki, daughter of the Governor of Gifu prefecture. Approximately 20,000 people were in attendance. Huang Di Beowulf spoke at the commissioning, stating that "This ship will help reduce Tian Xia's, and the MESS', security concerns."
Production F-35B delivered to TXAF
The first production F-35B was delivered to the Tian Xia Air Force. It was delivered to the newly stood up 15th Carrier Wing. The 15th Carrier Wing is currently projected to consist of 3 operation squadrons. It is also the host unit for the 5th Bomb Squadron, part of the 2d Bomb Wing.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
GENITAL attacks Republic Landowners:
members of the Republic's Landowners association acrross the nation were attacked in their homes by members of the notorious Eco-Terrorist group. There were some casualties amoung the hired security forces. However the nation's most wealthy citizens seem to have been preparing for armies of unwashed hoards for quite some time now. Various mansions now have their gates deorated with college student terrorist remains following mutilation by pet attack dogs, noctodyles, monitor lizards, superhuman assassins, or very large, over caliber nitrus express rifles. A spokesman for the Association, stated that they wished that more fanatics would try for their homes.
members of the Republic's Landowners association acrross the nation were attacked in their homes by members of the notorious Eco-Terrorist group. There were some casualties amoung the hired security forces. However the nation's most wealthy citizens seem to have been preparing for armies of unwashed hoards for quite some time now. Various mansions now have their gates deorated with college student terrorist remains following mutilation by pet attack dogs, noctodyles, monitor lizards, superhuman assassins, or very large, over caliber nitrus express rifles. A spokesman for the Association, stated that they wished that more fanatics would try for their homes.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Constantinople Times
Emperor leaves for PeZookia after visit to Shinra Republic
The Emperor has left for PeZookia after his visit to the Shinra Republic. The Emperor is expected to visit the Basilicas in PeZookia to meet the Catholic and Orthodox bishops in addition to visiting King Paul and Prime Minister Shroom.
GENITAL activists rounded up by security forces.
Security forces have rounded up any GENITAL activists before they can be allowed to perpetrate any crime. A police spokesman said that these militant environmentalists have been found to have kept large arms caches with the intent on attacking Byzantine farms.
Emperor leaves for PeZookia after visit to Shinra Republic
The Emperor has left for PeZookia after his visit to the Shinra Republic. The Emperor is expected to visit the Basilicas in PeZookia to meet the Catholic and Orthodox bishops in addition to visiting King Paul and Prime Minister Shroom.
GENITAL activists rounded up by security forces.
Security forces have rounded up any GENITAL activists before they can be allowed to perpetrate any crime. A police spokesman said that these militant environmentalists have been found to have kept large arms caches with the intent on attacking Byzantine farms.

Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
The Hunter had been sweeping the Central Sea for craft that could be carrying GENITAL members, but so far it had found nothing suspicious. Its crew were getting bored, and they believed that it was hopeless.
That is, until it detected the fishing boat. The boat itself was a fairly innocuous vessel that would not have attracted suspicion, but its location did. "Sir, this boat isn't close to any known fisheries."
"It could simply be heading back to port", Captain Edison Clacher replied, with an extremely cautious tone. He had always been a conservative man, and his caution was amplified tenfold by Coleson's warning.
"Sir, the problem is that it's not heading back to any close ports. I'm positive that boat is up to something."
Clacher believed his subordinate, but did not want to open fire on the fishing boat, attempt to board it, or do anything else too irrational. He spoke his order.
The Hunter signalled Coilerburg's headquarters with the mysterious boat's position, course, and a sign that it was believed to be suspicious. Captain Clacher put in a personal note saying that he would shadow the vessel for as long as he could, but that he believed that the Hunter was not the best ship for the task, and asked Coilerburg to see if any of the other navies participating in the search had a more suitable ship for the task, with a submarine being the most preferable.
That is, until it detected the fishing boat. The boat itself was a fairly innocuous vessel that would not have attracted suspicion, but its location did. "Sir, this boat isn't close to any known fisheries."
"It could simply be heading back to port", Captain Edison Clacher replied, with an extremely cautious tone. He had always been a conservative man, and his caution was amplified tenfold by Coleson's warning.
"Sir, the problem is that it's not heading back to any close ports. I'm positive that boat is up to something."
Clacher believed his subordinate, but did not want to open fire on the fishing boat, attempt to board it, or do anything else too irrational. He spoke his order.
The Hunter signalled Coilerburg's headquarters with the mysterious boat's position, course, and a sign that it was believed to be suspicious. Captain Clacher put in a personal note saying that he would shadow the vessel for as long as he could, but that he believed that the Hunter was not the best ship for the task, and asked Coilerburg to see if any of the other navies participating in the search had a more suitable ship for the task, with a submarine being the most preferable.
Visitor of five museum ships.
- Grand Moff Yenchin
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2735
- Joined: 2003-02-07 12:49pm
- Location: Surrounded by fundies who mock other fundies
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Various Locations on the Mangka Rapid Railway
Their plan was grand, as well as their threats, but the flaw was obvious.
When the trains parked, platoons of Military Police were already hidden and waiting. They came out of nowhere and immediately boarded the trains from both sides of each carriage or the ceiling emergency escapes. Any suspicious movement were responded with anaesthetic darts. Passengers were rushed out and rounded outside on the tracks. All were searched and the GENITAL members were easily fished out with their Sarin canisters.
A couple of GENITAL members were able to release their canisters but fast evacuation and medical teams standing by minimized the damage. Eventually only a couple of passengers were sent to the hospitals.
What started out as a bad day for the Mangkans, ended up as a really bad day for the GENITALs. The following up actions on their local branches was not nice.
Conference Room, Presidential Hall, Mangka
"Unfortunately, none of the GENITALs knew where 'Eden' was. Also the GENITAL members aren't even sure if their leader will bring Jia over here." General Shih, Commander of the Military Police said.
The President nodded, "Yes, quite unfortunate. But still, we need to keep our eyes wide. The GENITALs might think that the security here has lowered just because we've got almost all of them in prison."
After some further discussions on the progress of "Project Good-Mountain" and policies, the President returned to his office, just in time to see the reports of...
Results of Mangka Legislative Election
Regional Results:
Blue Party: 38
Green Party: 33
No Affiliation: 2
Non-Regional Results:
Blue Party: 18
Green Party: 16
Highland Aborigine Reserves:
Blue Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plains Aborigine Reserves:
Blue Party: 1
Green Party: 2
Legislative Hall Leader: Mr. J.P. Lai (Blue Party)
Legislatives: (As attachment)
While the Blue Party seems victorious, according to the Non-Regional results, which is decided by voting ratio, it seems that the people in Mangka are slightly balanced on supporting the Blue and Greens by a ratio of 9:8.
It is expected that due to different philosophies of the Blue and Green Parties, the President's policies will meet mixed supporting depending on the proposals. While it is unsure whether President Ma will run and succeed a second term next year, we will still have interesting times in the later-half of this year and the budget review early next year.
Their plan was grand, as well as their threats, but the flaw was obvious.
When the trains parked, platoons of Military Police were already hidden and waiting. They came out of nowhere and immediately boarded the trains from both sides of each carriage or the ceiling emergency escapes. Any suspicious movement were responded with anaesthetic darts. Passengers were rushed out and rounded outside on the tracks. All were searched and the GENITAL members were easily fished out with their Sarin canisters.
A couple of GENITAL members were able to release their canisters but fast evacuation and medical teams standing by minimized the damage. Eventually only a couple of passengers were sent to the hospitals.
What started out as a bad day for the Mangkans, ended up as a really bad day for the GENITALs. The following up actions on their local branches was not nice.
Conference Room, Presidential Hall, Mangka
"Unfortunately, none of the GENITALs knew where 'Eden' was. Also the GENITAL members aren't even sure if their leader will bring Jia over here." General Shih, Commander of the Military Police said.
The President nodded, "Yes, quite unfortunate. But still, we need to keep our eyes wide. The GENITALs might think that the security here has lowered just because we've got almost all of them in prison."
After some further discussions on the progress of "Project Good-Mountain" and policies, the President returned to his office, just in time to see the reports of...
Results of Mangka Legislative Election
Regional Results:
Blue Party: 38
Green Party: 33
No Affiliation: 2
Non-Regional Results:
Blue Party: 18
Green Party: 16
Highland Aborigine Reserves:
Blue Party: 2
Green Party: 1
Plains Aborigine Reserves:
Blue Party: 1
Green Party: 2
Legislative Hall Leader: Mr. J.P. Lai (Blue Party)
Legislatives: (As attachment)
While the Blue Party seems victorious, according to the Non-Regional results, which is decided by voting ratio, it seems that the people in Mangka are slightly balanced on supporting the Blue and Greens by a ratio of 9:8.
It is expected that due to different philosophies of the Blue and Green Parties, the President's policies will meet mixed supporting depending on the proposals. While it is unsure whether President Ma will run and succeed a second term next year, we will still have interesting times in the later-half of this year and the budget review early next year.
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
Statement from the President, Shinra Republic
"First of all, let me express my condolences to those who were hurt or killed during the recent crisis in PeZookia. While I am joyed that King Paul, Queen Agatha, and Prime Minister Shroom are alive, I am saddened at the death and injuries caused by those who would use terror to achieve their aims.
"All assistance will be provided to the II Republic of PeZookia and the Fungal Union of Nations to bring those guilty of these crimes to justice.
"Finally, let me state that any attack against the FUN will be considered an attack on the MESS. Whether state-sponsored, a group of radicals, or even a lone attacker, it will not matter. You will find no safe haven in any MESS nation, and we will work fully with the FUN to answer any attack against them, now or in the future.
"There are, of course, many different opinions on how things should be, and the way nations and the world at large should behave. I respect this, and welcome such discussion in appropriate venues. But I will not tolerate those who would use violence or terror to force their views or ideologies upon others.
"So to those who would wish to inflict terror and violence just to make a point, I say this: you have been warned. Continue such actions at your own peril."
"First of all, let me express my condolences to those who were hurt or killed during the recent crisis in PeZookia. While I am joyed that King Paul, Queen Agatha, and Prime Minister Shroom are alive, I am saddened at the death and injuries caused by those who would use terror to achieve their aims.
"All assistance will be provided to the II Republic of PeZookia and the Fungal Union of Nations to bring those guilty of these crimes to justice.
"Finally, let me state that any attack against the FUN will be considered an attack on the MESS. Whether state-sponsored, a group of radicals, or even a lone attacker, it will not matter. You will find no safe haven in any MESS nation, and we will work fully with the FUN to answer any attack against them, now or in the future.
"There are, of course, many different opinions on how things should be, and the way nations and the world at large should behave. I respect this, and welcome such discussion in appropriate venues. But I will not tolerate those who would use violence or terror to force their views or ideologies upon others.
"So to those who would wish to inflict terror and violence just to make a point, I say this: you have been warned. Continue such actions at your own peril."

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
- Coyote
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 12464
- Joined: 2002-08-23 01:20am
- Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!
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Location UNKNOWN
Off Zablanian Shore
The shoreline of Zablania was a distant smudge on the horizon, easily mistaken for a mirage by someone not paying attention to the charts. Kert Swanson admired the approaching shore with his high-powered binoculars.
"Excellent," he said, "Looks many others have already come before us," he said, and handed the binos to his most loyal follower. The activist admired the shore line as well, and also looked behind them at the distant grey form just at the horizon.
"We're still being trailed, sir," he said. Swanson shrugged.
"We'll pull in, unload what supplies we need, and sink the boat in the harbor," he said, "It'll provide a nice reef. Bring up our guest." From below, two activists untied Miss Jia and forced her to her feet, pulled the bag from her head and yanking the duct tape from her mouth in a painful, forceful pull.
"Well, my dear, you'll soon be free," Swanson said. Jia's eyes, red with strain, weariness, tears and dehydration, glared back at him.
"By 'free' I suppose you mean 'free of my mortal concerns'?" she croaked through dry, cracked lips.
"Oh, no," Swanson said, "You'll be let free. I needed a hostage to see me safely to my destination-- wouldn't do to get sunk halfway there, would it? But once there, I'll have my people and the forces of nature herself to keep me safe. I won't need you any more. You'll be free to do as you please-- wander off, swim to the next island, whatever. I just wouldn't recommend it."
"Essentially a prisoner," Jia hissed, "I won't see my child again, my home..." she was not able to cry any more.
"Not entirely," Swanson said, "I mean, if a rescue boat or helicopter comes, you'll be free to leave. But I think you may find our way of life far more pleasant, in the long run."
"Ha," Jia laughed, "I want to go home to my child, and see this place tunred into a smoking crater," she said. They were pulling into the harbor, a narrow natural inlet, where other boats had already been pulled up and abandoned, many purposefully scuttled in the bay to limit the ability of others to follow.

"Zablania," Swanson said, "Or as I call it, 'Eden'. It has been left alone for years, mostly, especially this little part of it-- a former fishing village and tourist trap, until all human life here was wiped out." They got out of the boat, Jia hustled along-- her muscles were still stiff and cramped from days in the damn chair, and she ached all over. She'd even had to sleep in the chair, her head unsupported and lolling from one side or another until the discomfort woke her.
Now, she stood on the promenade of a beachfront village that had clearly been taken over by the small band of PAF-GENITAL.

"Here," Swanson said, "We will start a new life-- a new world from the lost. We'll live here, tear down the unnecessary and damaging, and build a land where man and animal can thrive in peaceful harmony."
"You're insane," Jia said.
"Am I? Or just misunderstood?" Swanson asked, "Here, you are in my reality-- bear in mind, Zablania has been untouched by human hands for years. The land-based megafauna have re-asserted themselves-- oh, you didn't know about land-based megafauna? It exists, most certainly-- typically chased out of their natural habitats by greedy humans... but here, we have learned to live in peace with them." As he spoke, Swanson led her to the end of the boardwalk, and gestured towards the jungle, where she saw forms moving-- one was definitely a man, th eother...
"Behold the future of mankind living in peaceful harmony with the true masters of the earth."

"Whoever comes to displace us will find quite a surprise waiting for them..."
As Jia looked around, she screamed, as she realized that everywhere on the outskirts of town, curious reptile eyes regarded them with interest.

Off Zablanian Shore
The shoreline of Zablania was a distant smudge on the horizon, easily mistaken for a mirage by someone not paying attention to the charts. Kert Swanson admired the approaching shore with his high-powered binoculars.
"Excellent," he said, "Looks many others have already come before us," he said, and handed the binos to his most loyal follower. The activist admired the shore line as well, and also looked behind them at the distant grey form just at the horizon.
"We're still being trailed, sir," he said. Swanson shrugged.
"We'll pull in, unload what supplies we need, and sink the boat in the harbor," he said, "It'll provide a nice reef. Bring up our guest." From below, two activists untied Miss Jia and forced her to her feet, pulled the bag from her head and yanking the duct tape from her mouth in a painful, forceful pull.
"Well, my dear, you'll soon be free," Swanson said. Jia's eyes, red with strain, weariness, tears and dehydration, glared back at him.
"By 'free' I suppose you mean 'free of my mortal concerns'?" she croaked through dry, cracked lips.
"Oh, no," Swanson said, "You'll be let free. I needed a hostage to see me safely to my destination-- wouldn't do to get sunk halfway there, would it? But once there, I'll have my people and the forces of nature herself to keep me safe. I won't need you any more. You'll be free to do as you please-- wander off, swim to the next island, whatever. I just wouldn't recommend it."
"Essentially a prisoner," Jia hissed, "I won't see my child again, my home..." she was not able to cry any more.
"Not entirely," Swanson said, "I mean, if a rescue boat or helicopter comes, you'll be free to leave. But I think you may find our way of life far more pleasant, in the long run."
"Ha," Jia laughed, "I want to go home to my child, and see this place tunred into a smoking crater," she said. They were pulling into the harbor, a narrow natural inlet, where other boats had already been pulled up and abandoned, many purposefully scuttled in the bay to limit the ability of others to follow.

"Zablania," Swanson said, "Or as I call it, 'Eden'. It has been left alone for years, mostly, especially this little part of it-- a former fishing village and tourist trap, until all human life here was wiped out." They got out of the boat, Jia hustled along-- her muscles were still stiff and cramped from days in the damn chair, and she ached all over. She'd even had to sleep in the chair, her head unsupported and lolling from one side or another until the discomfort woke her.
Now, she stood on the promenade of a beachfront village that had clearly been taken over by the small band of PAF-GENITAL.

"Here," Swanson said, "We will start a new life-- a new world from the lost. We'll live here, tear down the unnecessary and damaging, and build a land where man and animal can thrive in peaceful harmony."
"You're insane," Jia said.
"Am I? Or just misunderstood?" Swanson asked, "Here, you are in my reality-- bear in mind, Zablania has been untouched by human hands for years. The land-based megafauna have re-asserted themselves-- oh, you didn't know about land-based megafauna? It exists, most certainly-- typically chased out of their natural habitats by greedy humans... but here, we have learned to live in peace with them." As he spoke, Swanson led her to the end of the boardwalk, and gestured towards the jungle, where she saw forms moving-- one was definitely a man, th eother...
"Behold the future of mankind living in peaceful harmony with the true masters of the earth."

"Whoever comes to displace us will find quite a surprise waiting for them..."
As Jia looked around, she screamed, as she realized that everywhere on the outskirts of town, curious reptile eyes regarded them with interest.

Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Presidential Address

Good Evening fellow citizens, I am speaking to you to give you an update on the recent actions of the terrorist group GENITAL in our country and abroad.
As you all know, GENITAL forces kidnapped the consort of HRH Arik of Canissa, Miss. Jia. After Canissa refused to bow down to GENITAL demands, GENITAL proceeded to attempt an infection of animal herds in various MESS nations. While by and large their attempts have been failures, it is estimated that within our own nation 400,000 head of cattle have been infected and will have to be prematurely slaughtered.
I reiterate that all GENITAL operatives in the LSR will be brought to justice, and we continue to offer all LSR assets as needed to our good friends the Canissans. Our thoughts and prayers are with HRH Arik as Miss Jia continues to remain missing.

Good Evening fellow citizens, I am speaking to you to give you an update on the recent actions of the terrorist group GENITAL in our country and abroad.
As you all know, GENITAL forces kidnapped the consort of HRH Arik of Canissa, Miss. Jia. After Canissa refused to bow down to GENITAL demands, GENITAL proceeded to attempt an infection of animal herds in various MESS nations. While by and large their attempts have been failures, it is estimated that within our own nation 400,000 head of cattle have been infected and will have to be prematurely slaughtered.
I reiterate that all GENITAL operatives in the LSR will be brought to justice, and we continue to offer all LSR assets as needed to our good friends the Canissans. Our thoughts and prayers are with HRH Arik as Miss Jia continues to remain missing.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Somewhere in Zablania
The PAP-GENITAL footsoldier smoked his cigarette as he stood watch at one of the outposts they'd established along the island to keep track of the megafauna.
There was much talk by the higher ups of living in peace, blah blah with the rightful rulers of this planet, but when it came down to it; being eaten sucked; so the leaders had acquiesced to setting up outposts for early warning.
Suddenly, the footsoldier felt an arm across his throat and before he could respond, a sharp pain erupted in his chest....then.....blackness...

The PAP-GENITAL footsoldier smoked his cigarette as he stood watch at one of the outposts they'd established along the island to keep track of the megafauna.
There was much talk by the higher ups of living in peace, blah blah with the rightful rulers of this planet, but when it came down to it; being eaten sucked; so the leaders had acquiesced to setting up outposts for early warning.
Suddenly, the footsoldier felt an arm across his throat and before he could respond, a sharp pain erupted in his chest....then.....blackness...

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
The Hunter spotted the boat docking near the former Zablanian fishing village. Captain Clacher signaled its arrival to headquarters, than pondered what to do. He definitely did not want to turn back-he was convinced that the "abandoned" village was some sort of hidden base for GENITAL, but at the same time-who knew what they had in store for him? Finally, he made up his mind.
"Sail fairly close, but not too close. Signal that we've found a hidden GENITAL base in Zablania, and request backup. And I want five volunteers for a landing party-I want to scout this place out."
The orders were carried out, and five sailors volunteered to go ashore. They cast off in a small boat, landed out of sight of the village a few minutes later, and began their mission.....
"Sail fairly close, but not too close. Signal that we've found a hidden GENITAL base in Zablania, and request backup. And I want five volunteers for a landing party-I want to scout this place out."
The orders were carried out, and five sailors volunteered to go ashore. They cast off in a small boat, landed out of sight of the village a few minutes later, and began their mission.....
Visitor of five museum ships.
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Furthermore, in Zablania
The PAP-GENITAL soldier ran through the jungle, his breath coming in hurried pants. Something had just wiped out his squad, and now it was tracking him.
Oh god, he didn't want to die!
Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. Behind him was standing a massively muscled man with....a bow?
Laughing to himself, the soldier began firing at the man; and watched in rising disbelief as the man calmly drew an arrow from his quiver and aimed....

The PAP-GENITAL soldier ran through the jungle, his breath coming in hurried pants. Something had just wiped out his squad, and now it was tracking him.
Oh god, he didn't want to die!
Suddenly, he heard a noise behind him. Behind him was standing a massively muscled man with....a bow?
Laughing to himself, the soldier began firing at the man; and watched in rising disbelief as the man calmly drew an arrow from his quiver and aimed....

"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
The Battalion
In West Neverhood, progress inches forward.

At the Camp Goliad base in New Hafia(now consisting of air facilities capable of receiving TRANSCOM aircraft), something even more nautical has been added to the bizarre mission which mostly consists of LSRN sailors.
The Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar system is a Texas Instruments weapons system derived from the naval Phalanx CIWS. 8 guns are deployed at the base, with 6 "on watch" at any given time and the other two under maintenance. Already the system has proven popular with the troops, whcih has effectively ended the harrassment fire that militias use on the LSR base.
"The harassment fire we took was never as bad as other MESS contingents received," NMCB-1 Spokeswoman LT Ferguson said "but we needed something to stop mortar and rocket fire from a 'lucky hit' on a visiting airplane."
In addition to the C-RAM deployment, a LSRA Artillery Combat Team arrived with two batteries of M777 155mm howitzers. Each battery has 8 guns.
The Excalibur guided munition was used in combat by the LSR for the first time in hitting a militia safehouse outside of New Hafia.
Critics, including Assembly minority leader Erwin McFibblestein, accuse the administration of "Mission Creep" in West Neverhood in light of these deployments.
"Nonsense." Said Secretary DiBacco in a phone interview. "As Assemblyman McFibblestein knows, our goal is to bring order to the cities and the routes between MESS contingents. Already we've graduated two classes of the West Neverhood National Police, which has eased the security concerns in New Hafia. The next few classes will go to elsewhere in the country to ease the burden on other deployed MESS assets."
New West Neverhoodian officers are going to the Service Academies in Tian Xia, Canissa, and at Texas A&M, where they will learn the leadership and organization skills to run an army.
The current officers in the formations being created are largely derived from the now-defunct Neverhoodian army, so many of those officers have been sent to post-graduate schools and Staff Colleges to refresh their skills.
"Slowly but surely," Secretary DiBacco said, "We are making progress."
In West Neverhood, progress inches forward.

At the Camp Goliad base in New Hafia(now consisting of air facilities capable of receiving TRANSCOM aircraft), something even more nautical has been added to the bizarre mission which mostly consists of LSRN sailors.
The Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar system is a Texas Instruments weapons system derived from the naval Phalanx CIWS. 8 guns are deployed at the base, with 6 "on watch" at any given time and the other two under maintenance. Already the system has proven popular with the troops, whcih has effectively ended the harrassment fire that militias use on the LSR base.
"The harassment fire we took was never as bad as other MESS contingents received," NMCB-1 Spokeswoman LT Ferguson said "but we needed something to stop mortar and rocket fire from a 'lucky hit' on a visiting airplane."
In addition to the C-RAM deployment, a LSRA Artillery Combat Team arrived with two batteries of M777 155mm howitzers. Each battery has 8 guns.
The Excalibur guided munition was used in combat by the LSR for the first time in hitting a militia safehouse outside of New Hafia.
Critics, including Assembly minority leader Erwin McFibblestein, accuse the administration of "Mission Creep" in West Neverhood in light of these deployments.
"Nonsense." Said Secretary DiBacco in a phone interview. "As Assemblyman McFibblestein knows, our goal is to bring order to the cities and the routes between MESS contingents. Already we've graduated two classes of the West Neverhood National Police, which has eased the security concerns in New Hafia. The next few classes will go to elsewhere in the country to ease the burden on other deployed MESS assets."
New West Neverhoodian officers are going to the Service Academies in Tian Xia, Canissa, and at Texas A&M, where they will learn the leadership and organization skills to run an army.
The current officers in the formations being created are largely derived from the now-defunct Neverhoodian army, so many of those officers have been sent to post-graduate schools and Staff Colleges to refresh their skills.
"Slowly but surely," Secretary DiBacco said, "We are making progress."
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
It was spoken quietly over the radio back to the Hunter, not yelled out so loudly that it would give away their position, but the meaning was just the same.
"Oh my God, dinosaurs!"
This was something that Captain Clacher was not expecting. He was expecting guards, traps, even toxins, but not dinosaurs. If he hadn't seen the hastily snapped and sent pictures, he wouldn't have believed the landing party, but he saw proof of them with his own eyes.
"Keep going. You have a mission, dinosaurs or not."
As frightened as the landing party was, they continued to circle the village, and finally hit the jackpot, in a manner of speaking. "It's her" they said excitedly. A photo sent back to the Hunter confirmed that King Arik's consort was, in fact, on the island.
Captain Clacher decided to skip the middleman and sent the information that Jia was in Zablania directly to the headquarters of Canissia's Central Sea fleet.
"Oh my God, dinosaurs!"
This was something that Captain Clacher was not expecting. He was expecting guards, traps, even toxins, but not dinosaurs. If he hadn't seen the hastily snapped and sent pictures, he wouldn't have believed the landing party, but he saw proof of them with his own eyes.
"Keep going. You have a mission, dinosaurs or not."
As frightened as the landing party was, they continued to circle the village, and finally hit the jackpot, in a manner of speaking. "It's her" they said excitedly. A photo sent back to the Hunter confirmed that King Arik's consort was, in fact, on the island.
Captain Clacher decided to skip the middleman and sent the information that Jia was in Zablania directly to the headquarters of Canissia's Central Sea fleet.
Visitor of five museum ships.
- Coyote
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 12464
- Joined: 2002-08-23 01:20am
- Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!
- Contact:
A Few Hours Earlier: Zablania/'Eden'
John Shroombo had made a perfect insertion by helicopter-- the chopper itself had barely made it, though, giving Shroombo an idea of what he'd faced...

Shroombo was prepared, and knew to freeze in place when the bigger creatures fixed him in their sights. The night before, he'd managed to fake one out by using an emergency flare--

--but he had only a handful of flares, and he'd need at least one to secure his extraction-- his and Miss Jia, hopefully.
As he'd made his way through the jungle, it became evident that the huge creatures had quickly moved in to take over where humans had abandoned. The blasted landscape of Zablania had been a perfect place for the megafauna of Nova Terra to make a comeback, it was evident that they ruled the interior of the island-- without a human presence to keep them driven off.
Shroombo made his way through the gamut of creatures, however-- they were not so difficult to figure out, once he knew not to act like prey. This must be how the nutcases in the PAF-GENITAL are able to live among them, he figured. But Shroombo didn't care about that-- it was for the eggheads to deal with. He had a mission-- and out there, somewhere, his pick-up helicopters awaited with news of mission success.

Eventually, though, Shroombo made it to a outpost of the PAF-GENITAL-- a place that was, according to the surveillance map, labeled simply as 'Site B'.

He killed a couple of guards and patrols by now-- with his knife skills and his bow-- and now it was time to find some information. He moved into the compound, knife in hand, ready to take down whoever got in his way...
"Oh, my God! Please don't hurt me!" a voice said. He turned, and looked, right into the scared face of one of the PAF-GENITAL activists.

"Please don't hurt me!" she begged again.
"I won't hurt you," Shroombo said, "If you tell me where I can find Kert Swanson."
"I know exactly where he is," she said, "Just... get me the hell out of here. I came here to farm, now all my buddies have been killed!" Shroombo studied her for a moment. If she's lying, she's a hell of a good actor, he decided, good enough she deserves a chance, maybe... But deep inside, he had the idea she was quite truthful-- she was too scared...
John Shroombo had made a perfect insertion by helicopter-- the chopper itself had barely made it, though, giving Shroombo an idea of what he'd faced...

Shroombo was prepared, and knew to freeze in place when the bigger creatures fixed him in their sights. The night before, he'd managed to fake one out by using an emergency flare--

--but he had only a handful of flares, and he'd need at least one to secure his extraction-- his and Miss Jia, hopefully.
As he'd made his way through the jungle, it became evident that the huge creatures had quickly moved in to take over where humans had abandoned. The blasted landscape of Zablania had been a perfect place for the megafauna of Nova Terra to make a comeback, it was evident that they ruled the interior of the island-- without a human presence to keep them driven off.
Shroombo made his way through the gamut of creatures, however-- they were not so difficult to figure out, once he knew not to act like prey. This must be how the nutcases in the PAF-GENITAL are able to live among them, he figured. But Shroombo didn't care about that-- it was for the eggheads to deal with. He had a mission-- and out there, somewhere, his pick-up helicopters awaited with news of mission success.

Eventually, though, Shroombo made it to a outpost of the PAF-GENITAL-- a place that was, according to the surveillance map, labeled simply as 'Site B'.

He killed a couple of guards and patrols by now-- with his knife skills and his bow-- and now it was time to find some information. He moved into the compound, knife in hand, ready to take down whoever got in his way...
"Oh, my God! Please don't hurt me!" a voice said. He turned, and looked, right into the scared face of one of the PAF-GENITAL activists.

"Please don't hurt me!" she begged again.
"I won't hurt you," Shroombo said, "If you tell me where I can find Kert Swanson."
"I know exactly where he is," she said, "Just... get me the hell out of here. I came here to farm, now all my buddies have been killed!" Shroombo studied her for a moment. If she's lying, she's a hell of a good actor, he decided, good enough she deserves a chance, maybe... But deep inside, he had the idea she was quite truthful-- she was too scared...
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
- The Yosemite Bear
- Mostly Harmless Nutcase (Requiescat in Pace)
- Posts: 35211
- Joined: 2002-07-21 02:38am
- Location: Dave's Not Here Man
Republic Airship:
"Transmissions and lots of surface/radar activity in Zalbania, sir"
"Isn't that one of the probably locations that our subs gave for location of the "Haven" we've been looking for?"
"Sir, I thought "Necropolis" was just a myth, there's been sweeps through Zalbania, no one could have built up a place like that without someone finding out about it?"
"So where do you think these Eco-terrorists have been getting their weapons from?, We're sure that the source is somewhere near there. Besides we and General Alexander both owe Major Anton for his treachery. Anton attacked a Republic facility at the behest of the Soma importers before leaving Alexander's service, with a large quanity of Poppies."
"Well as far as our resources in the area, we do have the "Tom Joad" in the area, with a team of special forces."
"Ok, Contact the Joad, tell them to send two teams of amphbius troops in, and to look for any evidence of "Necropolis" while they are investigating what ever is going on.
An hour later a 688i class submarine surfaced letting fourteen soldiers and their camera woman off in three inflateable boats. After all if no one saw what was going on, what was the purpose of doing it?
"Transmissions and lots of surface/radar activity in Zalbania, sir"
"Isn't that one of the probably locations that our subs gave for location of the "Haven" we've been looking for?"
"Sir, I thought "Necropolis" was just a myth, there's been sweeps through Zalbania, no one could have built up a place like that without someone finding out about it?"
"So where do you think these Eco-terrorists have been getting their weapons from?, We're sure that the source is somewhere near there. Besides we and General Alexander both owe Major Anton for his treachery. Anton attacked a Republic facility at the behest of the Soma importers before leaving Alexander's service, with a large quanity of Poppies."
"Well as far as our resources in the area, we do have the "Tom Joad" in the area, with a team of special forces."
"Ok, Contact the Joad, tell them to send two teams of amphbius troops in, and to look for any evidence of "Necropolis" while they are investigating what ever is going on.
An hour later a 688i class submarine surfaced letting fourteen soldiers and their camera woman off in three inflateable boats. After all if no one saw what was going on, what was the purpose of doing it?

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
In Alexandria
All the representatives from the troublesome communes who were going to come to Alexander's conference were now there. They were all meeting in small village in the mountains that had ballooned in size with the additional of a multitude of temporary buildings in tents. Many of the representatives had brought small armed honor guards with them. They would be completely unprepared for what the Iron General had in store.
He opened the meeting with a demand. All of their camps would allow Alexandrian troops, police and officials into their compounds. If they did not, their compounds would be obliterated. Many balked and immediately tried to leave, some others cried treachery. All who protested didn't make it out of the meeting room. What is known is that the Iron Guard killed all the delegates that protested, along with their bodyguards. The Iron Guard was pulling security, and had many more men hiding in the village. More troops had been hidden in the countryside. Rumor states that the delegates were all stabbed to death by the Iron Generals wet work squad. It was a messy affair. A small scale battle raged in the street as the delegate's armed men were hunted down. A handful managed to escape.
Some delegates who had not spoken out agreed to the Iron Generals terms. The communes who hadn't sent delegates had been suspecting such a trap, and were now ready for war. Which is what the Iron General now brought to all who apposed him in the mountains. He would be the sole ruler of Alexandria.
ProTec and all other foreign entities were told nothing about the Iron Generals plans. He now had troops attacking communes all over the interior; some of the communes were captured in surprise assaults. Others were prepared for long sieges.
The Iron General told all everyone this was a campaign to secure the country and that many of the communes were reported to hold sympathies with the extreme animal rights activists and other terrorist organizations (which was true in some cases).
All the representatives from the troublesome communes who were going to come to Alexander's conference were now there. They were all meeting in small village in the mountains that had ballooned in size with the additional of a multitude of temporary buildings in tents. Many of the representatives had brought small armed honor guards with them. They would be completely unprepared for what the Iron General had in store.
He opened the meeting with a demand. All of their camps would allow Alexandrian troops, police and officials into their compounds. If they did not, their compounds would be obliterated. Many balked and immediately tried to leave, some others cried treachery. All who protested didn't make it out of the meeting room. What is known is that the Iron Guard killed all the delegates that protested, along with their bodyguards. The Iron Guard was pulling security, and had many more men hiding in the village. More troops had been hidden in the countryside. Rumor states that the delegates were all stabbed to death by the Iron Generals wet work squad. It was a messy affair. A small scale battle raged in the street as the delegate's armed men were hunted down. A handful managed to escape.
Some delegates who had not spoken out agreed to the Iron Generals terms. The communes who hadn't sent delegates had been suspecting such a trap, and were now ready for war. Which is what the Iron General now brought to all who apposed him in the mountains. He would be the sole ruler of Alexandria.
ProTec and all other foreign entities were told nothing about the Iron Generals plans. He now had troops attacking communes all over the interior; some of the communes were captured in surprise assaults. Others were prepared for long sieges.
The Iron General told all everyone this was a campaign to secure the country and that many of the communes were reported to hold sympathies with the extreme animal rights activists and other terrorist organizations (which was true in some cases).