Useful... because she's magic! Got to GIVE THE MAGIC BACK! Ugh. And it's not just that she can't get her act together - the episode makes her appear barely functional, unable to form even the most basic relationships without being a horrible cunt about it, and so selfish she loses all sympathy.Bounty wrote:Urmphf? You missed everyone telling Donna that she's useless and a disappointment? You missed the whole "sacrifice" angle not coming into play until the last five minutes? The whole episode was basically about showing that Donna sans Doctor is society's flotsam, a loud and useless secretary who lives with her mom and gets shoved around by life because she can't get her act together. Like she said herself, the only "sacrifice" she makes is wiping out her craptastic life in her craptastic universe so another version of her can be useful... somehow.
I said 'hinged' because the rest of the episode was basically character assassination - something totally unnecessary for a character with zero redeeming features. She's less useless than Martha but she's so much more offensive and if possible, even stupider. And the season hinges on her!
But hey, being rude, obnoxious, selfish and childish isn't bad. Woodlouse said so! And I don't just want her to die. I want her to die alone, uselessly, due to her own stupidity. I was actually looking forward to Rose showing up in the next ep and the Doctor saying 'oh hi Rose. This is... um... who cares. Go away, whoever you are, you're useless and annoying'. Oh well.
London destroyed? I'M NOT GOING TO LEEDS LOL
But hey, third best ep of season. And that's terrible.
And man, that prop didn't look that bad from a distance, but when they did the 'moulded plastic foot is terrifyingly climbing over her shoulder' it was just farcical. I think I saw flash, for fuck's sake.