I actually told myself that i would never drink again!

Moderator: Edi
Damn.innerbrat wrote:Y'know those rape cases where the woman claims that she was too drunk to give consent, etc? Well that very nearly happened to me.
I have a rather long drink-to-drunk timespan, which means that I drink more than I should before I realise that I've had too much. Especially, as in this case, when I'm shooting something like sambuca.
I ended up in a semi-stupor at the top of the stairs, utterly conscious but too drunk to move or do anything, and my friend's flatmate comes up to me, tals at me, kisses me, and unbuttins my top.
I swear, i was unable to do ANYTHING, and he could have done anything he wanted, and I wouldnt' have been able to stop him.
ROFLOL!!!Sokar wrote:Time : New Years '99
Amount of Booze : Vast, 6-10 MGd's, 4+ Mixed Drinks, and spaced across a 8hr period , 22 shots of varying intensity.......Yes people, I really did drink like a proverbial fish at one time , even I cant figure out how I didn't end up in the hospital over this one......
Pain: Felt like Godzilla had taked sexual liberties with my entire body.....
Source : At 3am as the party was winding down, I had re-gained some sembalance of motor control and decided to find the nearest couch to passout, regretably my 'stupor shield' was so intense I missed the large oaken coffee table in front of said couch.....I remember waking you on the floor at noon, my face in a puddle of my own slobber(no puke, Ive never puked whilst partying) and wondering who exactly had kicked my ass. I was quite chagrined to have the tale of my abortive war vrs JJ's coffee table, which I was told I had assaulted no less than three times each time being repeled and winding up on the floor......after of course falling into and bouncing my head and extremities on the stout frame of this monster of a table.......
I have no recollection of the previous night past 3am. I woke up at 1pm. Noone has offered me any clues.Next of Kin wrote:did you ever find out who you used the condom on??weemadando wrote:Errr, my worst drunken experience.
Waking up the next morning in my room at college... Naked... Alone... and with a condom missing, not used, but just plain missing.
Case is still open.
There arent any fairs or the like here...but you might like my parties...tons of bloody excellent mead, an ongoing challenge to see if anyone can outdrink me, and various sparring in my nice large garden....(mostly with my wooden practice weapons....) The record so far is 3 v me after I'd just finished drinking someone unconcious....I was armed with my nice black quarterstaff and a can of SKOL.....I then proceeded to floor all three in about a minute, without putting the can down....Hyperion wrote:First time I got drunk it was on about half a 5th of Jose Cuervo Gold tequila... My at the time friends and I went outside for a smoke, I made it to the garage door and tried to mate with it... Finally getting outside I passed up on smoking because of the said garage door incedent a few seconds earlier, it was good that I passed up on the smokes, the other 2 went thru a pack each just to get the equivalent of 1, and the ground was littered with burning cigarettes.
After that I never did get fucked up drunk, dispite on several times taking down more than a dozen beers in a period of only a few hours.
The best time I got wasted was with a couple of other friends, playing drinking games and shot for shot (just like the tequila time), one of them was over 280#, the other was a little over 250#, I was 136# at the time. I drank half a 5th of vodka, 6 run-and-cokes with 2 shots each, a pint of rum, 12 beers, 3 winecoolers, and 6 smirnoff ice', in a 4 hour period. The others cleaned out the 4th winecooler, the other half of the 5th of vodka, and another pint of rum, between the 2 of them. Both of them were seriously fucked up, the 250# guy was on the deck puking, I was out watching him to make sure he didn't get hurt while I was smoking. (He rolled off the deck and into his own puke eventually because he didn't want to be held on the deck and was the type that you can't hold if he doesn't want to be held, even if he's too fucked up to even strain against your grasp). The other guy fell asleep praying to the porcelain god. And I fell asleep on a hastily made bed of clothes and blankets. No hangover, wasn't even beyond massively tipsy.
The tolerance to alcohol comes from my insane metabolic rate, of course alcohol hits my system like an out of control freight train, but it's burned out just as quick.
The last time I got somewhat drunk was at an SCA event, two games of Tablero (4 bottles of hard cider), and my friend gave me a bottle of his homemade mead (the fact he wouldn't drink the stuff shoulda been a hint that it was ungodly strong), and I liked it, after a few minutes (and about 1/5 of the bottle later) we decided to go walking around the event grounds with nightvision equipment on (quite a contrast to midieval garb and structures, lol), I got about halfway down on the mead and realized I was tripping out thanks to the nightvision system on my head (goggles), by the time we got somewhere near the portacans I was nicely hozed and happy with an empty bottle of mead in one hand, a sword in the other, and trying to sing along with my friend rather badly... God, I can't wait till Junefair...