Ok, I was masturbating a few minutes ago to my quite sizable stash of gay porn, when I started feeling like I was about to come. I kinda leaned forward, and then I looked down just as the first white-hot bolt of man-cream furiously blasted out of my dick, hitting my face square in the EYE!!! It was a really nice amount of cum too, but my mind was thinking about other things, namely, how to get the cum out of my eye socket without it causing too much of a ruckus. One warm wet washcloth away, and it still managed to seep into my eye, where it's currently making it burn! The best part: My eye is now
BRIGHT RED!!!! Oh Fucking JOY! Now everyone in the house'll know I shot my eye out with my BFG! Now I feel like this:

Has this ever happened to anyone else here?