Boobs: What matters more? Size or shape.

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Boobs what matters more?

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Post by Necro99 »

Size, but gotta have a perfect shape too, almost a round shape, small nipples.
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Post by aerius »

Strangely enough there's a discussion on breast implants going on over at the headfi forums. Excerpt from the first post of the breast implant thread

"There is a raging deception taking place right in front of our eyes.Men and women are mocked by this profane trickery at every turn.This deception is apparent in magazines,on TV,and often right in our own homes and places of employment.This blasphemous disregard of honesty and truth has gone on long enough.The deception I speak of is BREAST IMPLANTS .

I just can't take it anymore.It seems that half the women I know have them and the other half want them.The last dangling bit of my tolerance was cut loose tonight when I walked into my own home to find my wife and some of her Sorority Sisters sitting around having a few drinks.One of her very good friends(who is absolutely HOT!) got up to say hello and I damned near fell backwards when I saw what she was packing.She must have gotten the super deluxe tit job.These things were huge and perfectly shaped and I just wanted to touch them.Of course I can't say anything and my gaze quickly diverted back to her face,I think.I love a nice set of knockers as much as the next guy but this shit is just wrong man.You just can't tell anymore.Who's got real ones?Both of the women who work for me at the Electric shop have them and I just don't go into the office anymore because of this.How am I gonna look trying to hold a serious business conversation with either of these women?I'm gonna be staring at the rack and I know that won't work.When my wife's friends left I had to ask her about it.She said they all talked about it and she got a chance to feel them(I wish I was there for that!!! ).She said they felt and looked very natural(again,how do I miss this stuff?).I don't buy it."
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by The Dark »

I actually prefer a smaller size. I dunno cup sizes, but shape matters to me more than size does.
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Post by CmdrWilkens »

Shape over size definately. I mean size can be nice but a good roundness with proportional nipples is far more important.
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Re: Bodacious Tatas

Post by Keevan_Colton »

Biddybot wrote:Speaking from the owner side of things, size is most important. If you can't lie or sleep comfortably on your stomach because they're too big, then they ARE too big. Enough to fill a hand and thensome is good. That's a comfortable size, yet noticeable. Titillating, even. The French used to maintain that a breast that filled a goblet was just the right size...

Shapewise, anything that can pass the pencil test is well-shaped to me.
I wonder if the people in some parts of the porn industry misunderstood and used a keg instead of a goblet.....
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Re: Bodacious Tatas

Post by Sonnenburg »

Biddybot wrote:The French used to maintain that a breast that filled a goblet was just the right size...
They used to behead people in the streets too, but I don't see you meantioning that. :)

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Post by Necro99 »

Whats wrong with that?
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Re: Bodacious Tatas

Post by CmdrWilkens »

Sonnenburg wrote:
Biddybot wrote:The French used to maintain that a breast that filled a goblet was just the right size...
They used to behead people in the streets too, but I don't see you meantioning that. :)
That's because talking about sex and comedy are unrelated topics.
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Shape matters more to me than size, though a lot of the lassies I've been with have been more than amply provided for.
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Re: Bodacious Tatas

Post by J »

Biddybot wrote:Speaking from the owner side of things, size is most important. If you can't lie or sleep comfortably on your stomach because they're too big, then they ARE too big. Enough to fill a hand and thensome is good. That's a comfortable size, yet noticeable. Titillating, even. The French used to maintain that a breast that filled a goblet was just the right size...

Shapewise, anything that can pass the pencil test is well-shaped to me.
I can still lie comfortably on my stomach, but my boobs are a tad too big and can be a bit of an inconvenience for doing sports. You see, I love sports, whether it be running, rollerblading, soccer, swimming, biking, rockclimbing, skating, hockey, well, you get the idea. Of course this necessitates the use of a sports bra which helps immensely with the unwanted bouncing, but at the same time they feel restrictive and aren't the most comfy things to wear. Now if my boobs were a tad smaller I could get away with a less restrictive sports bra and I'd be happier, but then my proportions would look kinda funny. Anyways, I'm 22 and hoping that my boobs don't grow any bigger or I'd have to start looking into a breast reduction so I can keep doing sports.
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Post by InnerBrat »

See, mine aren't particularly big, but I still can't go braless without mucho pain (and coldness). They just bounce too much, and if they were any smaller I wouldn't have any.

And Ted - fluted champagne glasses? What kind of wierd arse boobs are you used to?
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

I like them really small with big pointy nipples. Just like on a guy.
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Post by Lord Pounder »

tits are tits big deal. If i'm with a woman i'm more concerned about ALL of her and not just the tit. Men are way to onsessed with boobs than is healthy.
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Post by XaLEv »

Captain Lennox wrote:Shape over size. Moderately large large, nice huge implants too normal size is good.

:?: :?: :?:

Anyway. Both have equal importance, along with proportions relative to the rest of the body.
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Post by weemadando »

Shape. Size is secondary.
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Post by Montcalm »

When i hear some women who says that men are too obsessed with boobs and size does`nt matter are lying because they are searching men with big penis.
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

XaLEv wrote:
Captain Lennox wrote:Shape over size. Moderately large large, nice huge implants too normal size is good.
Possession of depicted objects are a definite plus also. :D

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Bodacious Tatas

Post by Biddybot »

My sympathies to the ladies who can't go braless. I did the shop-for-your-first-bra with Mom rite of passage at age 14, then threw my bras away when I left home several years later and never wore one again because I couldn't really see any point to it--thought my rack looked just fine without them and frankly didn't need support. That was over forty years ago. I think they still look great. I like sport too. If they bounce, well, so they bounce. My butt jiggles too. That's nature. I frankly loathe the tight-swaddled, cemented-in-place look shows like Star Trek and too many women favour--it just looks so uncomfortable and uptight and sad. The whole business of needing bras for support is largely a crock anyway. Millions of women all around the world do just fine without them. I suspect the only reason most women's breasts hurt when they go unsupported is the same reason your left arm would hurt if you kept it constantly in a sling, then suddenly removed it--atrophied musculature. There's a lot to be said for a good set of pecs...on men and women. (Yes, I know breasts themselves are mostly fat and glandular tissue, but their support structures can and do weaken.)

Sorry to go on a rant, but it does sadden me when people make themselves physically uncomfortable for no good logical reason. I do miss the jiggle era...though mostly for other peoples' sake. (Bet some of you guys miss it too. :) )
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Post by InnerBrat »

Yeah, but i do like bras, so I don't mind too much being dependant on them.

I still haven't found the support that stops the guy on the treadmill next to me from getting dangerously distracted...
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Re: Bodacious Tatas

Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

Biddybot wrote:My sympathies to the ladies who can't go braless. I did the shop-for-your-first-bra with Mom rite of passage at age 14, then threw my bras away when I left home several years later and never wore one again because I couldn't really see any point to it--thought my rack looked just fine without them and frankly didn't need support. That was over forty years ago. I think they still look great. I like sport too. If they bounce, well, so they bounce. My butt jiggles too. That's nature. I frankly loathe the tight-swaddled, cemented-in-place look shows like Star Trek and too many women favour--it just looks so uncomfortable and uptight and sad. The whole business of needing bras for support is largely a crock anyway. Millions of women all around the world do just fine without them. I suspect the only reason most women's breasts hurt when they go unsupported is the same reason your left arm would hurt if you kept it constantly in a sling, then suddenly removed it--atrophied musculature. There's a lot to be said for a good set of pecs...on men and women. (Yes, I know breasts themselves are mostly fat and glandular tissue, but their support structures can and do weaken.)

Sorry to go on a rant, but it does sadden me when people make themselves physically uncomfortable for no good logical reason. I do miss the jiggle era...though mostly for other peoples' sake. (Bet some of you guys miss it too. :) )
Jiggle Era?

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Post by aerius »

You have not lived until you've seen a girl hit herself in the face with her breasts while bouncing on a trampoline. That was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen! Big unsupported boobs and trampolines are not a good mix. :D
aerius: I'll vote for you if you sleep with me. :)
Lusankya: Deal!
Say, do you want it to be a threesome with your wife? Or a foursome with your wife and sister-in-law? I'm up for either. :P
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

aerius wrote:You have not lived until you've seen a girl hit herself in the face with her breasts while bouncing on a trampoline. That was one of the funniest things I'd ever seen! Big unsupported boobs and trampolines are not a good mix. :D
*Imagines the sound effects for that*

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Bodacious Tatas

Post by Biddybot »

Ah, the jiggle era... I can't offhand think of the exact years involved, but there was a time when it was cool to go braless and this was reflected in a multitude of jiggle B-movies and even TV shows. Think Charlie's Angels, but braless, and you've got the idea. The old Benny Hill show may have gotten its start around then--it used to have lots of jiggle humour, though the best was censored for North American viewing. VILLAGE OF THE GIANTS is a bit of a jiggle movie--giant breast gags and lots of slo-mo dancing featuring same--and I have at least one other one in my bad-movie collection that is a definite jiggle movie...can't remember the name offhand, but it's about a whole team of secret agent type women who wear high heels and tight jumpsuits zippered open to almost their navels and who share about three brain cells' worth of intelligence between them. They all have wonderfully unfettered, bouncy, billowy breasts, however. That's the trademark to look for! (If you can stop your eyes from jerking up and down, trying to follow the action.)
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Post by salm »

shape is more important of course. what´s nice about totally oversized and swinging udders, if they hang down to the chick´s naval.

asses are better than titts anyway. 8)
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Post by Einhander Sn0m4n »

salm wrote:shape is more important of course. what´s nice about totally oversized and swinging udders, if they hang down to the chick´s naval.

asses are better than titts anyway. 8)
And the ass has to be a nice Ghetto Booty lik J Lo or the Williams (as in Serena and Venus) Sisters. No DroopyDrawers™ here!

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