is warcraft 3 a good buy?????

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is warcraft 3 a good buy?????

Post by Darksider »

i just want to know because i'm goind to best buy later today and i want to know if it's worth the money
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Post by Keevan_Colton »

Its a great game.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Depends. I lost intrest in the game partway through the Undead Campaign, personally. It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it just didn't call to me. If I had to suggest any RTS-style game, I'd suggest Medieval: Total War, where you can command thousands of troops in battle, there's no clickfest gameplay like in other RTS games, and it requires actual strategy to win battles. Plus you can use terrian to your advantage. Hide troops in forests to set up an ambush, put your archers on a hilltop to give them better range and effectiveness, even use rivers and bridges to hold off the enemy, weather, and castles seiges.
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Post by Stormbringer »

It's a great freaking game. It's well worth the price, in fact I got the collector's edition. Sweet game.
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Post by Darksider »

Hotfoot wrote:Depends. I lost intrest in the game partway through the Undead Campaign, personally. It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but it just didn't call to me. If I had to suggest any RTS-style game, I'd suggest Medieval: Total War, where you can command thousands of troops in battle, there's no clickfest gameplay like in other RTS games, and it requires actual strategy to win battles. Plus you can use terrian to your advantage. Hide troops in forests to set up an ambush, put your archers on a hilltop to give them better range and effectiveness, even use rivers and bridges to hold off the enemy, weather, and castles seiges.
that sounds like a great game hmmmm ::: remembers i have a hundred dollar gift card::: maabye i'll get both
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Post by Hotfoot »

Darksider wrote: that sounds like a great game hmmmm ::: remembers i have a hundred dollar gift card::: maabye i'll get both
It really is. It's only a matter of time before someone makes a mod to mimic the seige of Helm's Deep. The game can already support over 10,000 individual units onscreen at any one time (they're sprites, granted, but still). I'm really looking forward to Rome: Total War, but I don't know how far off that is.
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Post by Ghost Rider »

Fun game...more on Squad based and leader leveling tech then Starcraft Army of doom warfare.

Still if you get used to that particular difference you'll love it.

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Post by Mr Bean »

Warcraft III is nice but not revoluninary by any strech of the imagination

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Post by Hotfoot »

For anyone who's interested, the Gamespy forums have a massive 60 page thread concerning Medieval: Total War.

Hopefully it will influence you all as it has me. :wink:
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Post by Pu-239 »

I'll never buy anything from EA. I hate them (poor support). Sierra/Blizzard/anything else is OK. Besides I liked HW.

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Post by Brother-Captain Gaius »

Hotfoot makes a good point. Only get WC3 if you're into old-school RTSs. I made the mistake of getting it, and I was really disappointed with the game as I'm no longer into that type of RTS. I prefer games like Sudden Strike 2 and afore-mentioned Medieval: Total War.
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Post by Pu-239 »

HW is a decent compromise between the two- still resource gathering and building, requires decent tactics though and everything is to scale. Unfortunately some strategies require a quick finger and proper attention, for example formation switching and handling a large fleet. That is also a gripe about Shogun:Total War- it's difficult to be everywhere at once. Turn based is cool too.

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Post by Artanis »

*burns Darksider at the stake as a heretic* YES! GOOD BUY!
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Post by Darth Balls »

buy warcraft 3 now or orcs will come to your house and beat the crap out of you!
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Post by Exonerate »

I liked it. I thought the Night Elf campaign was a bit rushed though... Lots of good custom maps out there.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

i hated it. It brought nothing new to the game type and i took it back to the shop after a day. The plot seemed good on paper but sucked in action. i wasn't pleased with it one bit.
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Post by Hyperion »

Great game, not worth more than about $25 (then again to me no game is worth more than that), I got it for free from a friend, but I'm probably gonna buy it once the price drops into my range, or I get a job.
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Post by Shinova »

The human story is the best one, followed by a tie between the undead and orc campaigns, then the night elf story, which just sucked.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Very good game, though it was overpriced. The campaigns are not real great, but the multiplayer is and the map editor is even more powerful then Starcraft's, though also more complex.
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Post by Hotfoot »

Shinova wrote:The human story is the best one, followed by a tie between the undead and orc campaigns, then the night elf story, which just sucked.
Actually, I hated the human story. It started off okay, but then took a sharp plunge with the development of Arthas. That was a huge turnoff to me.
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Post by The Dark »

It's OK. I played my roommate's copy, but as has been said, it's no big change from the old ones.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

So I take it that I'm the only one here that liked Age of Mythology?
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Post by Anarchist Bunny »

It's basicly a hybrid of Starcraft and Diablo II with a Warcraft theme. Blizzard didn't stretch themselves out too far to come up with anything new in this game.
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Post by Hotfoot »

ArmorPierce wrote:So I take it that I'm the only one here that liked Age of Mythology?
I played the demo for that, and it looked like fun...but then I saw Medieval: Total War. Now I'm spoiled on large-unit combat.
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