Doctor Who S30E12 "The Stolen Earth" (Spoilers)

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Post by El Moose Monstero »

I actually like Rose, she's been the best of the companions by a hell of a long way for me, better than Martha and miles better than Donna. The fact that Rose was there was the least of the episode's problems for me; hell, the 'bad wolf' moment from last week gave me shivers. I can't see any resolution to the Rose plot which isn't going to be a poor retread of doomsday's ending or a meaningless death scene to show 'how serious it all is, am i rite'. I'd be much happier with her still stuck in the alternate universe, but because I'm a sap at heart, I'm prepared to give that one a bit more breathing room than the rest of it.
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Post by NecronLord »

Big Orange wrote:but most of it holds together well and I was thouroughly entertained.
Really? I thought a great deal of it was intolerably bad - how did Harriet Jones get this clarketech magic daleks-can't-detect-it communications thing? Why did the Doctor go to the Shadow Proclamation, and then just fuck off? Yeah, okay, I get that they wanted to commendeer his technology, but let's be honest. That was a transparent effort to get rid of them in the plot.

Seriously, the Doctor supposedly fought in a war before (Scratch that, several wars at least). Could we not see him leading the fleets of the Shadow Proclamation against the daleks? It would be much more amusing than some godawful cocktease of him half-regenerating.

Also, for some reason, these daleks don't have shields (they have something that vapourises paint on contact, but no shields, we see ricochets) as they're new (or an older design, from the first year of the war?) and probably not made under optimal conditions, it's possible they're crappy knockoffs.
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

NecronLord wrote: Really? I thought a great deal of it was intolerably bad - how did Harriet Jones get this clarketech magic daleks-can't-detect-it communications thing? Why did the Doctor go to the Shadow Proclamation, and then just fuck off?
"Last night, Madame Governor, my planet was broken into."
"Broken into?"
"Broken. Into."
"... I'm terribly sorry."
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Post by DocHorror »

El Moose Monstero wrote:I actually like Rose, she's been the best of the companions by a hell of a long way for me, better than Martha and miles better than Donna. The fact that Rose was there was the least of the episode's problems for me; hell, the 'bad wolf' moment from last week gave me shivers. I can't see any resolution to the Rose plot which isn't going to be a poor retread of doomsday's ending or a meaningless death scene to show 'how serious it all is, am i rite'. I'd be much happier with her still stuck in the alternate universe, but because I'm a sap at heart, I'm prepared to give that one a bit more breathing room than the rest of it.
Rose was great, in fairness, until she fucked off. After that she should have just stayed with he rest of the cast-off-companions in loser-ville. the fact that we keep coming back to this moon-faced prole as the last saviour of us all is frankly embarrassing & demeaning to the human race.
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Post by Siege »

It sorta felt the Doctor bummed off at the Shadow Proclamation because they asked him to lead their armies. Seemed to me he had a "I'm so not doing that ever again" look on his face. The fact that they wanted to commandeer the TARDIS probably didn't help either, of course.

Pretty much the only really annoying bit was Jones' super-duper magical communication network thing. Even though we know she was into building stuff with alien technology (that London Superlaser thing) that communications thingie could've used a bit more explaining.

All things considered I liked it, although the episode obviously has its flaws. At least right now I can't see any Giant Reset Buttons appearing on the horizon, whereas I knew how the mess the Master left on Earth was going to be resolved by the end of the fore-last episode of last season...
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

NecronLord wrote:they have something that vapourises paint on contact
That got a chuckle out of me. "MY VISION IS NOT IMPAIRED!"
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Post by Big Orange »

Can't anybody have some fun for once? :?

I'd say Martha Jones is the weak link out of the three relatively recent companions, although Freema Agyman is passable. Tate-hate has a purely 'me too' vibe to it.

Anyway I guess the rubber hand will have something to do with staling total Regeneration. And Rose might as well be a different character but her jelously and obsessiveness seems in character.

I loved Harriet Jones' send off (I can deal with her murky past as PM and getting advanced tech through her politial/business connections).

Davros worked better than I expected and while RTD lays the whizbangs a little too thickly there is more things to like than dislike here.
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

I enjoyed it, but I do think I enjoyed it almost in spite of itself. It wasn't a very well crafted story and a lot of stuff seemed to happen pretty much randomly. If I wasn't already a Doctor Who fan a lot of that would just seem like random noise, I'm sure.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Harriet Jones seemed a bit schizophrenic; a stand by blowing up that ship because the doctor can't always be here for us. Look he's not here now! I was right! I was right! Now my masterplan: FIND THE DOCTOR! He'll make everything better!
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Post by NecronLord »

El Moose Monstero wrote:"Last night, Madame Governor, my planet was broken into."
"Broken into?"
"Broken. Into."
"... I'm terribly sorry."
Huwah? Was that in it somewhere? How does that explain anything?
Big Orange wrote:Can't anybody have some fun for once? :?
This episode actually made me vomit. I literally vomited. Well, slightly. It was that bad.
I loved Harriet Jones' send off (I can deal with her murky past as PM and getting advanced tech through her politial/business connections).
How is that an explanation? Why can human mil-industry get past MOTHER FUCKING DALEKS?
Davros worked better than I expected
Provided they keep the Supreme Dalek in charge, and Davros as a lunatic grandparent he obliges who doesn't have military command, I'll be fairly happy with it.
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Post by Big Orange »

Well a long time had passed since "The Christmas Invasion", so it's not as if she turned within ten minutes.


* I get the impression the Shadow Proclamation will come to the rescue and the Doctor always stuck his middle finger at authority.

* The Dalek taskforce here does seem more grungy than earlier ones, with the lack of shields and the ships being in a poor state of repair.

* HJ's device was still traced and is no more insulting than future screwdriver. Maybe there is a similar explanation?
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Post by El Moose Monstero »

Big Orange wrote:Can't anybody have some fun for once? :?

I'd say Martha Jones is the weak link out of the three relatively recent companions, although Freema Agyman is passable. Tate-hate has a purely 'me too' vibe to it.
I had fun last week. The 'Turn lef' end of the world stuff was mindless, you could poke plot holes in it, but it was fun and a good spectacle. I didn't find this week's episode to be fun, it's all been done before and all been done better by RTD in his previous finales. As a matter of personal taste, this weeks was flat and uninteresting.

And I wouldn't call it me-tooing to have a dislike of Tate. I wouldn't say hate, at first I thought she would be a good counter to the Doctor, but nothing really came of it. Looking at the companions solely within their focused series (rather than in crossovers in this series), I would probably put Martha slightly above Tate.

If you enjoyed this week's episode, all power to you.
NL wrote: Huwah? Was that in it somewhere? How does that explain anything?

It wasn't, but thinking back, it was what it reminded me of - the ineffectual governor from the Italian Job. Plus, the references to the Dalek Invasion of Earth had me picturing 3 planets flying away from the Dalek space station with 'Get a blooming move on' playing.
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Post by NecronLord »

Big Orange wrote:Well a long time had passed since "The Christmas Invasion", so it's not as if she turned within ten minutes.


* I get the impression the Shadow Proclamation will come to the rescue and the Doctor always stuck his middle finger at authority.
I get the feeling they're meant to be 'not heroic' because she said 'commendeer your technology.' I would quite like to see them, yes, though.
* The Dalek taskforce here does seem more grungy than earlier ones, with the lack of shields and the ships being in a poor state of repair.
Indeed. Of course, we've only seen the interior of the space station, which they might have reclaimed from somewhere.

Maybe Davros got nostalgic for the war on Skaro, and had them redecorate to look like his bunker!
* HJ's device was still traced and is no more insulting than future screwdriver.
Err. Yes, it is. Until such point as there's an explanation, it's inexplicable.
Maybe there is a similar explanation?
Maybe... We'll have to see.
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Post by J Ryan »

* HJ's device was still traced and is no more insulting than future screwdriver.
Err. Yes, it is. Until such point as there's an explanation, it's inexplicable.
Maybe there is a similar explanation?
Maybe... We'll have to see.
She mentioned it was built from a Mr somebodys corporation (can't quite remember what it was). It wasn't Saxon was it, cause that would kind of explain it?
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Post by Rye »

I thought it was pretty neat, but awkward and clunky in several parts. I'm also glad that my source was right ages ago when he told me that all the companions would end up meeting each other in one episode. I think I mentioned it here, anyway. I'd give it a 3, I think.
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Post by Siege »

J Ryan wrote:She mentioned it was built from a Mr somebodys corporation (can't quite remember what it was). It wasn't Saxon was it, cause that would kind of explain it?
The Mr. Copper Foundation it was. Wasn't there a Mr. Copper in Voyage of the Damned?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Was it just me? Or was Donna hearing the sound of drums when she was emoing out at the shadow proclaimation?
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Post by Darth Nostril »

Crazedwraith wrote:Was it just me? Or was Donna hearing the sound of drums when she was emoing out at the shadow proclaimation?
Wasn't just you, I heard it too
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Darth Nostril wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:Was it just me? Or was Donna hearing the sound of drums when she was emoing out at the shadow proclaimation?
Wasn't just you, I heard it too
If Donna turns out to be a regenerated master,gone back in time and re-disguised as a human; I don't know whether it would be weirdly awesome or hilariously hackeened.
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Post by Crazy_Vasey »

Crazedwraith wrote:Was it just me? Or was Donna hearing the sound of drums when she was emoing out at the shadow proclaimation?
She had a very large, very prominent ring on, too, though it didn't look like the Master's one (as far as I can remember) but then superficial appearance can be changed. Hmm. That would be . . . odd, to say the least, Donna as the Master.
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Post by Lord Woodlouse »

It wasn't the sound of drums noise. It sounded more like a heartbeat.
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Post by SylasGaunt »

I did love that bit with Daleks bumrushing the Valiant.. and also how apparently all the UNIT guys in the US are using M4s.

Now maybe it's just me.. but man Caan has not had things go well for him.. I mean seriously he's ugly by dalek standards though his mad giggling was kinda neat. I don't think we've ever seen a dalek gone nuts that way (daleks playing choo-choo train aside).. though am left wondering if when he was babbling about the final death for the most faithful companion if he was talking about one of the Doctor's party or himself (in relation to Davros).

I too got the impression that the Doctor really decided to bug out from the Shadow Proclomation after they told him they were going to have him lead their forces.

Sarah Jane should have kept her foot on the gas.

There are apparently degrees of extermination now.

I fecking love Grandad. Shame that idea didn't work.

I can't believe they fucking ended it there though dammit!
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Post by Jon »

Was this the last of the season or is it back next week?
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Post by Flagg »

DocHorror wrote:Well that was <snip> utterly shit.
Fixed that for you.
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Post by Soontir C'boath »

What I enjoyed about this episode:
#1. It's not Terry Molloy under there but the dialogue between Davros and the Doctor was real good.
2. Gramps with the paintball.
3. Harriet Jones' end
Distant 4. Richard Dawkins appearance.

What I didn't like:
1. UNIT. To be fair, even back then they weren't that great. They could use another Sergeant Benton though. It's just too sterile now.

2. Harriet Jones thingamajig.

3. Gwen and Ianto not teleporting with Jack even though Daleks had found them just beforehand but of course we have to create suspense into the next episode to see if they survive or not...

4. Sarah Jane Smith, um why are you here?

5. Shadow Proclamation. Look, we've gone through all four years hearing about how bad ass they are and... they turn out to be a joke.

I'm giving this a 3. The only part that really got me going was Davros.
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