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Post by PeZook »

Astoria, Royal Palace

"I agree with Rufus here. If we emphatically state that the defence agreement is defence only, the UAR won't have nothing to stand on."

Paul looked at his watch.

"Well, gentlemen...seems like we're in agreement concerning the most pressing issues, how about we discuss the rest over breakfast tomorrow? It's getting awfully late."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by RogueIce »

PeZook wrote:"Well, gentlemen...seems like we're in agreement concerning the most pressing issues, how about we discuss the rest over breakfast tomorrow? It's getting awfully late."
"Sounds like a good idea to me." Rufus was getting up to leave with the rest when his cell phone went off. The others just stared at him. He looked at them, and said, "What? I do have a sense of humor, you know."

He answered the phone and listened to the brief report: Coilerburg seemed to be increasing their presence in Zablania.

"Well fuck," Rufus said as he hung up. "It seems Coilerburg is trying to take over Zablania. Or something like that." He glanced over to Paul and Shroom. "Isn't that country still technically a part of the FUN? I have a feeling we'll have to do something about this, eventually." Rufus sighed. If it's not one thing it's another...
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Coiler »

PFL Iler calls for conference regarding Zablania

PFL Iler has stated that the issue who controls what portion of Zablania is one that has to be resolved quickly, before it deteriorates. He has called for a conference where the leaders of the world decide what portions of Zablania go to their countries.

He has stated that the conference should ideally be held in Vulpesia, to "provide a safe, comfortable, and unbiased setting", and that it should be held as soon as possible.
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Republic Senate announces Sanctions against Coilerburg!

The Republic has announced sanctions including all luxury goods, and non-essentail medicinals and food stuffs to Coilerburg, nor will Coilerburg goods be welcomed inside the Republic. The Senate cited the nation's history of Piracy, Spying, and their recent land grab for a nation that is currently an international protectorate, and part of FUN. Not wanting to sound like hypocrates but they make even our history look respectble.

The scariest folk song lyrics are "My Boy Grew up to be just like me" from cats in the cradle by Harry Chapin
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Post by Beowulf »

Forbidden City Times

Rush of orders for AT-45D

With the announcement of Tian Xia completing it's T-38 replacement and T-45 upgrade to AT-45Ds, there has been a rush of orders from interested nations. Nations which have made orders include Byzantium, Coilerburg, and the Duchy of Langley. Douglas has released a delivery schedule for the AT-45Ds, reaching through the next year. Hurried negotiations have resulted in Tian Xia's supplemental order being pushed back to the end of the current delivery schedule. Air Force officials stated that the current number of airframes would be adequete for training, but would not support future training plans.

Dec 2011: 3 to Byzantium (originally slated for Tian Xia)
Jan 2012: 3 to Byzantium(6)
Feb 2012: 3 to Coilerburg
Mar 2012: 3 to Byzantium(9)
Apr 2012: 3 to Langley
May 2012: 3 to Byzantium(12)
Jun 2012: 3 to Coilerburg(6)
Jul 2012: 3 to Byzantium(15)
Aug 2012: 3 to Langley(6)
Sep 2012: 3 to Byzantium(18)
Oct 2012: 1 to Byzantium(19), 2 to Coilerburg(8)
Nov 2012: 3 to Byzantium(22)
Dec 2012: 1 to Byzantium(23), 2 to Langley(8)
Jan 2013: 3 to Byzantium(26)
Feb 2013: 3 to Byzantium(29)
Mar 2013: 1 to Byzantium(30), 2 to Tian Xia

New car regulations come into effect

The new regulations specify that all new cars must use LEDs for all lighting except headlights. Additionally, all new cars will include a GPS reciever that will track at a minimum the last 15 minutes of movement. This information will be accessible to law enforcement, to allow better investigation of accidents.

Tian Xia Air Force announces F-14 upgrade plans

Air Force officials reveal today plans to upgrade the Tomcat fleet with a reengineing program. Upgrades would be conducted in the IRT, based on the proven F119 engine upgrade that the IRT has already developed. The engine to be used in the upgrade is a F135 derived jet engine.

Additionally, due to the limited performance allowed by the EA-18G, the TXAF will be procuring a derivative of the EF-114G from the IRT, to be designated EF-14G.


United Kingdom of Blackadder officials denied allegations printed in Aviation Leak that their Weapon of Mass Destruction has been taken under control of a rogue corporation from the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin. "We have affirmative control of SCORECARD, and there is no indication that that control has in any way wavered."

Security expert Mark Russinovich has stated that "if SCORECARD got rooted, by competent hackers, there'd be no way for the UKB to be able to tell that it'd happened. What's worse, is that there'd be no way for them to be sure that they'd taken back control, even if they could tell, since they'd have no way of ensuring that whatever clean out method they'd tried actually worked."

Tian Xia Air Force starts fighter competition

The TXAF has begun a competition for a fighter to be used in dissimilar combat air training. The competition specifies that the jet must be a fighter currently in service in another nation's air force, and must not be of a type used by the TXAF. Due to the extremely low procurement number expected, price will not be a priority decision factor.
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
"There's a word for bias you can't see: Yours." -- William Saletan
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Post by Coiler »

The Coilerburg soldiers that had previously occupied Zablania were both relieved and confused. The order had come in for all of them to board transports and return to their native country, and to do it quickly.

Launches rapidly ferried soldiers from the shore back to the same larger transports that brought them there. The warships of Coilerburg's navy joined in the evacuation efforts, with corvettes and patrol boats taking on as many men as would fit on their decks.

As soon as all the men were loaded, the fleet returned to Coilerburg. PFL Iler also demanded to be flown to Astoria to meet with King Paul and President Rufus. It was too urgent to schedule a proper conference-the issue of Zablania had to be settled as soon as possible.
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Post by Coyote »

Astoria, Royal Palace

"Oh, that reminds me," Arik said as Rufus put his phone away, "Hey everyone. The butler let me in. Jia's asleep and I'll get her out of the hospital tomorrow. Anyhow... about Zablania. I was thinking 'Nature Reserve'. Jurassic Park, y'know. Maybe airship tours to see the funky dinosaurs, etc, but otherwise make it an international protectorate. But as a former FUN nation, it's not really my call..."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Parasol Corporation Camp, Zablania

"Dr. Fujiwara? Urgent message from Parasol HQ." the communications officer gave Fujiwara the earpiece as he spoke.

"Yes, this is Fujiwara."

"This is Dr. Feng of the R&D division." the voice on the other side was a bit coarse.

"Yes, Director, how may I help you?"

"Our application has been officially rejected by the Committee of Agricultural Affairs. We're going to plan B."

"That means this mission will have to take longer."

"Don't worry. With all the focus on Coilerberg activity on the island, no one would care how long a bunch of scientists are staying there. Any questions?"


"Good." Both men hung up.

Fujiwara sighed, the bureaucrats in the CAA were getting harder to buy these days. Then he called out to his team.

"Alright everyone, plan's changed. I want everyone to check their Parasol issued equipment and make sure you have one of these..."

1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
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Post by Lonestar »

San Antonio Buisnessweek
West Neverhood reconstruction a boon for LSR companies
Bell Helicopter Textron of Fort Worth confirmed today that 16 UH-1Ys had been purchased for the nascent West Neverhood National Police(or the WNNP). The same deal also calls for 10 new builds for the LSR, to replace those lost in attrition over the past few years in the armed forces, as well as 4 of them going to the DPS.

In addition to the Bell Helicopter deal, Southwest Marine confirmed that it had won the bid to build new coastal units for the WNNP(Naval law enforcement arm). 30 Fast Response boats and 2 Clyde=class offshore patrol vessels.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Coyote wrote:Astoria, Royal Palace

"Oh, that reminds me," Arik said as Rufus put his phone away, "Hey everyone. The butler let me in. Jia's asleep and I'll get her out of the hospital tomorrow. Anyhow... about Zablania. I was thinking 'Nature Reserve'. Jurassic Park, y'know. Maybe airship tours to see the funky dinosaurs, etc, but otherwise make it an international protectorate. But as a former FUN nation, it's not really my call..."
"Then there's the UKB which might lay claim on basis of the Zablanian refugees living in their country... remember how they wanted to turn it into a waste dump and an artillery range?"

Shroom's groin-o-phone began vibrating.

"Oh, oh!" Shroom said out loud in surprise, sparing no time to pull out the phone before it made him do something even more humiliating. It was an SMS message. "Hey, Coilerburg wants to have an international conference. Hrm, Coilerburg is an interesting place, that's for certain. But I'm not willing to go there - not yet. I'll just send some diplomats or something."

"Anyway, I agree with the international protectorate. Make a UN-ish type of organization, with international oversight, and with everyone able to volunteer assets into the mission. Everyone gets a piece of the pie.

"And, yes. Jurassic Park is awesome. No mining, no logging, no harvesting of resources. Purely for scientific purposes, and tourism. Zablania Zone, hah!"

The groin-o-phone began vibrating again, but since it was in the Prime Minister's hands, it didn't threaten to bust his balls or anything. It was another SMS message.

"Hey, Baylor says that everyone and their moms are getting dinosaur DNA. Heh. The Shadows also tranqed a Rex and some raptors and shipped them back to Sarajevo. We better do something before poaching becomes a problem..."
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by Coiler »

PFL Iler was in a disheveled state as he landed in Astoria, was chauffeured to the Royal Palace, and was cleared to enter the building. He introduced himself to the other leaders present and began to talk with them about Zablania.

"All of the soldiers that I landed there are now back in Coilerburg itself. I felt that keeping them there until we decided what would happen with Zablania would unnecessarily inflame the situation, so I gave the order to return them to Coilerburg."

"On the subject of the international protectorate and 'everyone gets a slice of the pie', I feel that that expression would be best taken literally. I want a very small, modest slice of the pie myself."

The President for Life of Coilerburg rolled out a specially marked map of Zablania that his Ministry of Agriculture had prepared for him. A small area of land close to Eden was highlighted on the map.

"This is the area that my Ministry of Agriculture chose to be the optimal site for plantations. I request that Coilerburg be given just that area. It is a minuscule fraction of Zablania's total land area, most farming infrastructure is already present, and it is less 'wild' than most of the rest of the country. No pollution-causing mining, drilling, or any of that nasty stuff. The only activity that would be done there would be environmental-friendly agriculture. The rest of the island is yours to do as you please. I consider it a reasonable proposal. What do you say?"
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Byzantine Aeronautics delivers 72 new F-35C aircraft to the Imperial Byzantine Navy

Byzantine Aeronautics delivered 72 new F-35C aircraft to the Imperial Byzantine Navy. The fast ramp began middle of the year when 24 aircraft were constructed per month from September onwards. Byzantine Aeronautics is expected to start delivering F-22s next year. The F-35C production line will be halted for the time being. In the mean time, pilots will be trained using flight simulators, and F-35Cs bought from UKB. The Navy has changed its mind on the conversion of the F-18F conversions to EA-18G and instead requested 2 new squadrons of EA-18G. The remaining 48 F-18E/Fs will be divided between the two existing carriers.

In the meantime, the two carriers will undergo a refit of the existing electronics and some modifications of the island structure. It is hoped that the aircraft carriers will be ready to return to sea by the end of next year.

EDIT: Edited in some details because of change on mind on force structure.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-06-30 01:57am, edited 2 times in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by PeZook »

Astoria, Royal Palace - the following morning

Arrival of PFL Iler was certainly a surprise. The butler rushed to place an extra plate on the table, which itself was moved out of the palace proper and into the Royal Gardens. A delicious breakfast was laid out, with freshly baked white and dark bread, various fruit produce, fresh pancakes, smoked hams and a Greek salad made - as the chef himself swore - according to an original Byzantine recipe.

Paul was looking forward to that breakfast, untill he got word that PFL Iler arrived in Astoria. Nevertheless, the extra plate was set, and a welcoming comittee was prepared - it was a visit of a foreign head of state, after all. After the proper ceremonies, all national leaders were led out to the Gardens and sat down to eat.

And then Iler pulled out his map.
"This is the area that my Ministry of Agriculture chose to be the optimal site for plantations. I request that Coilerburg be given just that area. It is a minuscule fraction of Zablania's total land area, most farming infrastructure is already present, and it is less 'wild' than most of the rest of the country. No pollution-causing mining, drilling, or any of that nasty stuff. The only activity that would be done there would be environmental-friendly agriculture. The rest of the island is yours to do as you please. I consider it a reasonable proposal. What do you say?"
Paul looked at the others when he heard that. He took his time buttering up a bagel, before finally speaking, weighing his words carefully.

"First, I do not believe that carving up Zablania and turning parts of it into national territorry would be proper. Essentially, we'd be setting precedent that bombing a country to ash and taking it over is ok.

Second, while the area you showed us is indeed a miniscule portion of Zablanian total land area, it is a significant portion of the area which was not burned down to naked rock during the Killbot Crisis. Does Coilerburg have a problem with its indigenous food production, large enough to need additional arable land? If not, why should we see this proposal as anything but a naked land grab?"
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by RogueIce »

PeZook wrote:Paul looked at the others when he heard that. He took his time buttering up a bagel, before finally speaking, weighing his words carefully.

"First, I do not believe that carving up Zablania and turning parts of it into national territorry would be proper. Essentially, we'd be setting precedent that bombing a country to ash and taking it over is ok.

Second, while the area you showed us is indeed a miniscule portion of Zablanian total land area, it is a significant portion of the area which was not burned down to naked rock during the Killbot Crisis. Does Coilerburg have a problem with its indigenous food production, large enough to need additional arable land? If not, why should we see this proposal as anything but a naked land grab?"
"If I may, Your Majesty?" King Paul gave a brief nod, and President Shinra turned to Iler.

"For whatever reason, you requested an audience with myself, as well as King Paul. Now, as far as I'm concerned, Zablania still remains under the administration of the FUN. So it's up to them what happens. But you requested my presence, so here I am." He made a deliberate pause, and then turned back toward the King of PeZookia. "Paul, my friend, I'm glad we had that small meeting last night. I believe we had a very good talk concerning a trade agreement and..." with this he turned to glance at Iler and continued, "...defense pact between the MESS and FUN."

President Shinra leaned back in his seat. "I beg Your Majesty's pardon for that minor deviation from the topic at hand, but I wanted to say that before I forgot." He smiled easily and went back to his silent observation of Iler. But he had delivered his message to the Coilerburg leader: Zablania was under the jurisdiction of the FUN, and the FUN and MESS were obviously very good friends.

Just how President Iler decided to read that was entirely up to him.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Astoria, Royal Gardens

"Who the hell invited this guy over?" Shroom whispered to King Paul and President Rufus, discreetly.

"Eherm," Shroom cleared his throat.

"Eherm!" he went again as he grasped a glass of water - whose, he didn't know - and took a huge gulp.

"Er... the pineapple got stuck," the Prime Minister excused himself. He regained his composure and his airway and, unrepentantly, ate another piece of pineapple.

"I bewieve shat Shlablania shouldn't haff any fone nashion's frags raished on itsh shoil," he then spoke with his mouth full.

"What?" PFL C.O. Iler asked, taken aback. The not-so-agreeable replies of King Paul and President Rufus had upsetted him slightly - and here now was the FUN's Founder... masticating a mouthful of fruit salad.

"I believe that Zablania shouldn't have any one nation's flags raised on its soil," Shroom repeated himself. "Unless Coilberburg has need of more arable land due to an agricultural problem, I really don't think any single country should claim a plot of Zablanian land as its own."

"If we do push through with the international protectorate for Zablania deal, you're more than welcomed to participate though. But, honestly, I don't think it's wise to create a precedent in which any nation can claim dispossessed territory as its own - especially considering the violent origin of Zablania's current position.

"During the Killbot Crisis, the unexplained robot legions had to be wiped out by a combined military operation by the constituent nations of the FUN and the MESS and the OMSK Pact. The few survivors of Zablania dispersed as refugees, and while so far they have stayed silent and continued on with their lives, we must also consider how this whole thing affects them. The country is still rightfully theirs, even if they might not wish it back... for now."

While Shroom did not want to create an international outcry of 'imperialism!' and so-on from the Zablanian refugees, he also did not want nations like Coilerburg to start grabbing blown up patches of soil and putting flags on it.

This was why he emphasized the plight of the Zablanian refugees.

This was why he also emphasized how, during the Killbot Crisis, the FUN and MESS had blown those metal motherfuckers into scrap in one of the largest aerial bombardments in the history of the New World.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by PeZook »

Astoria, Royal Palace

"You know, Zablania is a great opportunity to study the formation of ecosystems. It was ravaged by bombs to the points that almost no life survived - but for two years now, plant and animal life has been slowly returning to Zablania proper. I'm sure scientists all over the globe would love to study the process in detail."
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"I believe some of my scientists are being accompanied by some my special forces to obtain specimens of these dinosaurs. We don't plan to clone them of course. Too much of a risk. We would rather obtain live specimens."
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSat/StratTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The Boom Tube aims to reshape the New World's information superhighway.

A new service is being provided by the ShroomSat/StratISPs, the BOOM TUBE - a host site in which all the internet-connected people of the New World are free to upload videos and media files to share with a global audience.

The BOOM TUBE will have a localization system - the first local versions are BOOM TUBE Byzantine, BOOM TUBE Shroomania, and BOOM TUBE Shadow. Byzantine, Shroomania and the Shadow Empire are the three nations currently under ShroomStratellite coverage.

BOOM TUBE has been given the Byzantine Orthodox Church's blessing to upload videotaped masses and religious ceremonies, various Shroomanian media companies (including the Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel) have granted BOOM TUBE permission to upload short clips of Shroomanian shows, and SEXY SARAJEVO is currently in negotiations with BOOM TUBE Shadow to create a BOOM TUBE site dedicated to explicit pornography, and with registration fees.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by Coiler »

PFL Iler considered the responses. He knew that his proposal would not go over that well, but still could not believe how much these people cared over one small, bombed-out island. He had made the most modest offer he could, and it was turned down. Oh well.

"I see that your stance on Zablania is harder than I had anticipated. In that case, I retract my claim of land and will agree to support it as an international protectorate."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Astoria, Royal Gardens

"Nevertheless," Shroom began. "Let's enjoy the breakfast while we can. In the last few years, we've endured everything from Giant Killer Squids to Unexplained Robots, to a belated Christmas gift in the form of a near nuclear war in the New Year. Jenovans and GENITALs notwithstanding, at least we're all still here...

"And we do really appreciate Coilerburg's actions in wasting those GENITALs. Finally, your new navy is being put into good news. Hah, sucks to be those hippies. I'm sure their decaying carcasses are being fed on by dinosaurs as we speak."

Shroom got some of the Greek salad, and smoked hams. All this talk about desecrated bombed-out islands and decayed carcasses being fed on by dinosaurs was making him hungry.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by DarthShady »

Location: Syndromia

John Matrix was moving through the bushes, he had made good progress and he was nearly there.


From the looks of things the Serpent guards were using a small house as an outpost not to far from their main base.

"It seems I'll have to go in quietly"-John said.


He moved like a shadow through the bushes, appearing only for a second at a time to brake someone's neck or slit their throats. The guards never had a chance.

As he approached the house, he heard a noise. John turned around to see a number of Serpent soldiers attempting to surround him. He decided to kill them. He ducked behind some flowers and opened fire.


After they were all dead, he moved on, only stopping to kill an occasional group of Serpent soldiers that got in his way.


After fighting in the jungle for a almost half an hour he finally reached the Serpent base. He got in quietly through the entrance, using his knife or his hands to silently kill the Serpent soldiers.

It was too quite, John knew it was a trap. But there was no time to react. The iron doors closed behind him and now he was face to face with the best soldier that the Serpent had.

"I will enjoy killing you!"-the soldier said.

"Not if I kill you first!"- John answered.

Both men drew their blades.


The fight lasted for two minutes, both men attacking fearlessly. Cutting each other and bleeding.

"Here's twenty dollars to get some beers in Vulpesia. It'll give us all a little more time with the girl."- the soldier said laughing.

"You're a funny man, I like you. That's why I'm going to kill you last."-John said.

The soldier charged John with his knife, but John was too quick for him. He sidestepped and threw the man on his back. He jumped on top of him and brought his knife in front of the soldiers neck.

"Remember, when I promised to kill you last?"-Matrix said.

"That's right, Matrix. You did. "-the soldier said.

"I lied."-John Matrix said and slit the man's throat.

Matrix went deeper into the underground base, using his hands and an assortment of various other weapons to kill those who opposed him. As he went deeper in he placed explosives at certain locations, there would be nothing left of this place after he was done with it.

He found the girl tied up in a small room. Clearly she was beaten but her medical problems could wait. He had to get her out of there. He grabbed the girls hand and soon they were making their way back to the exit. John continued to kill the occasional Serpent soldier that was stupid enough to try and stop him.

Finally they were outside.

"John look!"-Selena screamed.


A Serpent operated T-72 Tank was going straight for them.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this!"-Matrix said.


"I handled it. Now move. Get to the docks, while I hold them of."-He said.

"Why the docks?"-Selena asked.

"Because, we can steal a ship and get to PeZookia. And from there we can get back to the Empire. Now MOVE!-Matrix shouted.

A few moments later, John Matrix was making his way to the docks and finishing of the Serpent base.


Half an hour later John and Selena were on a small ship sailing towards PeZookia.

"This is Matrix, mission accomplished."-he said on the radio.

"That's good to hear, the Emperor will be pleased."-Tanya said.

"I suggest you contact the PeZookians and get us extracted, I don't think that the Serpent will give up too easily."-Matrix said.

"I will see to it immediately."-Tanya said.


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Post by Coyote »

Shroom Man 777 wrote:"Then there's the UKB which might lay claim on basis of the Zablanian refugees living in their country... remember how they wanted to turn it into a waste dump and an artillery range?"
drink, "They have Atlantis for that now..."
Shroom's groin-o-phone began vibrating.

"Oh, oh!" Shroom said out loud in surprise, sparing no time to pull out the phone before it made him do something even more humiliating. It was an SMS message. "Hey, Coilerburg wants to have an international conference. Hrm, Coilerburg is an interesting place, that's for certain. But I'm not willing to go there - not yet. I'll just send some diplomats or something."

"Anyway, I agree with the international protectorate. Make a UN-ish type of organization, with international oversight, and with everyone able to volunteer assets into the mission. Everyone gets a piece of the pie.

"And, yes. Jurassic Park is awesome. No mining, no logging, no harvesting of resources. Purely for scientific purposes, and tourism. Zablania Zone, hah!"

The groin-o-phone began vibrating again, but since it was in the Prime Minister's hands, it didn't threaten to bust his balls or anything. It was another SMS message.

"Hey, Baylor says that everyone and their moms are getting dinosaur DNA. Heh. The Shadows also tranqed a Rex and some raptors and shipped them back to Sarajevo. We better do something before poaching becomes a problem..."

I should get some of those... for the girls... Arik thought fleetingly.

"Actually, as far as everyone getting dinosaurs, hey, it's their funerals. They have to feed the darn things, after all, and they can't be domesticated. The money it'd cost to keep 'em would be prohibitive and for no real gain..."

They were interrupted by the arrival of PFL Iler. How did he know what we were talking about? Arik wondered. He'd remind Paul, later, to check the Palace for microphones or something. It's eerie. Perhaps someone was on Iler's payroll, or some random intel agency was monitoring him and selling the information?

Still, Arik kept politely quiet during the discussions. Eventually, Iler realized he wasn't going to get what he wanted, and seemed a bit put off by that. Arik kinda felt bad for him, in a way, he was a recent arrival and a small nation, and eager to prove himself on the international stage. Eventually, folks realize that they don't necessarily have to be involve din every little thing, he mused. Still, he liked the eagerness.

"Well, soon we can get on with the scientific achievements we're working towards, and build from there," he said. "I look forward to an era of peace and prosperity."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by PeZook »

Astoria, Royal Palace

Paul took a sip of water, looked at PFL Iler and decided he needed to explain his position a bit further.

"Mr. President, we understand Zablania may seem like wasted space right now, and that you feel we should use it somehow. However, think of the issues that annexing parts of the island would bring:

First, it sets a dangerous precedent, where a lawless and abandoned land can be claimed by anyone willing to stake out land. This puts the smaller countries in danger, where larger nations could feel an incentive to incite instability in order to gain territorry and influence, and they could call upon this precedent.

Second, there is the typical issue of airspace,borders and territorial waters. Legal status of the claimed land is important, after all.

Third, you undertook unilateral action without consulting other nations, and then made a proposal after it became obvious the international community was not willing to tolerate such things. I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you bore no actual malicious intent, especially since your help did help bring an end to the threat of further PAF-GENITAL terrorism, but you really should've asked before starting surveys for the logging industry. Frankly, you now claim that only environmentally-friendly farming would take place there, but your survey teams gathered information related to logging and mining, too.

If I may, I would suggest a bit of patience. When we establish Zablania as an international protectorate, I'm sure we can make arrangements for agriculture and other endeavours in that place. Now, if you'll excuse us, I would like to enjoy my breakfast."

Paul hoped he didn't patronize Iler too much ; However, he had to show he was displeased with the way Coilerburg handled its international affairs. One thing bothered him, though - How the hell did he know we were displeased about Zablania?

He could see Arik was wondering about this, too.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Coiler »

"Both me and Coilerburg itself are fairly new to the international scene. We are all human, and we all make mistakes. And we all must learn from our mistakes. This has been a valuable learning experience for Coilerburg and myself.

I do admit to being an impatient man, and one who-does not think things through at times. But I am learning, and I am improving. I will know better than to attempt something like this in the future."

PFL Iler sighed as he confessed his own inexperience and flaws. Of course, the Coilerburg media would not air that statement.
Visitor of five museum ships.
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Post by DarthShady »

Location: Shadow Empire, Sarajevo, Imperial Beach Resort

"So, my Commissar fulfils his duty as expected."

"Yes, my lord. The creatures were not a problem for the God Emperors finest."

"Indeed. The Black Hand has preformed admirably, make sure they are well rewarded for their efforts."

"I will do so."

"You shall also be rewarded."

"My duty is to serve you, I require no reward."

"The words of a loyal servant, thank you Commissar Haris. Now leave us, Mr.Kane and I have much to discuss."

"Immediately, your majesty."

The Commissar left and the door closed behind him. Emperor Shady was very pleased, he had his new pets and his forces hadn't suffered any casualties. Now it was time to deal with the other operation.

"So Kane what news do you bring?"

"Very Good News, Sir. The mission was a success. Our agent has recovered Selena and neutralized a major Serpent base."

"Excellent. I look forward to telling Elena that we have saved her sister. Anything else?"

"Yes. It appears that Coilburg have withdrawn their forces from Zablania."

"So that insane president of theirs finally came to his senses?"

"I don't know Sir. I think it is more likely that he caved under international pressure."

"Well whatever the case may be Mr.Kane I want you to keep a close eye on them. Have your people do what they do best."
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