SD.Net World(RAR!) MK IV
Magalia, Diocese
The man screamed something obscene and fired a long burst from his AK-47.
"What the fuck is his problem?!", a corporal screamed to captain Sobiera, from his cover spot behind a particularly impressive piece of rubble.
"I have no idea! Stay there, dammit!", she screamed back, as the man reloaded and kept firing at the corporal, who only a few seconds ago tried to get him to leave and receive first aid.
"I don't understand a word of what he's saying, captain. It's gotta be a local dialect of some sort.", the only soldier in the unit who spoke Greek shook his head.
"Let's just take him out! He's gonna kill Stas!"
"Shut up. Do we have any tear gas?", the captain asked, looking at her men. No...of course, why would you issue tear gas to soldier coming to keep the peace? Fucking approvisation retards...
"There may be some on the trucks!", her First Sergeant said and sent a private to check. The man firing from the window has stopped, but he was still screaming obscenities at them. At least they sounded like obscenities.
The private returned, carrying a bag of 37mm tear gas grenades.
"Oh thank god! Tom, lob one in the window and another at the door. Grzes, when it starts to billow, go and get Stas to safety.
"Okay, captain."
The squad grenadier loaded a grenade into the launcher and fired one at the window. A second one burst right at the door to a three-story building that crazy guy was shooting from.
Captain Sobiera rushed towards the door, leading several soldiers. They charged into the building,now slowly filling up with tear gas. It was mostly untouched, but horribly messy.
The soldiers searched the building room-by-room, and one squad rushed straight for the second floor, where the shooter was holed up. He was shooting randomly through the smoke. PeZookians waited untill he had to reload again, kicked in the door and rushed him.
As they brutally took his rifle away from him, they realized he had a gas mask. He was firing from a hastily prepared position, and wore a torn and dirty uniform of the Diocese military.
Five men had to hold him in order to restrain the man. One PeZookian had the bright idea to rip off the gas mask, at which point it became much easier to put on the cuffs.
"Okay, he's under control."
The squad leader clicked his transmitter button "Captain, we've got the shooter restrained. Did you find out why he was shooting at us?"
In the building's cellar, the captain looked at a driver's licence of a horribly burned blonde woman, accompanied by a very scared girl, five years old at best. The license was issued in Shinra.
"Yeah. I think we did.", she replied through her radio.
Astoria Evening News
Kathryn Shawn-Manos found in destroyed Diocese city
Relief authorities have informed the AEN that one of the missing Shinra NGO workers, Kathryn Shawn-Manos was found today in the ruins of the Diocese city of Magalia.
A PeZookian patrol has come under fire from Ms. Manos' Diocese guide and caretaker, who mistook soldiers running relief operation for invading enemies. They managed to restrain the guide, although one soldier was wounded in the process.
Ms. Manos has severe burns over her hands and face, and doctors on location decribed her state as "severe". It is unknown if she will survive.
The man screamed something obscene and fired a long burst from his AK-47.
"What the fuck is his problem?!", a corporal screamed to captain Sobiera, from his cover spot behind a particularly impressive piece of rubble.
"I have no idea! Stay there, dammit!", she screamed back, as the man reloaded and kept firing at the corporal, who only a few seconds ago tried to get him to leave and receive first aid.
"I don't understand a word of what he's saying, captain. It's gotta be a local dialect of some sort.", the only soldier in the unit who spoke Greek shook his head.
"Let's just take him out! He's gonna kill Stas!"
"Shut up. Do we have any tear gas?", the captain asked, looking at her men. No...of course, why would you issue tear gas to soldier coming to keep the peace? Fucking approvisation retards...
"There may be some on the trucks!", her First Sergeant said and sent a private to check. The man firing from the window has stopped, but he was still screaming obscenities at them. At least they sounded like obscenities.
The private returned, carrying a bag of 37mm tear gas grenades.
"Oh thank god! Tom, lob one in the window and another at the door. Grzes, when it starts to billow, go and get Stas to safety.
"Okay, captain."
The squad grenadier loaded a grenade into the launcher and fired one at the window. A second one burst right at the door to a three-story building that crazy guy was shooting from.
Captain Sobiera rushed towards the door, leading several soldiers. They charged into the building,now slowly filling up with tear gas. It was mostly untouched, but horribly messy.
The soldiers searched the building room-by-room, and one squad rushed straight for the second floor, where the shooter was holed up. He was shooting randomly through the smoke. PeZookians waited untill he had to reload again, kicked in the door and rushed him.
As they brutally took his rifle away from him, they realized he had a gas mask. He was firing from a hastily prepared position, and wore a torn and dirty uniform of the Diocese military.
Five men had to hold him in order to restrain the man. One PeZookian had the bright idea to rip off the gas mask, at which point it became much easier to put on the cuffs.
"Okay, he's under control."
The squad leader clicked his transmitter button "Captain, we've got the shooter restrained. Did you find out why he was shooting at us?"
In the building's cellar, the captain looked at a driver's licence of a horribly burned blonde woman, accompanied by a very scared girl, five years old at best. The license was issued in Shinra.
"Yeah. I think we did.", she replied through her radio.
Astoria Evening News
Kathryn Shawn-Manos found in destroyed Diocese city
Relief authorities have informed the AEN that one of the missing Shinra NGO workers, Kathryn Shawn-Manos was found today in the ruins of the Diocese city of Magalia.
A PeZookian patrol has come under fire from Ms. Manos' Diocese guide and caretaker, who mistook soldiers running relief operation for invading enemies. They managed to restrain the guide, although one soldier was wounded in the process.
Ms. Manos has severe burns over her hands and face, and doctors on location decribed her state as "severe". It is unknown if she will survive.

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
PeZookia proposes reparations to Shepnukistan in exchange for its citizens
In a last mission he carried out in Shepnukistan, the PeZookian Ambassador has passed on a proposal of the government in Astoria. PeZookia promises to pay reparations to any Shepnukistani citizen or company who had to sell their property below the market price or had it seized by the government, in exchange asking that her citizens be returned unharmed to PeZookian soil.
In a last mission he carried out in Shepnukistan, the PeZookian Ambassador has passed on a proposal of the government in Astoria. PeZookia promises to pay reparations to any Shepnukistani citizen or company who had to sell their property below the market price or had it seized by the government, in exchange asking that her citizens be returned unharmed to PeZookian soil.

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
- DarthShady
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 1872
- Joined: 2007-09-15 10:46am
- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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"That is good to hear, I am very thankful to you for giving my people an opportunity to study and improve them selves. And yes, I believe we should visit the Secretary General. I hear he has some good Vodka.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:"I'm willing to extend scholarships to my many prestigious universities. Allows for greater collaboration as well. Perhaps we should go Red Technocracy together some time soon.DarthShady wrote:"Perhaps then we should discuss this further with the Secretary General.
As for your help, well... some of my people could use good education, I need more scientists. Perhaps you can help me with that, from what I hear your scientists are some of the best on Nova Terra.
One more thing that i wanted to discuss with you are the dinosaurs. I believe we both have some samples of various dino species. What do you think of a joint project of scientific research and perhaps an amusement park? We could make a lot of money on tourists."
As for an amusement park with dinosaurs," the Emperor chuckled. "We should talk to Republic of Mangka as well. They have some samples as well. Perhaps consolidation and joint work might produce something."
As for the dinos we shall definitely try and make it work. My main interest is in stopping their extinction. They are after all, beautiful creatures."
Shady News
"Any attack on the Byzantine Empire by Shepnukistan will be considered an act of war against the Shadow Empire."-God Emperor Shady announced at a press conference today.
In the aftermath of the nuclear attack, Libertia air was running all its planes in relief operations. ProTec as well tasked all their heavy lift assets in the area to bring in relief supplies and airlift out survivors. Some NGO's also contracted the company to bring them and their equipment in. ProTec asked only that they paid for fuel for the time being.
Border zone, near the crash
Having got no response from Shepnukistan on their offer to pick up his downed aircrew, ProTec went out and got them anyway. One dead man was recovered and another with serious injuries was also quickly found. The remaining crewman attempted to escape and evade, not knowing what ProTec's intentions were. They were all rounded up fairly quickly however. The whole lot of them were then placed on a small jet and flown back to Shepnukistan, where they were handed over at a SAC base.
In the aftermath of the nuclear attack, Libertia air was running all its planes in relief operations. ProTec as well tasked all their heavy lift assets in the area to bring in relief supplies and airlift out survivors. Some NGO's also contracted the company to bring them and their equipment in. ProTec asked only that they paid for fuel for the time being.
Border zone, near the crash
Having got no response from Shepnukistan on their offer to pick up his downed aircrew, ProTec went out and got them anyway. One dead man was recovered and another with serious injuries was also quickly found. The remaining crewman attempted to escape and evade, not knowing what ProTec's intentions were. They were all rounded up fairly quickly however. The whole lot of them were then placed on a small jet and flown back to Shepnukistan, where they were handed over at a SAC base.
Meanwhile, in Coilerburg
There were two kinds of officers in any RIS residenture: Vikings and Runners. Vikings were the stars of the intelligence community, the best achievers - those who recruited and handled foreign agents, who got information, who were in the spotlights. They were the ones to meet officials and corrupt scientists and buy secrets worth billions for pocket change.
The runners were the ones who ran all the unglamorous jobs that someone had to do. These tasks were still important enough that an intelligence officer was needed for them, but there was little glamour.
They placed dead drops and ran errands, they covered the vikings during their meetings, delivered payments and watched for tailing counterintelligence officers. They rarely slept, because of the sheer amount of work which had to be done.
Movement between the two groups was fluent. Many a runner became a renowned Viking after a stroke of luck, a one-in-a-million recruitment, or just plain good intel work. They cut into their precious sleep time to find agents they could recruit.
Two months ago, lieutenant Julia Fabrycka fucked up a recruitment, almost getting arrested in the process. She wasn't, so she didn't return to PeZookia in disgrace, but Kulinsky was merciless - she'd be moved to security. She became a Runner.
But today, Kulinsky was ready to promote her on the spot.
"So...a combat engineer? Fedayeen Saddam Special Construction Brigades?", he said, reading through a dossier she composed. It even had a photograph.
"Yes, sir."
"What' the story on him?"
"Well, sir, I contacted him through a Coilerburgian woman who runs catering for the local workers at that new sub base the UAR is constructing,", both of them knew that it was a stroke of luck. Captian Potocka was recruiting caterers and local workers anywhere UAR forces were involved, and this resulted in diplomatic couriers running mail to PeZookia twice a day, but it also meant Potocka's runners had their hands full 24/7, "She met him a couple months ago, and they got...romantically involved. Once I found out who he was, and probed her for some more information, I introduced myself."
A risky move, Kulinsky thought. Then again, this was her big chance, and she took it. And hit the jackpot, it would appear.
"She arranged a meeting. He's willing to tell everything he knows - and he took part in several important projects in Saddamistan proper, as far as I can tell - and in exchange, we get him and his girl out of Coilerburg and grant them both asylum."
Kulinsky thought for a moment, looking at the dossier. A Saddamistani major...special construction brigades...this man would be a veritable mine of intelligence information. Then again, getting him out of here would be...difficult. She looked into expecting eyes of his lieutenant, eager to prove herself in this game.
"You have authorization. Get a plan drafted, and inform captain Potocka that she will have to make do without you."
The woman smiled
"Yes, sir!"
There were two kinds of officers in any RIS residenture: Vikings and Runners. Vikings were the stars of the intelligence community, the best achievers - those who recruited and handled foreign agents, who got information, who were in the spotlights. They were the ones to meet officials and corrupt scientists and buy secrets worth billions for pocket change.
The runners were the ones who ran all the unglamorous jobs that someone had to do. These tasks were still important enough that an intelligence officer was needed for them, but there was little glamour.
They placed dead drops and ran errands, they covered the vikings during their meetings, delivered payments and watched for tailing counterintelligence officers. They rarely slept, because of the sheer amount of work which had to be done.
Movement between the two groups was fluent. Many a runner became a renowned Viking after a stroke of luck, a one-in-a-million recruitment, or just plain good intel work. They cut into their precious sleep time to find agents they could recruit.
Two months ago, lieutenant Julia Fabrycka fucked up a recruitment, almost getting arrested in the process. She wasn't, so she didn't return to PeZookia in disgrace, but Kulinsky was merciless - she'd be moved to security. She became a Runner.
But today, Kulinsky was ready to promote her on the spot.
"So...a combat engineer? Fedayeen Saddam Special Construction Brigades?", he said, reading through a dossier she composed. It even had a photograph.
"Yes, sir."
"What' the story on him?"
"Well, sir, I contacted him through a Coilerburgian woman who runs catering for the local workers at that new sub base the UAR is constructing,", both of them knew that it was a stroke of luck. Captian Potocka was recruiting caterers and local workers anywhere UAR forces were involved, and this resulted in diplomatic couriers running mail to PeZookia twice a day, but it also meant Potocka's runners had their hands full 24/7, "She met him a couple months ago, and they got...romantically involved. Once I found out who he was, and probed her for some more information, I introduced myself."
A risky move, Kulinsky thought. Then again, this was her big chance, and she took it. And hit the jackpot, it would appear.
"She arranged a meeting. He's willing to tell everything he knows - and he took part in several important projects in Saddamistan proper, as far as I can tell - and in exchange, we get him and his girl out of Coilerburg and grant them both asylum."
Kulinsky thought for a moment, looking at the dossier. A Saddamistani major...special construction brigades...this man would be a veritable mine of intelligence information. Then again, getting him out of here would be...difficult. She looked into expecting eyes of his lieutenant, eager to prove herself in this game.
"You have authorization. Get a plan drafted, and inform captain Potocka that she will have to make do without you."
The woman smiled
"Yes, sir!"
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-07-04 10:52am, edited 2 times in total.

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
The IRT's delegation was called back to Alexander's HQ. His Assassination Squad was not present for this meeting. Alexander talked to the ambassador alone.
"I'm sorry but we will have to end our relationship at this time. I am asking the IRT to leave the country. The mines will be nationalized and an open bid process will be started to operate them; a process which you are welcome to take part in. I'm sorry we have to end it this way. Now I have fallout falling on my only port and the world itself may end again. All the details will be worked out later. If only you didn’t have such close ties to Shepnukistan! I tell you that they will only use you and you will end up regretting it. I speak from painful experience my friend."
Alexander then left and went to a news conference in the adjacent room. He announced that the IRT would be withdrawing from Alexandria and that the nations mining outfits would be nationalized and then opened for competitive bidding to operate them.
Meanwhile a packet of documents was sent to the Shinra Republic's embassy detailing Alexandria's knowledge of the over flight, as they had requested.
The IRT's delegation was called back to Alexander's HQ. His Assassination Squad was not present for this meeting. Alexander talked to the ambassador alone.
"I'm sorry but we will have to end our relationship at this time. I am asking the IRT to leave the country. The mines will be nationalized and an open bid process will be started to operate them; a process which you are welcome to take part in. I'm sorry we have to end it this way. Now I have fallout falling on my only port and the world itself may end again. All the details will be worked out later. If only you didn’t have such close ties to Shepnukistan! I tell you that they will only use you and you will end up regretting it. I speak from painful experience my friend."
Alexander then left and went to a news conference in the adjacent room. He announced that the IRT would be withdrawing from Alexandria and that the nations mining outfits would be nationalized and then opened for competitive bidding to operate them.
Meanwhile a packet of documents was sent to the Shinra Republic's embassy detailing Alexandria's knowledge of the over flight, as they had requested.
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
150 miles west of the destroyed city of Magalia
"Coming up on unknown contact; we will have a visual shortly," said the RT pilot, one of the elite pilots from the IVAN DRAGO.
It was at that moment, the Sukhois broke through the scattered cloud cover and into the bright sunshine, which was reflecting off a giant silver aircraft.
"My god, that thing is huge!"
"What the christ is on it's tail?"
"This is Red Falcon Two reporting in, have reached visual range of unidentified bogey -- it has UAR insigna, specifically Saddamistani on it's side, and a giant radiation symbol on it's side..."
"Describe it for us."
"Well, it looks like a turboprop aircraft..."

Scale drawing of plane with AN-225 Silhoulette over it in red...
This is a long range heavy reconnaisance craft, which will be orbiting well off of Magalia, taking holiday snaps of the aftermath....
"Coming up on unknown contact; we will have a visual shortly," said the RT pilot, one of the elite pilots from the IVAN DRAGO.
It was at that moment, the Sukhois broke through the scattered cloud cover and into the bright sunshine, which was reflecting off a giant silver aircraft.
"My god, that thing is huge!"
"What the christ is on it's tail?"
"This is Red Falcon Two reporting in, have reached visual range of unidentified bogey -- it has UAR insigna, specifically Saddamistani on it's side, and a giant radiation symbol on it's side..."
"Describe it for us."
"Well, it looks like a turboprop aircraft..."

Scale drawing of plane with AN-225 Silhoulette over it in red...
This is a long range heavy reconnaisance craft, which will be orbiting well off of Magalia, taking holiday snaps of the aftermath....
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
- Shroom Man 777
- Posts: 21222
- Joined: 2003-05-11 08:39am
- Location: Bleeding breasts and stabbing dicks since 2003
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Over St. Basil, Diocese

The C-5 Galaxy transport and its SAF escort flew over the desecrated landscape of the Diocese. They made sure not to fly into any of the projected paths of irradiated clouds...
The transport plane was the first of a whole fleet bound for Libertia, to the Diocese - though a few were also headed for the Sultanate. The Sovereignty of Shroomania had decided to begin the FUN's humanitarian committment to the Sultanate after Sultan Ibrahim's meeting with Prime Minister Shroom... but now, the whole situation had changed things somewhat.
The Sultan would probably understand why most of the aid was diverted to his nuclear-ravaged neighbor.
"Henny Penny, you're cleared to land," said a voice transmitting from St. Basil's airfield. The voice was surprisingly composed and professional, probably from a Red Technocracy-trained controller.
"Alright, we'll circle one more time before touching down..." replied the Henny Penny's pilot - Henny Penny. "Then we'll offload our shipment of AntiRad and protective gear, and emergency personnel, and go for another run. Be advised, we've got more supplies on the way - much more."
"Roger that, Henny Penny... thanks."
"No problem. We're here to help."
Henny Penny switched frequencies and began telling her cargo - and her emergency personnel passengers - to prepare for landing.
The Dark Liquid PMCs strapped on their seat belts.
Meanwhile, in Vanaheim...
Aboard the SSS Sea Surgery

Nurse Natalie Nooner injected another dose of AntiRad into an ailing victim - a fat bald man who was now even balder, courtesy of radiation-induced hair-loss.
Natalie removed the syringe, recapped it, and tossed it away. Then she left the man while he incoherently asked for his family. Despite his pleas, couldn't be allowed in - the ship was too crowded, and the risk of contamination or infection too great.
She went over to a sick kid, a boy with sunken eyes. By his bed was a bowl in which he had spat his falling teeth in.
"Hey kiddo," Natalie greeted the dying child as she checked his vital signs. "Want some water?"
The kid nodded weakly and so Natalie handed him a plastic cup with a straw. He didn't drink much.
"Don't forget your dentist's appointment," she reminded him. His chances of survival were slim to none, yet a doctor still hadn't looked into his mouth yet. At least the dentist could just examine the boy's teeth by picking them up from the bowl.
Natalie left him there and went on to another patient, and then another.
It was a mess.
One thousand people in Vanaheim's southern shores had been exposed to the radiation.

The C-5 Galaxy transport and its SAF escort flew over the desecrated landscape of the Diocese. They made sure not to fly into any of the projected paths of irradiated clouds...
The transport plane was the first of a whole fleet bound for Libertia, to the Diocese - though a few were also headed for the Sultanate. The Sovereignty of Shroomania had decided to begin the FUN's humanitarian committment to the Sultanate after Sultan Ibrahim's meeting with Prime Minister Shroom... but now, the whole situation had changed things somewhat.
The Sultan would probably understand why most of the aid was diverted to his nuclear-ravaged neighbor.
"Henny Penny, you're cleared to land," said a voice transmitting from St. Basil's airfield. The voice was surprisingly composed and professional, probably from a Red Technocracy-trained controller.
"Alright, we'll circle one more time before touching down..." replied the Henny Penny's pilot - Henny Penny. "Then we'll offload our shipment of AntiRad and protective gear, and emergency personnel, and go for another run. Be advised, we've got more supplies on the way - much more."
"Roger that, Henny Penny... thanks."
"No problem. We're here to help."
Henny Penny switched frequencies and began telling her cargo - and her emergency personnel passengers - to prepare for landing.
The Dark Liquid PMCs strapped on their seat belts.
Meanwhile, in Vanaheim...
Aboard the SSS Sea Surgery

Nurse Natalie Nooner injected another dose of AntiRad into an ailing victim - a fat bald man who was now even balder, courtesy of radiation-induced hair-loss.
Natalie removed the syringe, recapped it, and tossed it away. Then she left the man while he incoherently asked for his family. Despite his pleas, couldn't be allowed in - the ship was too crowded, and the risk of contamination or infection too great.
She went over to a sick kid, a boy with sunken eyes. By his bed was a bowl in which he had spat his falling teeth in.
"Hey kiddo," Natalie greeted the dying child as she checked his vital signs. "Want some water?"
The kid nodded weakly and so Natalie handed him a plastic cup with a straw. He didn't drink much.
"Don't forget your dentist's appointment," she reminded him. His chances of survival were slim to none, yet a doctor still hadn't looked into his mouth yet. At least the dentist could just examine the boy's teeth by picking them up from the bowl.
Natalie left him there and went on to another patient, and then another.
It was a mess.
One thousand people in Vanaheim's southern shores had been exposed to the radiation.

shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people

Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
- Grand Moff Yenchin
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2735
- Joined: 2003-02-07 12:49pm
- Location: Surrounded by fundies who mock other fundies
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Mt. Phoenix Command Post, Somewhere in Mangka
The simulations have been running for 36 hours, the existence of Vice President Yuki Amami at the Post itself brought extreme pressure to the crew. Up to the Commander, General Phillip Tang. The good thing was that so far everything was running smoothly.
"Alright, Situation 5, everyone get ready to...."
"Sir, urgent message coming in on MESS channels."
"You gotta be kidding me. Patch it in." The General read the words on the screen. He was relieved that it wasn't some big mobilization for war like last year, but nonetheless the notion that something was going on still made his adrenaline pump.
The General pressed the comlink. "Alright, all units, attention. Abort all simulations. We have a situation now..."
In a few minutes, the North, West Coast, and South Radar Units began tracking all over Terra Libertia. With real-time images being monitored at EASTCOM HQ as well.
The simulations have been running for 36 hours, the existence of Vice President Yuki Amami at the Post itself brought extreme pressure to the crew. Up to the Commander, General Phillip Tang. The good thing was that so far everything was running smoothly.
"Alright, Situation 5, everyone get ready to...."
"Sir, urgent message coming in on MESS channels."
"You gotta be kidding me. Patch it in." The General read the words on the screen. He was relieved that it wasn't some big mobilization for war like last year, but nonetheless the notion that something was going on still made his adrenaline pump.
The General pressed the comlink. "Alright, all units, attention. Abort all simulations. We have a situation now..."
In a few minutes, the North, West Coast, and South Radar Units began tracking all over Terra Libertia. With real-time images being monitored at EASTCOM HQ as well.
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
Shepnukistani Superhero Comics exported!
Thanks to a new publishing agreement with Shroomanian Sentinel Publishing (SSP), Captain Atom and Doktor Plasma, the UAR's most popular superhero comics will now be published worldwide, starting sequentially from issue one, to allow new fans in other countries a chance to catch up with the mythos of the Atomverse.
Thanks to a new publishing agreement with Shroomanian Sentinel Publishing (SSP), Captain Atom and Doktor Plasma, the UAR's most popular superhero comics will now be published worldwide, starting sequentially from issue one, to allow new fans in other countries a chance to catch up with the mythos of the Atomverse.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
- Grand Moff Yenchin
- Sith Devotee
- Posts: 2735
- Joined: 2003-02-07 12:49pm
- Location: Surrounded by fundies who mock other fundies
- Contact:
Sultan Ibrahim's Edict Regarding the Crisis on Terra Libertia
On behalf of Lord Allah and the Provisional Council, His Highness Sultan Ibrahim delivers his sincere condolences to the families of the fallen in this unfortunate incident. In light of the situtation, the Sultanate is willing to provide its lands for temporary refugee centers, as well as reservational bases for humanitarian support.
The Sultan also states his concerns over the usage of WMDs. Such weapons accelerate the destruction of Allah's Creation.
On behalf of Lord Allah and the Provisional Council, His Highness Sultan Ibrahim delivers his sincere condolences to the families of the fallen in this unfortunate incident. In light of the situtation, the Sultanate is willing to provide its lands for temporary refugee centers, as well as reservational bases for humanitarian support.
The Sultan also states his concerns over the usage of WMDs. Such weapons accelerate the destruction of Allah's Creation.
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
Member of Justice League
"People can't see Buddha so they say he doesn't have a body, since his body is formed of atoms, of course you can't see it. Saying he doesn't have a body is correct"- Li HongZhi
LSRS Jim Bowie
The LSRN LHD had been deployed to continue minesweeping operations, and as a result there were no marines onboard. Still, the Jim Bowie had large hospital facilities, and upon receiving word of the disaster at Magalia, rushed towards the site.
At Free Town the CH-53s flew off to embark additional medical personnel, and the Jim Bowie continued north and began evacuating LSR citizens.

The CH-53s took them to the Fountainhead Airport in Freetown, where LSRAF C-130Js were waiting. One Ch-53 was devoted to evacuating citizens, two were devoted to bringing as many injuried as possible(LSR citizens had first priority) onto the Jim Bowie.
It was a mess, and the problems wouldn’t ease until more international troops surged in.
The LSRN LHD had been deployed to continue minesweeping operations, and as a result there were no marines onboard. Still, the Jim Bowie had large hospital facilities, and upon receiving word of the disaster at Magalia, rushed towards the site.
At Free Town the CH-53s flew off to embark additional medical personnel, and the Jim Bowie continued north and began evacuating LSR citizens.

The CH-53s took them to the Fountainhead Airport in Freetown, where LSRAF C-130Js were waiting. One Ch-53 was devoted to evacuating citizens, two were devoted to bringing as many injuried as possible(LSR citizens had first priority) onto the Jim Bowie.
It was a mess, and the problems wouldn’t ease until more international troops surged in.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Magalia, the Diocese
The huge CH-53 helicopter set down on the provisional landing site just outside Magalia. Wounded were being assembled here, their condition ascertained by medics before loading. Lonestar helicopters were running them to Freetown back-to-back, but eventually they would have to take a break for some basic maintenance: the sheer amount of various particles in the air necessitated it.
The air medic slid open the door and jumped out, and immediately he saw orderlies start loading up stretchers. He didn't even remember the faces...all were burned, in pain or just empty stares.
He looked at the ravaged city, with fires still burning here and there. The sky was clear now, but the feeling of dread was still clearly hanging in the air, with geiger counters clicking slowly, and everyone wearing protective masks.
A Red Technocracy medic shook his arm and gave him a piece of plastic. Driver's licence?
The airmedic looked at the charred document. The photograph showed a young, pretty blonde. It was a Shinra document.
"What the hell?!", he asked the medic, shouting over the noise of the rotor blades
"A PeZookian patrol found her in the city! She was a relief worker for one NGO or another.", the medic answered in horribly accented English.
"...oh. Okay, we'll take care of her!"
He glanced at the face of a woman who was being loaded onto the chopper. There was nothing left of the blonde from the picture - just a mess of sores and bleeding wounds, cleaned a bit by the field medics. She was shivering.
"...yeah.", the airmedic said to himself, looking at hundreds of other people, none of them in much better shape.
The huge CH-53 helicopter set down on the provisional landing site just outside Magalia. Wounded were being assembled here, their condition ascertained by medics before loading. Lonestar helicopters were running them to Freetown back-to-back, but eventually they would have to take a break for some basic maintenance: the sheer amount of various particles in the air necessitated it.
The air medic slid open the door and jumped out, and immediately he saw orderlies start loading up stretchers. He didn't even remember the faces...all were burned, in pain or just empty stares.
He looked at the ravaged city, with fires still burning here and there. The sky was clear now, but the feeling of dread was still clearly hanging in the air, with geiger counters clicking slowly, and everyone wearing protective masks.
A Red Technocracy medic shook his arm and gave him a piece of plastic. Driver's licence?
The airmedic looked at the charred document. The photograph showed a young, pretty blonde. It was a Shinra document.
"What the hell?!", he asked the medic, shouting over the noise of the rotor blades
"A PeZookian patrol found her in the city! She was a relief worker for one NGO or another.", the medic answered in horribly accented English.
"...oh. Okay, we'll take care of her!"
He glanced at the face of a woman who was being loaded onto the chopper. There was nothing left of the blonde from the picture - just a mess of sores and bleeding wounds, cleaned a bit by the field medics. She was shivering.
"...yeah.", the airmedic said to himself, looking at hundreds of other people, none of them in much better shape.

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
LSRS Deaf Smith departs for Magalia
The LSRN Amphibious warship Deaf Smith departed Galveston Naval Base today for relief efforts off the coast of Magalia.

The Deaf Smith will be carrying with her 10 MH-60Rs, but no LSRMC embarkation.
According to a Navy Department spokeswoman, the Deaf Smith will be making best possible speed, and will arrive off the coast in 10 days.
LSRS Deaf Smith departs for Magalia
The LSRN Amphibious warship Deaf Smith departed Galveston Naval Base today for relief efforts off the coast of Magalia.

The Deaf Smith will be carrying with her 10 MH-60Rs, but no LSRMC embarkation.
According to a Navy Department spokeswoman, the Deaf Smith will be making best possible speed, and will arrive off the coast in 10 days.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Constantinople Times
Government has decided to order 1 Spatha class LHD (Mistral class analog) and 1 hospital vessel
The Byzantine Government has ordered from Constantinople Shipyards a Spatha class LHD to be finished by next year. It has also ordered from ISCA a hospital vessel.
Government has ordered 16 light artillery vehicles and 8 LMRS and announces changes to the existing Thematic armies
The Government has ordered the 16 Pegasus light weight artillery vehicles and 8 LMRS for the airbourne brigade. These will be transported by the army's Mi-26 helicopters or the air force's military transports.
The Government has decided to retain the existing Imperial Kataphrateoi and Imperial Tagmata units but changes will be made to the Thematic armies. Imperial Thematic troops will be scaled down to 1 Tank brigade and 1 Mechanised Infantry brigades and 1 artillery battalion and 1 Engineering support battalion and 1 air defence regiment. There will now also be only 6 Thematic divisions down from 8. The Iconium and Antioch theme will be consolidated into one, while the Nicae and Ephesus themes are to be consolidated to one.
Government has decided to order 1 Spatha class LHD (Mistral class analog) and 1 hospital vessel
The Byzantine Government has ordered from Constantinople Shipyards a Spatha class LHD to be finished by next year. It has also ordered from ISCA a hospital vessel.
Government has ordered 16 light artillery vehicles and 8 LMRS and announces changes to the existing Thematic armies
The Government has ordered the 16 Pegasus light weight artillery vehicles and 8 LMRS for the airbourne brigade. These will be transported by the army's Mi-26 helicopters or the air force's military transports.
The Government has decided to retain the existing Imperial Kataphrateoi and Imperial Tagmata units but changes will be made to the Thematic armies. Imperial Thematic troops will be scaled down to 1 Tank brigade and 1 Mechanised Infantry brigades and 1 artillery battalion and 1 Engineering support battalion and 1 air defence regiment. There will now also be only 6 Thematic divisions down from 8. The Iconium and Antioch theme will be consolidated into one, while the Nicae and Ephesus themes are to be consolidated to one.

Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
"I can't believe these PeZookians are stupid enough to fall for it" President-Admiral Poiskaga said to himself as he received the plan.
The local woman and her Saddamistani lover had in fact been UAR agents themselves, working to deceive the PeZookian intellegence operatives that had been known to be working in Coilerburg for some time.
The meeting had taken place, and plenty of information was handed over to PeZookia. Unfortunately for the FUN nation, the information given was completely and totally false.
Poiskaga and the UAR knew that they had dodged a bullet with this intellegence effort, and they did not want this to act again. So shortly after the two agents had made it to PeZookia, the Coilerburg government announced that the sole purpose of the PeZookian embassy was to plant spies in their country, shut it down, and deported all other PeZookian nationals out of Coilerburg. This act also served another purpose-it made PeZookia think that what they had gotten was truly good intelligence, if the government would take such extreme measures in response.
The local woman and her Saddamistani lover had in fact been UAR agents themselves, working to deceive the PeZookian intellegence operatives that had been known to be working in Coilerburg for some time.
The meeting had taken place, and plenty of information was handed over to PeZookia. Unfortunately for the FUN nation, the information given was completely and totally false.
Poiskaga and the UAR knew that they had dodged a bullet with this intellegence effort, and they did not want this to act again. So shortly after the two agents had made it to PeZookia, the Coilerburg government announced that the sole purpose of the PeZookian embassy was to plant spies in their country, shut it down, and deported all other PeZookian nationals out of Coilerburg. This act also served another purpose-it made PeZookia think that what they had gotten was truly good intelligence, if the government would take such extreme measures in response.
Visitor of five museum ships.
Astoria Evening News
Embassy in Coilerburg shut down
PeZookian government has issued a stern condemnation of Coilerburgian actions today, as authorities in the small country have shut down the embassy and expelled all diplomatic personell, claiming the embassy was nothing more than an excuse to plant spies in their country, after a high-ranking Saddamistani officer has defected to the FUN.
"The Saddamistani officer has requested asylum in the FUN, and was granted it. I do not see how president Poiskaga has drawn the conclusions that the embassy - full of top-notch diplomatic personell - was only there to build a spy network. We are not tyrants, unlike a certain other alliance, and we will render aid to anyone who asks. The UAR have proven again that they have absolutely no interest in engaging in diplomacy. For this reason, as of this moment, PeZookia is breaking off all diplomatic relations with the entirety of the UAR.", said the Foreign Minister during an interview with our reporter.
Political commenters note, however, that defection of a high-ranking Saddamistani officer is an unprecedented event, which will most definitely bring a lot of good intelligence information to the FUN nations. A look inside the Saddamistani military, some experts claim, is well worth the expulsion of diplomatic personell from Coilerburg.
"It's a podunk little shithole, anyway.", said John Bleiford, a Shroomanian military expert.
Kosciuszko Avenue, Astoria
"This is loads of good intelligence, colonel.", Kulinsky's superiors were very pleased with him. They did not lament the loss of the Coilerburgian residenture very much, seeing the staggering amount of data the Saddamistani major has brought them.
"I would like to confirm his intelligence with other sources."
The generals assembled in "The Box", a special room protected from all wiretaps, looked at each other.
"You are not saying that they shoved us a double agent, are you?"
"It's a possible eventuality, yes, but very unlikely."
"You do know, colonel, that in this case, your career is ruined? You gave authorization for this operation."
"Yes sir, I understand that. It is part of being in a command position."
The generals were...shocked. An officer who accepted responsbility for failure? A rare sight indeed.
"How do you propose we confirm him as a source, then?"
"Well...the embassy personell have destroyed all information about our contacts in Coilerburg...but I have them all here, in my personal notebook. They will be unable to uncover all our agents in their government structures."
"They will undoubtedly run background checks on anyone they deem suspicious, colonel."
"Yes. This is why we'll wait untill this thing has quieted down ; We do have 'illegal' operatives in Coilerburg that they also do not know about. They are sleeped now, but we can activate them later, and they can start digging. For now, I recommend caution when letting the good major see classified documents."
Paranoia was the word in this business, after all.
Embassy in Coilerburg shut down
PeZookian government has issued a stern condemnation of Coilerburgian actions today, as authorities in the small country have shut down the embassy and expelled all diplomatic personell, claiming the embassy was nothing more than an excuse to plant spies in their country, after a high-ranking Saddamistani officer has defected to the FUN.
"The Saddamistani officer has requested asylum in the FUN, and was granted it. I do not see how president Poiskaga has drawn the conclusions that the embassy - full of top-notch diplomatic personell - was only there to build a spy network. We are not tyrants, unlike a certain other alliance, and we will render aid to anyone who asks. The UAR have proven again that they have absolutely no interest in engaging in diplomacy. For this reason, as of this moment, PeZookia is breaking off all diplomatic relations with the entirety of the UAR.", said the Foreign Minister during an interview with our reporter.
Political commenters note, however, that defection of a high-ranking Saddamistani officer is an unprecedented event, which will most definitely bring a lot of good intelligence information to the FUN nations. A look inside the Saddamistani military, some experts claim, is well worth the expulsion of diplomatic personell from Coilerburg.
"It's a podunk little shithole, anyway.", said John Bleiford, a Shroomanian military expert.
Kosciuszko Avenue, Astoria
"This is loads of good intelligence, colonel.", Kulinsky's superiors were very pleased with him. They did not lament the loss of the Coilerburgian residenture very much, seeing the staggering amount of data the Saddamistani major has brought them.
"I would like to confirm his intelligence with other sources."
The generals assembled in "The Box", a special room protected from all wiretaps, looked at each other.
"You are not saying that they shoved us a double agent, are you?"
"It's a possible eventuality, yes, but very unlikely."
"You do know, colonel, that in this case, your career is ruined? You gave authorization for this operation."
"Yes sir, I understand that. It is part of being in a command position."
The generals were...shocked. An officer who accepted responsbility for failure? A rare sight indeed.
"How do you propose we confirm him as a source, then?"
"Well...the embassy personell have destroyed all information about our contacts in Coilerburg...but I have them all here, in my personal notebook. They will be unable to uncover all our agents in their government structures."
"They will undoubtedly run background checks on anyone they deem suspicious, colonel."
"Yes. This is why we'll wait untill this thing has quieted down ; We do have 'illegal' operatives in Coilerburg that they also do not know about. They are sleeped now, but we can activate them later, and they can start digging. For now, I recommend caution when letting the good major see classified documents."
Paranoia was the word in this business, after all.
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-07-04 05:08pm, edited 3 times in total.

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
From his office in Libertopia the Colonel, as his troops in Treadstone called him, was filled with cold fury. The UAR had slaughtered thousands for practically no reason at all. They had to pay. As the de facto head of project Treadstone, he had the means. He would use them. The government didn't need to know; in fact it was safer they didn't. Only President Raj Ahten would be told via a messenger. No electronic trail.
The Colonel sent out an email to a Shepnukistani and coilerburgian newspaper. They then printed a small classified ad. It was a code for Treadstone's operatives to go to war. In Shepnukistan, almost 80 operatives had been infiltrated. It had been trivially easy to get them completely false, as well as completely legitimate identities. The civil war had destroyed records and left enough people dead that making up new identities or assuming some one else’s was child’s play.
Treadstone's men and woman targeted those working on Shepnukistan's nuclear and defense programs. His scientists started having a large number of fatal car accidents or "heart attacks. " Others were poisoned while walking down the street or pushed under a train. Senior researchers were the main targets but everyone on down to the janitor was fair game in the defense industries. SAC personnel and mid to high ranking officers were also targeted for assassination. One ten man team was also tasked with killing Shep himself if they could. For now the operatives would use subtle methods. The bombings and sniper attacks would wait until Shepnukistan started to seriously guard its personnel from attack.
Treadstone's tradecraft had been perfected in the Shepnukistani controlled area, so they knew his security agencies intimately. Tracking them down would also be extraordinarily difficult. They had been trained by men with decades o counter terrorism experience who had taught them to leave false trails to implicate known terrorist organizations. Tracking the money would also be useless as the people who had set up the financial pipeline were the same men who had spent their careers going after the same sort of illegal networks. They knew what worked and what did not for hiding the origins of the money.
For Coilerberg high ranking military officers, with a special emphasis on any from Sadaamistan were targeted (As Treadstone had almost no men in Sadaamistan itself. They had to be saved for later.) The head of Coilerburg was also targeted for Assassination. Counter intelligence agents and other government organs were also targeted. Here suppressed weapons and car bombs would be par for the course.
From his office in Libertopia the Colonel, as his troops in Treadstone called him, was filled with cold fury. The UAR had slaughtered thousands for practically no reason at all. They had to pay. As the de facto head of project Treadstone, he had the means. He would use them. The government didn't need to know; in fact it was safer they didn't. Only President Raj Ahten would be told via a messenger. No electronic trail.
The Colonel sent out an email to a Shepnukistani and coilerburgian newspaper. They then printed a small classified ad. It was a code for Treadstone's operatives to go to war. In Shepnukistan, almost 80 operatives had been infiltrated. It had been trivially easy to get them completely false, as well as completely legitimate identities. The civil war had destroyed records and left enough people dead that making up new identities or assuming some one else’s was child’s play.
Treadstone's men and woman targeted those working on Shepnukistan's nuclear and defense programs. His scientists started having a large number of fatal car accidents or "heart attacks. " Others were poisoned while walking down the street or pushed under a train. Senior researchers were the main targets but everyone on down to the janitor was fair game in the defense industries. SAC personnel and mid to high ranking officers were also targeted for assassination. One ten man team was also tasked with killing Shep himself if they could. For now the operatives would use subtle methods. The bombings and sniper attacks would wait until Shepnukistan started to seriously guard its personnel from attack.
Treadstone's tradecraft had been perfected in the Shepnukistani controlled area, so they knew his security agencies intimately. Tracking them down would also be extraordinarily difficult. They had been trained by men with decades o counter terrorism experience who had taught them to leave false trails to implicate known terrorist organizations. Tracking the money would also be useless as the people who had set up the financial pipeline were the same men who had spent their careers going after the same sort of illegal networks. They knew what worked and what did not for hiding the origins of the money.
For Coilerberg high ranking military officers, with a special emphasis on any from Sadaamistan were targeted (As Treadstone had almost no men in Sadaamistan itself. They had to be saved for later.) The head of Coilerburg was also targeted for Assassination. Counter intelligence agents and other government organs were also targeted. Here suppressed weapons and car bombs would be par for the course.
- Coyote
- Rabid Monkey
- Posts: 12464
- Joined: 2002-08-23 01:20am
- Location: The glorious Sun-Barge! Isis, Isis, Ra,Ra,Ra!
- Contact:
Seaside Palace, Canissia
"We have to rotate our Civil Defense stocks regardless," Arik Coyotus-I said, "So let's just give them to the FUN to distribute at the nuke site in Terra Libertia." Defense Minister Ral Tenn nodded as he jotted it down.
"Anything else, Excellency?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact," Arik said, "Give the Red Technocracy all the intel we have on Shepnukistani forces we've encountered, particularly anything we've fought against, directly or indirectly, in the Neverhood."
"Okay, I'll have the appropriate dossiers copied and sent over. I have a feeling you're not done..."
"I'm not," Arik said. There is more..."
--Secret part. No UAR spying!
"... Give the Red Technocracy access to our northern radar and communications-intercept intelligence net, and let them know that their planes and ships are welcome to replenish here. And arrange a nice, big tax break for Ofek Industries... so they can sell drones at cost to the FUN as needed."
"We have to rotate our Civil Defense stocks regardless," Arik Coyotus-I said, "So let's just give them to the FUN to distribute at the nuke site in Terra Libertia." Defense Minister Ral Tenn nodded as he jotted it down.
"Anything else, Excellency?"
"Yeah, as a matter of fact," Arik said, "Give the Red Technocracy all the intel we have on Shepnukistani forces we've encountered, particularly anything we've fought against, directly or indirectly, in the Neverhood."
"Okay, I'll have the appropriate dossiers copied and sent over. I have a feeling you're not done..."
"I'm not," Arik said. There is more..."
--Secret part. No UAR spying!

"... Give the Red Technocracy access to our northern radar and communications-intercept intelligence net, and let them know that their planes and ships are welcome to replenish here. And arrange a nice, big tax break for Ofek Industries... so they can sell drones at cost to the FUN as needed."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."
In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!
If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
New Delphi, Alexandria
The response had been quick and complete. The ambassador already knew the IRT was getting expelled. And now they knew why the Shepnukistani recon plane had been there. The IRT invited them and deceived Alexander by simply not informing him ahead of time.
As a result, the Shepnukistanis had, in fact, violated the air space of a sovereign country. They just didn't know they had, and in fact probably believed they had been welcomed there.
Alexander had made clear that, had he known the plane's origin, he would have denied them permission to enter. Which would have avoided this whole mess to begin with.
And so he passed on to the Foreign Ministry what he now knew. It would be up to the government what they did with that information now; with the IRT expelled from Alexandria, they weren't the ambassador's problem anymore.
Meanwhile, the investigation into the origin of the AT-38s and the veracity of those heavy airstrike rumors continued. Alexander hadn't told them about that, alas. Although he didn't have a reason to; the ambassador hadn't asked him about it, after all.
Presidential Residence, Shinra Republic
President Shinra was looking over the preliminary report in the investigation regarding the shootdown of the Shepnukistani aircraft:
But at least he knew the government of Byzantium was not directly culpable in this incident. It had been the Diocese's decision to fire, not theirs. That was something, at least.
He ordered the Foreign Ministry to issue a release containing the highlights of the report, and noting that the Byzantine military had no direct involvement in the shootdown itself. Hopefully it would reach the ears of the UAR. Whether or not they would care and avoid retaliatory strikes against Byzantium he didn't know, although given the fact such actions had not already been taken he considered it likely they probably wouldn't.
After he had done that, Warren Wright, his Foreign Minister, arrived. "Sir, I have a report from the ambassador to Alexandria. I think you'd better see it."
Rufus looked it over and shook his head. So the Shepnukistani aircraft was there as per the invitation of the IRT, not Alexander. Well, that definately explains why they were kicked out on their asses.
"So, basically, had the IRT bothered to inform General Alexander ahead of time, this whole thing would never have happened?" asked the President.
"It would appear that way, Mister President," replied his chief diplomat.
"Very well. We can't just ignore this. Release this information to the other MESS leaders, and the FUN as well. And set up a VTC for the Administrative Council. The IRT bears some fault in this, and they'll have to answer for that. Now we just need to decide how."
The response had been quick and complete. The ambassador already knew the IRT was getting expelled. And now they knew why the Shepnukistani recon plane had been there. The IRT invited them and deceived Alexander by simply not informing him ahead of time.
As a result, the Shepnukistanis had, in fact, violated the air space of a sovereign country. They just didn't know they had, and in fact probably believed they had been welcomed there.
Alexander had made clear that, had he known the plane's origin, he would have denied them permission to enter. Which would have avoided this whole mess to begin with.
And so he passed on to the Foreign Ministry what he now knew. It would be up to the government what they did with that information now; with the IRT expelled from Alexandria, they weren't the ambassador's problem anymore.
Meanwhile, the investigation into the origin of the AT-38s and the veracity of those heavy airstrike rumors continued. Alexander hadn't told them about that, alas. Although he didn't have a reason to; the ambassador hadn't asked him about it, after all.
Presidential Residence, Shinra Republic
President Shinra was looking over the preliminary report in the investigation regarding the shootdown of the Shepnukistani aircraft:
President Shinra put down the report and sighed. Basically, they couldn't know for sure what had happened, and probably never would. He had expected as much, but hoped that, maybe, it could have been different.Preliminary Report on Downing of Shepnukistan Reconnaissance Aircraft Over Alexandria by Military Forces of the Diocese
On 01 March 2012 a Shepnukistan military reconnaissance aircraft was shot down in Alexandrian airspace by air defense units of the Diocese military, based around the city of Magalia. In response, the government of Shepnukistan launched a nuclear attack against the air defense site, in the process causing significant collateral damage to the city itself.
Location and Actions of Shepnukistani Aircraft
The position of the Shepnukistan aircraft has been confirmed by the release of data from Airborne Early Warning aircraft operated by the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin. These aircraft, it is noted, were not known previously to have been operating in this region.
The Shepnukistan aircraft was over Alexandrian territory at the time of the downing, however it is noted that they were fairly close to the border between the Diocese and Alexandria. Further, the exact location of the border is not necessarily agreed upon and recognized by both states.
The precise mission of the aircraft is unknown, however it can be surmised from the type of aircraft that the mission was reconnaissance oriented. Interviews of the aircrew and review of flight data and mission recorders is not possible, due to the relocation of such items to Shepnukistani governmental control. Request of such items from Shepnukistani authorities is not in the perview of this unit, but it is advised that such requests be made at the appropriate levels.
Actions of Diocese Air Defense Unit
What is known is that, at some point around 0545 on 01 March 2012 a Diocese surface-to-air missile (SAM) unit fired upon the Shepnukistan aircraft, successfully downing the plane.
However, due to the total destruction of the air defense site and the deaths of the operators therein, it is impossible to know the sequence of events or decision-making process employed by the operators during the incident in question.
Involvement of Byzantine Military Personnel
It is known that the Byzantine military has taken the lead in advising and training the Diocese military forces, including air defense (AD) personnel. It has been confirmed by Byzantine officials that advisors were assigned to the AD battery in question. However, what is not known is what role, if any, these Byzantine personnel would have played in this event.
However, certain factors can be taken into account. First is the makeup of the operational crews. Personnel from the Diocese military would operate the AD systems, while Diocese officers would be responsible for issuing authorization to commence and engagement or withhold action. Byzantine personnel, when present, play an advisory role only; they do not have direct authorization to interfere with or countermand orders given by Diocese officers. While they do advise and assist in the decision-making process, final command authority rests solely with the Diocese military, not Byzantine advisors.
As with the actions of Diocese military personnel, it is impossible to know what role Byzantine advisors played in the sequence of events leading up to the authorization of weapons launch against the Shepnukistan aircraft. What is known is that, no matter what actions they did or did not take, the Byzantine military advisors could not have authorized the launch of SAM assets, nor could they have stopped such a decision if it were the will of the Diocese AD command.
While the investigation is ongoing, it is severely hampered by the lack of witnesses and verifible data on both sides. We cannot, for example, ascertain whether the Diocese AD tracking systems were operating correctly, or whether they could have erroneously indicated a false position of the Shepnukistan aircraft. Further it cannot be deteremined whether there was operator error, or whether command authorities were aware of the location of the Shepnukistani aircraft in Alexandrian airspace and elected to fire anyway.
All that can be confirmed at this time is what is already known: a Shepnukistan reconnaissance aircraft was fired upon by Diocese air defense units while conducting an as-yet unknown mission in Alexandrian airspace and successfully downed.
Whether this incident was due to equipment or operator error, or a deliberate act on the part of Diocese military personnel is not clear. Due to the destruction of evidence and deaths of key witnesses at the air defense site itself, it may well be impossible to know the true causes of why the Diocese fired upon the aircraft in question.
On the question of Byzantine military involvement, while it cannot be determined what the military advisors may have advised, it is clear that the final decision was in the hands of the Diocese, regardless of whether Byzantine personnel would have advised for or against the decision to engage.
John Howell
Lead Investigator
But at least he knew the government of Byzantium was not directly culpable in this incident. It had been the Diocese's decision to fire, not theirs. That was something, at least.
He ordered the Foreign Ministry to issue a release containing the highlights of the report, and noting that the Byzantine military had no direct involvement in the shootdown itself. Hopefully it would reach the ears of the UAR. Whether or not they would care and avoid retaliatory strikes against Byzantium he didn't know, although given the fact such actions had not already been taken he considered it likely they probably wouldn't.
After he had done that, Warren Wright, his Foreign Minister, arrived. "Sir, I have a report from the ambassador to Alexandria. I think you'd better see it."
Rufus looked it over and shook his head. So the Shepnukistani aircraft was there as per the invitation of the IRT, not Alexander. Well, that definately explains why they were kicked out on their asses.
"So, basically, had the IRT bothered to inform General Alexander ahead of time, this whole thing would never have happened?" asked the President.
"It would appear that way, Mister President," replied his chief diplomat.
"Very well. We can't just ignore this. Release this information to the other MESS leaders, and the FUN as well. And set up a VTC for the Administrative Council. The IRT bears some fault in this, and they'll have to answer for that. Now we just need to decide how."

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
Northray Corporation, Shinra Republic Headquarters
Agents from the Special Investigative Service, operating as officials from the Foreign Ministry, stopped by the Shinra branch of Northray Corp. The embassy down in Alexandria had confirmed the presence of AT-38Ds by their distinctive design. After ruling out direct supply from Tian Xia, that left only Northray to look at. As sole supplier of the AT-38 aircraft, they'd know who they sold them to. From there it would be possible to track down who had them in service in the appropriate numbers or could otherwise account for them...and who couldn't.
They brought with them a letter from the President, requesting the Northray execs to provide their full and complete cooperation, and noting that an agreement was had with the government of Tian Xia, their home country. There was a letter from Huang Di Beowulf saying so.
It wasn't a threat, just an incentive in case anybody had been paid to keep quiet. The simple fact was, with the cooperation of Tian Xia, they'd get a list anyway from the State Department. They just wanted to have a second source as well. And whether or not someone had paid them to keep quiet about it, it wasn't enough to lie. Not when the Shinra Republic would know the truth anyway.
They were assured the full and complete cooperation of the company by the Shinra Republic Division head himself. It was nice sometimes to hold all the cards, thought the lead agent. A welcome change from the usual state of things.
Agents from the Special Investigative Service, operating as officials from the Foreign Ministry, stopped by the Shinra branch of Northray Corp. The embassy down in Alexandria had confirmed the presence of AT-38Ds by their distinctive design. After ruling out direct supply from Tian Xia, that left only Northray to look at. As sole supplier of the AT-38 aircraft, they'd know who they sold them to. From there it would be possible to track down who had them in service in the appropriate numbers or could otherwise account for them...and who couldn't.
They brought with them a letter from the President, requesting the Northray execs to provide their full and complete cooperation, and noting that an agreement was had with the government of Tian Xia, their home country. There was a letter from Huang Di Beowulf saying so.
It wasn't a threat, just an incentive in case anybody had been paid to keep quiet. The simple fact was, with the cooperation of Tian Xia, they'd get a list anyway from the State Department. They just wanted to have a second source as well. And whether or not someone had paid them to keep quiet about it, it wasn't enough to lie. Not when the Shinra Republic would know the truth anyway.
They were assured the full and complete cooperation of the company by the Shinra Republic Division head himself. It was nice sometimes to hold all the cards, thought the lead agent. A welcome change from the usual state of things.

This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)
"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
Already having their paranoia levels high after the PeZookian intellegence scheme, the UAR personnel in Coilerburg had theirs rise even more as soon as they heard of the mysterious deaths of important officials in Shepnukistan. When a Coilerburg army general died from what appeared to be a heart attack, theirs flew off the scale.
Coilerburg and Saddamistani military officials were monitored closely by armed guards at all times. They slept inside hardened bunkers, and were ferried to and from their jobs in armored vehicles.
Soldiers and tanks stood guard at all times outside of every government building. President-Admiral Poiskaga gave the police and military full permission to immediately detain anyone "suspicious".
Maybe paranoia wouldn't be the right word for the situation-after all, somebody truly was out to get them.
Coilerburg and Saddamistani military officials were monitored closely by armed guards at all times. They slept inside hardened bunkers, and were ferried to and from their jobs in armored vehicles.
Soldiers and tanks stood guard at all times outside of every government building. President-Admiral Poiskaga gave the police and military full permission to immediately detain anyone "suspicious".
Maybe paranoia wouldn't be the right word for the situation-after all, somebody truly was out to get them.
Visitor of five museum ships.
Presidential Palace, Austin
"Well?" Lonestra asked.
"We're catching a lot of flack prioritizing LSR and MESS citizens for evacuation and medical treatment." Secretary Mironov said.
"Well, we knew it would happen. The Jim Bowie only has so big a medical ward, and according to reports it's already full to overflowing. The Deaf Smith won't be there for another week, and...which reminds me, how are we going to support the taskforce, provision-wise?"
"I was just about to tell you, Mr. President. The Jefferson Davis County and Alamo were ordered out this morning. The security situation in Freetown, any Libertopian port, really, is too iffy for the 'Phibs to pull in." CNO Oscar Saldana said.
"The Alamo just came out of the yards, didn't it?"
"Yes Sir she got the SSEE INC G installed. Both vessels are quicker than the Deaf Smith, so they should arrive at the same time as the Deaf Smith."
Lonestar scratched his chin.
"Alright, what else?"
General Reinsch spoke.
"We're at the point of stabilizing and flying as many as we can to Fountainhead airport. We're flying folks out to Clark Field, then to whatever flights to their home countries are available. Unfortunately, we have only 4 CH-53s, so the CO is playing 'musical copters' with 3 operating and one in maintenance. If we keep this up the OP-tempo we're going to have troubles, and soon."
"We can fly in an HSL to Fountainhead airport with out C-17s." CSAF Shultz said.
"Do it." Lonestar ordered.
"Well?" Lonestra asked.
"We're catching a lot of flack prioritizing LSR and MESS citizens for evacuation and medical treatment." Secretary Mironov said.
"Well, we knew it would happen. The Jim Bowie only has so big a medical ward, and according to reports it's already full to overflowing. The Deaf Smith won't be there for another week, and...which reminds me, how are we going to support the taskforce, provision-wise?"
"I was just about to tell you, Mr. President. The Jefferson Davis County and Alamo were ordered out this morning. The security situation in Freetown, any Libertopian port, really, is too iffy for the 'Phibs to pull in." CNO Oscar Saldana said.
"The Alamo just came out of the yards, didn't it?"
"Yes Sir she got the SSEE INC G installed. Both vessels are quicker than the Deaf Smith, so they should arrive at the same time as the Deaf Smith."
Lonestar scratched his chin.
"Alright, what else?"
General Reinsch spoke.
"We're at the point of stabilizing and flying as many as we can to Fountainhead airport. We're flying folks out to Clark Field, then to whatever flights to their home countries are available. Unfortunately, we have only 4 CH-53s, so the CO is playing 'musical copters' with 3 operating and one in maintenance. If we keep this up the OP-tempo we're going to have troubles, and soon."
"We can fly in an HSL to Fountainhead airport with out C-17s." CSAF Shultz said.
"Do it." Lonestar ordered.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
Coilerburg was quick to lock down its important personnel. But they still had to move around. Sophisticated EFP IED's were Treadstone's response, manufactured by Treadstone operatives using black market materials. They hit as many VIP convoys as possible. Random soldiers and police were also killed in ambushes while on patrol and while off duty.
In Shepnukistan, some defense workers had simply disappeared. They were being abducted, shot and then disposed of on the outskirts of the nations radiation contaminated cities.
A few Treadstone operatives also made tried making connections with known terrorist elements in the Neverhood region to recruit agents for dangerous attacks inside Shepnukistan. The Treadstone deep cover operatives would provide the logistics while the Neverhood groups would provide the manpower. All the operations in Shepnukistan were planned run and known about by only the local cells. By design the Colonel and his people would know very little about their operations and vice versa.
(That’s all on these attacks for awhile; they are likely to continue on this sort of a track for the time being.)
In Shepnukistan, some defense workers had simply disappeared. They were being abducted, shot and then disposed of on the outskirts of the nations radiation contaminated cities.
A few Treadstone operatives also made tried making connections with known terrorist elements in the Neverhood region to recruit agents for dangerous attacks inside Shepnukistan. The Treadstone deep cover operatives would provide the logistics while the Neverhood groups would provide the manpower. All the operations in Shepnukistan were planned run and known about by only the local cells. By design the Colonel and his people would know very little about their operations and vice versa.
(That’s all on these attacks for awhile; they are likely to continue on this sort of a track for the time being.)
- MKSheppard
- Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
- Posts: 29842
- Joined: 2002-07-06 06:34pm
The transport from Saddamistan had landed several hours ago, and it's occupants were being sped through the streets of Coilerburg's capital city in a motorcade of black Suburbans.
Inside one of them, the head of Coilerburg's intelligence apparatus was being put into his place.
"By direct order of Saddam the Great, the Special Security Organization (SSO) is taking over all counterintelligence assets in Coilerburg, you are to assist us in whatever way you can."
OOC: Say hellow to the Super Saddam Special Enhanced Interrogation System!
The transport from Saddamistan had landed several hours ago, and it's occupants were being sped through the streets of Coilerburg's capital city in a motorcade of black Suburbans.
Inside one of them, the head of Coilerburg's intelligence apparatus was being put into his place.
"By direct order of Saddam the Great, the Special Security Organization (SSO) is taking over all counterintelligence assets in Coilerburg, you are to assist us in whatever way you can."
OOC: Say hellow to the Super Saddam Special Enhanced Interrogation System!
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944