Yogi wrote:Broomstick wrote:You have a very naive view of how the government actually works. Yes, it does matter whether he believes in this, or whether he yielded to political pressure. IF he is PotUS then he is in a much stronger position to impose what he believes on the rest of us (though by no means absolute). If he believes in surveillance as a valid and constitutional tool then in office we will get more of it. If he did this due to party politics but believes the opposite then IF he is ever PotUS either it will be rolled back or lie unused. That, to my mind, is a rather important difference.
It has not been proven to my satisfaction either way as far as I'm concerned.
Really, so how do we tell what does he belive then. What it says on the website? Assume what a politician says is the truth? That he won't lie to get elected? Now who'se naive?
Not me, sweet little pixie - I didn't read about Nixon and Watergate, I remember it as it unfolded. Despite that, I am intelligent enough to know that while politicians can and do lie not everything they say is a lie. Not every campaign promise is kept, not everyone SHOULD be kept.
Seriously, how old are you? Are you even old enough to vote? You have a child's outlook on truth and NO grasp of history or politics. I am not in love with Obama, but I tell you he is far from the worst of politicians. I do not believe there is better out there.
He's a politician. Words mean nothing. Only actions matter.
Motivations matter, too. Or else parents who get their kids vaccinated would be arrested for abusing their children by causing deliberate pain.
This may shock someone of your paltry life experience, but circumstances can and do change. Sometimes what made sense six months ago no longer does.
Broomstick wrote:And yet you refuse to look at what the Republicans have NOT done, despite some of those goals being major from their viewpoint, or from significant sub-groups within the party.
But very well - you do not like either I take it. Please give me a viable alternative. It IS possible for a third party to arise and be successful in the US, even through rare and unlikely.
Viable alternative to compramise? Simple, no compramise. If Bush wants to fund Iraq, vote no. Bush wants to voilate the constitution? Vote no. Bush does blatantly illegal things? Investigate.
Again, you are against any and all compromise. Clearly, you have never been married or you would realize how untenable a position that is in life.
And your no voting will buy you... what?
Fine, vote no on Iraq funding - and you will everything you want vetoed. That accomplishes... what? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except, as Commander in Chief the PotUS can order the troops into Iraq funding or no, and then you have to explain to your constituents why the military hasn't the money to provide proper body armor. Thus, not only have you not accomplished any of your agenda, your constituents now hate you because their children are coming home in flag-draped boxes.
Broomstick wrote:Please point to that candidate with "principles". I'm serious - who is this person? Who do YOU feel is the right person?
Good lord - even the lowest level politician in this area could take his morning shit, turn around, and find chunks of people like you floating in the bowl.
Just kidding. Seriously, the candidate I like the most is Mike Gravel.
Broomstick wrote:The reality is that there is no place on the ballot for "None of the Above". Well, OK, the write-in candidate line, but as a practical matter your choice really is either Kang or Kodos. Thus, pick the lesser evil of the two.
And we wonder why voter turnout is as low as it is. At this point, the marginal benefit of Obama is looking pretty thin.
must be your first election cycle... child, voter turn out for the primaries was at
record levels. The electorate is MUCH more energized than usual. Granted, that's still not
much, but it again displays your appalling ignorance.
Broomstick wrote:Which leaves you with... who?
Gravel 4-EVA!! That, or I might start doing research into the Libertarian and/or Green party candidates.
There should be no "might" about it. I see - you don't like the major party candidates, and yet you have not investigated any alternatives either. You are a whining brat.
I wouldn't be doing this unless I think America is fucked whatever I do, and seeing how Obama has voted I beleive that America is fucked whatever we do.
What boggles my mind is that you are so convinced that Obama is so horrific when we have others so very much worse than he is... yet you still are not
certain where you stand on this. There is nothing wrong with disliking Obama, or any other candidate, but if your knee was jerking any harder there would be a dent in your forehead.
And, as bad off as our country is - and I have no doubt that this is the worst we've seen in my lifetime and my Depression-era parents have told me that it is starting to resemble the state they remember from childhood - we are
still not as bad off as many in this world today, and far from the worst possible scenarios. Although I have occasionally made noises about fleeing to Canada I have not made any serious inquiries in that direction as I would much rather stay here and fix the problems than run away. You are, like many in the US, a spoiled brat with no historical perspective or ability to compare your current inconveniences with a true disaster.
Yes, the recent legislation was a slap at the 4th amendment but it was
hardly the worst violation of the Bill of Rights to ever pass Clowngress, and while disturbing I feel the unlawful and indefinite detention of individuals without recourse to trial or even hearing, or even a notification to relatives that they are being held, is FAR more disturbing and dangerous than someone listening in on phone conversations.
That is in no way approval of eavesdropping, just that, unlike you, I do not see the world in stark black and white but am capable of discerning shades of grey.
Um... what the fuck did you want me to do? Not give any examples at all? Oh, yeah, that would support my position! You said the Republicans always get their way. I provided counterexamples. Yes, that's an "argument", or if you prefer, a "discussion".
The underlined section was a lie, therefore you fail.
No, asshat, you said:
Yogi wrote:Look at George W. Bush! He doesn't compromise and he is certainly a fool. He also gets his stuff passed by the Democrats in Congress who "compromise" on the issues.
Bush does not get everything he wants, therefore YOU fail, you skanky cunt.
And yes, Bush DOES compromise - though you'll never hear the words from his lips. A case in point is the extension of unemployment benefits to which he was
adamantly opposed. He yielded on that because the Democrats got it attached to the funding for his precious little killing-fest in Iraq.
That's a compromise you donkey-felcher.
Again, you fail. Tell me, do you even pay attention to the news? There are people on this board
who have never been in the United States who appear to be better informed and have a better grasp of US politics than you do. How pathetic.
Broomstick wrote:But Obama's diffrent, right?
Speaking as someone who actually knew who the fuck he was BEFORE he started running for national office... I don't know. And you don't know either. No one does. He certainly is part of the Democratic machine in these parts, but if he wasn't he wouldn't be in office. Yes, he was influenced by Daley - but then so was Illinois' governor Blagoevich who is now waging epic battles with the Mayor of Chicago and the state political machinery despite predictions he'd be just another Chicago pol. He doesn't toe the party line completely, which in my mind is a point in his favor, but neither is he contrary just for the sake of being a dickhead. He is NOT a favorite of the black politicians in this area - I don't believe Jesse Jackson was anything but sincere in his recent comment - so that's one established group he's already bucking. But I don't except you to grasp the nuances of Chicago or Illinois politics, the amount of research required would keep you up past your bedtime and make your mommy sad.