Worst ways to die

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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

Setzer wrote:I read about a type of wasp that paralyzed its prey and laid their eggs on it. When the baby wasps hatch, they eat their host for food. Nasty way to go.
That is actually the vast majority of wasps species. In fact, it is projected that there is a parasitic wasp parasitizing every other insect species, in at least one stage of their life-cycle, plus some species get hit at several stages. This also includes other parasitoids. There are parasitic wasps that lay their eggs on the larvae of other parasitic wasps....

In all there are probably a couple million undescribed species.
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Post by Ohma »

Drowning face down in a full toilet would suck.
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Post by loomer »

Choking to death on my own severed penis.
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Post by The Spartan »

Galvatron wrote:*snip* impalement
Let's not forget crucifixion.
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Post by Guardsman Bass »

Bad lung cancer would be pretty horrific, but in terms of execution, I'd have to say either flaying or being buried alive. The worse part of both is the "anticipation" of your death - you get to sit there in excruciating pain or fear for possibly hours before you die.
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Post by Schuyler Colfax »

Guardsman Bass wrote:Bad lung cancer would be pretty horrific, but in terms of execution, I'd have to say either flaying or being buried alive. The worse part of both is the "anticipation" of your death - you get to sit there in excruciating pain or fear for possibly hours before you die.
Bass you're right, how did I forget about being buried alive, if you ask me that's the worst.
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Post by Darth Ruinus »

I have a horrible terrifying fear of asphyxiation, so anything that involves that.

Or being eaten alive in one gulp. I'm not torn apart or anything, but I am still alive as I get passed down into the stomach and slowly drown or get crushed by the stomach trying to grind its food, and maybe, just maybe I still live to start feeling the effects of digestive juices.
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Post by Frank Hipper »

Being crucified, recreationally impaled, and tossed out the nearest airlock are all so improbable that they might as well be fictitious; I are scairt of burning to death.

The horror, the pain...
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Post by General Zod »

Frank Hipper wrote:Being crucified, recreationally impaled, and tossed out the nearest airlock are all so improbable that they might as well be fictitious; I are scairt of burning to death.

The horror, the pain...
On the other hand, asphyxiation via drowning is about on the same level of probability (if not more) than being burned to death.
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Post by Singular Intellect »

I remember walking by restaurants and noticing the grease bins they always have sitting outside. Filled with a disgusting reservoir of grease and gunk you don't even want to think about; and I recall thinking that getting stuck and drowning in one of those fuckers would be really low down on the "bad ways to die" list.
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Post by Resinence »

Destructionator: Most people pass out within 5-7 seconds in vacuum, at most 10. So while it'd be horrible having your lungs explode (if you held your breath), you wouldn't feel it for long. And if they get you back into atmosphere within a minute or so you might even survive, assuming you didn't hold your breath causing amazingly painful lung damage. Sorry, the whole "head explodes/freeze to death instantly" thing is a pet peeve of mine :P

Worst way to die is tough, but getting sucked into a storm drain and drowning would seriously suck. And has actually happened to people a decent amount of times. Plus I am terrified of spaces small enough to restrict movement, like pipes.
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Frank Hipper
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Post by Frank Hipper »

General Zod wrote:
Frank Hipper wrote:Being crucified, recreationally impaled, and tossed out the nearest airlock are all so improbable that they might as well be fictitious; I are scairt of burning to death.

The horror, the pain...
On the other hand, asphyxiation via drowning is about on the same level of probability (if not more) than being burned to death.
Your flesh doesn't blister, blacken, and char as you appreciate the miriad sensations and aromas of it doing so when you drown, though.

Fear and absolute knowledge of imminent death are one thing, indescribable agony added to that is another.

I'll take drowning over burning any day of the week; I ride in automobiles full of flammable materials and explosive fuel every day, not to mwention flammable buildings, I rarely am in the presence of a body of water deep enough to drown in.
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Post by Resinence »

NASA gives a slightly bigger time: 14 seconds for the person they have on record. Of course, he was surely physically fit (all astronauts were) and not in complete vacuum, so you may be right for average people in real space. My couple minutes stated above is certainly too big though; I misremembered the facts there.
I was going by http://www.sff.net/people/geoffrey.landis/vacuum.html specifically:
"Will You Stay Conscious?

The Bioastronautics Data Book answers this question: "Some degree of consciousness will probably be retained for 9 to 11 seconds.... It is very unlikely that a human suddenly exposed to a vacuum would have more than 5 to 10 seconds to help himself."
Ironically that page is actually linked to as a source on the NASA page you linked, but I believe I found it via Atomic Rockets when I was looking up the effects of vacuum for a game I'm working on.

Still, it definitely wouldn't be pleasant, and the horrible, terrifying silence. Not to mention certain knowledge of death, as you watch your ship or space station slowly become smaller. And flailing would do nothing at all. Right up there with drowning and burning imo.
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Post by Block »

If you burn hot enough the nerve endings die instantly, drowning is INCREDIBLY painful. I've done it to the point of needing to be given rescue breathing twice, and it's not something I'd ever care to repeat.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

Block wrote:If you burn hot enough the nerve endings die instantly,
That would have to be incredibly hot for the nerves to die instantly. No normal fire (like a burning house) would be hot enough to instantly crisp your nerves.
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Post by Fleet Admiral JD »

I don't know why everyone is complaining about crucifixion--at least it gets you out in the open air! Stabbing, on the other hand. . . [/MontyPython]

Asphyxiation, drowning, and anything with insects have always been on the top of my "worst ways to die" list. I hate creepy-crawlies as it is, and to have a bug nesting inside of me and eating me is utterly terrifying. I also have always been a big fan of dying quickly, so asphyxiation and drowning are way up there as well. It simply is not a good way todie, especially as I've come close to drowning once or twice.
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Post by Block »

ArmorPierce wrote:
Block wrote:If you burn hot enough the nerve endings die instantly,
That would have to be incredibly hot for the nerves to die instantly. No normal fire (like a burning house) would be hot enough to instantly crisp your nerves.
Well yeah, a wood fire wouldn't be fun. Gas going boom works pretty well though.
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Post by Simplicius »

I'm surprised no-one has posted the account of the drawing and quartering of Damiens the would-be regicide. Not only did they pile on the punishment in Internet Tough Guy style, but it turns out that the human body was more durable than they expected.
Michel Foucault, [i]Discipline and Punish[/i] wrote:On 1 March 1757 Damiens the regicide was condemned "to make the amende honorable before the main door of the Church of Paris", where he was to be "taken and conveyed in a cart, wearing nothing but a shirt, holding a torch of burning wax weighing two pounds"; then, "in the said cart, to the Place de Grève, where, on a scaffold that will be erected there, the flesh will be torn from his breasts, arms, thighs and calves with red-hot pincers, his right hand, holding the knife with which he committed the said parricide, burnt with sulphur, and, on those places where the flesh will be torn away, poured molten lead, boiling oil, burning resin, wax and sulphur melted together and then his body drawn and quartered by four horses and his limbs and body consumed by fire, reduced to ashes and his ashes thrown to the winds" (Pièces originales..., 372-4).

"Finally, he was quartered," recounts the Gazette d'Amsterdam of 1 April 1757. "This last operation was very long, because the horses used were not accustomed to drawing; consequently, instead of four, six were needed; and when that did not suffice, they were forced, in order to cut off the wretch's thighs, to sever the sinews and hack at the joints...

"It is said that, though he was always a great swearer, no blashemy escaped his lips; but the excessive pain made him utter horrible cries, and he often repeated: 'My God, have pity on me! Jesus, help me!' The spectators were all edified by the solicitude of the parish priest of St Paul's who despite his great age did not spare himself in offering consolation to the patient."

Bouton, an officer of the watch, left us his account: "The sulphur was lit, but the flame was so poor that only the top skin of the hand was burnt, and that only slightly. Then the executioner, his sleeves rolled up, took the steel pincers, which had been especially made for the occasion, and which were about a foot and a half long, and pulled first at the calf of the right leg, then at the thigh, and from there at the two fleshy parts of the right arm; then at the breasts. Though a strong, sturdy fellow, this executioner found it so difficult to tear away the pieces of flesh that he set about the same spot two or three times, twisting the pincers as he did so, and what he took away formed at each part a wound about the size of a six-pound crown piece.

"After these tearings with the pincers, Damiens, who cried out profusely, though without swearing, raised his head and looked at himself; the same executioner dipped an iron spoon in the pot containing the boiling potion, which he poured liberally over each wound. Then the ropes that were to be harnessed to the horses were attached with cords to the patient's body; the horses were then harnessed and placed alongside the arms and legs, one at each limb.

"Monsieur Le Breton, the clerk of the court, went up to the patient several times and asked him if he had anything to say. He said he had not; at each torment, he cried out, as the damned in hell are supposed to cry out, 'Pardon, my God! Pardon, my Lord.' Despite all this pain, he raised his head from time to time and looked at himself boldly. The cords had been tied so tightly by the men who pulled the ends that they caused him indescribable pain. Monsieur le [sic] Breton went up to him again and asked him if he had anything to say; he said no. Several confessors went up to him and spoke to him at length; he willingly kissed the crucifix that was held out to him; he opened his lips and repeated: 'Pardon, Lord.'

"The horses tugged hard, each pulling straight on a limb, each horse held by an executioner. After a quarter of an hour, the same ceremony was repeated and finally, after several attempts, the direction of the horses had to be changed, thus: those at the arms were made to pull towards the head, those at the thighs towards the arms, which broke the arms at the joints. This was repeated several times without success. He raised his head and looked at himself. Two more horses had to be added to those harnessed to the thighs, which made six horses in all. Without success.

"Finally, the executioner, Samson, said to Monsieur Le Breton that there was no way or hope of succeeding, and told him to ask their Lordships if they wished him to have the prisoner cut into pieces. Monsieur Le Breton, who had come down from the town, ordered that renewed efforts be made, and this was done; but the horses gave up and one of those harnessed to the thighs fell to the ground.
The confessors returned and spoke to him again. He said to them (I heard him): 'Kiss me, gentlemen.' The parish priest of St Paul's did not dare to, so Monsieur de Marsilly slipped under the rope holding the left arm and kissed him on the forehead. The executioners gathered round and Damiens told them not to swear, to carry out their task and that he did not think ill of them; he begged them to pray to God for him, and asked the parish priest of St Paul's to pray for him at the first mass.

"After two or three attempts, the executioner Samson and he who had used the pincers each drew out a knife from his pocket and cut the body at the thighs instead of severing the legs at the joints; the four horses gave a tug and carried off the two thighs after them, namely, that of the right side first, the other following; then the same was done to the arms, the shoulders, the arm-pits and the four limbs; the flesh had to be cut almost to the bone, the horses pulling hard carried off the right arm first and the other afterwards.

"When the four limbs had been pulled away, the confessors came to speak to him; but his executioner told them that he was dead, though the truth was that I saw the man move, his lower jaw moving from side to side as if he were talking. One of the executioners even said shortly afterwards that when they had lifted the trunk to throw it on the stake, he was still alive. The four limbs were untied from the ropes and thrown on the stake set up in the enclosure in line with the scaffold, then the trunk and the rest were covered with logs and faggots, and fire was put to the straw mixed with this wood.

"...In accordance with the decree, the whole was reduced to ashes. The last piece to be found in the embers was still burning at half-past ten in the evening. The pieces of flesh and the trunk had taken about four hours to burn. The officers of whom I was one, as also was my son, and a detachment of archers remained in the square until nearly eleven o'clock.
The worst executions have to be the bungled executions.
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Post by Lord Relvenous »

a common one so far has been asphyxiation. This is a question to all those who answered that. Were you specifically thinking of a sudden lack of air killing you, or the dwindling supply of oxygen that whould be experiencd in any airtight space? All i've ever heard of death by lack of oxygen in an airtight space seemed to indicate that it was pretty painless, and that eventually you just pass out and then die. Is that correct?

Personally I would not want to be nibbled to death. When wolves hunt a moose, they attack its hindquaters first. When the moose is no longer able to support itself on its back legs, they begin to eat it from the rear forward. The moose stays alive for quite a long time, feeling small pieces of meat torn away. They almost never eat the whole moose, leaving i to bleed out. That i would not enjoy.

Simplicius I actually find myself amazed at the account of that execution. That man had some crazy piety to be praying as he's torn apart. I guess i'm just amazed at his attitude during it.
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Post by General Zod »

Lord Relvenous wrote:a common one so far has been asphyxiation. This is a question to all those who answered that. Were you specifically thinking of a sudden lack of air killing you, or the dwindling supply of oxygen that whould be experiencd in any airtight space? All i've ever heard of death by lack of oxygen in an airtight space seemed to indicate that it was pretty painless, and that eventually you just pass out and then die. Is that correct?
Sudden lack of air. Which is all too common for any drowning scenario.
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Post by Burak Gazan »

Drowning; thats pretty universal for sailors though --- and forget that burial at sea shit, unless you really have a hankering for feeding the crabs and lobsters..... :shock:
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Post by General Zod »

Burak Gazan wrote:Drowning; thats pretty universal for sailors though --- and forget that burial at sea shit, unless you really have a hankering for feeding the crabs and lobsters..... :shock:
Doesn't really matter where you're buried, you're going to wind up feeding something unless you get cremated.
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Post by The Duchess of Zeon »

Dying alone is significantly the most horrifying thing for me, with a very close second as degenerative mental conditions. The problem is that the two dovetail neatly--the only way to avoid the second is to kill yourself before you lose the mental capacity to do so. But the way we treat suicide here (and only allow euthanasia for severe physical pain, when I'd want it only for mental degeneration--which euthanasia laws specifically EXCLUDE due to our bizarre morality) means that anyone present when you killed yourself would be going to jail. So you'd die alone, a suicide, if you have a incurable degenerative mental condition. And if I was ever diagnosed with one, I would be dying. I made all my friends promise they wouldn't get upset about that.

I really don't want to die alone, though. That is, by far, the most terrifying thing. Your last memory before you cease to exist is going to be the last thought, the last experience, that ever crosses your mind! Think about that for a moment?

Do you want the very last experience of your existence to involve loneliness?

If I was excruciatingly dying as my lungs filled with liquid from some chemical weapon or my body had been eviscerated and I was dying of bloodloss from massive trauma, or if I'd been tortured 'till mortally wounded with a whip that stripped the flesh from my back--

All of these would be acceptable ways to die if someone I loved was there for me, promising me and reassuring me... ..That it was just a sleep I could finally never have to wake up from. That the suffering was over, I'd done my best, and I was very much loved. That there was someone's hand for me to squeeze, or at least arms around me if I had not the strength for a grip myself, would compensate for all the agony in the world. No matter what haze of pain may fill my mind when I die, I want that very last moment, hazy or not, to contain the image of another sapient being, holding me and telling me that I'm loved.

How is it possible to call any death a worse one than a death lacking that. How could any physical pain--and I have suffered many of those, I assure you--ever compare to your very last thought being that there was no-one there for you?
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Post by General Zod »

The Duchess of Zeon wrote: All of these would be acceptable ways to die if someone I loved was there for me, promising me and reassuring me... ..That it was just a sleep I could finally never have to wake up from. That the suffering was over, I'd done my best, and I was very much loved. That there was someone's hand for me to squeeze, or at least arms around me if I had not the strength for a grip myself, would compensate for all the agony in the world. No matter what haze of pain may fill my mind when I die, I want that very last moment, hazy or not, to contain the image of another sapient being, holding me and telling me that I'm loved.
Uhh. . . .generally if you're drowning, it's because there's nobody around to pull your ass out of the water. It's a safe bet to say that falls under the "lonely" death part.
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