Transformers: Beginning and End

UF: Stories written by users, both fanfics and original.

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Post by LadyTevar »

Hurry up and write the next chapter! I wanna see SixShot and Megs blowing up the landscape!
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Vehrec »

Advanced construction and power supplies are no match for more than nine million years of combat experience! ALL HAIL MEGATRON! DECEPTICONS TRANSFORM AND RISE UP!

Oh and the Sweeps are pretty cool as well.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Breakout watched the engine flares resolve into shapes. One was a plane and it was going to do a high speed, high altitude reconnaissance pass over the area. He had to get its attention before the 'con spotted the wounded and decided to go after them.

The other wasn't even properly alive. An Omnicron class Sentinel with a engine pack, it was taller and bulkier than Prime. The Omnicron's were a basically humanoid design topped with a sensor dome and armed with a laser pistol scaled up to their size. It would take a lot of killing.

The flyer was passing near his position now. Breakout recognized him. Blitzwing, the triple changer. They had clashed more than once. Blitzwing was powerful, versatile, and a hardened veteran of the endless war between Autobot and Decepticon. Breakout didn't fear him, but fighting him one on one was one thing and fighting him when the triple changer had drone back up was another.

Breakout activated his targeting scans and loosed a missile at the Decepticon. Blitzwing banked hard, nose dived, cut power, deployed flares, banked again, and went to full power. The missile flashed passed the Decepticon, blazing through the space Blitzwing had occupied a moment ago. The Decepticon angled back towards the crashed ship and dip low, transforming into tank mode almost instantly and hitting the ground at full speed.

This would have been the time to shoot Blitzwing, except for the fact that the Sentinel was drawing down on him. Breakout jumped off the downed ship and into the trench just before a laser blast sent white hot hull fragments flying.

"Breakout!" shouted Blitzwing. "Is Hot Rod with you? He won't save you this time. I'll grind your framework to scrap under my treads!" He launched two cassettes from his turret. They transformed into three meter tall Decepticon warriors armed with large rifles. "When the Sentinel flushes him out, blast him."


Ramjet's arm swung up as he prepared to blast Starscream to pieces. The Decepticon Air Commander beat him to the punch. A violet beam hit Ramjet in the upper torso. The Decepticon quivered and shook as the null ray wrecked havoc on his circuitry. He fell limply to his knees.

Starscream didn't waste any time and neither did Skywarp. The later teleported in a flash of purple light. Starscream took to the air while Ramjet's body still gave him cover. "Eat this!" Starscream shrieked as he rose up. Two fat missiles fired from his upper arms towards the mass of Casseticons. The missiles burst into a hail of smaller bomblets which burst in clouds of fire and shrapnel. Starscream went to full power and took to the skies, dodging a hail of fire as he did so.

Thundercracker wasn't so fortunate. A bolt caught him in the right thigh and then another two struck him in the upper chest. A fourth caught him just above the pelvis and the veteran Seeker fell without even getting a shot off.

Sixshot was faster than Megatron and the skills he had been programmed with were superb, but Megatron had been killing Cybertronians for millions of years. He recognized the move even as Sixshot was making it and was reacting before the younger transformer had finished it. Sixshot's pounce ended in Megatron's grasp. The Decepticon leader's eyes flashed and he began to squeeze.

Sixshot desperately squirmed in Megatron's grasp. He hadn't expected Megatron to be able to read his attack and be able to react so quickly, despite his inferior speed. The Decepticon leader, despite his inferior construction, was enormously powerful. He had to escape or Megatron would crush him. He craned his neck and his jaws enclosed Megatron's left hand.

The Decepticon leader jammed his hand into the hinge of Sixshot's jaws before he could apply full pressure. "No you don't," said Megatron laughing. He balled his right into a fist and smashed Sixshot in the jaw. Metal deformed and buckled under the blow, preventing Sixshot from biting with any power. The Decepticon leader tossed Sixshot away and swung his fusion cannon around to bear on the sextuple changer. Sixshot frantically leapt away, narrowly avoiding the blast from Megatron's fusion cannon. The blast flash vaporized snow, cratered the ground, and created a shock wave which sent cracks racing through the rock. Sixshot assumed jet form and circled around to attack.

The Constructicons were positioned near the edge of the precipice, behind the Seekers, Soundwave, and Megatron. They had a few moments to react before they became easy targets.

"Merge-" Scrapper shouted as the Constructicons saw the carnage erupt around them. "-into-," he continued as the Constructicons transformed.

"-DEVASTATOR!" the giant finished. The ground shook as he took a step forward and raised his rifle. Casseticons scattered. The first blast blew out the sensor dome of the Omicron Sentinel. The next two shots turned its torso into a flaming crater. It fell, trapping a Casseticon beneath its bulk.

Laserbeak and Buzzsaw took to the air as Frenzy charged the Casseticons, Rumble following just behind him. "You bums!" Frenzy shouted and unleashed his sonic shriek, vibrating and disrupting the Casseticons circuitry and mechanisms. His fist smashed into the closest one's face, knocking him down. He straddled the other transformer doubled up his fist. The first blow cracked the Casseticon's face plate. The second shattered his head.

Rumble tackled another Casseticon, knocking him down. He transformed his arms to pile drivers at smashed his chest. First blow and the chestplate cracked, second and it shattered, third and they smashed the laser core.

The Dreadwings took to the air and the Vehicons tried to bring their guns and missile launchers to bear on Starscream. Further up the mountainside, behind Straxus's troops, Skywarp reappeared. He aligned both cannons with a Vehicon's back and let loose. Armour piercing shells tore through the Vehicons armour and detonated inside. The blazing shell of a Decepticon toppled. A Vehicon turned to face the foe that had downed his comrade only to see a pair of missiles streaking towards him. His head went in one direction, his right arm in another. The rest of his body just fell and burned.

Devastator turned to crush the rest of Straxus's forces and a massive fist hit him in the side of the head. The giant 'bot staggered back. "Menasor devastate Devastator!" roared the Stunticon combiner. He swung again, denting armour plate and dislodging circuit boards. Devastator fell back further. With a roar, Menasor tackled the other combiner and then both went over the cliff.

A hundred fifty meters below Soundwave lay in the snow. He had suffered heavy damage, but he still function. "Ravage eject. Operation: retaliation." A cassette shot out of his chest, transforming into a robotic panther armed with a pair of missiles. Ravage sprinted across the snow and the near vertical cliff slope, barely slowing as he climbed.

Devastator and Menasor came over the cliff, Menasor on top. They missed Soundwave by ten meters and slid passed him. Menasor was pounding on the other Decepticon. No one noticed the tiny dark specks in the sky that were slowly coming closer.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Nit: He's posted MORE? Fucker runs on energon or something
Nit: And don't fuck with the cluster bombs

[21:03] TevarTahalshia: ... You don't like Thundercracker, do you
[21:03] ImperialFeline: Actually I do. But them's the brakes.

Nit: He was always the lame one. Skywarp had the cool teleport, StarScream was the traitor, and Thundercracker just took up space

[21:05] TevarTahalshia: And the Cassetticons.
Nit: Frenzy's a Cassetticon He fights on their level and he fights DIRTY

[21:06] ImperialFeline: You fuck with Soundwave, you fuck with his whole crew. How nasty are bastards called Rumble and Frenzy in close quarter combat? Probably pretty mean for their size.
[21:07] TevarTahalshia: Ravage eject. Operation: Retaliation.

[21:08] TevarTahalshia: Gods... that is a massive dustup
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Vehrec »

You know, now I wonder just what all of Sixshot's forms are. We know he has two flying forms and one robot and beast form. But what other two is he keeping up his sleeve?
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Post by LadyTevar »

Vehrec wrote:You know, now I wonder just what all of Sixshot's forms are. We know he has two flying forms and one robot and beast form. But what other two is he keeping up his sleeve?
Plane, BFGun, Beast, Robot, Tank .... crap, there's one more....
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Rahvin »

Vehrec wrote:You know, now I wonder just what all of Sixshot's forms are. We know he has two flying forms and one robot and beast form. But what other two is he keeping up his sleeve?
This should be all you need to know about Sixshot.
"You were doing OK until you started to think."
-ICANT, creationist from
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Post by LadyTevar »

Ah... he cheats with 2 vehicle modes
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
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Post by Enigma »

Will the combaticons and Bruticus make an appearance? Will the autobots bring their gestalts to the fight? :)

A thought occured that one more member added to the Dinobots they could make a kickass super Dinobot. :)

"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"Prime," said Jetfire as he lead the Autobot flyers over the Canadian north, "I'm getting some interesting sensor readings. I think that Megatron has joined up with some of the Decepticons from Havoc and they're fighting each other."

The Autobot leader was sitting inside Jetfire along with Ironhide, Ratchet, and Jazz. "Send the data to us," said Optimus. Jetfire beamed the data directly to the Autobot leader and his subordinates.

"Well rust my fenders," said Ironhide, "those Decepticreeps are bustin' each other up."

"What should we do Prime?" asked Jetfire.

"Don't approach them," said Optimus. "We don't want to give them a common enemy to unite against. We'll keep our distance and allow the Decepticons to kill each other. We'll finish off whoever survives."

"Prime," said Ironhide, "they might escape."

"Not when we have Jetfire, Powerglide, and the Aerialbots," said Optimus. "This time we control the air. Megatron and his followers aren't going anywhere but the scrap heap."


Breakout hugged the hull of the assault ship as the Decepticons closed on him. He was in a bad spot. Blitzwing or the Sentinel alone would have been hard, but to be pinned between them and with the Decepticons having additional support he was on a conveyor belt to the slag heat. He would have to do something desperate. Doing desperate things usually got a 'bot killed.

Blitzwing and the Casseticons were coming up behind him, but he had the ship as cover. In a few moments, the Omicron was going to appear at the top of the trench and either gun him down or step on him. Breakout's cannon and missiles could take out the heavy combat robot, but the Omicron could take a building. A gunfight at point blank range was suicide. He raised his cannon.

The Omicron came into view, standing over the trench. The Sentinel's pistol swung towards Breakout. The Autobot corrected his aim and fired. A blast of golden energy blew the Sentinel's pistol apart. He had won the first part of his gamble.

The Sentinel stepped down the side of the trench toward him, raising its left foot to stomp him. The war machine was more than half again Breakout's height and about four times as massive. Breakout dodged right. The foot came down on empty air and the Sentinel fell forward. It caught itself on the hull of the ship and straightened, but that took three astroseconds that would cost it dearly.

Breakout rolled back, combat knife glowing a dull pink from its active energon field. He slammed the blade through the Sentinel's armour, striking just above the ankle and cutting through servomotors and actuato relays. Sparks flew from severed power cables. The Autobot rolled away and regained his feet. The Sentinel limped toward him, half dragging its left leg. Breakout was running out of ship.

The missile launcher on his right shoulder roared and fired a rocket into the Sentinel's right hip. The armour piercing proton warhead was one he would have preferred to save for Blitzwing, but if he didn't use it now there wasn't going to be a later to save it for. The warhead blasted through the massive armour plate. Breakout fired his cannon at the smoking wound, not bothering to try and assess damage. Two bolts smashed through and the Omicron fell backwards, crippled but still dangerous.

"Breakout!" said Blitzwing from the other side of the trench. "You might be still alive but you're trapped like a maintenance drone in a broken pipe. It's all over."

Breakout didn't say anything. Blitzwing was right, he was in a very bad spot, but Primus could toss him in the Pit before he would give up without a fight. He reprogrammed a missile, ejected it from his launcher and removed the warhead. "You think so?" he shouted out. The warhead fit easily into his hand. He calculated angles. If only Blitzwing would reply. "Why don't you give me a reason to give up?"

"One of Prime's good boys?" said Blitzwing with a laugh. "Couldn't trust you if you did decide to change-" Breakout's systems calculated position, trajectory, and velocity. The warhead, primed and ready, left the Autobot's hand.

Blitzwing and the Casseticons saw the small, dark object arc towards them over the hull of the ship and dived for cover, plunging down the side of the trench. High explosives cratered the spot where the triple changer had been standing as Breakout surged over the hull of the damaged ship. It was time to do or die.


Ramjet struggled to his feet as his system rebooted and rerouted power, trying to overcome the effects of Starscream's null ray. "Stay down traitor," said a rasping voice. Megatron's foot smashed into the Seeker's chest, crumpling armour and sending the Decepticon sliding through the snow.

The removal of Ramjet also deprived Megatron of some cover. One of the Overseer's took advantage of the opportunity. Missiles flew from his launchers as he cycled his autocannon and unleashed a blast from his heavy energy cannon.

Shells spun by Megatron or deflected off his heavy armour. The Decepticon leader sidestepped a pair of rockets, but a brilliant blast of blue-white light cratered the armour on the left side of his chest. Megatron's fusion cannon blasted the Overseer backwards. The second blast blew the remnants of the Overseer's power core and spark chamber out of it's back.

In the air, four Dreadwings screamed after Starscream. Laserbeak and Buzzsaw swooped down on the left side of the rearmost Dreadwing and opened up with a volleys of laser fire. Beams ripped holes in the Decepticon's wing and the fire was walked up to his fuselage. Secondary explosions tore through the Dreadwing's insides and he fell from the air.

Skywarp launched himself into the air, transforming into jet mode and teleporting right behind the tailing Dreadwing. He launched a pair of missiles and said, "look behind you." The missiles streaked through the air and blew apart the tail third of the Dreadwing. The front of the Decepticon fell to the earth, trailing flames.

"Take your own advice," said Sixshot. Striking from below and off Skywarp's left side he blew off the Seeker's left wing and tore open his fuselage with his blaster cannons.

Starscream had climbed vertically to escape his pursuers and gain altitude. The Decepticon Air Commander flipped end for end and came down. Two Dreadwings rushed to meet him. Starscream jinked right out of the their line of fire and opened up with his null rays. The leading Dreadwing took multiple hits and every one of his systems from his thrusters to his laser core died. The tumbled from the sky, a piece of dead metal.

The next Dreadwing was lucky enough to only take a pair of hits. All primary systems shut down and the crippled Decepticon began to plummet. Desperately, he tried to controlled descent glide with dead engines. Starscream didn't bother to see if he succeeded.

Missiles and gunfire from the ground had wounded Buzzsaw and both Laserbeak and he were retreating from the battle. Sixshot had just torn up Skywarp and was now climbing to engage Starscream. This would be easy. Starscream would cook his circuits and then plaster the ground with cluster bombs, securing victory. It was a pity that even with some deliberate inaccuracy, Megatron would likely take only minor damage from the cluster bombs. Well, he could always get lucky.

Starscream jinked up and to the left, launching a pair of missiles and a volley of null rays. Sixshot jinked blew the missiles to scrap and jinked hard to the right, evading all of Starscream's shots. He turned hard and blew off Starscream's wing with a volley of blaster fire. He turned end for end and descended, transforming into gun mode as he descended. It was time to finish off Megatron.

Down on the ground Ramjet had regained his feet and surviving Casseticons had piled on top of of Rumble and Frenzy, overpowering Soundwave's warriors with shear weight of numbers. Decepticon flyers were falling from the sky, but it was clearing up and getting up in the air meant getting away from Megatron. It was looking very attractive.

The other Overseer exploded as Megatron's fusion cannon detonated its ammunition storage or its power core. Chunks of metal bounced of Ramjet or scored his armour. Getting out of here was definitely a good idea. That's when he heard the snarl.

Ravage had scaled the cliff and was now charging through the snow. The missile on his left hip fired, straight at Ramjet. The bigger Decepticon tried to dodge, but the range was too close. The missile struck him just above his left hip and blew a hole all the way through him. Ramjet toppled backwards.

Ravage jumped on his chest and then sprung onto the mass of Casseticons on top of Rumble and Frenzy. Ravage tore off half a Casseticon's head and bite off another one's arm. The pile dissolved and reformed into a massive melee as Rumble and Frenzy got back into the fight.

Sixshot continued to descend. Megatron was alone, there was no one and nothing blocking his shot. The Decepticon warrior noted there was almost no one from his side still standing. Megatron continued to impress. Sixshot wondered if he would ever again face an opponent who was Megatron's equal. He did have Optimus Prime to look forward too and unlike Megatron, he would need to retrieve the Matrix intact from Prime's body. That would be a challenge. He opened fire.

The quad laser blast struck Megatron in the back and knocked the Decepticon leader to his knees. Sparks sizzled in the breach in Megatron's armour. Sixshot took a moment to realign himself and fire again. Megatron used that moment.

The Decepticon leader transformed, shrinking as he became a handgun and skittering across the snow. Sixshot missed the small, fast moving target, his bolts flash vaporizing the snow into steam which helped obscure Megatron's position. He jinked right to avoid any fire that might come his way.

The violet blast that struck Sixshot burned through his light weight, ultra tough alloy armour and blew through his main power leads. The Decepticon warrior fell from the sky. The earth rushed towards him as he drew upon us emergency reserves and transformed into winged wolf mode. He managed to break his fall and land relatively lightly on all four legs. His system reconfigured power leads, redundancies and multifunction systems taking over from the fried primaries. He would be able to operate at 83.7% normal effectiveness in three astroseconds.

Megatron loomed over him, now back in robot mode. He dodged left. Megatron's fusion cannon bathed the side of the mountain in purple light. The blast struck him in the flank and knocked him off his feet. The struggled to regain his feet. Failed. Tried again and succeeded.

The fighting had stopped. Rumble, Frenzy, and Ravage stood triumphant over a pile of dead and maimed Casseticons. Nothing else moved. If they lived, they didn't want to acquire Megatron's attention. "You fought well warrior, but I am Megatron."

He was Sixshot, he was the greatest warrior ever built. This lumbering antique built with inferior technology had defeated him. It shouldn't have happened, but it did. "You are stronger," he gasped. "Do what you will."

A shadow fell over Megatron and the earth shook. The Decepticon leader spun around to see Menasor landing on the edge of the cliff. The gestalt took a step forward. "Menasor crush Megatron!"

Megatron stepped back. Sixshot's blast had damaged his systems. He couldn't risk the strain of forming the subspace link and drawing upon antimatter to fuel his fusion cannon. He would have to face the combiner wounded and alone. He raised his fusion cannon. He was Megatron. He had done the impossible before. "Never!"

A crack filled the air and was answered by a boom of thunder. Menasor staggered like a drunk and fell over backwards, plunging down the side of the cliff. There was the distinctive sound of a transforming Cybertronian and Shockwave rose over the side of the cliff. "I predicted that my aid would be helpful and followed."

Megatron lowered his fusion cannon. "You were right. Your aid is much appreciated Shockwave. Now we shall have to decide what to do with these traitors."

"Spare them," said Shockwave and pointing to the slope below. A dozen Autobots were standing in the snow and seven Autobot flyers were circling the air above them. "We will need every warrior we can muster."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

"They are fighting each other," said one of the Sweeps.

"Yes," said Scourge. The hunters had set down far away from the battle and were using their powerful sensor systems to monitor the conflict.

"How can they threaten the Maker if they war among themselves? They are too weak," said another.

"And yet he fears them," said Scourge. "Of all life, these are the ones he fears. We must consider which side to ally with and discover what it is about them that our Maker fears."

The other Sweeps nodded in agreement. As always, the eldest had proven himself the wisest.


Breakout came over the top of the shattered ship, his left arm leading. One of the Casseticons and Blitzwing were right beneath him. They were in the process of righting themselves in the aftermath of the tumbling down the trench. The high powered rifles that they carried couldn't be brought to bear in time. Breakout fired. A golden beam caught the Casseticon just below the neck and blasted a hole in his armour. He fell.

Blitzwing's rifle came up and Breakout fell on top of the triple changer. His combat knife sizzled with energon overcharge and he stabbed the larger triple changer in the left side. Armour melted away from the weapon as it sliced into Blitzwing's systems. Nearby lines melted and circuits overloaded from the power of the energon field.

Blitzwing screamed in pain and grabbed the small transformer, pinning Breakout's arm in place with his own. His other fist smashed into Breakout's face plate, staggering the smaller 'bot. He then punched the elbow joint of Breakout's right arm. The second blow bent the housing and cracked the joint. "Not going to be doing much stabbing now, are you?" the Decepticon hissed. Behind Blitzwing the other Casseticon was maneuvering, trying to find a good angle to take a shot.

Breakout head butted Blitzwing and closed with the larger 'bot. The big triple changer didn't have the room for full power swings, minimizing the damage he could do. Breakout extended his left arm out towards the Casseticon while using Blitzwing as cover. The Casseticon hesitated. Breakout did not.

The first shot took the Casseticon in the lower torso. He staggerd back, sparks sizzling in the gap in his armour. The second shot hit just above it. The Casseticon fell.

Blitzwing roared and slammed Breakout hard against the hull of the ship. The impact dislodged his hold on the larger Decepticon. Blitzwing broke away and stepped back, drawing his electron sword. He raised it above his head, both hands on the hilt, for a finishing thrust.

The missile rack on Breakout's right shoulder roared. The missile struck Blitzwing dead center in the chest, the armour piercing warhead blasting through the triple changer's tough armour and sending him wheeling away with a smoking wound. Breakout raised his arm cannon and fired. The bolt missed Blitzwing by a meter. The impact must have damaged some of Breakout's targeting circuitry. He corrected for it and swung his arm around to continue tracking Blitzwing.

The triple changer took off, transforming almost instantly into jet form and flying over the ship, putting the hull between him and Breakout. The sonic boom that accompanied Blitzwing breaking the sound barrier rattled him. He sunk to the ground and sighed. "I need to stop getting into these situations."


A blazing star descended from the sky. "Jetfire," said Optimus, "what is that? Is Havoc firing missiles at us?"

The flyer extended his sensors. "Space fighter having undergone high speed reentry."

"A Decepticon," said Optimus.

"And he's coming down right on top of Megatron."

"One more won't make much difference. It looks like the fighting is over. Let's finish this."


Megatron watched as the Decepticon screamed through the atmosphere at extreme speeds toward him, leaving a tail of flames behind him. He transformed and fired thrusters from his feet, landing on a column of plasma. A huge cloud of steam rolled away from the Decepticon. He fell to one knee, his armour glowing cherry red from the reentry. "My liege."

"Deathstrike," said Megatron. "Today seems to be a day for traitors."

"I submit to your judgment lord," said Deathstrike.

"Megatron," said Shockwave. "We will need every warrior."

Prime had three times their number gathered around him, all of them fresh. The only unwounded warrior around Megatron was Deathstrike and the Autobots possessed a gestalt team. "Rise Deathstrike," said Megatron. "I will deal with you later."

"As you will."

"Megatron!" shouted Prime. "It's over! Surrender your warriors and you have my word that you'll be treated fairly."

Megatron laughed. "You mean you will have Autobot trials and Autobot judges before you convict us of breaking Autobot laws. I will never submit Prime! Never!"

"Suit yourself Megatron," said Optimus. "What about you Shockwave? Are you ready to die in a fight you can't win?"

"They come," said Deathstrike. The Decepticons looked up. Five dark specs were dropping from the sky. "I did not come alone."

Shockwave addressed Optimus. "You merely wish to avoid Autobot casualties by having us surrender," said the Decepticon Strategist. "My chances of survival in open battle are minimal, but improving. My chances of surviving a trial are too low to calculate."

Megatron swung his fusion cannon around and fired low. The blast shook the mountain and dislodged hundred of tons of snow and rock which sped towards the Autobots.

"Trailbreaker!" shouted Prime as the Aerialbots lifted off. "Forcefield!"

"On it," replied the Autobot. The air shimmered and crackled as the rolling mass of snow hit an invisible wall and flowed over the dome and around it.

"That will buy us a few moments," said Megatron.

"That's enough," said Deathstrike looking up.

"It looks like we have party crashers," said Silverbolt. "Let's put these 'Cons out of commission while Optimus finishes off Megatron once and for all. Form Superion!" The Autobots planes locked together, transforming yet again to form a new entity.

So did the Decepticons. They merged into a red and gold warrior with great wings projecting from his back. Down on the ground Trailbreaker had dropped his forcefield and Prime looked up into the sky. "No," he said, "it can't be."

Superion rose to engage the descending Decepticon. A sword cracking with violet energy appeared in the Decepticon combiner's hand. "NONE CAN STAND AGAINST PREDAKING!"

Predaking struck with impossible speed. The sword carved through Superion's right shoulder and into his chest. Superion screamed. Lightning arced from severed circuits. The Decepticon kicked Superion off his blade. He faced the Autobots on the ground.

Prime raised his rifle and fired. Laser bolts, blaster beams, and missiles struck and invisible shell around Predaking. "Fire!" shouted Megatron. Rumble, Frenzy, Deathstrike, Shockwave, and Megatron opened up on the Autobots down slope.

"Trailbreaker!" said Prime. "Forcefield! Jetfire, Powerglide, help the Aerialbots! Get them out of here!"

"We can still fight!" said Ironhide.

"We were the anvil and the Aerialbots were the hammer," said Prime. "Now Predaking is the hammer. The Decepticons have the high ground. I won't throw away Autobot lives for too little gain." Predakings mortars stitched a line of explosions across the forcefield."

"Alright Prime, but I don't like it."

"Neither do I," said Optimus. "Autobots retreat."
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Post by Vehrec »

So Predaking is the original Combiner, right? He seems like quite the beast.
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Vehrec wrote:So Predaking is the original Combiner, right? He seems like quite the beast.
He is. The Quintessons designed him that way to have smooth and effective personality integration. The rest of the gestalts are attempts at reverse engineering the Quintesson work, starting with Shockwave because all the giant robots were on the Autobot side of the war and the Decepticons needed equalizers.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Unfortunately, Predaking went Decepticon ... I'm guessing because of Deathstrike's influence in this story?

As I said on LibArc... Great Job!
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
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Post by Enigma »

No appearance of Bruticus and that giant Autobot spaceship I think his name is Omega Supreme?

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

LadyTevar wrote:Unfortunately, Predaking went Decepticon ... I'm guessing because of Deathstrike's influence in this story?
Nope. The history, as related by Alpha Trion, contains clues.

As for Bruticus, I've already introduced the Combaticons. Minus five points for not paying attention.
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Post by Asdeed »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:Unfortunately, Predaking went Decepticon ... I'm guessing because of Deathstrike's influence in this story?
Nope. The history, as related by Alpha Trion, contains clues.

Those military model bots who escaped during the first war is my guess. Now we need to see what Cyclonus and the Sweeps do, this just keeps getting better and better!
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Post by Enigma »

Imperial Overlord wrote:
LadyTevar wrote:Unfortunately, Predaking went Decepticon ... I'm guessing because of Deathstrike's influence in this story?
Nope. The history, as related by Alpha Trion, contains clues.

As for Bruticus, I've already introduced the Combaticons. Minus five points for not paying attention.
I only noticed Menasor and Devastator. :?

"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons

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Post by DarkSilver »

Enigma wrote:No appearance of Bruticus and that giant Autobot spaceship I think his name is Omega Supreme?
Giant Autobot Shapeship is the Ark...

unless you mean the Rocket/tank/base combo which was the transformed version of the Guardian Robot known as Omega Supreme.

And Omega was and should always be, the Last Line of Defense for the Autobots.
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Post by LadyTevar »

DarkSilver wrote:
Enigma wrote:No appearance of Bruticus and that giant Autobot spaceship I think his name is Omega Supreme?
Giant Autobot Shapeship is the Ark...

unless you mean the Rocket/tank/base combo which was the transformed version of the Guardian Robot known as Omega Supreme.

And Omega was and should always be, the Last Line of Defense for the Autobots.
Agreed. Omega Supreme only goes online when everything else has gone to scrap.
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by Imperial Overlord »

The Combaticons haven't formed Bruticus yet, but they are most definitely in the story.

Omega Supreme is with the Wreckers. He'll get his share of attention later in the story.
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Post by Enigma »

Imperial Overlord wrote:The Combaticons haven't formed Bruticus yet, but they are most definitely in the story.

Omega Supreme is with the Wreckers. He'll get his share of attention later in the story.
Gotcha. What other gestalts do the autobots have besides Superion and that one that is made up of emergency vehicles?

"Whilst human alchemists refer to the combustion triangle, some of their orcish counterparts see it as more of a hexagon: heat, fuel, air, laughter, screaming, fun." Dawn of the Dragons

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Post by Darth Fanboy »

Enigma wrote:Gotcha. What other gestalts do the autobots have besides Superion and that one that is made up of emergency vehicles?
The TEchnobots! Computron FTW.
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Post by LadyTevar »

Darth Fanboy wrote:
Enigma wrote:Gotcha. What other gestalts do the autobots have besides Superion and that one that is made up of emergency vehicles?
The TEchnobots! Computron FTW.
The who?
Nitram, slightly high on cough syrup: Do you know you're beautiful?
Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.

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Post by DarkSilver »

LadyTevar wrote:
Darth Fanboy wrote:
Enigma wrote:Gotcha. What other gestalts do the autobots have besides Superion and that one that is made up of emergency vehicles?
The TEchnobots! Computron FTW.
The who?
The Emergency Vehicles were the Protectobots, and that Gestault was known as Defensor.

The Technobots where, in the GenOne cartoon, Autobots created by Grimlock while he had a brain boost, from components scavenged from Unicron's head. Their Gestault form was Computron, perhaps one of the smartest Gestaults, hell even cybertronians, only it takes him forever and a day to come to a decision to do something because he is so damn smart, and takes so long to analyze every bit of data, every probable permutation.

The only good thing, is that whatever he decides to do, is pretty much the best solution to the problem at hand.
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Cult of Vin Diesel: While it is well known that James Earl Jones performed the voice of Darth Vader, it is less appreciated that Vin Diesel performs the voice of James Earl Jones.
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