I just love how you put the onus squarely on the owner, who is engaged in the lawful defense of his home, as opposed to the criminal shitbag who's breaking the law. In any case, being unarmed before an armed man is absolutely no guarantee of safety. FBI crime statistics show that are more likely to be killed or injured if you remain passive than if you resist with a firearm. There are criminals out there who enjoy hurting people, and they will hurt you no matter how passive and compliant you are. They do it primarily because it gives them a sense of power. Here's an example of what I mean. It's an extreme example, I grant you, but it's a true story:salm wrote:
lets say somebody breaks into a house and the owner has a gun. the owner takes his gun aims it at the robber and the robber shoots the owner. this wouldn´t have happened if the owner hadnt had a gun.
or the owner takes his gun and shoots the robber.
both ways are pointless deaths as well as crimes, since they would have been (very probably) avoided if there had been no guns involved.
This paragraph is taken from a November 8, 2002 article by Michelle Malkin....in unglamorous Wichita, Kansas, the eight-week trial of Jonathan and Reginald Carr came to a close. The brothers were found guilty of four counts of capital murder, along with numerous charges of rape, aggravated robbery, burglary, and theft, committed during an unspeakably brutal killing spree in December 2000.
The perpetrators were black. The victims-including friends Jason Befort, Heather Muller, Bradley Heyka and Aaron Sander-were white. The Carrs were convicted of murdering these four young people, execution-style, on a frozen soccer field after a night of terror in Befort, Heyka, and Sander's townhouse. After breaking into the residence, the Carrs forced Muller and Jason Befort's unnamed fiancé to perform sexual acts on each other; the men were then forced to participate. Next, the Carrs raped the women, drove all five victims to an ATM machine, forced them to withdraw money from their accounts, and headed to the soccer field.
The five victims were forced to kneel in the snow and beg for their lives before sustaining gunshots to the head. The Carrs then ran over their victims with their truck. Befort's fiancé miraculously survived. She walked more than a mile, bleeding and naked, in the snow, before finding help.
These days, if you meekly submit, and comply with every command the bad guy gives you, you may come out of it okay, or you may be in for an experience that would be right out of your worst nightmare. It's a crap shoot. Thanks all the same, but I'll retain as much control as I possibly can over my fate. I don't intend to live or die entirely at the whim of some murderous piece of human filth.
Let's also consider something in your hypothetical break in scenario. It's actually unlikely to happen in the United States as you describe it. Why is that? precisely because many American are armed. Another great number from the FBI crme statistics is the number 13% - it describes the percentage of burglaries that occur while the homeowner is in the house. We cops call these "home invasions". The reason they are only 13% is that criminals fear being shot. I am not speculating about this. Gary Kleck, a professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Florida State University, wrote a book called "Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America" and interviewed convicted felons. The number one reason those convicted of burglary give for targeting unoccupied homes was fear of being shot by the homeowners.
Contrast this with England where, according to the U.S. Justice Department Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly 50% of burglaries are of the home invasion type. England has also surpassed us in its rate of robberies, assaults, burglaries and motor vehicle thefts. And the English crime rate has been rising while the U.S. rate has been falling. In 1998 the mugging rate in England was 40% higher than in the U.S., furthermore, assault and burglary rates were nearly 100% higher in England than in the United States.
A similar rise in crime rates is also being observed in Australia where, in 1996, in the wake of a mass shooting, the Australian government seized more than 640,000 guns from its citizens. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in the next two years, armed robbery rose by 73%, unarmed robbery by 28%, kidnaping by 38%, assault by 17% and manslaughter by 29%.
So you see, the issue is not quite as simple as "ban the guns and the crime will go away". It even looks as though numbers of armed citizens among the populace serve as a deterrent to criminals - or do you have another explanation for the fact that 37 American states have made it easier for law-abiding citizens to get concealed weapons permits, starting with Florida in 1987, and all have observed falling rates of violent crime since enacting the new CCW laws?