Jaevric wrote:Not to mention giving you a chance to get used to all the incredibly stupid things your groupmates are likely to do and know how to react to them. Some of the shit people in pick-up groups do is just mindbogglingly stupid -- and unfortunately, some of it carries over into raids because they never learn any better. There will always be that one hunter or mage who cuts loose on the mob before the poor tank gets a chance to do more than pull it (Avenger's Shield as I recall is effective enough to negate that somewhat, but when my warrior was doing pulls with a gun and some idiot huntard starts shooting full-out right after I did...ARGH!). Or the idiots who get into a "Who can produce more DPS?" competition and disregard the fact that the poor tank has to try to hold aggro through that -- this is especially "fun" when they pick different targets to DPS.
Oh my god....the pugs... the horrible, horrible pugs.... *shivers*
Few months ago, I was healing reg SP with my holy pally with a guildie tanking (one of the best tanks I've ever worked with) and another guildie as a DPS. We pug'ed the additional two dps slots. We got a shadow priest who wasn't that bad, and a lvl 69 hunter.
Over the past few months that I've been playing, I've gained a sixth sense about groups. I can tell before we even enter the instance whether a pug will be good or bad. My spider sense was going nuts on the hunter, but we were trying to get a group for SP for the past hour, so i told it to shut up.
We get into the instance and it immediately went bad. He created a little game with the tank called "who got to shoot the mob first." Even after being told repeatedly not to, he still tried to tank the instance, to the extent of actually stealing mobs off the tank on purpose! It was only after being warned that if he did it one more time, he would be kicked out of the group. And even after that, I heard through Vent, that he was still whispering to the tank that he should be tanking instead.
What's more, his DPS was utterly horrible. Never knew why until one of the members went afk for two min, and he decided to entertain himself by showing off his epic bow. A blue who's only stat bonus was +15 stam. Inspected him, and he had like 300 stam, and 100 agi.... His spec was worse. It was something retarded like 26/24/10.
Anyway, we were just about to make an attempt on the second boss, when the shadow priest had to leave. Well, we had already put up with so much to do that damn instance, we didn't want to try to find another pugger to fill his spot, especially considering it was pretty late for the server. So we decided to try to four man the boss.
[edit] After the priest left, he asked if that was our healer. The priest had been in shadow form for the whole damn instance, and he still didn't know who the healer was. At this point, I understood why he never tried to get mobs off me.
Now, for those of you in the audience who don't know this boss, it's a very mana intensive fight for the healer. One of his abilities is a debuff he occasionally casts on the tank which deals 900 damage every two seconds. The only way to get rid of it is to overheal the tank. And just to piss off the holy pallies, he also has an AoE damage spell. Pallies are crappy with AoE damage. We only have single target heals, no group heals.
So we start the fight, and it doesn't go well. We just didn't have the DPS for it. I'm running out of mana, and my mana pots are on cool down. It's taking all my mana just to make sure the tank's health doesn't go down to zero. And as for me healing him to full to get rid of the debuff? Fat chance.
It was at this time the hunter started screaming at me to heal him. See, the whole group was taking damage from the AoE spell, but I didn't just didn't have the mana to throw them a heal. I took half a second I didn't really have to explain this, but he didn't give a shit.
Anyway, the group wipes. Then the hunter started bitching at me for healing the tank instead of him. His reasoning was that since he was doing the most dps, I should have been focusing on him
insead of the tank. When we proceeded to laugh at him and try to tell him how a group works, he left the group. But not before calling me a crappy healer.
We cheered.
Sorry for going off on this tangent, but that was the worst pug I've ever been in (well, except for maybe that one group I was in that wiped seven times on the same trash pull, with me being the first one to die each time.), and I love telling people about it.
"A mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open."
-Sir James Dewar
Life should have a soundtrack.