Transformers: Beginning and End
Moderator: LadyTevar
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
"Let them go," said Megatron as Optimus Prime and his Autobots receded in the distance. "We are in no shape to pursue. Besides, we have much to do here. Rumble, Frenzy."
"Yes boss?" said Rumble. Both of Soundwave's warriors looked like they had been beaten to the moon and back. Their armour was dented and battered, with several missing panels and exposed circuitry.
"Gather all of the fallen and bring them here. Ravage, go with them and provide security. Cripple the motivator circuits of any the traitors that still function, but bring them to me intact and alive. Do you understand?"
"Yes boss," said Rumble.
"Got it boss," said Frenzy. "Enemies alive and helpless."
"Good," said Megatron. "Go to it."
Five red and gold robots landed on the edge of the cliff and walked towards Megatron. "Megatron," said the leader, "we would speak with you."
Megatron turned to face them. "Mighty Predacons, I am grateful for your assistance."
"You know who we are?" asked the leader. "Deathstrike told us that there were no records of our existence."
"Deathstrike did not lie Razorclaw, but the Autobot Council did not succeed in destroying all records of your existence. I uncovered evidence of your existence, but not of your fate."
"We chose exile over slavery," said Razorclaw, "and hunted through the cosmos until time brought us close to Cybertron. We encountered the slaves of Straxus and found them detestable, but we also found Deathstrike. He spoke well of you. We decided to see for ourselves."
"Very well then," said Megatron. "Deathstrike."
"My lord."
"See to repairs on Astrotrain and watch him."
"You want him to be able to fly?"
"Of course," said Megatron. "I need some way to transport all of these bodies."
"Your will, my lord." He turned to leave.
"And Deathstrike."
The Decepticon warrior stopped and turned. "My lord?"
"There will be no punishment for your treason, but I will have an explanation from you at a later date. In full."
"As you wish, my lord."
Megatron turned away from Deathstrike and back towards Razorclaw. "Since you have yet to pledge your loyalty to me and my cause, you are not yet convinced that I am the leader you should follow."
"You can fight and you are an enemy of the Autobots," said Razorclaw, "but for the moment we are merely allies."
"That will do. For now."
"Um Megatron," said Rumble.
"What is it?"
"The Stunticons. They're gone."
Prime lead his Autobots through the snow as the headed south from the mountain. The back of his trailer opened small robot slid out. "Ironhide," said Optimus, "take charge. Make sure everyone gets back safely."
"Sure thing Prime. What are you goin' to be up to?"
"Jazz, Ratchet, and Mirage, you're with me," said Optimus. "Megatron was fighting with the other Decepticons and most of his warriors are seriously damaged. That means our people are out there and they still have a chance. We're going to get them back."
"You got it Prime," said Jazz. "We'll find those 'bots and bring the strays home."
The four Autobots turned left, breaking away from the rest of them. "Satellite tracking says they went down a hundred kilometers away from here," said Optimus. "Autobots, floor it. They may not have much time." Jazz and Rover shot passed Optimus and raced ahead. They had to beat the Decepticons to the crash site. They had too. The alternative was too terrible to bear.
Sol System
"Interesting," said Overload.
"What?" asked Crimson.
"The jamming."
"What about it?" she asked. "It's not coming from the planet and there's nothing around it capable of that kind of output."
"I've found what's doing it."
"Don't keep me in suspense," she said. "What is it?"
"It's not in orbit around the planet?"
"No. It's in the inner system, about a million kilometers from the fourth planet. And it's firing thrusters. Well, actually has already fired thrusters with the lightspeed delay."
"Oh scrap. I know what you're going to say next."
"Reorientating towards us. Probably already fired main thrusters."
"Hang on boys. This is going to get really rough."
"Yes boss?" said Rumble. Both of Soundwave's warriors looked like they had been beaten to the moon and back. Their armour was dented and battered, with several missing panels and exposed circuitry.
"Gather all of the fallen and bring them here. Ravage, go with them and provide security. Cripple the motivator circuits of any the traitors that still function, but bring them to me intact and alive. Do you understand?"
"Yes boss," said Rumble.
"Got it boss," said Frenzy. "Enemies alive and helpless."
"Good," said Megatron. "Go to it."
Five red and gold robots landed on the edge of the cliff and walked towards Megatron. "Megatron," said the leader, "we would speak with you."
Megatron turned to face them. "Mighty Predacons, I am grateful for your assistance."
"You know who we are?" asked the leader. "Deathstrike told us that there were no records of our existence."
"Deathstrike did not lie Razorclaw, but the Autobot Council did not succeed in destroying all records of your existence. I uncovered evidence of your existence, but not of your fate."
"We chose exile over slavery," said Razorclaw, "and hunted through the cosmos until time brought us close to Cybertron. We encountered the slaves of Straxus and found them detestable, but we also found Deathstrike. He spoke well of you. We decided to see for ourselves."
"Very well then," said Megatron. "Deathstrike."
"My lord."
"See to repairs on Astrotrain and watch him."
"You want him to be able to fly?"
"Of course," said Megatron. "I need some way to transport all of these bodies."
"Your will, my lord." He turned to leave.
"And Deathstrike."
The Decepticon warrior stopped and turned. "My lord?"
"There will be no punishment for your treason, but I will have an explanation from you at a later date. In full."
"As you wish, my lord."
Megatron turned away from Deathstrike and back towards Razorclaw. "Since you have yet to pledge your loyalty to me and my cause, you are not yet convinced that I am the leader you should follow."
"You can fight and you are an enemy of the Autobots," said Razorclaw, "but for the moment we are merely allies."
"That will do. For now."
"Um Megatron," said Rumble.
"What is it?"
"The Stunticons. They're gone."
Prime lead his Autobots through the snow as the headed south from the mountain. The back of his trailer opened small robot slid out. "Ironhide," said Optimus, "take charge. Make sure everyone gets back safely."
"Sure thing Prime. What are you goin' to be up to?"
"Jazz, Ratchet, and Mirage, you're with me," said Optimus. "Megatron was fighting with the other Decepticons and most of his warriors are seriously damaged. That means our people are out there and they still have a chance. We're going to get them back."
"You got it Prime," said Jazz. "We'll find those 'bots and bring the strays home."
The four Autobots turned left, breaking away from the rest of them. "Satellite tracking says they went down a hundred kilometers away from here," said Optimus. "Autobots, floor it. They may not have much time." Jazz and Rover shot passed Optimus and raced ahead. They had to beat the Decepticons to the crash site. They had too. The alternative was too terrible to bear.
Sol System
"Interesting," said Overload.
"What?" asked Crimson.
"The jamming."
"What about it?" she asked. "It's not coming from the planet and there's nothing around it capable of that kind of output."
"I've found what's doing it."
"Don't keep me in suspense," she said. "What is it?"
"It's not in orbit around the planet?"
"No. It's in the inner system, about a million kilometers from the fourth planet. And it's firing thrusters. Well, actually has already fired thrusters with the lightspeed delay."
"Oh scrap. I know what you're going to say next."
"Reorientating towards us. Probably already fired main thrusters."
"Hang on boys. This is going to get really rough."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Hunk of rebuilt garbage vs Decepticon fighter.
Yeah, this is not going to be pretty.
Yeah, this is not going to be pretty.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Earth, Now
"Rover's picking up some signals," said Optimus. "Ground bound, in those trees. We don't know yet if they're Autobots or Decepticons so be on your guard. We've had enough surprises for one day."
"Got it Prime," said Mirage. "I'll go ahead and check it out."
"Negative," said Optimus. "You're invisibility shield won't erase the tracks you leave. We go together. Rover will cover us." The Autobots drove towards the trees in a line. A shadow flitted through the trees, far too large to be anything that lived here.
"Prime!" shouted Jazz.
"Optimus!" said the robot, breaking cover. "Thank Primus!"
"Arcee," said Prime, transforming into robot mode. The rest of the Autobots followed suit. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine but Hot Rod . . . and Breakout! He stayed behind to give us cover. Optimus, you've got to save him!"
"We will," said Prime. "Ratchet, stay here with the wounded. Jazz, Mirage, with me. Arcee, lead the way."
The Autobots transformed back into vehicles as Ratchet walked towards Kup and Hot Rod. "Don't worry, old doc Ratchet will get both of you in top condition in a cycle or two."
Arcee sped off, Jazz and Mirage keeping pace with the speeding fembot while Optimus took up the rear. "This way," said Arcee as she weaved through trees at nearly one hundred kilometers an hour.
The Autobots broke out into open ground and accelerated. "Prime," said Jazz, "got a contact ahead."
"It's Breakout!" said Arcee. "He's alive!"
Snow sprayed from the tracks of the M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle as it charged toward them at a speed its human equivalent could not match. Breakout closed the distance and transformed. "Prime," he said.
Optimus Prime transformed. "Breakout," he said. "It's good to see you again. Are you alright?"
"I function. The others?"
"We're fine," said Arcee. "Ratchet is with Hot Rod now."
"We have to leave," said Optimus. "The Decepticons are too close. If Megatron looses the Predacons, we'll be in trouble. Follow us back to base and we'll decide what to do next. It's good to see you all again."
"I am at your service Prime. As always."
"Autobots, roll out."
Sol System, Now
"Well, isn't that interesting," said Crimson.
"What?" asked Overload. "How many times over Havoc can kill us with its secondary weapons."
"No," said Crimson, "there's another ship out there. Unfamiliar design, bigger than us but smaller than Havoc. And it's keeping its distance."
"So?" said Shellshock. "That doesn't mean its friendly."
"No," said Crimson and she tapped the thruster controls, "but if I change course like so, then Havoc can run us down, but if it does it'll leave the strange ship with easy access to Earth before Havoc can do anything about it. Let's see how the Decepticons like that."
"I love your big processor," said Stryke.
"Down boy," muttered Shellshock.
"Keep your eyes on those sensors," said Crimson. "Reaching maximum acceleration."
"Lightspeed delay will mean it'll be awhile before they notice and even more time before we know if it's successful," said Overload.
"Of course," said Crimson. She leaned back in her chair and folded her hands behind her head. "I hope you boys don't mind waiting."
"Sometimes I hate that fembot," said Shellshock.
"You said it brother," replied Overload.
"That's my girl," said Stryke.
"Rover's picking up some signals," said Optimus. "Ground bound, in those trees. We don't know yet if they're Autobots or Decepticons so be on your guard. We've had enough surprises for one day."
"Got it Prime," said Mirage. "I'll go ahead and check it out."
"Negative," said Optimus. "You're invisibility shield won't erase the tracks you leave. We go together. Rover will cover us." The Autobots drove towards the trees in a line. A shadow flitted through the trees, far too large to be anything that lived here.
"Prime!" shouted Jazz.
"Optimus!" said the robot, breaking cover. "Thank Primus!"
"Arcee," said Prime, transforming into robot mode. The rest of the Autobots followed suit. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine but Hot Rod . . . and Breakout! He stayed behind to give us cover. Optimus, you've got to save him!"
"We will," said Prime. "Ratchet, stay here with the wounded. Jazz, Mirage, with me. Arcee, lead the way."
The Autobots transformed back into vehicles as Ratchet walked towards Kup and Hot Rod. "Don't worry, old doc Ratchet will get both of you in top condition in a cycle or two."
Arcee sped off, Jazz and Mirage keeping pace with the speeding fembot while Optimus took up the rear. "This way," said Arcee as she weaved through trees at nearly one hundred kilometers an hour.
The Autobots broke out into open ground and accelerated. "Prime," said Jazz, "got a contact ahead."
"It's Breakout!" said Arcee. "He's alive!"
Snow sprayed from the tracks of the M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle as it charged toward them at a speed its human equivalent could not match. Breakout closed the distance and transformed. "Prime," he said.
Optimus Prime transformed. "Breakout," he said. "It's good to see you again. Are you alright?"
"I function. The others?"
"We're fine," said Arcee. "Ratchet is with Hot Rod now."
"We have to leave," said Optimus. "The Decepticons are too close. If Megatron looses the Predacons, we'll be in trouble. Follow us back to base and we'll decide what to do next. It's good to see you all again."
"I am at your service Prime. As always."
"Autobots, roll out."
Sol System, Now
"Well, isn't that interesting," said Crimson.
"What?" asked Overload. "How many times over Havoc can kill us with its secondary weapons."
"No," said Crimson, "there's another ship out there. Unfamiliar design, bigger than us but smaller than Havoc. And it's keeping its distance."
"So?" said Shellshock. "That doesn't mean its friendly."
"No," said Crimson and she tapped the thruster controls, "but if I change course like so, then Havoc can run us down, but if it does it'll leave the strange ship with easy access to Earth before Havoc can do anything about it. Let's see how the Decepticons like that."
"I love your big processor," said Stryke.
"Down boy," muttered Shellshock.
"Keep your eyes on those sensors," said Crimson. "Reaching maximum acceleration."
"Lightspeed delay will mean it'll be awhile before they notice and even more time before we know if it's successful," said Overload.
"Of course," said Crimson. She leaned back in her chair and folded her hands behind her head. "I hope you boys don't mind waiting."
"Sometimes I hate that fembot," said Shellshock.
"You said it brother," replied Overload.
"That's my girl," said Stryke.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
"You boys are just jealous I thought of it before you did..."
I can't wait to hear Arcee and Crimson having 'girl-talk'
I can't wait to hear Arcee and Crimson having 'girl-talk'

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Earth, Now
"Uh oh," said Blitzwing as he neared the site of the battle. It wasn't quite clear yet exactly what happened, but the number of bodies lying around and the lack of communication from Astrotrain did not bode well. Then he got a better look. Megatron and Shockwave, both standing. And Megatron was pointing at him.
He went way back with Megatron and he hadn't actually attacked the Decepticon leader. He might be spared. Or the Slagmaker might add another body to the pile. He pointed his nose up and went to full power. Everything had gone to scrap. He wasn't going to add his body to the pile.
"Deathstrike," said Megatron, "bring him back."
The Decepticon warrior rose from his crouch and activated his gravs and thrusters, blasting away from the ground. He transformed into a midnight blue space fighter and and went to full power. He rose into the sky atop a pillar of flame.
"Scrap," said Blitzwing as he saw Deathstrike gaining on him. He had no chance of outrunning the Decepticon interceptor, even when he was in good condition.
"Blitzwing," said Deathstrike. "Surrender. Serve Megatron loyally and he will spare your life. You have thousand of vorns of loyal service behind you. Don't throw them away for a second rate tyrant. Do you really want to live on a Cybertron ruled by Straxus?"
Blitzwing checked his scope. Deathstrike was gaining quickly. Forget living under Straxus. If he didn't give the right answer he was going to be sucking down air to air missiles and high energy x-ray laser blasts.
"Alright," said Blitzwing, flipping end for end. "Let's go talk to our leader."
"Wise choice."
Five vehicles headed south, kicking up snow as they raced at speeds their human equivalents couldn't match under the best of conditions. "Hey Motormaster," said Dead End, "how much further are we going to go?"
"Until we reach local civilization and blend in," said the Stunticon leader. "Too many flyers around here. We blend in, live off their energy supplies, and make our move."
"What move is that?" asked Drag Strip.
"I crush Optimus Prime and drink energon out of his empty head," said Motormaster. "There's only one king of road and you're looking at him."
"Of course," said Dead End, sliding back. "Whatever you say. You're the boss."
"Got that right," said Motormaster. "Anyone who doesn't like it can get some of what I'm going to give Prime." None of the Stunticons replied. "Good. Let's burn some rubber."
Sol System, Now
"See?" said Crimson. "They've stopped chasing us. They're more worried about the other ship."
"That's because we're flying a patchwork piece of junk," said Shellshock.
"What did you just call my baby?" said Crimson, her eyes flashing with Azure light.
"Nothing," said Shellshock. "Nothing."
"Good," said Crimson. "Earth, here we come."
"At least they've stopped jamming," said Overload. "We can at least talk to people now."
"Tight beam the Ark," said Overload. "I've found the location from human transmissions."
"Alright," said Crimson. "This is Vester, calling the Ark. Please come in."
"And now the lightspeed lag," said Shellshock.
There was a long pause and then an answer. "This is Wheeljack, responding for the Ark."
"Wheeljack!" Crimson squealed. "This is Crimson! I've got Shellshock, Overload, and Stryke with me! Ultra Magnus and Elita-1 sent us to help."
There was another long pause. "Received. Things are really uh busy around here. I'm sure Prime will want to talk to you as soon as possible. There's a suitable landing site near the Ark. Put down as soon as you can. I'll clear the way with Earth's military."
"We're going to see Prime again," said Stryke softly.
"Yeah," said Overload. "That's good. Knowing what in the name of the Pit is going on here, even better."
"Agreed," said Shellshock. "I think we landed in the middle of a missing Cybertronian convention and I want to know which devils jumped up."
"Why so negative?" said Stryke. "We have Prime."
"Look, kid 'bot," said Shellshock, "I know we have Prime. That's the good news. It's the bad news I'm worried about and right now, we don't even know what it is. Trust me when I say its always worse than you think it will be."
"Don't call me kid 'bot," said Stryke. "You're barely older than I am."
"Physically yeah. Mentally, you're fresh off the line and I've a beard down to my feet and rust all over."
"I'm glad you've come to terms with being a rusty old wreck," said Stryke with a sly grin.
"Why you little-"
Overload broke into laughter. "He got you. He really got you." Shellshock continued to sputter. Stryke nodded. "Nice going. Kid 'bot."
Overload and Shellshock howled in laughter. Crimson giggled. Stryke's face fell. "You too?" he said.
"Sorry," said Crimson. "It was funny."
"Uh oh," said Blitzwing as he neared the site of the battle. It wasn't quite clear yet exactly what happened, but the number of bodies lying around and the lack of communication from Astrotrain did not bode well. Then he got a better look. Megatron and Shockwave, both standing. And Megatron was pointing at him.
He went way back with Megatron and he hadn't actually attacked the Decepticon leader. He might be spared. Or the Slagmaker might add another body to the pile. He pointed his nose up and went to full power. Everything had gone to scrap. He wasn't going to add his body to the pile.
"Deathstrike," said Megatron, "bring him back."
The Decepticon warrior rose from his crouch and activated his gravs and thrusters, blasting away from the ground. He transformed into a midnight blue space fighter and and went to full power. He rose into the sky atop a pillar of flame.
"Scrap," said Blitzwing as he saw Deathstrike gaining on him. He had no chance of outrunning the Decepticon interceptor, even when he was in good condition.
"Blitzwing," said Deathstrike. "Surrender. Serve Megatron loyally and he will spare your life. You have thousand of vorns of loyal service behind you. Don't throw them away for a second rate tyrant. Do you really want to live on a Cybertron ruled by Straxus?"
Blitzwing checked his scope. Deathstrike was gaining quickly. Forget living under Straxus. If he didn't give the right answer he was going to be sucking down air to air missiles and high energy x-ray laser blasts.
"Alright," said Blitzwing, flipping end for end. "Let's go talk to our leader."
"Wise choice."
Five vehicles headed south, kicking up snow as they raced at speeds their human equivalents couldn't match under the best of conditions. "Hey Motormaster," said Dead End, "how much further are we going to go?"
"Until we reach local civilization and blend in," said the Stunticon leader. "Too many flyers around here. We blend in, live off their energy supplies, and make our move."
"What move is that?" asked Drag Strip.
"I crush Optimus Prime and drink energon out of his empty head," said Motormaster. "There's only one king of road and you're looking at him."
"Of course," said Dead End, sliding back. "Whatever you say. You're the boss."
"Got that right," said Motormaster. "Anyone who doesn't like it can get some of what I'm going to give Prime." None of the Stunticons replied. "Good. Let's burn some rubber."
Sol System, Now
"See?" said Crimson. "They've stopped chasing us. They're more worried about the other ship."
"That's because we're flying a patchwork piece of junk," said Shellshock.
"What did you just call my baby?" said Crimson, her eyes flashing with Azure light.
"Nothing," said Shellshock. "Nothing."
"Good," said Crimson. "Earth, here we come."
"At least they've stopped jamming," said Overload. "We can at least talk to people now."
"Tight beam the Ark," said Overload. "I've found the location from human transmissions."
"Alright," said Crimson. "This is Vester, calling the Ark. Please come in."
"And now the lightspeed lag," said Shellshock.
There was a long pause and then an answer. "This is Wheeljack, responding for the Ark."
"Wheeljack!" Crimson squealed. "This is Crimson! I've got Shellshock, Overload, and Stryke with me! Ultra Magnus and Elita-1 sent us to help."
There was another long pause. "Received. Things are really uh busy around here. I'm sure Prime will want to talk to you as soon as possible. There's a suitable landing site near the Ark. Put down as soon as you can. I'll clear the way with Earth's military."
"We're going to see Prime again," said Stryke softly.
"Yeah," said Overload. "That's good. Knowing what in the name of the Pit is going on here, even better."
"Agreed," said Shellshock. "I think we landed in the middle of a missing Cybertronian convention and I want to know which devils jumped up."
"Why so negative?" said Stryke. "We have Prime."
"Look, kid 'bot," said Shellshock, "I know we have Prime. That's the good news. It's the bad news I'm worried about and right now, we don't even know what it is. Trust me when I say its always worse than you think it will be."
"Don't call me kid 'bot," said Stryke. "You're barely older than I am."
"Physically yeah. Mentally, you're fresh off the line and I've a beard down to my feet and rust all over."
"I'm glad you've come to terms with being a rusty old wreck," said Stryke with a sly grin.
"Why you little-"
Overload broke into laughter. "He got you. He really got you." Shellshock continued to sputter. Stryke nodded. "Nice going. Kid 'bot."
Overload and Shellshock howled in laughter. Crimson giggled. Stryke's face fell. "You too?" he said.
"Sorry," said Crimson. "It was funny."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
"Deathstrike? Fetch."
Sorry, that image just got caught in my mind.
But now we can start having some fun.
Sorry, that image just got caught in my mind.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Vehrec
- Jedi Council Member
- Posts: 2204
- Joined: 2006-04-22 12:29pm
- Location: The Ohio State University
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I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Deathstrike doesn't have the energy reserves for long flights? He can't get that kind of High-end performance without draining his energon in 12 minutes I bet.
Also, I look eagerly forward to Motormaster getting his can handed to him by Prime or other Autobots.
Also, I look eagerly forward to Motormaster getting his can handed to him by Prime or other Autobots.

- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Deathstrike is a big 'bot with considerable energy reserves . . . but he's also an energy hog when operating at full power. He uses nuclear engines for his primary flight systems instead of contragravs, which gives him more raw speed and help with the energy consumption, but he has less maneuverability because of them. He's a specialist instead of generalist flyer and comparatively clumsy in the air.Vehrec wrote:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Deathstrike doesn't have the energy reserves for long flights? He can't get that kind of High-end performance without draining his energon in 12 minutes I bet.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
But once he gets you within his sights, he's got plenty of firepower to put a major hurting on you. He was built to take down Guardian Robots -- that kind of firepower will seriously scrap any lesser 'bot.Imperial Overlord wrote:Deathstrike is a big 'bot with considerable energy reserves . . . but he's also an energy hog when operating at full power. He uses nuclear engines for his primary flight systems instead of contragravs, which gives him more raw speed and help with the energy consumption, but he has less maneuverability because of them. He's a specialist instead of generalist flyer and comparatively clumsy in the air.Vehrec wrote:I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Deathstrike doesn't have the energy reserves for long flights? He can't get that kind of High-end performance without draining his energon in 12 minutes I bet.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Earth, Now
The door to the lab slid open as Megatron approached. Shockwave followed Megatron through the door. Inside Bonecrusher and Scrapper were monitoring the room's other occupant, Sixshot now secured to a slab. The Constructicons came to attention as the Decepticon leader entered. They saluted, banging their fists against their chassis. "Megatron," said Scrapper. "He is prepared as you ordered. No work has been done on him."
"Excellent Scrapper. And the rest?"
"All of your loyal soldiers are repairable. Hook is overseeing that now. We have, fortunately, no shortage of spare parts. Two of the Dreadwings and three Casseticons can be restored to full functionality along with the triple changers and Ramjet."
"Do so," said Megatron. "Mind wipe Straxus's clone cannon fodder, but not Ramjet and the triple changers. I will deal with them personally."
"Yes Lord Megatron."
"I will take over from here. You two are dismissed."
The Constructicons bowed slightly and left the bay. Megatron and Shockwave approached Sixshot's body. Data screens displayed the contents of his memory banks and personality code programming. "He is young," said Shockwave.
"Yes," said Megatron. Additional sensor displays gave readouts on Sixshot's physical composition, capabilites, and alternate forms. "Have you ever seen a transformer like this?" asked Megatron.
"Negative," said Shockwave. "The armour is an excellent composite, almost equal to the durability of our own plate and more malleable. Compact, high performance power core of an unfamiliar design." He touched a schematic projection at several points. "Unfamiliar auctator designs, probably related to his multichanger capabilities. He was designed and built to be a high end, multifunctional weapon who would dominate all engagements."
"Yes," said Megatron. "The perfect weapon, built by someone whose understanding of technology was superior to ours. Their understanding of combat, on the other hand, was somewhat inferior. Too much emphasis on versatility instead of durability and brute strength."
"Yes," said Shockwave. "The designers had access to higher technology than our own and were excellent programmers, but their experiences with the realities of combat, military and gladitorial, is clearly inferior. No Decepticon scientist that I know of would build this warrior, if he had the ability to do so, unless he was specifically ordered to do so."
"Yes," said Megatron, "which means that their is more to Straxus's regime than it's external appearance suggests."
"The possibility of an alliance with the Quintessons must be considered," said Shockwave.
"What could he offer them?" replied Megatron.
"Less than what they want," said Shockwave. "Probability of betrayal in such an arrangement approaches unity."
"We shall find out soon enough," said Megatron. "For now we will deal with our new soldiers. I'll rewrite his loyalty subroutines so he will be loyal to me."
"And his memory?"
"I'll leave that intact, along with the knowledge that he used to be Straxus's creature. The leader a perfect warrior respects the most is the one that can defeat him."
"And the others?"
"They followed Straxus out of fear or because they were programmed to be obedient. He was the Decepticon ruler of Cybertron and they were sufficiently cowed that they did not attempt treason. That fear will keep them in line in my service, along with the knowledge that Straxus is not as forgiving as I am."
"That does not cover Deathstrike or the Predacons."
"The Predacons want to find me worthy. That is why they are here. They will come around soon enough. Deathstrike is easy. The depletion of Cybertron's resources hit him harder than most. Many broke near the end. He was one of them. He wants his honour and pride back."
"You will dangle them ahead of him as a reward."
"No," said Megatron, "I will give them back to him immediately. You are a great strategist Shockwave, but you don't understand emotion. The honour I give him will be worthless without his loyal service. He has given himself to me and I will take him."
"Can you trust him?"
"Ah Shockwave. In some ways you are blind. There is nothing in the universe he hates more than his treason. These Decepticons are the core of the army that will retake Cybertron." He clenched his fist. "No one will stand in my way."
Cybertron, Now
Omnius Saphorum and Ultra Magnus walked into Perceptor's lab. "You said you had discovered something important?" said Ultra Magnus.
"Yes," said Perceptor, pointing to the dead shell lying on the slab. "Come and take a look at this."
"This is the body Overload's crew brought in," said Ultra Magnus. He moved in for a closer look. Perceptor had removed the armour plates and opened up the chassis of the dead Decepticon. Inside was a complicated arrangement of piping, mysterious modules, and cabling. "What is this?" asked Magnus. "Some kind of joke?"
"No," said Perceptor, "those are the internal mechanisms of this transformer."
"These are nothing like the internal mechanisms of a Cybertronian," said Ultra Magnus.
"I believe that is Perceptor's point," said Omnius Saphorum mildly. "Please continue."
"I've managed to analyze several systems and found some analogues to to our systems," said Perceptor. "I suspect a common origin between us and this design, one with an early branch. After tens of thousands of vorns of separate development, the designs are barely recognizable as related."
"Then why the Decepticon symbol on his chest?" said Ultra Magnus.
"The design is older than the Decepticons," said Omnius Saphorum. "This design couldn't have arose on Cybertron. It's too radical a change."
"Exactly," said Perceptor. "Some other group built it, one that splintered off very early and went down a different developmental path."
"Quintessons," said Ultra Magnus.
"The Quitnessons are a myth," said Omnius Saphorum.
"Are you sure about that?" asked Ultra Magnus.
"Not sure enough."
"Straxus got the know-how to build those clone armies and those triple changer designs from somewhere," said Ultra Magnus. "Quintessons or not, maybe his partners are bringing in their people en masse."
"Then our problems just got much worse," said Omnius Saphorum.
The door to the lab slid open as Megatron approached. Shockwave followed Megatron through the door. Inside Bonecrusher and Scrapper were monitoring the room's other occupant, Sixshot now secured to a slab. The Constructicons came to attention as the Decepticon leader entered. They saluted, banging their fists against their chassis. "Megatron," said Scrapper. "He is prepared as you ordered. No work has been done on him."
"Excellent Scrapper. And the rest?"
"All of your loyal soldiers are repairable. Hook is overseeing that now. We have, fortunately, no shortage of spare parts. Two of the Dreadwings and three Casseticons can be restored to full functionality along with the triple changers and Ramjet."
"Do so," said Megatron. "Mind wipe Straxus's clone cannon fodder, but not Ramjet and the triple changers. I will deal with them personally."
"Yes Lord Megatron."
"I will take over from here. You two are dismissed."
The Constructicons bowed slightly and left the bay. Megatron and Shockwave approached Sixshot's body. Data screens displayed the contents of his memory banks and personality code programming. "He is young," said Shockwave.
"Yes," said Megatron. Additional sensor displays gave readouts on Sixshot's physical composition, capabilites, and alternate forms. "Have you ever seen a transformer like this?" asked Megatron.
"Negative," said Shockwave. "The armour is an excellent composite, almost equal to the durability of our own plate and more malleable. Compact, high performance power core of an unfamiliar design." He touched a schematic projection at several points. "Unfamiliar auctator designs, probably related to his multichanger capabilities. He was designed and built to be a high end, multifunctional weapon who would dominate all engagements."
"Yes," said Megatron. "The perfect weapon, built by someone whose understanding of technology was superior to ours. Their understanding of combat, on the other hand, was somewhat inferior. Too much emphasis on versatility instead of durability and brute strength."
"Yes," said Shockwave. "The designers had access to higher technology than our own and were excellent programmers, but their experiences with the realities of combat, military and gladitorial, is clearly inferior. No Decepticon scientist that I know of would build this warrior, if he had the ability to do so, unless he was specifically ordered to do so."
"Yes," said Megatron, "which means that their is more to Straxus's regime than it's external appearance suggests."
"The possibility of an alliance with the Quintessons must be considered," said Shockwave.
"What could he offer them?" replied Megatron.
"Less than what they want," said Shockwave. "Probability of betrayal in such an arrangement approaches unity."
"We shall find out soon enough," said Megatron. "For now we will deal with our new soldiers. I'll rewrite his loyalty subroutines so he will be loyal to me."
"And his memory?"
"I'll leave that intact, along with the knowledge that he used to be Straxus's creature. The leader a perfect warrior respects the most is the one that can defeat him."
"And the others?"
"They followed Straxus out of fear or because they were programmed to be obedient. He was the Decepticon ruler of Cybertron and they were sufficiently cowed that they did not attempt treason. That fear will keep them in line in my service, along with the knowledge that Straxus is not as forgiving as I am."
"That does not cover Deathstrike or the Predacons."
"The Predacons want to find me worthy. That is why they are here. They will come around soon enough. Deathstrike is easy. The depletion of Cybertron's resources hit him harder than most. Many broke near the end. He was one of them. He wants his honour and pride back."
"You will dangle them ahead of him as a reward."
"No," said Megatron, "I will give them back to him immediately. You are a great strategist Shockwave, but you don't understand emotion. The honour I give him will be worthless without his loyal service. He has given himself to me and I will take him."
"Can you trust him?"
"Ah Shockwave. In some ways you are blind. There is nothing in the universe he hates more than his treason. These Decepticons are the core of the army that will retake Cybertron." He clenched his fist. "No one will stand in my way."
Cybertron, Now
Omnius Saphorum and Ultra Magnus walked into Perceptor's lab. "You said you had discovered something important?" said Ultra Magnus.
"Yes," said Perceptor, pointing to the dead shell lying on the slab. "Come and take a look at this."
"This is the body Overload's crew brought in," said Ultra Magnus. He moved in for a closer look. Perceptor had removed the armour plates and opened up the chassis of the dead Decepticon. Inside was a complicated arrangement of piping, mysterious modules, and cabling. "What is this?" asked Magnus. "Some kind of joke?"
"No," said Perceptor, "those are the internal mechanisms of this transformer."
"These are nothing like the internal mechanisms of a Cybertronian," said Ultra Magnus.
"I believe that is Perceptor's point," said Omnius Saphorum mildly. "Please continue."
"I've managed to analyze several systems and found some analogues to to our systems," said Perceptor. "I suspect a common origin between us and this design, one with an early branch. After tens of thousands of vorns of separate development, the designs are barely recognizable as related."
"Then why the Decepticon symbol on his chest?" said Ultra Magnus.
"The design is older than the Decepticons," said Omnius Saphorum. "This design couldn't have arose on Cybertron. It's too radical a change."
"Exactly," said Perceptor. "Some other group built it, one that splintered off very early and went down a different developmental path."
"Quintessons," said Ultra Magnus.
"The Quitnessons are a myth," said Omnius Saphorum.
"Are you sure about that?" asked Ultra Magnus.
"Not sure enough."
"Straxus got the know-how to build those clone armies and those triple changer designs from somewhere," said Ultra Magnus. "Quintessons or not, maybe his partners are bringing in their people en masse."
"Then our problems just got much worse," said Omnius Saphorum.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Earth, Now
James Mckinnon looked up from his paper as he heard the roar of big truck's engine. It was far too loud. He looked out the window and saw a purple Lamborghini Murcielago pull up next to the pumps, but no sign of a truck. His jaw fell open. What the fuck was a car like that doing here and what was making that noise?
The far wall exploded inwards as big rig crashed into the gas station. James, Jimmy to his friends, had only a moment left to live. "Fuck me," he said and then Motormaster's grill struck him and smashed his bones to pieces and his organs to paste against the other wall before crashing through. What was left of James went under the Stunticon leader's wheels.
The Decepticon tractor-trailer drove out of the rubble. "So much for the witness. Heh. These organics burst like balloons when you squish them."
Breakdown transformed from Italian sports car to bipedal Decepticon killer. The rest of the Stunticons cruised off the deserted road and joined their comrades. "I don't know about this fuel," said Breakdown. "It's pretty crappy."
"Of course it is," said Motormaster. "It's made by garbage for processors organics. We can use it though."
"Be better if we converted it to energon," said Dead End. "This stuff's energy density is pretty low."
"That'll take time," said Breakdown. He was looking from side to side, seeing if any vehicles were coming. It was dark, but humans and internal combustion vehicles were quite visible to a Cybertronian's eyes. The mostly flat plane was empty for as far as his eyes could see. "We'll be stuck here, at the scene of the attack, processing all this fuel into energon. It'll take a lot to make just one cube."
"Then you better get started," said Motormaster.
"What happens if more humans come along?" asked Breakdown.
"They'll know we're here," said Dead End. "They'll hit us with everything they've got and they'll sick the Autobots on us."
"Only if they get away," said Motormaster. "I don't want Prime to know I'm hunting him until I have him in my sights."
"I'm putting her down easy," said Crimson. "You boys can stop clutching the seats."
"Yes ma'am," said Stryke with grin.
The ship rumbled and then was still. "There we go," said Crimson. "Another perfect landing."
"Ground sweet merciful ground," said Shellshock.
"Flying's not so bad," said Overload.
"Says you," said Overshock. "Everyone knows I'm the brains of the operation. Okay Crimson crack the hatch and let's get out of this tin can."
"Did you just call Vester a tin can?" the little fembot said with a glare.
"I . . uh. . . that is . . . um . . . meant it affectionately? Like a nickname. Yeah, that's it. An affectionate nickname. Like calling a big 'bot tiny. A joke kind of thing. Like that. I'm heading out." He practically bolted out of his seat.
"Let's go," said Overload with a sigh. "No hurting my partner. It'll make me look bad if I don't protect him."
"Just this once," said Crimson.
"That's my girl," said Stryke. "Tough babe."
"Bet your chassis on that," said Crimson. They followed Overload out of the ship. The landing area was fairly smooth and clear, but beyond that were mountains and trees. Looming in front of them was the engine section of the Ark and the gaping passage in the mountain beneath it.
"Primus," said Shellshock, "that is one big ship."
"They had resources back in the day," said Overload.
"Yeah," said Stryke. "She was built as an explorer. All the amenities and features."
"But they never let her fly," said Overload. "Not really. Not like she was meant to."
"And then came Megatron," said Stryke. "Megatron and his flyers and the skies burned and they all fell. All but a few."
"Then came Nemesis and even they died," said Crimson. "And then no one could afford to build the queens of the void anymore."
"If we could get her free," mused Shellshock, "Havoc wouldn't be much of a problem."
"If," said Overload. "Hey, someone's coming. Don't recognize him."
The car half turned and braked hard to a stop, transforming as he did so. "Wheeljack!" Crimson squealed.
"Hey Crimson, nice to see you. Still keeping company with those walking scrap heaps?"
"Teeny 'bot!" said Overload, reaching down and hauling Wheeljack up. "Nice to see you again."
"Hey, hey, watch it," said Wheeljack. "You'll scuff the paint." Shellshock through back his head and laughed. "Okay, you made your point. Now put me down."
"Certainly," said Overload. He didn't budge.
"Um, Overload, you might have noticed that you didn't put me down."
"Hey, who are those guys?" asked Stryke. "They seem kinda familiar, but I don't recognize them."
"What is the magic word?" asked Overload.
The lead Autobot spoke. "Me Grimlock say you Overload put down Wheeljack."
"The magic word is Grimlock says so," said Wheeljack.
"Grimlock," said Overload, putting Wheeljack down. "We thought you had been scrapped."
"We Dinobots fight Shockwave. We winning then Shockwave blow up power core. All buried."
"I see you got found."
"So did Shockwave. Me Grimlock must smash Shockwave harder."
"You do that," said Overload. He banged his fist off Grimlock's chest. "You definitely do that. Maybe me Overload help hold him down."
"Maybe," said Grimlock. "Need to get tiny fembot bigger body."
"And then how I am going to be all sneaky and energy efficient?" asked Crimson. "I'll stick to the current plan. I set them up, you knock them down."
"Little fembot have spark."
"You bet your exhaust pipe," said Stryke, beaming.
"So," asked Overload. "Where is Prime?"
"Don't know," said Wheeljack.
"Why do I think that's only the first part of the bad news?" complained Shellshock.
James Mckinnon looked up from his paper as he heard the roar of big truck's engine. It was far too loud. He looked out the window and saw a purple Lamborghini Murcielago pull up next to the pumps, but no sign of a truck. His jaw fell open. What the fuck was a car like that doing here and what was making that noise?
The far wall exploded inwards as big rig crashed into the gas station. James, Jimmy to his friends, had only a moment left to live. "Fuck me," he said and then Motormaster's grill struck him and smashed his bones to pieces and his organs to paste against the other wall before crashing through. What was left of James went under the Stunticon leader's wheels.
The Decepticon tractor-trailer drove out of the rubble. "So much for the witness. Heh. These organics burst like balloons when you squish them."
Breakdown transformed from Italian sports car to bipedal Decepticon killer. The rest of the Stunticons cruised off the deserted road and joined their comrades. "I don't know about this fuel," said Breakdown. "It's pretty crappy."
"Of course it is," said Motormaster. "It's made by garbage for processors organics. We can use it though."
"Be better if we converted it to energon," said Dead End. "This stuff's energy density is pretty low."
"That'll take time," said Breakdown. He was looking from side to side, seeing if any vehicles were coming. It was dark, but humans and internal combustion vehicles were quite visible to a Cybertronian's eyes. The mostly flat plane was empty for as far as his eyes could see. "We'll be stuck here, at the scene of the attack, processing all this fuel into energon. It'll take a lot to make just one cube."
"Then you better get started," said Motormaster.
"What happens if more humans come along?" asked Breakdown.
"They'll know we're here," said Dead End. "They'll hit us with everything they've got and they'll sick the Autobots on us."
"Only if they get away," said Motormaster. "I don't want Prime to know I'm hunting him until I have him in my sights."
"I'm putting her down easy," said Crimson. "You boys can stop clutching the seats."
"Yes ma'am," said Stryke with grin.
The ship rumbled and then was still. "There we go," said Crimson. "Another perfect landing."
"Ground sweet merciful ground," said Shellshock.
"Flying's not so bad," said Overload.
"Says you," said Overshock. "Everyone knows I'm the brains of the operation. Okay Crimson crack the hatch and let's get out of this tin can."
"Did you just call Vester a tin can?" the little fembot said with a glare.
"I . . uh. . . that is . . . um . . . meant it affectionately? Like a nickname. Yeah, that's it. An affectionate nickname. Like calling a big 'bot tiny. A joke kind of thing. Like that. I'm heading out." He practically bolted out of his seat.
"Let's go," said Overload with a sigh. "No hurting my partner. It'll make me look bad if I don't protect him."
"Just this once," said Crimson.
"That's my girl," said Stryke. "Tough babe."
"Bet your chassis on that," said Crimson. They followed Overload out of the ship. The landing area was fairly smooth and clear, but beyond that were mountains and trees. Looming in front of them was the engine section of the Ark and the gaping passage in the mountain beneath it.
"Primus," said Shellshock, "that is one big ship."
"They had resources back in the day," said Overload.
"Yeah," said Stryke. "She was built as an explorer. All the amenities and features."
"But they never let her fly," said Overload. "Not really. Not like she was meant to."
"And then came Megatron," said Stryke. "Megatron and his flyers and the skies burned and they all fell. All but a few."
"Then came Nemesis and even they died," said Crimson. "And then no one could afford to build the queens of the void anymore."
"If we could get her free," mused Shellshock, "Havoc wouldn't be much of a problem."
"If," said Overload. "Hey, someone's coming. Don't recognize him."
The car half turned and braked hard to a stop, transforming as he did so. "Wheeljack!" Crimson squealed.
"Hey Crimson, nice to see you. Still keeping company with those walking scrap heaps?"
"Teeny 'bot!" said Overload, reaching down and hauling Wheeljack up. "Nice to see you again."
"Hey, hey, watch it," said Wheeljack. "You'll scuff the paint." Shellshock through back his head and laughed. "Okay, you made your point. Now put me down."
"Certainly," said Overload. He didn't budge.
"Um, Overload, you might have noticed that you didn't put me down."
"Hey, who are those guys?" asked Stryke. "They seem kinda familiar, but I don't recognize them."
"What is the magic word?" asked Overload.
The lead Autobot spoke. "Me Grimlock say you Overload put down Wheeljack."
"The magic word is Grimlock says so," said Wheeljack.
"Grimlock," said Overload, putting Wheeljack down. "We thought you had been scrapped."
"We Dinobots fight Shockwave. We winning then Shockwave blow up power core. All buried."
"I see you got found."
"So did Shockwave. Me Grimlock must smash Shockwave harder."
"You do that," said Overload. He banged his fist off Grimlock's chest. "You definitely do that. Maybe me Overload help hold him down."
"Maybe," said Grimlock. "Need to get tiny fembot bigger body."
"And then how I am going to be all sneaky and energy efficient?" asked Crimson. "I'll stick to the current plan. I set them up, you knock them down."
"Little fembot have spark."
"You bet your exhaust pipe," said Stryke, beaming.
"So," asked Overload. "Where is Prime?"
"Don't know," said Wheeljack.
"Why do I think that's only the first part of the bad news?" complained Shellshock.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
Cyncat's always been a good writer, but he's really nailed the personalities this time.

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Redleader34
- Jedi Knight
- Posts: 998
- Joined: 2005-10-03 03:30pm
- Location: Flowing through the Animated Ether, finding unsusual creations
- Contact:
What autobot verse is this? It seems like G1, but its off somehow.
Dan's Art
Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

Bounty on SDN's most annoying
"A spambot, a spambot who can't spell, a spambot who can't spell or spam properly and a spambot with tenure. Tough"choice."

Homebrew G-1, based on the new comics continium.Redleader34 wrote:What autobot verse is this? It seems like G1, but its off somehow.
Crimson, Stryke, Overload, Shellshock and Deathstrike are all characters from a RPG we were playing on another forum. Crimson's mine, Stryke is AgentFisher, Overload is Nitram, Shellshock is Captain Cyran, and Deathstrike is ImpO's MarySue. (jk)

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
There are half a dozen different versions of G1, with the comic series and the cartoons not necessarily being even internally consistent. This is my version.Redleader34 wrote:What autobot verse is this? It seems like G1, but its off somehow.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Megatron entered the hall where his warriors were assembled. The loyalists, although applying that word to Starscream made it a poor joke, were assembled along the sides of the room. Those captured in battle were in the center, under the eyes and guns of their fellows.
Megatron stopped in front of them and stared. Astroseconds ticked away and the tension heightened. Finally he spoke. "You have betrayed yourselves," said Megatron. "You have followed a tyrant, failed to warn your rightful comrades, and sided against true Decepticons in battle. Megatron paused for dramatic effect and glared at his audience. None dared meet his gaze.
"I expect such craven behavior from Autobots," he continued. "You disgust me, but I will spare your lives. As I once raised you up from under Autobot tyranny, I shall do so again. You will once again be Decepticon warriors and Cybertron shall be ours. Deathstrike."
The Decepticon warrior stepped out of his positon on the wall on Megatron's left side. "My lord."
"You deserted me."
"I betrayed you in that manner lord."
"I was weak. I lost faith in your ability to lead us out of the crisis, that there would be anything but death and ruin at the end of the war. I was wrong."
"Kneel." Deathstrike got down on his knees. Megatron gestured toward him. "The mighty Deathstrike, stripped of his pride and honour even after he lead salvation to his leader and his comrades. I ask you Decepticons, is this fitting?"
"No," said several Decepticons along the wall. Starscream was not among them.
"I ask you again," said Megatron, louder this time, "is this fitting?" His gaze swept over all the Decepticons, from Thundercracker to Astrotrain to Rumble.
"NO!" came the shouted reply.
"Then rise Deathstrike," said Megatron. "You are a Decepticon warrior. Never kneel again."
Deathstrike saluted, banging his fist on his plastron and then punching the air. "All hail Megatron!" he shouted. "Leader of the Decepticons!"
"All hail Megatron!" the crowd shouted, fists in the air. "All hail Megatron!"
The Predacons watched with glowing eyes as the Decepticons saluted their leader. "All hail Megatron," said Starscream softly, a sardonic smile on his face. "For now."
Crimson swung her legs off the slab and stood up. "All done," said Wheeljack. "Your vehicle form will blend right in now."
"I'm not sure about it," said Crimson.
"You look good," said Stryke. He was lying on the slab next to her. "The humans did a good job with the aesthetics although this whole driver thing is weird."
"Autonomous multifunction transforming robots are a little advanced for human technology," said Wheeljack with a chuckle. "And if you had such a puny body you too would be designing vehicles to carry you around and haul loads.
"Autobots approaching," said Teletraan-I over the intercom. "Optimus Prime is with them."
"Prime!" said Stryke. Crimson was already rushing from the room.
"Just a few more moments and we'll be done," said Wheeljack as he bent over Stryke.
"Hurry," said the warrior-bot.
A dusty convoy of vehicles drove over the dirt road toward the Ark. Crimson burst to the front of the Autobots waiting at the entrance, transformed and sped towards them.
"Youngsters," said Shellshock.
"Tell me about it," said Overload.
"How come no one greets us like that?" asked Shellshock.
"Could be the paint job," said Overload.
"That shade of red wouldn't look good on me," said Shellshock.
"Same," said Overload.
"Scrap," said both 'bots simoultaneously.
Optimus rolled to a stop and transformed. "Crimson. Is that you?"
"Optimus!" she cried, springing forward and hugging his leg. "We thought you were dead!" The other Autobots braked hard and transformed.
"I'm glad not to be," he said. "We're meeting a lot of old friends today."
She looked around. "Hot Rod. Breakout. Arceeeeeeeeeee!" she squealed.
"Someone's happy to see you," said Hot Rod with a smile.
"Feeling's mutual," said Arcee to Crimson. "How are things back home?" she asked.
"Bad, but now we have Optimus again!" said Crimson.
"Hey," said Shellshock, "do my targeting sensors deceive me or is that Kup?" He pointed.
"That's Kup," Overload groaned.
"You young punk," Shellshock quoted.
"Primus, don't get him started," said Overload. "It's not like he's much older than me."
"You sure about that?"
"No, because he keeps lying about when he was built so he can call everyone a 'young punk'. I swear he was broken down and decrepit when he came out of the formation mold."
"Heh," chuckled Shellshock.
"Hey," said Kup pointing. "Are those two juve 'bots Shellshock and Overload? I can't be sure from here, my optical sensors aren't what they used to be."
"He spotted us," said Shellshock.
Overload covered his face with his hands. "Primus, kill me now."
"Sure," said Shellshock, "I'll make it quick and easy."
"Wait," said Overload. "How about you kill Kup instead?"
"Can't. Prime would get upset."
"Cheer up," said Shellshock. "Megatron and Shockwave are both here. I'm sure one of you will die soon."
"I feel much better," said Overload. "Thanks."
Megatron stopped in front of them and stared. Astroseconds ticked away and the tension heightened. Finally he spoke. "You have betrayed yourselves," said Megatron. "You have followed a tyrant, failed to warn your rightful comrades, and sided against true Decepticons in battle. Megatron paused for dramatic effect and glared at his audience. None dared meet his gaze.
"I expect such craven behavior from Autobots," he continued. "You disgust me, but I will spare your lives. As I once raised you up from under Autobot tyranny, I shall do so again. You will once again be Decepticon warriors and Cybertron shall be ours. Deathstrike."
The Decepticon warrior stepped out of his positon on the wall on Megatron's left side. "My lord."
"You deserted me."
"I betrayed you in that manner lord."
"I was weak. I lost faith in your ability to lead us out of the crisis, that there would be anything but death and ruin at the end of the war. I was wrong."
"Kneel." Deathstrike got down on his knees. Megatron gestured toward him. "The mighty Deathstrike, stripped of his pride and honour even after he lead salvation to his leader and his comrades. I ask you Decepticons, is this fitting?"
"No," said several Decepticons along the wall. Starscream was not among them.
"I ask you again," said Megatron, louder this time, "is this fitting?" His gaze swept over all the Decepticons, from Thundercracker to Astrotrain to Rumble.
"NO!" came the shouted reply.
"Then rise Deathstrike," said Megatron. "You are a Decepticon warrior. Never kneel again."
Deathstrike saluted, banging his fist on his plastron and then punching the air. "All hail Megatron!" he shouted. "Leader of the Decepticons!"
"All hail Megatron!" the crowd shouted, fists in the air. "All hail Megatron!"
The Predacons watched with glowing eyes as the Decepticons saluted their leader. "All hail Megatron," said Starscream softly, a sardonic smile on his face. "For now."
Crimson swung her legs off the slab and stood up. "All done," said Wheeljack. "Your vehicle form will blend right in now."
"I'm not sure about it," said Crimson.
"You look good," said Stryke. He was lying on the slab next to her. "The humans did a good job with the aesthetics although this whole driver thing is weird."
"Autonomous multifunction transforming robots are a little advanced for human technology," said Wheeljack with a chuckle. "And if you had such a puny body you too would be designing vehicles to carry you around and haul loads.
"Autobots approaching," said Teletraan-I over the intercom. "Optimus Prime is with them."
"Prime!" said Stryke. Crimson was already rushing from the room.
"Just a few more moments and we'll be done," said Wheeljack as he bent over Stryke.
"Hurry," said the warrior-bot.
A dusty convoy of vehicles drove over the dirt road toward the Ark. Crimson burst to the front of the Autobots waiting at the entrance, transformed and sped towards them.
"Youngsters," said Shellshock.
"Tell me about it," said Overload.
"How come no one greets us like that?" asked Shellshock.
"Could be the paint job," said Overload.
"That shade of red wouldn't look good on me," said Shellshock.
"Same," said Overload.
"Scrap," said both 'bots simoultaneously.
Optimus rolled to a stop and transformed. "Crimson. Is that you?"
"Optimus!" she cried, springing forward and hugging his leg. "We thought you were dead!" The other Autobots braked hard and transformed.
"I'm glad not to be," he said. "We're meeting a lot of old friends today."
She looked around. "Hot Rod. Breakout. Arceeeeeeeeeee!" she squealed.
"Someone's happy to see you," said Hot Rod with a smile.
"Feeling's mutual," said Arcee to Crimson. "How are things back home?" she asked.
"Bad, but now we have Optimus again!" said Crimson.
"Hey," said Shellshock, "do my targeting sensors deceive me or is that Kup?" He pointed.
"That's Kup," Overload groaned.
"You young punk," Shellshock quoted.
"Primus, don't get him started," said Overload. "It's not like he's much older than me."
"You sure about that?"
"No, because he keeps lying about when he was built so he can call everyone a 'young punk'. I swear he was broken down and decrepit when he came out of the formation mold."
"Heh," chuckled Shellshock.
"Hey," said Kup pointing. "Are those two juve 'bots Shellshock and Overload? I can't be sure from here, my optical sensors aren't what they used to be."
"He spotted us," said Shellshock.
Overload covered his face with his hands. "Primus, kill me now."
"Sure," said Shellshock, "I'll make it quick and easy."
"Wait," said Overload. "How about you kill Kup instead?"
"Can't. Prime would get upset."
"Cheer up," said Shellshock. "Megatron and Shockwave are both here. I'm sure one of you will die soon."
"I feel much better," said Overload. "Thanks."
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
The 'Cons feel like Caesar and his legions.
The 'Bots feel like a Family Reunion
The 'Bots feel like a Family Reunion

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
Theres a transformers RPG?LadyTevar wrote:Homebrew G-1, based on the new comics continium.Redleader34 wrote:What autobot verse is this? It seems like G1, but its off somehow.
Crimson, Stryke, Overload, Shellshock and Deathstrike are all characters from a RPG we were playing on another forum. Crimson's mine, Stryke is AgentFisher, Overload is Nitram, Shellshock is Captain Cyran, and Deathstrike is ImpO's MarySue. (jk)
"There are very few problems that cannot be solved by the suitable application of photon torpedoes
- Vehrec
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It's more like a STGOD. No dice or other random number generators, just a DM and people declaring actions. I've read parts of it.
IO, it's comming along just great, and I'd love to shower you with praise and addoration, but such things feel cheap and unworthy somehow. So I'll just say that this was one of the things that re-awoke me to Transformers-something that Micheal Bay film couldn't do. So well done to you.
IO, it's comming along just great, and I'd love to shower you with praise and addoration, but such things feel cheap and unworthy somehow. So I'll just say that this was one of the things that re-awoke me to Transformers-something that Micheal Bay film couldn't do. So well done to you.

On another forum, yes. As Verhec said, it's more freeform, although the GM does occassionally call for a dice roll if we're going to be doing something reckless. It works because we're all mature gamers who trust each other and the GM, although there have been a few hiccups.dragon wrote:Theres a transformers RPG?LadyTevar wrote:Homebrew G-1, based on the new comics continium.Redleader34 wrote:What autobot verse is this? It seems like G1, but its off somehow.
Crimson, Stryke, Overload, Shellshock and Deathstrike are all characters from a RPG we were playing on another forum. Crimson's mine, Stryke is AgentFisher, Overload is Nitram, Shellshock is Captain Cyran, and Deathstrike is ImpO's MarySue. (jk)

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Autobots smacked each other on the chassis and pounded each other on the shoulders, greeting long lost friends and embracing them. Jokes and laughter rang out through the gathering. "Hot Rod," said Optimus Prime. "Can we speak for a moment?"
"Of course Prime," said Hot Rod.
"This way," said the Autobot leader as he walked away from the Ark. "Breakout has a lot of good things to say about you."
"I'm glad to hear that," said Hot Rod. "He's the best soldier I've every seen, Autobot or Decepticon. Sure some are stronger or are better shots, but when it comes to the profession of war, I don't think I've seen his equal."
"Yes, he's a great soldier," said Optimus Prime. "I worry sometimes that that is all that he is, but there is no denying his skill. He says you're a gifted leader."
"I wouldn't say that," said Hot Rod. "I mean I am one of the leaders of the Wreckers and I did help hold everything together when we got cut off from Cybertron, but I wasn't alone."
"No leader is alone," said Optimus. "Everything we accomplish is with the help of others." The bigger 'bot put a hand on Hot Rod's shoulder. "Things are going to get very bad," said Optimus. "I'm going to need your help."
"You've got it Optimus," the younger 'bot said fervently. "Anything you need."
"I've been crunching the numbers," said Hot Rod, "and it looks like we have a decisive advantage. With the Aerialbots, Powerglide, and Jetfire we have the Decepticon planes outnumbered two to one and that's their planes. We should be able to defeat him in a straight up fight."
"That's true," said Optimus. "Numbers aren't everything. The Aerialbots aren't experienced and Jetfire isn't very maneuverable because of his size. The Seekers are all fast and powerful models, Megatron's best, with thousands of vorns of combat experience. But you're right, the numbers did favor us."
"We outnumbered Megatron two to one before the Constructicons came to Earth," said Optimus Prime. "We built the Aerialbots and we could challenge them in the air, superior numbers, and a counter to Devastator. The return of Shockwave didn't change that because we gained the Dinobots."
"Grimlock's Wrecker Team," said Optimus. "Having you and Overload's team should have given us an overwhelming edge, but we aren't the only ones who received reinforcements."
"If there are any survivors, besides the Predacons."
"The Predacons alone are bad enough," said Optimus, "but not our only concern. Straxus has control of Cybertron and is aware of our presence. If what you're saying is true he has vast legions of troops."
"And only a few ships," said Hot Rod, "and fewer that he can spare. And there is the rest of us. There are other Wrecker Teams out there and we met up with someone who can help even the odds."
"Omega Supreme. Not even Predaking will survive if he blocks Omega's path toward the Constructicons."
Cybertron, Eight Point Six Million Years Ago
Two green and purple Autobots fell back behind a ruined building. High energy particle beams sent static slicing through the com channels as they burned holes in the building. The Decepticons held their places along the fire line half a kilometer away and poured fire on the Autobot positions. A red and grey Autobot lay in the street near the pair taking cover. His right thigh had been disintegrated and particle beam fire had turned his torso to slag.
"This is Long Haul!" one of the two shouted, his frustration causing him to signal both verbally and over radio frequency. "We're pinned down by Decepticons. We're getting picked apart! We need reinforcements now! Our situation is critical!"
"Reinforcements: arrived," rumbled a loud voice from behind the pinned Autobots. A Guardian Robot painted mostly red and grey strode into the war zone. Several Decepticon particle beams vaporized paint gouged shallow divots in his armour. "Firepower: negligible," the Guardian rumbled. "Presence: decisive."
The Decepticons were strung out in a loose line behind a wall of rubble. Omega levelled his blaster and fired. A sun bright bolts sent white hot debris flying from the point of impact. The Decepticons nearby bolted. Omega fired again, catching on of the Decepticons in the back. Arms and legs flew away from the expanding fireball that had been the robot's torso. "Victory: assured." Omega Supreme rumbled.
"Long Haul to Scrapper, Omega Supreme is on the scene."
"I noticed," said Scrapper from where he hid in a blast pit. He sent a signal of his own, activating a dormant program back at Crystal City. He got up out of the hole. "Omega!" he shouted. "Primus, we're glad to see you. I thought we were goners."
"Your termination: unacceptable."
"For us too," said Scrapper. "Thanks for coming off post and saving us."
"Appreciation: accepted."
"You're welcome," said Scrapper. The rest of his maintence and construction crew had emerged from hiding. They appeared to be the only surviving Autobots. "I guess you need to get back to your post at Crystal City."
"Supposition: correct." The big robot turned and strode away. His movements were slower than those of smaller 'bots, but his long stride made him much faster. He could have flown, but up in the air he was vulnerable to Decepticon attack on his engines.
"Crystal City calling Omega Supreme! We are under attack. Repeat we are under attack. Our defences-" The transmission cut off, dissolving into a stream of static.
"No," said Omega Supreme. "Situation: unacceptable." He broke out into an all out sprint. Scrapper's team transformed into construction vehicles and followed. "We're with you," said Mixmaster.
The great crystal and steel towers of Crystal City came into view. It had once been a councilor's palace, now it was a research center and strategy think tank. Most of the 'bots inside were not warriors, but they made important contributions to the war nonetheless. Automatic defences and a small unit of picked soldiers headed by the unequaled Omega Supreme guaranteed Crystal City's security, even when the front lines drifted near it.
The proud towers were broken and shattered. Two warriors of the Autobot Elite Guard lay smoldering on the ground in front of the entrance, flames guttering in their broken chassis. Half of the blaster and missile batteries were still operational and they swung around to track motion within the palace. Golden beams and a pair of missiles launched at an unseen target before they turned outwards. An explosion rocked the palace, blowing out several tons of transparent crystal steel and causing a tower to slowly topple. There was no sign of any attackers, only death and fire.
"No," said Omega Supreme. "Outcome: impossible." The auto defence turrets opened up. Blaster bolts struck him as two missile launchers ripple fired their magazines at him. Fire and explosions shrouded his form. He kept coming. The weapons had been designed to repel Decepticon infantry and flyers and were and were unequal to the task of bringing down Omega Supreme. His massive main blaster fired twice, creating explosions of white hot gas where the missile launchers had been. His secondary blaster in his claw hand aligned with the first gun battery and blew it to pieces. Then he switched targets. The guns didn't last long.
The Guardian surveyed the ruin of what had been his charge. Sentinel Prime had used the Matrix to implant a spark within his massive frame, granting him self awareness and life. He was to have been the ultimate defender. Now he had failed. His charge was destroyed and those under his protection killed. "Failure: total," he said dejectedly.
"Not quite," said Scrapper. His team came together, merging their vehicle forms into a single robot that was nearly Omega Supreme's size. The Guardian watched them on his rear sensors, puzzled by this strange new ability and by their actions. Then he saw the Decepticon symbol on the giant's chest. Two massive fists crashed into his back, sending him sprawling.
He tried to get up. "On your knees," said the other, "before Devastator". Devastator's foot smashed into Omega's side, crushing armour plate and sending him sprawling. Omega tried to get up. Devastator kicked him again and laughed.
"Query," said Omega as he tried to get up. "Why?" He turned his head, bringing the turreted cannon in the back to bear. High energy beams struck Devastator's armour, doing at best minor damage. Devastator unslung a massive rifle. Omega Supreme turned and raised his gun arm.
A violet pulse of light burned through his chestplate. He breached Devastator's armour just above the giant's left hip. Sparks sizzled and the giant almost missed a step. Almost. Devastator shot Omega Supreme in the face. The golden face shield exploded and the giant Autobot's face was reduced to a semi-molten ruin. His optics were dull and cracked. Secondary sensors took over and fed a jumpy, staticky image to Omega's processors.
Devastator's foot cam down, cracking and bending Omega's primary weapon. "Why?" responded the giant Decepticon. Devastator was a thing of total violence, six personalities merged into one destructive whole, six creators becoming one destroyer. Conversation wasn't his strong point, but for this the group mind that was Devastator allowed Scrapper to speak for them. "We were destined to build an empire among the stars," Devastator shouted. "And you reduced us janitors and maintenance 'bots. Jobs suited for drones. And we had no choice but to serve in this way or starve!"
"Friendship: betrayed."
"We were never friends," said Devastator. "That was your mistake. We were Megatron's, from the beginning. It was our plan that lured you away and our sabotage that destroyed Crystal City and our intelligence that has helped Megatron win so many victories. Now we will kill you with the power that Megatron and Shockwave have given us. We are Devastator and we shall crush every Autobot on Cybertron." Devastator laughed.
"No!" Omega Supreme lashed out with his claw hand and seized Devastator's ankle. He jerked the huge robot off balance and he fell to the ground. Both warmachines rose. "Extinction: inevitable." He swung his claw.
Devastator blocked with his left hand and swung with his right. The Constructicon's fist smashed in the the hole burned into Omega's shoulder and tore it wider while it crushed circuitry and structural struts. "No," said Devastator. He stepped into the gap in Omega's guard and slammed his fist into buckled armour plate. It collapsed inward. "You will fall before Devastator." He backhanded Omega in the ruined fast plate. It shattered, sending debris raining on the ground. Omega's claw slammed into Devastator's torso. The Constructicon staggered back. Omega pushed forward and closed the three lobbed claw. Metal squealed as he crushed armour.
Devastator grabbed two lobes of the claw and pushed back, removing it from the wound and breaking them off. He twisted Omega's arm violently, warping internal struts. He laughed cruelly and pushed Omega back. He raised both arms and smashed his fist's into the Guardian's shoulder. Armour warped as the Guardian was driven to his knees. Devastator kicked him onto his back.
Omega rolled away and levered himself up. "Victory: improbable," he muttered to himself and transformed into a battered war rocket. He rose up and away from Devastator on a trail of fire. Devastator stooped to retrieve his rifle and aimed carefully. His fired several shots. One hit and blew out the rocket motor. Trailing smoke, Omega Supreme fell from the sky. Devastator watched him fall. Even kilometers away, the impact shook the ground.
"Devastator to Megatron. Crystal City destroyed, no survivors. Omega Supreme neutralized. Resume the offensive."
"Of course Prime," said Hot Rod.
"This way," said the Autobot leader as he walked away from the Ark. "Breakout has a lot of good things to say about you."
"I'm glad to hear that," said Hot Rod. "He's the best soldier I've every seen, Autobot or Decepticon. Sure some are stronger or are better shots, but when it comes to the profession of war, I don't think I've seen his equal."
"Yes, he's a great soldier," said Optimus Prime. "I worry sometimes that that is all that he is, but there is no denying his skill. He says you're a gifted leader."
"I wouldn't say that," said Hot Rod. "I mean I am one of the leaders of the Wreckers and I did help hold everything together when we got cut off from Cybertron, but I wasn't alone."
"No leader is alone," said Optimus. "Everything we accomplish is with the help of others." The bigger 'bot put a hand on Hot Rod's shoulder. "Things are going to get very bad," said Optimus. "I'm going to need your help."
"You've got it Optimus," the younger 'bot said fervently. "Anything you need."
"I've been crunching the numbers," said Hot Rod, "and it looks like we have a decisive advantage. With the Aerialbots, Powerglide, and Jetfire we have the Decepticon planes outnumbered two to one and that's their planes. We should be able to defeat him in a straight up fight."
"That's true," said Optimus. "Numbers aren't everything. The Aerialbots aren't experienced and Jetfire isn't very maneuverable because of his size. The Seekers are all fast and powerful models, Megatron's best, with thousands of vorns of combat experience. But you're right, the numbers did favor us."
"We outnumbered Megatron two to one before the Constructicons came to Earth," said Optimus Prime. "We built the Aerialbots and we could challenge them in the air, superior numbers, and a counter to Devastator. The return of Shockwave didn't change that because we gained the Dinobots."
"Grimlock's Wrecker Team," said Optimus. "Having you and Overload's team should have given us an overwhelming edge, but we aren't the only ones who received reinforcements."
"If there are any survivors, besides the Predacons."
"The Predacons alone are bad enough," said Optimus, "but not our only concern. Straxus has control of Cybertron and is aware of our presence. If what you're saying is true he has vast legions of troops."
"And only a few ships," said Hot Rod, "and fewer that he can spare. And there is the rest of us. There are other Wrecker Teams out there and we met up with someone who can help even the odds."
"Omega Supreme. Not even Predaking will survive if he blocks Omega's path toward the Constructicons."
Cybertron, Eight Point Six Million Years Ago
Two green and purple Autobots fell back behind a ruined building. High energy particle beams sent static slicing through the com channels as they burned holes in the building. The Decepticons held their places along the fire line half a kilometer away and poured fire on the Autobot positions. A red and grey Autobot lay in the street near the pair taking cover. His right thigh had been disintegrated and particle beam fire had turned his torso to slag.
"This is Long Haul!" one of the two shouted, his frustration causing him to signal both verbally and over radio frequency. "We're pinned down by Decepticons. We're getting picked apart! We need reinforcements now! Our situation is critical!"
"Reinforcements: arrived," rumbled a loud voice from behind the pinned Autobots. A Guardian Robot painted mostly red and grey strode into the war zone. Several Decepticon particle beams vaporized paint gouged shallow divots in his armour. "Firepower: negligible," the Guardian rumbled. "Presence: decisive."
The Decepticons were strung out in a loose line behind a wall of rubble. Omega levelled his blaster and fired. A sun bright bolts sent white hot debris flying from the point of impact. The Decepticons nearby bolted. Omega fired again, catching on of the Decepticons in the back. Arms and legs flew away from the expanding fireball that had been the robot's torso. "Victory: assured." Omega Supreme rumbled.
"Long Haul to Scrapper, Omega Supreme is on the scene."
"I noticed," said Scrapper from where he hid in a blast pit. He sent a signal of his own, activating a dormant program back at Crystal City. He got up out of the hole. "Omega!" he shouted. "Primus, we're glad to see you. I thought we were goners."
"Your termination: unacceptable."
"For us too," said Scrapper. "Thanks for coming off post and saving us."
"Appreciation: accepted."
"You're welcome," said Scrapper. The rest of his maintence and construction crew had emerged from hiding. They appeared to be the only surviving Autobots. "I guess you need to get back to your post at Crystal City."
"Supposition: correct." The big robot turned and strode away. His movements were slower than those of smaller 'bots, but his long stride made him much faster. He could have flown, but up in the air he was vulnerable to Decepticon attack on his engines.
"Crystal City calling Omega Supreme! We are under attack. Repeat we are under attack. Our defences-" The transmission cut off, dissolving into a stream of static.
"No," said Omega Supreme. "Situation: unacceptable." He broke out into an all out sprint. Scrapper's team transformed into construction vehicles and followed. "We're with you," said Mixmaster.
The great crystal and steel towers of Crystal City came into view. It had once been a councilor's palace, now it was a research center and strategy think tank. Most of the 'bots inside were not warriors, but they made important contributions to the war nonetheless. Automatic defences and a small unit of picked soldiers headed by the unequaled Omega Supreme guaranteed Crystal City's security, even when the front lines drifted near it.
The proud towers were broken and shattered. Two warriors of the Autobot Elite Guard lay smoldering on the ground in front of the entrance, flames guttering in their broken chassis. Half of the blaster and missile batteries were still operational and they swung around to track motion within the palace. Golden beams and a pair of missiles launched at an unseen target before they turned outwards. An explosion rocked the palace, blowing out several tons of transparent crystal steel and causing a tower to slowly topple. There was no sign of any attackers, only death and fire.
"No," said Omega Supreme. "Outcome: impossible." The auto defence turrets opened up. Blaster bolts struck him as two missile launchers ripple fired their magazines at him. Fire and explosions shrouded his form. He kept coming. The weapons had been designed to repel Decepticon infantry and flyers and were and were unequal to the task of bringing down Omega Supreme. His massive main blaster fired twice, creating explosions of white hot gas where the missile launchers had been. His secondary blaster in his claw hand aligned with the first gun battery and blew it to pieces. Then he switched targets. The guns didn't last long.
The Guardian surveyed the ruin of what had been his charge. Sentinel Prime had used the Matrix to implant a spark within his massive frame, granting him self awareness and life. He was to have been the ultimate defender. Now he had failed. His charge was destroyed and those under his protection killed. "Failure: total," he said dejectedly.
"Not quite," said Scrapper. His team came together, merging their vehicle forms into a single robot that was nearly Omega Supreme's size. The Guardian watched them on his rear sensors, puzzled by this strange new ability and by their actions. Then he saw the Decepticon symbol on the giant's chest. Two massive fists crashed into his back, sending him sprawling.
He tried to get up. "On your knees," said the other, "before Devastator". Devastator's foot smashed into Omega's side, crushing armour plate and sending him sprawling. Omega tried to get up. Devastator kicked him again and laughed.
"Query," said Omega as he tried to get up. "Why?" He turned his head, bringing the turreted cannon in the back to bear. High energy beams struck Devastator's armour, doing at best minor damage. Devastator unslung a massive rifle. Omega Supreme turned and raised his gun arm.
A violet pulse of light burned through his chestplate. He breached Devastator's armour just above the giant's left hip. Sparks sizzled and the giant almost missed a step. Almost. Devastator shot Omega Supreme in the face. The golden face shield exploded and the giant Autobot's face was reduced to a semi-molten ruin. His optics were dull and cracked. Secondary sensors took over and fed a jumpy, staticky image to Omega's processors.
Devastator's foot cam down, cracking and bending Omega's primary weapon. "Why?" responded the giant Decepticon. Devastator was a thing of total violence, six personalities merged into one destructive whole, six creators becoming one destroyer. Conversation wasn't his strong point, but for this the group mind that was Devastator allowed Scrapper to speak for them. "We were destined to build an empire among the stars," Devastator shouted. "And you reduced us janitors and maintenance 'bots. Jobs suited for drones. And we had no choice but to serve in this way or starve!"
"Friendship: betrayed."
"We were never friends," said Devastator. "That was your mistake. We were Megatron's, from the beginning. It was our plan that lured you away and our sabotage that destroyed Crystal City and our intelligence that has helped Megatron win so many victories. Now we will kill you with the power that Megatron and Shockwave have given us. We are Devastator and we shall crush every Autobot on Cybertron." Devastator laughed.
"No!" Omega Supreme lashed out with his claw hand and seized Devastator's ankle. He jerked the huge robot off balance and he fell to the ground. Both warmachines rose. "Extinction: inevitable." He swung his claw.
Devastator blocked with his left hand and swung with his right. The Constructicon's fist smashed in the the hole burned into Omega's shoulder and tore it wider while it crushed circuitry and structural struts. "No," said Devastator. He stepped into the gap in Omega's guard and slammed his fist into buckled armour plate. It collapsed inward. "You will fall before Devastator." He backhanded Omega in the ruined fast plate. It shattered, sending debris raining on the ground. Omega's claw slammed into Devastator's torso. The Constructicon staggered back. Omega pushed forward and closed the three lobbed claw. Metal squealed as he crushed armour.
Devastator grabbed two lobes of the claw and pushed back, removing it from the wound and breaking them off. He twisted Omega's arm violently, warping internal struts. He laughed cruelly and pushed Omega back. He raised both arms and smashed his fist's into the Guardian's shoulder. Armour warped as the Guardian was driven to his knees. Devastator kicked him onto his back.
Omega rolled away and levered himself up. "Victory: improbable," he muttered to himself and transformed into a battered war rocket. He rose up and away from Devastator on a trail of fire. Devastator stooped to retrieve his rifle and aimed carefully. His fired several shots. One hit and blew out the rocket motor. Trailing smoke, Omega Supreme fell from the sky. Devastator watched him fall. Even kilometers away, the impact shook the ground.
"Devastator to Megatron. Crystal City destroyed, no survivors. Omega Supreme neutralized. Resume the offensive."
Last edited by Imperial Overlord on 2009-02-03 02:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
That was much, much better than the G1 version. The ridiculous "robosmasher" Deus Ex Machina BS cheapened the betrayal of the Constructicons and made Omega's fury feel...artificial. The offer of power from Megatron and Shockwave is far more fitting as a motivation for betrayal, and the betrayal itself makes Omega's desire for revenge easier to relate to.
IO, I wish Bay's movies had your story for a script.
IO, I wish Bay's movies had your story for a script.
"You were doing OK until you started to think."
-ICANT, creationist from
-ICANT, creationist from
- Imperial Overlord
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11978
- Joined: 2004-08-19 04:30am
- Location: The Tower at Charm
Thanks, but you need to reread Devastator's dialogue. Power wasn't the Constructicons motivation for betrayal.Rahvin wrote:That was much, much better than the G1 version. The ridiculous "robosmasher" Deus Ex Machina BS cheapened the betrayal of the Constructicons and made Omega's fury feel...artificial. The offer of power from Megatron and Shockwave is far more fitting as a motivation for betrayal, and the betrayal itself makes Omega's desire for revenge easier to relate to.
IO, I wish Bay's movies had your story for a script.
The Excellent Prismatic Spray. For when you absolutely, positively must kill a motherfucker. Accept no substitutions. Contact a magician of the later Aeons for details. Some conditions may apply.
I just like HotRod's simple line: "don't get between Omega and the Constructicons".
Nit: Overload's team? We're Wreckers now?
Nit: Overload's team? We're Wreckers now?

Me: Nope, that's why I have you around to tell me.
Nitram: You -are- beautiful. Anyone tries to tell you otherwise kill them.
"A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP" -- Leonard Nimoy, last Tweet