Holy christ, I've run into the same shit as this at times, myself. I was my old-old Guild's Rogue Leader (yeah, I had fun with that title, trust me) when BWL was end-game; before AQ40 and Naxx. I received loads of flak for my loot policy, which pretty much boiled down to I do not care what your DKP is. My intentions is to boost the raid's median DPS, not pander to your fucking obsessive drive to scoop up every purple in the instance.Crown wrote:On my first Warlock I was a class leader, basically an officer of the guild. As such, the backstabbing usually occured in officer chat where the peons could not see you. To give an example;
TBC just got released, the guild's devoted (and in my case at that point unemployed) 'core', most of which were officers, leveled to 70 at a fast rate (no PuG's = extremely fast leveling, multiple instance runs, and awesome loot with which to level). At 70, we go back and 'boost' our stragglers, and run the attunement quests for end-game instances (at this point Karazhan was end game, don't laugh guys).
Anyway, we start our Kara runs, having enough for 2 groups, and we ofcourse start our DKP system. All the rules were on our guild webpage, as well as a table of every active guild memember and their progress.
Anyway, cut a long story short. On one of our runs, some epic DPS caster's gloves drop. And in officer's chat I basically got into a screaming match with the Mage class leader whether he should get the drop, or another Warlock. My arguement was; DKP were in the class leader's favour (no suprise there, as class leader we basically got deferential treatment, being the first to be invited to a raid and add all the boosting runs for atunement he's DKP's were leaps and bounds ahead of the other candidate), but the class leader had way better gear than the Warlock. He was a Tailor/Enchanter with the Tailoring Epics (easily up to T5 standard, Karazahn is T4), and while the gloves were a slight DPS increase for him, they were a huge DPS increase for the Warlock.
In other words, my arguement was the gloves gave a better DPS increase return on investment for our Warlock (who was Herb/Alchemy), in would raise his DPS by a substantial margin over the green Hellfire Peninsula quest gloves he had on at the time, while only slightly increasing the Mage class leader's DPS. As such it would also help the guild overall by adding yet another strong DPSer to our ranks.
The Mage class leader's argument was basically; it's purple, and I want it. I have the DKP to spend on it, and you can't stop me.
Well, the other officers, said that 'no we couldn't', and 'yes you can' but 'it would be a mistake and waste of your DKP'. Didn't matter. He said he was rolling.
So, myself, the other class leaders who were elligible said we were passing, and we did a /roll between the Mage class leader and the Warlock. The Mage won it, and that was that.
But I could never forget the absolute stupidity in that decision. These weren't the Twin Blades FFS, it was just some non Teir epic gloves, but we had a hissy fit over it. It didn't help the guild as much if one of our less geared players got it, it was just a little bit of e-peen.
The problem is though, DKP (assuming a benevolent guild, or at least an honest one), is probably the best way to distribute end game loot. Even though, at times, it's nowhere as transparent as we pretend it to be.
Obviously, DKP bidding happened as normal with the global loot table, but with Bloodfang drops and other, obviously-Rogue/Feral Druid (I kind of moonlighted as the Main Assist/Melee DPS lead, too) items, I always gave it to the person to whom it was the largest upgrade for. I had this one Rogue who was an excellent player, took orders well, was friendly and humble, but was still using the Electrified Dagger (AV Blue) on Vaelastrasz. When the Dragonfang Blade dropped from our Red friend, I made sure he got it. Endless shit ensued from this other Rogue that was using a PB/Alcor's Sunrazor OH combo.
You are correct, though - Class Leaders and officers get horrendously preferential treatment. I'm currently in a raiding guild that's cleared BT and progressing into SWP, and the guild leader is a good friend of mine from High School. I won't call it a 'clique', but he, his girlfriend (also a good friend of mine) and I pretty much run the guild. Our word is gospel. I pretty much get first crack at epic two-handers, and I'm a Retnub. I'm not complaining, but it is pretty skewed.